HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-10-02, Page 131984 FORD / rGRANADA, es/J/l�a asking $160.00. PhoraQ $95-,5482.-40" 1971 PONTIAC P44340111194 4490f. V auto., 99ed winter caro $000.vm as is. Phone 528-210. --8848x,39-411 rax CERTIFIED 1983 CHEVET E, 4 cyclinder, auto- matic, 2 dr., like new condition, no .rust, never, winter• driven, new braked and exhaust.. certified. liVould snake excellent second car. Asking $2000. or lost offer. Call (Goderich) 5244586 after '6 p.m. 211.4Onxe 7E. Motorggdles, ATVs, Etc. 1978 SUZUKI, 750 GS. Phone 528- 2422 evenings and weekends. - 35- 37x, 38-4Onx BOUVIER PUREBRED PUPS, with shots, .for sale. Gall 529-7273 or 529-- 7842. -- 3547, 38-4Onx 11'E. Livestock FLOCK of 30 Suffolk sheep. Phone 528-2216. --40 REGISTERED purebred Heifer, fresh Se tember 17 1991 uiet. Donkar Holsteins 395-2806. --40tf p .q U LING FARMS LTD. ..LIVESTOCK._w `, I~ eplacement calves, Holstein for veal, beef calves for light stockers, call Bill Pepper at 519-482-7536. -330 11H. Farm Services CUSTOM MANURIGATION for as little as 1/2 cent .per gal. Call Hog Wild Farms. 529-7060. --48tf LYNN LOWRY FARM. SYSTEMS LTD. RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost. }-42tfar GILCHRI_ST FARM SUPPLY - Patz and Sfariine belt feeders, conveyors,• silo unloaders. Flex auger and stable equip- ment. Custom belt lacing. Repairs. RR 5, Lucknow. 395 -2851. --Offer 1 11M. For hent BARN , FOR RENT- 60' X 96', loose housing silo 18' X 60'. Also open pit silo , 26' X' 60', 2 grain bins 5000 and 2700 bushed, -pig bam 24' X 104', well insu- lated. nsulated. Hay for sale, round bales, pasture land 40 acres, Lot#; 31 and 32 Conc. 12 Culross Township. Phone 1-665-7818 or 1-800-265-7555. Also bam for rent near Glamis. -38-41 i 4,. Vocation .Properties i SELECTOV,E SiNGLE$ Travel. vol Regie . Afiaa .member daslgn the lips and, enjoy savings on ,group rates andsingle supplements. Annual F. 2245 .Runwin Drive,. Misslssatmga,.O.nt, LSI. 1'AL. (410). 820.1.442. -40(k SOUTH CARCINA - MYRTLE BEA. RESORT.. 'Oceanfront tondos. house- keeping provided. Indoor pools° seam* tennia. Golf and•'vacation packages; winter rentals from $400/month. Free brochure: 1-800=401-76 .-091; ENJOY THANKSGIVING in. Beautiful Haliburton Highlands. Seven: meals, including Thanksgiving dinner. Fire- places, TVs, entertainment,; indoor whirl- pool and sauna, waterfront equipment included. Call toilfree 14600 4614699.- 890c ®AHAMAS VACATION. Enjoy a cruise to the Bahamas for 5 days and 4 nights. $i73.50 U.S. per persbn. Call (602) 3509014, °Restrictions apply" "Licensed and Bonded.' 9bc 16. For. Rent WINTER CAR or boat storage. Phone 529-7888 --40,41 17. Apartments For Rent 'HEATED APARTMENT, available.Octo- ber 1 st, Suitable for senior or respon- sible individual. Phone 528-3045.-40tf MODERN 2 BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, available November 1st. Apply to Box 94 c/a The Lucknow Senti- nel, Box 400, Lucknow, NOG- 2H0..-- 40,.41 ar ROOMS WITH A ViEW: 2 bedroom townhouse units available in quiet scenic area of Walkerton; some units with new broadloom. First months rent free. Rent $512.00 to $535.00 or. 10% off to professionals. ' Call 881-3275 or 88,1.-3613 after 6 p.m.--39tfbcwnx 18. Houses For Rent SMALL COUNTRY HOME, approxi- mately 5 miles from Lucknow. (Between Lucknow and Dungannon): Suitableler ' responsible single person or couple. Available immediately. $350.00 plus utilities. Phone 529-7136. -40,41 FARM HOUSE FOR RENT- 3 bedroom, newly renovated, $725.00 per month plus utilites. Barn and some land optional, near Teeswater. Phone 1-665- '7818 or 1-800-265-7555. -38-41 12. Real Estate For Sale BROWN NEW HOUSE for sale, with 100 acres of workable land, barn in good condition, 2 miles west of Lucknow, Conc. 13, block 11. Asking as low as $225,000.00. Phone 623-5572. For sale or a trade for land. --40-43 4 BEDROOM HOME on Havelock St. newly remodelled, unfinished family room. $20,000.00 down, first mortgage at 10%. Phone 529-7813. --40,41 IT'S STILL A BUYER'S MARKET. Buy - sell - rent in sunny Florida. Call The Florida Warm Lino 1 -800.237 -WARM. Your Canadian Connection. --40bc AUCTION 18 WATERFRONT ISLAND LOTS, Georgian Bay, Sandy beaches. picturesque. Opening Bid $9,900. Sold to the highest bidders. Preview this • weekend, 12-4, Auction Hotline (416) 695 -SOLD (7663). -40bc PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on both write: Properties, Dept. CN. Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. --40b 13. Mobile Homes MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES, Inventory liquidation sale, 40 units. New and used. All s&Zas and makes. All prices slashed. Call 1- 804-263-7955, North Brock RV, Port Perry, Ont. -44bc 24. Wanted To Rent RESPONSIBLE MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE wish to rent cozy home with fridge and stove. in Lucknow, starting January 1992. We have no children, just 2 old cats. Willing to do repairs and maintain your . home with care. Rent $400.00 - $450.00, references.- 528 - 2065, -40,41x 25. Wanted To Buy 4 FT. STAINLESS STEEL CHIMNEY, complete with roof fittings. Phone Roy at 528-3608. °--40 26a Help Wanted SUNSHINE VILLAGE Ski Resort, Banff, Alberta, requires enthusiastic individ- uals, .committed to service excellence, for various seasonal positions. Box 1510, Banff, Ab, TOL OCO, (403) 762- 6546.-40bc SUNSHINE VILLAGE Ski Resort, Banff, Alberta, requires enthusiastic individ- uals, committed to service excellence, for various seasonal . positions. Box 1611, Banff, Ab, TOL OCO, (403) 762- 6546. 9bc 28. Business Opportunity THE ORIGINAL "JUICEWQRKS° VENDING Machine. Earn cash profits daily, vending fruit jukes. Old South, Dew Drop, McCains, Sunkist, Lipton. Investment from $14,995. Info Canada wide 1-800-465-5006.- 39be WANTED: People who want to work from their homes :distributing Life Styles diet cakes and cookies. Earn extra spending money or become debt free. If interested call 619-524-6694.-48-40 28,. nosiness, Dpportonity • IMMEDIATEFiROFITS Matt quality 10400011Y. Excitingflonte party plaint. Hot pre (max $eason. The Geld Risogvery. '14835-47 Avenuee Edrrlentofi, AF$ -15H OW. (403) 434 2550. ENTHUSIASTIC FRANCHISEES WANTED NOW. °Shhefield A Sons" With noariy 100 stores nationwide has prftipte refarl locations avatllable 1n Barr* Pembroke; Thunder Bay. Lail 604). 869-1014.. -44bo EXTRA 'iNCOME1 Grow baitwerms in. your basement . or garage. Odorless operation • Low it&reslmwfl, -Market guaranteed! Free :inial natlonn Eatty Bird Ecology RR #1, Sm>I ithvi'lle, Ontario, ILOR 2A0(416) 6434252, Qbo BURNED -g.. Over `extended. bored, fed -up with your current "situ- ation? Use this opportunity and your expertise.:to become iindepen* dente Call (519) 7504623 (24 hr... recorded message).,-40bc` STAY HOME. Earn Excellent income with the amazing Money in Your. Msil-' box program. (519) 646-8303. Ext 241.--37bc STAY HOME EARN $450+ wkly, Variety of jobs available. Gall 24 hour recording (416) 501-8303 g6bc wwknuw 'e IttneL? Wed*tesddx 314 Service Directory .LEAF RAKiNGR LCP$ ` ra& 8 students willing: to clean your property. Proceeds te'go =fur year-end trip. For more infor4 matiun and estimate* cell 52845094. -40,41 HOUSECANiNGgawk* available residential or commercial. Freil esti- mates., ati' meat s., references available. t'Phone 528-2 73 after 6 par . p41,42 `yAC It MSALE Sand service. Specialty • Central. Ekictrolux, Fitter Queen, Kirby, Compact, all other Makes, Phone 395-5817. -;37-40 PHIL'S REFRIGERATION A Appliance* -'Service.: ►pandable, repairs to all makes and models of major appliances, Phone 14(14000. - 42tfar REFRIGERATION AND Applianmoa Service - rebtitlt aPPrian090; cash for your used .IiPP.OfAnCea..fiall Lucknow Appliance ben . -liar A Protectyour invests ent DAVE'S CAR O1L"IN+ we use bot, acid free, new oil GARS AND LiGHT TRUCKS - rurr mond-St, ; B iytit-523'= 43~ OPEN .DAILY (Weather Permitting) A quotation is• -requested to re: -roof areas of roof at Kincardine District Secondary School. as per sketches, 'specifications and quotationdocu- ments which. may be obtained by contacting Bruce County Board of Education " - Maintenance Department. Tenders to close October 21, 1991. Work to be completed by December 15, 1991. The information provided .is gov- emed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of. Privacy Act. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Envelopes must be sealed and marked "Quotation -' Roofing, Kincardine D.S.S.' Signed written quotations must be sent to: Bruce County Board of Education P.O. Box 190, 1st Ave. N. CHESLEY, Ontario- NOG •1 LO Attn: Purchasing Department 31. Service Directory KEN SELKIRK GENERAL BOOKKEEPING and TAX SERVICES Farm & Small Business Lucknow 529=1037 JOHN I1.IC'KEY COPI STRLICTiON •New Construction •Renovations *Replacement •Decks Windows •Aluminum Trim Work and Doors •Farm Buildings 'Roofing Licensed carpenter • 13 years after 6 p.m. R.R. 6 Goderich 5244561 EARN FREE TOYS Call now for a Horne Party 'Demonstration shopping yourChristmas shopping at homier.. -Cali Jackie 521077 'woo° SPOcIAISI7'S CHI HOLM WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. DUNGANNON •Kiln•Oriad Fumituure Grade Lumber •Assortment of Lengths, Widths & Thicknesses. •For Hobbiests-Cabinet Makers & Contractors WILL CUSTOM DRY YOUR LUMBER OPEN Saturday 9 4:30pm Phone Shop Horne after 6 p.m. 529.3136 529-7606 Sewer Installation Free Estimates Doug SnaiI. Const. Kincardine 396-2284 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Old Oil x25.00 1/2 & 1/2 x30.00 New Oil 15.00 Dripless X50.1)0 r+Gsr& PST) 1 1/4 mi. north oiAmberley West off Hwy 21 (2nd Huron rwp.) 13 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ?tuber 20 1991 Page 13 1 L Seryice Director` CUSTOM SEWING and alterations, reasonable rates. Cali :Haat Ritchie et 528'3141.--18tt SEE US FOR 4 YOUR STARTER TARTER allt,,..r- ndtora generator and regulator meds. Albrecht Auto Elm,: north of Whiteobarsb. P1one367 1 x -Ultima 3Z Babysitting ng r.. y Il FULL Time BA SY$I TrE H required for 2 . year oldand infant 10 start November 4,, Apply to'Bak 37cloThe. Lucicnow Septi : tiger gge.ee --400- tl.w, Nps 2H,00 40 4ta1'.; 34 Personal ADOPTIONTPiREGNANT? • Young, Married professional coupe wishes to provide wonderful. home : for infant Working with government licensed agency. Call -collect after 4' p.m. (416) 7710697:--40bu WANTED: 80,overweight people tolcBo,. • .10-29 Ib perrriOlithv. 100% .natural, Docs, for recommer ded. We pay .you..Serious .•` commonly. Call (41.6)'631.1340. 440bo HAVINGA DRINKING PROBLEM? M- oan help, Phone Goderioh 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3635. -Ott ' 35. Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS • IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN DONALD THOMPSON All persons having claims against the estate of John Donald Thompson, late of the Township of Huron, in the County of Bruce, who died on or about July 29, 1991, are hereby notified to send par- ticulars of same to the, undersigned on, or before November 13, 1991, after whichdate, the estate will be distrib- uted, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and -the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED September 25, 1991. Allan ►mpspn, Executor by his solicitors, Messrs, Troyan & Fincher Barristers & Solicitors. 44 North Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5. 40,41,42 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of Dr. Melvin Howard Corrin late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died • on or about the 10th day of August, 1991, must be filed with the under- signed on or before November 2, 1991; thereafter the Executrices of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims for which the undersigned then has notice. Dated September 24, 1991. GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 2H0, Solicitor for the Estate. -- 40,41,42 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF AUGUSTINE CHARLES REDMOND, Deceased. All claims against the Estate of AUGUSTINE CHARLES REDMOND, late of R.R.#2, Auburn, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, who died on or about the 21st of May, 1991, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the October 18, 1991. After that date, the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 12th day of September, 1991. Ambrose Redmond and Blair 'Redmond Executors for the` Estate of Augustine Charles i3odmond by their solicitors, Messrs. Troyan 3 Finches 44 North Street, P.0 Box 97 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5 --33,39,40