HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-10-02, Page 9• I , Luckxww Sentiatel$ Wednesdays October tv 1991 – Page 9 SirrIPSMIScciebrate 40th wedding anniversary DIPLEY ing by Ab Wyid$ Intended fur IaSt Wee* ismomaironeuu Mr, arid Mrs, George Armstrong Lot *e Wardell of the fowth LPeut ..„111!sw,,eekeful Mr. and concession of Ilion Township is 4v4"1-1_2 4"rw. atiti 1°11441 of prnsently a patient ia the Winton priPt- SatutdaY all Attended the Rospitat He was taken there owe New gamburg Fair in which the weeks ago last Sattway fev .grandehildren of the ,Aimstrongs did treatment. Ws wife Dorothy very well winning Some awards in rePorts that he is still quite it showing their horses. Best wishes are also extended tO , Ruth Waekhall of Tur°11t° and our homemaker Mrs, Val Won of her friend Margarer Reath, from Point Oa& who is in Londori oureY0 England visited with Hospital where she has undergone aMildred McClenaghan and Mr, and operation last Tuesday tuumug.•Mrs. Wilf Congmm, of Wingham0 g at the house m the. fall Grace Conch!, daughter of Burn fair days were Russ Brooks of Comaof London, spent a few days Kincardine, Tom and Betty Schmidt last week with hilikired° of Mildmay, Bill Harris of London Pauline Adams and Robbie Smith an m as d b ther Uufly fro rida. of St° Thomas relined hme last and Miss Marc Sahli and family of Windsors Mary Cassidy of Kingston was. a Saturday vasnor with her sistero Kathy andBill Gibsok and at- tended the Whyte& anraiversary in Luclatow. • A dedication cerentOny toolCplace during the church service at Chal- mers 'United Chnrch, on Sund4y. morning* A table was dedicated an memory of Mrs. William (Mildred Purdon, from. the Nyivisc, A new pulpit Bible was tle4icated front all the Sunday School, superintendents &rough the years. Kathleen Elliott and Noma Rin- toul took part with Barbara •Carey. of Kitchener accepdng the ot tificak from the VMS in honour of her mothers Also attending the•service were Dr. Ed Carey,. Mr. and Mrs. Donald • Gaun4 Jennifer arid Gramm* of • Chatham$ and William Ptudon. and Mrs. COrliaell ,MaCtlano Jennifer and Ross of BrUSS015 were supper guests Saturday.evening with Mr. and.Mrs. William, Oibsons 2 Chalmers WASS Ellen WaldockA.N. from Mule• wOrth, a missionary in Zatubia„ was the guest speaker at: the Chalmers WKS Thanloiffeiringlit..4 Week. Guests. front the Whitechurch LTCW„, South Kialoss, Lucknow an cloSed with prayer. lielgrave 'WS attended Wen. MU Waldo* gave a very interesthig presentation on her woik accompanied by slides. Kathleen Elliott was in charge of the eall lo worship and read the scripture. • Jean Ross gave the meditation and lead in prayer. ° During the Meeting 1VIrsr, Archie Pardon presented 'Agnes Gaunt with a tite. membership certificate from, the WMS, in recognitin oof all the work she has done through the years in the church, WMS and Ladies Aid. Jean Ross presented her mother with the AVMS pin on. behalf of her family. Following a medley. of organ music by IVO. Ross, Rev. Cook FIO week after spending two s weeks swasmommemomaminumear visiting with her daughter, Andrea — ommir CLARK Pettigrew and family, ofWinnipeg. I. "" w • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw • by, • Bev Hanson returned home last Riday following ••••••••••••••••••• a three-week nip to PEI where they Government is a lot like your visited relatives. digestive system -4f it works right, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott atten- you hardly know you have,it. ding the plowing match near • Happy Anniversary Wishes to Petrolia. Bob and Theresa Campbell of Point Darlene Henderson of California , • Clark on Oct. 8. •returned home last Sunday, after a •week with her parents, Mr. and If you have any news -or Mrs. Hugh Simpson. While here her - information for this Point Clark parents celebrated their ilOth- in - column call Phyllis Reid at 395- niversary. Other guests attending 5445 before noon on Thursday. •the party were Agnes Fairbrother,. , ,..... —EisieSimpsonrof-Toronto.And---141r1- --1Lii6halih folks spend weekend in Detroit Margie (Finlay) MacDonald, George and Andrea MacDonald of Kincardine were in Detroit, Michigan on the weekend to attend the 25th wedding Anniversary for Jim and Sue Colbum. While there; they visited with Kathie Robson . and family of Grose Point, and with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murray and family of Detroit. The reception for the anniversary was in Grose -Point. Elleda Irwin had her Sister Edyth Dunseath visit with her for a few days.' Visiting recently with Ewan and Marj MacLean was Marj's brother and sister-in-law, Mt. and IVirs. \ Ed Williamson of Wyoming Ontario. • James, Cecil and. Kae Webster, visited with Charles and Mayme Wilkins on the weekend. • . The community. would like to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. Have a happy holi- day. Just a reminder to all, that the ladies of the Pine River United Church are hard at work again this year, getting ready for their annual Kountry Kitchen Bazaar, which will L OCHALSH by Kae Webster be held Thanksgiving weekend. Every one welcome. Intended for last week The most exciting ding that has happened in.the area this week was •when the old house of Toininy, Kempton's way trucked doWn High= way 86 to Jack MacKenzie's old home. Klip now owns this iroperty. This took place on Thuisday morn- ing. • On Tuesday Gordon and Nora Robb visited in Holstein with Nora's sister and brother-in-law, Marion -and LeoriardSccIes. Louise Miller of Palmerston was up to Wingham recently visiting with her mother, Rhetta MacLennan. Louise took her mother out for a car ride. • Visiting with Dorothy Finlayson recently was her sister Kaye Cunningham, of Toronto. Kinloss .Kairsitect ladies tested on apple knozviedge The interesting topic of apples, considered to be the king and queen of all fruits, was the centre of dis- cussion at the September 26 meeting of the Kinloss Kairshea Institute. Ruth Langen was the hostess for the meeting which drew 20 members and one visitor. Muriel MacKenzie gave excellent information on the growing, pruning and spraying of apple trees. She then conducted a contest for mem- bers to identify the 16 varieties she had on display. The ladies were a little more knowledgeable in naming the varieties in another apple cOntest conducted by Elizabeth DIclde, Mayme Roulston presided for the meeting leading in the Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and prayer. The business portion of the meeting was conducted and delegates appointed to attend the Grey Bruce Area Convention in Ayton and the' Bruce County Rani, in Lucknow on October 17. The Institute members were hap- py to learn they received first prize at the fair and that the food booth and dinner served at the Craft Fes- tival was successful. Considerable laughter could be heard as members answered the rollcall with 'the name of a new variety of fruit, vegetable or flower. June Gilchirst gave a brief report on the Lbw in the Dirt meeting held - recently in Lucknow. Following the courtesies, a delicious sampling of food recipes •using apples took place. UCW holds general meeting Stewardship was the theme of the worship,- service at the general meeting o the Lucknow United Church Women, on September 24, Deanna Reavie welcomed everyone and read a poem, Just for Today. Reports were received from the corresponding secretary, Iternadean Ritchie and Mrs. Reavie for Pres- byterial. ICay Crawford gave the scripture lesson and various readings per - mining to the theirie were given by Anne Anderson, Mrs. Crawford, Lois Goodhue, Allene Bradley and Anna Mae Hunter. Mrs, Crawford's contest on stewardship tested the ladies' thinking powers. The meeting closed with the mizpali benediction. • FERTILIZE - 15 flotation custom fertilizer custom spraying of applicators Round -up and other - liquid or dry fertilizer 0 fall cheinicals dali for prices -'Hyland Brand, Karena, Rebecca, Augusta & Houser Harus and Fredrick • The Blue Tag" assures you of Certified #1 ,seed. For Purity, quality and top yields sow Hyland brand certified seed.. The staff at VV.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. are ready and looking forward to serving you this fall. de 1. 1 Herman 2624527 Mitchell 348-8433 Alisa Craig 2934223 Granton 225.4360 1 .see 47P:'