HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-10-09, Page 1October 9, 1991
from .10 am to 4 p.m.
At this time when we give
In order tharthe Sentinel staff thanks, for so much, let vs share
may enjoy the Thanksgiving our good fortune with others.
long weekend, deadlines for the::
Waller 16 issue have been Ratepayers meeting
advanced. • With 'municipal elections vs
Editorial . -and displayaclver. proaChing„ Lucknow Village
tising will -be accepted. until 3, council will hold ° a ratepayers
p.m. and classified.. word 'ads meeting tonight (October 9),
until 4 P.M., on- Friday, October front. 8. to 9;30*p.ist., downstairs
1. • . in -the toWir •
Correspondentsare asked to This is an opportune time for
submit their as early as - you question the present coon-
possible, on the current state, of village
of affairs.
Another ifood drive will be • -iviutticipal. election
conducted ,weekend On if you've been teetering back
Saturday, October 12, busses and fotth, about 'running for any
• supplied- courtesy. of of the area councils in the ups
• Montgomery Motors,' Lucknew, coming election, don't,teetertoo
will be on site at Lueknow .Vil- much longer. The last day to
Inge, market, •Ripley's Superior register is nomination day, this
Market and Krupp's• in Khmer- Friday, October 11. •
Ashfield ,•
Arthur Simpson
br) for deputy reeve
• .
Some of the first runners across the finish line during the first heat of the Great Pumpkin race at LCPS
were (left) Steven Van Meeteren and Jeff Weber, In dose pursuit is JOhn-Slilik. The Pace Pumpkin, Mr,
Burkhart (not ihowips led the way (on his bike) around the course during the first amnia race held in 1988)
recognition -of the pumpkin. (Pat LivingSton photo) • • ' •
, ...,
Since last week's report a little
more juteres is being shown .on the
municipal election scene. °
As of 3 p.m. October 7, the fol-
lowing had registered:
- Stuart Reavie (current councillor)
for reeve
• - Lynn Peck for council (ran in
• Six candidate landfill sites were
announced at Huron County Coun-
cil last Thursday. .
Four of the six' tracts of land to
survive two levels of screening are
in Grey Twp., one in Goderich
Twp.,,, and one in Howick Twp.
The announcement came as part
of the Stage 2B Preliminary Report
of 1, the Huron County Waste
Management Master Plan.
AS an m -depth study on the land
has not been started, these locations
were chosen after various
constraints reduced the number of
candidate sites, said Les MacMillan,
an engineding consultant with Gore
and Storrie Ltd.
MacMillan told council the site
Would requite an area of 24 'hec-
tares (60 acres) to accommodate
facility with a 40 -year life evecs
mticy„, including a buffer zone. -
He said a waste, diversion system
Will help make this possible. The'
goal for the 'system' is SO per cent
seduction for urban ateas and 15
per cent seduction for rural
are by
the year 2000.
The shortlist of candidate sites is
not ranked in any manner ,at' this
point, Public meetings and "kitchen
nolle mei
e With land owners
will be held to keep the lines ofguess some' of you will be
communication open, said MacMil- breathing a sigh ofrelief," MacMil-
lan. said county ceuncillors.,
As the on site Studies progress, CAPACITY QUESTIONED
some Sites may be eliminateand .coun. Lionel Wilder, Hay Twp.,
remaining sites will then be tanked, told council it would be difficult to
That process is expected to take a get 40 years of use out of a 24
minimum of.onelearisaid lo -Mine hectare site.
Richter, Huron County waste "There's.going to have to be a lot
'management project coordinator. • * - turn to page 2
Landowners attend info
meeting on landfill sites
BY MIKE WILLISCItAFT •consultant, Ministry the.
Many landowners effected by the znvironmentrepresentative • or
announcement of candidate landfill member of.Huston Coo, tY Council.
sites turned out' for an information Although the 'IneellOg ivas to
meeting at the. Huron County Court begin at 7 p.m. no one arrived until
House last Thursday evening. • past 7:30 p.m. •
Earlier that day, land. owners and However many concerned
some neighbors received.' hand residents arrived in the span ,of
delivered notices that their property about 20 minutes..
or property in their area was ,
included on a short list of six sites.* -artit-trfre-sward Lan srlittittieclmthoree firstto
Four of the candidate sites ate in
Grey ,Twp.„, one is in; Goderiek might have led to a better tum out.
"I would have liked to have got -
Twp. and one is in Howick Twp. ten a litde more notice, People have
At the information meeting, those
in attendance were taken unmet things, to doanda few hours isn't
the entire study process stet) by step much notige. std4 Lassalhico who
with the guidance of either an ens turn to page 5
. • g• htioss
- Clifford Lynn Fielder (current
councillor) for council
• John Meyer (ran 1988) for
council •
- Batty Johnston (current reeve) for
▪ David Eadie (current. councillor) - Board of Education public school
for reeve trustee
for reeve
▪ Jim France for council
- Allan (Mac) 14acLeod, Roy Holm
ind Walter Motz for council
• School Board Trustees
- Louise Martin for Huron Perth
Roman Catholic School Board
trustee •
, •
- Vicky Culbert for Huron County.
Board of Education public school
• Donald Stobo for Bruce County
BeLs at Huron County hospitals
may be reduced by half, says a
member of the Wingham and
District Hospital beard.
Doug Fortune, presenting an
annual report to Huron County
Council last Thursday,' said a
preliminary government report
recommends bed reductions in,
"The report says the number of
hospital beds ifi Huron should be
cut in half," Fortune told 'council-
"It's a very real concern. Right
now it is just an interim report but
all hospital boards are going to
have to react to it and make their
feelings known."
The document is a preliminary
report from the Community Health
System Planning Commission,
chaired by Earl Omr„ CEO of
London Life.
Ken Engelstad, administrator at
Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital, said Monday that he was
not aware of any specific figures.
"1 have heard no numbers buy I
have heard they're looking at a
- reduction," said Engelstad.
Engelstpd said there has been no
indication as to the possible method
used to achieve any reduction goal.
He added that the Orser Commis—
sion has planned .a meeting in
Goderich. on Oct. 24 -to discuss the
The meeting will consist of at
least two sessions of round table
discussions with nine participants at
each, says Derk vanDassen,
executive director of the
"In July we wni out about 1,100