HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-9-13, Page 6THE SIGNAL
4I—Thureday, September 1301, 1934
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Na-
thaniel Bolt of Marnoch.
Mrs. Morrison of Bluevale is visit-
ing at the home of Mrs. A. Fox. Mrs.
Iluruphrey of St. lieleus also spent
Sunday there.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tansrone of Turn=
berry spent !Sunday at the home Of
his aunt,lire. Chas. Sandburn. -_
Mr. /as. Weir left last Tuesday to
attend the Westervelt Business Col -
lefts at -London. iliac Mazy
been on the staff of the Ontario hos-
pital at Whitby for the past few
1, months.
Mri.-litoore,--Mrs:- Albert Reid, Mr.
1 Wm. Cornelius, Mr. Joe Cornellue,
1 Margaret and John , of Orauge‘ Hie,
rew days last week at
iso,litreet now 475
Sunday Afternoon
Ooderleb, Ont.
In heavenly Wee abiding,
Nu change my heart ahaU fear,
For uothing changes her*:
Tbe storm may roar oithout
My haat May low be laid,
G941 ia round about me
0 God, our Father, make us true!
• teach us and establish us in truth
tle UCTIIIU-weakness and wrongnesa
S. S. LESSON FOR SEPT. 23. 1934
Teple—leadah Counsels Rulers.
Lesson Pasrage—Isaiah 31:1-9, 37:34,
(jokier' Text--braiala 26:3.
Tits is the last of four chapters to-
gether, that begin with woe, and they
are all woes to the sinners that were
ttnmd among the profeasiug people of
Ged; for nieu's relation to the church
will not seture them from dieine woes,
if the lite in contempt of divine laws.
spent a
home of Mrs. Jas. Cornelius.
t _Marriage -,01
Miss Catharine Mathleson M
I turned missionary from India, an
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11
Mr. Angus Mackay, also a returne
stoners: from Ind*, and son of Mr.
and Mrs. lieetor Mackay of White-
WHITECJICRCH, Sept. 11.—The W. church, was solemnised on Monday,
M.S. of the United. church held a very September 10, at Gordon Presbyterian
successful tea at the home Of Mrs. Wm. church, Edmunds, at 7.30 p.m. Direct -
Pardon on Wednesday tate: the ceremony a reception was
ladies spent the afternoon quilting. held at the home a the bride's pare
Born—on Sunday, September 2, at The hapoi couple were leaving for
Palmerston, to Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Boyd Toronto on Tuesday and for Lake Coto
(nee Phellis Weaver), a son.
Miss Maria Campbell is very low at
present, and is uneonscious. No
hope for her recovery is held out. Her
doter, Mrs. Jane Taylor of Melita,
Manitoba, came last week.
Mr and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Sea -
forth spent Thursday at the home of I extend to them best wishes for • long
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. I and happy wedded life.
Will Redmond of St.
Augustine spent Sunday at Mho. 11
of her grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Corne-
Mr. and Sirs. Lewis Taylor and son,
of Ashfield, spent Sunday last at the
home of his bruther_lir. Ab. Taylor.
Mr. Roddy Inglis had the misfortune
to break a bone in his wrist while
cranking his car, one day last week.
RCN% J. Pollock, who spent the past
few weeks with relatives in England
and Scotland, returned to his home
here on Saturday, and took 'the ser-
vices 013 his appointments on Sunday.
His son, John, who spent the summer
of Edmunds, Westminster, B.C., and
chiching, where they will assist w
mmer sebool work. They will reeide The woe in this chapter was to them
for the winter months in Toronto, that go down to Egypt for heti; Welts -
where they will take up study mimes ing the Egyptians, and makiing court to
to lit them further for their work on them, as if happy were the people who
their return to India. The groom's had that strung nation for their allies
many friends in this community will That which invites them to Egypt is
that the Egyptians have many chariots
horses aud horsemen with whicb,
they could get a good body of forces
• to their service, the
village. It wail a Lot day, but all
were anxious to du penance for their
sins. Soon the adults started off bear-
ing heavy crosses and banners, while
the children were aiteu large stones
to carry. As tbe Attie fellow was
staggering along goiter the weight of
his stone be noticed a printed piece of
uP he put it ta h.- pocket. When
he got home he staked ids grandmother
to read it to him. She did so, and
read out : "The Nee Testament of 0111,
rd aud Saviour
was the front pow et a New Testa-
ment that route enemy of tbe Truth
had destroyed. 1n Portals's* the
word tweet for ThatantailLAB4 Will is
one and the name, and the boy, remem-
beriug What his mother had said about
ntoney being left by a will, was much
impressed. When the child was eleven
senIs old he was Dent to Lisbon tO
liTX-e_irlih an uncle. aubilta.84-48.1,
One Sunday evening his relative t
him to an Evangelital Church. Soon
after the commencement of tbe ser-
vice the preacher said: "We will now
read a portion from the New Testa-
ment of our Lord aud Saviour Jesus
Christ." At this the boy remembered
the words on the leat be had found
stud was full of curio,ity to know what
the book waa about. 'Later his uncle
Vice a copy for himself -end he be-
came a scholar in the Sunday achooL
He la now a faithful member of his
Church and a preacher of the Gospel
to others. He is now Ika in things
spiritual and his youthful ambition is
fulfilled, although not la the way he
had expesied.—From Tell the World.
Mr. and Mrs.
with friends at Oshawa, re u
with him. All are pleased to see that
Mr. Pollock has gained up on his trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moore and
children, of Rockwood, and Mrs. John
Purdon end daughters spent Sunday
Despatch is the soul of business.—
Chesterfield. .
Doing well depends upon tiOihg coin-
pletely.—Persian proverb.
Prefer knowledge to wealth; fur the
one is transitory, the other perpetual.—
Socrates. think themselves wiser t an
No entertalnisent Is so cheap " Bible.
reading, nor any pleasure sO lasting.-- 1 Slighting the God of Israel, "they 1
Mary Montague. not unto thee, 0 Holy One of lira.
Most powerful is be who has him- neither seek the Lord." They tree
bell. I uotice of in this distress; they adv
Him as if He were not worth ta
self in his own power.—Seneca.
To bear is to conquer fate.—Camp-
not with Illm, seek not 11Is favor, no
If I sin building a mountain and stop'
h last basketful of earth hal are In any case to make Him the
from theme n
against the King of Assyria and his
numerous army. Their kings were
forbidden to multiply horses and char-
iots and were told of the folly of truet-
tug to them (Psalm 20:7); but they
Fruit from
-ike Gardens
Ily Betty Barely
Pumpkin Ple
.eup stearesd and attained
2-3 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1,6 teaspoon ginger
',42 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons melted butter'
Mix first six Ingredients together, The W.M.S. will bold their meeting
add the melted better and WA last. In the church parlor on Wednesday'
Line a pie plate with crust—build 1111, afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. A general
around the edger.--firhe-4a--41- molter- ' Invitation is extended to all the ladies.
ate oren until it Is sEt. On SaivirdaY. September 15, the
• • • Harris Mission Band will meet in the
English Rarebit manse at 2.30 o'clock. All the child-
ren of the community are invited.
Messrs. W. I. Miller, Hugh Ruther-
ford and Andrew Gaunt attended the
London Fair on Monday.
Dr. Vskes' Addiresa.—About fifty
ladies of the community took advan-
tage of the opportunity to hear the
BT. HELENS, Sept. 11.—Mrs. Jas.
McFarlane of Bluevale was a visitor
on Marotta, with tier daughter, Mrs.
(1. McPherson, who with her children,
Margaret and Billy, returned home
with her.
Mr. Lorne Woods and his mother,
Mrs. Robinson Woods, spent Thursday
at Kitchener.
Mrs. W. .1. Humphrey spent a few
days at Whiteehurch the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Fox.
Miss Vera Taylor Ls attending the
contiouation echool at Auburn.
Monday, September 17th, is the date
of the St. Heleas school fair. In the
evening the play "The Three Pegs"
will be presented by Dungannon young
Rev. T. C. Wilkinson left on Tues
day for Kingston, where he will attend
the Generm Council of the l'uited
Church. Next Sunday, September 18,
Federation will occupy tbe pulpit in
Mr. Wilkinson's absence.
Mr. Gordon McIntyre was in God-
erich on Monday writing • University
examination. Mrs. W. E. Gordon and
Mrs. Wallace Miller accompanied him
h friends.
splendid address given by Dr. Yokes 1 Education begins the gentlemen;
. Dungannou at the aseetiagoet tha hut reading, good company, awl
Women's Institute on Thursday. Dr. refleetiad moat finials him. Loe.113
titer for Weat Wawanosh, gave a leng-
thy address dealing partieularly with I
what he termed preventive medicioes I
for infectious diseases. Ile strongly
advocated the use of toxolds and vac-
cination, as preventive measures
against the spread of diphtheria and i
Mrs. Geo. Webb is home after spend-
ing the summer at Kineardine beach.
0 Sumacb, in your dress of gaudy red
Betide the -mountain cedar's sober
You •re the spirtt of a gypsy queen
Who wore a crimson scarf around her
Her tiny nimble feet,
With anklet/ tinkling, gaily danced
She sang the goys* Uttle lilting song.
And wore a brilliant many -colored
How does it feel then, Sumach, rooted
Upon the hillside, not to dance a
Your merry song,
breezes bring
A swaying rhythm
—Ola Hamblin in Westward.
Confucius. • gaged on their side, stand them in 1 cup stale bread , rum ,
In all matters, before beginning. a better stead than all the belp of 2 cups milk
diligent preparation should be wade.— i Egypt? They are at the pain of going 2 tablespoons bur. r
'Cicero. 1 down to Egypt, a tedious journey, Fele mains Cayelli.e
\%hen they might have had better help , Y. cup soft mild CIA e -e cut in small
by looking up to heaven; but they pieces
' would not. But if they will not en- 1 egg
gage God's wisdom to act for them, 17, teaspoon salt
, they 911211 tint! it act against them; be \ 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce
I is wise too wise for them to outwit Soak bread crumbs in milk. Melt
butter, add crumbs and theeee. Wben
cheese is melted, add egg slightly beat-
en and seasonings. Cook three min-
utes, and pour over fried tomatoes or
I and Ile will bring evil upon tbem that
1 affront Him; "He will arise against
the house of the evil -doers." God will
appear to their confusion, and will
oppose the help they think to bring In
of. iniquits. Some
think that the Egyptians made it one
condition of their coming into alliance
with them that they should worship
the gods of Egypt, and they commented
to it. end the -refer!. they are both
called evil -doers and workers of Sul -
mw, */"Wrileftfitt
YOUNGSTER! love Kellogg's PEP. Crisp.
Full of the Savor of whe_at and bran,
Finial with nourishment. Mildly lamo.
the. Al*ays fresh and ready•to-eat.
'Delicious with milk as sztaus..
PEP often. Sold by all grocers. Made -
by Kellogg in London, Ontario.
Truly BETTER BRAN FLAKES • • • Roady-to-eat
One can salmon; two raw potatoes,
sliced; one medium sized onion, sliced;
tante. P; salt and pepper to
one cup eatsu
Mee 1 layer 02-petato-ts--a- glees
baking dish, add layer of onion, salt
t_h_0304,,gor4ogolo gnow thew and-getmee to ta.te, then layer of sal -
so mon, then eatettp. Coutinne until Meet
selves to be but men (Psalm 9:20),
Is Oiled. Bake for one hour. Garnish
_with Trench fried Bermuda onions.
Sae to Pren,•h fry Rertnuda onions:
Cut onion in slices through rings so
that each slice will make a large num-
ber of whole ring*. Break slices into
lit is good for us to realize that thoee
we love and troet teo, are hut men.
"The Egyptians are men, and not God;
and their horses flesh, and not epirit."
Jerusalem was under God's protec-
tiott aod therefore there was no oyes -
ion to put it under the protection Ot wears** -stage; •drog Abe.. into thin
pq, but -a prectleal distruat of batter and fry In a frying basket. Bat -
God's all tutficleney is at the bottom of ter: 2 egg YOlkicii edvsweet milk,
all our sinful departures from Him.1% cup pastry fieverr-ii-aionatnes. salt.
Beat egg yolks light, add milk, flour
The prophet tells them he had it
land salt sifted together, beating ingre-
from God's own mouth that He would
appear against Jerusalem's enemies 'clients together vt ith egg beater.
with the boldness of a lion over his I
"Th will the Lord of Hostel COURRIE'S CORNERS
Superior Stores
Large Pkg 21c
Large Pkg 19c
2 Pkgs. 25c
Large Jar 25c
TOMATO Jun LibbY'r Finest' 101/2 os.s.. 4 Tins 25c
Lb. 25c
2 lbs 13c
PUMPKIN Large Tina
Tin 14c
2 for 25c
Large Twin Bar 5c
3. hicEWEN
2 Tins 25c
PHONE.116 or 216
so bare
when vagrant
The charm of the best comm.*
tions, flashes of gent us.—Einerson.
They bad been sitting in the swing
in the moonlight, alone. No word
broke the stillness for half an hour
"Suppose you had money," she
said, "what rerould you do?"
He threw out his cheat In all the
glory of ,oung manhood.
Ile felt her warm young hands
slide tato his. When he looked up,
she had gone
In his hand lay a nickel.
The deeds of the young, the coun-
sels of the middle-aged, the prayers of
the old. --Greek Prove:J.
"If science has diminished men's fears
of the natured world, it bas probebiy
increased their fears of other men." --
Aida", Huxley.
The very latest in
Summer Wear •
Chas. Black
prey. US
, come down to light on Mount Zion,"
with such an unshaken, undaunted re-
' solution, not to be moved by any op-
position; and Ile will as easily destroy
the Aesyriau army as a lion tears a
lamb in pieces. Whoever appear
COURRIE'S coRNERS, Sept. 11.—
Mr. and Mrs. Hebert 13cott 'pent the
week -end with the former's brother
and sister -in -Ian, Mr. and Mrs. John
Scott, near Ise khow.
against God, they are but like a mul- Mr. and Mrs. E‘eart Jamieson, Pearl
Miele of poor simple ehepherds shout- I and Marguerite eere Sunday visitors
; big at a lion_who_ scorne to take no- , Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson,
pace for them. Surely they that have , Mise Ida and Mr. George MeQuold
' such a Protector need not go to Egypt I and Mrs. Emmereon and son Jamee,
for help.
God was ready to gather Jerusalem
"as a hen gathers her_brood under her
wings." As birds flying to their nests
'•with all poesible speed, when they see
them attacked, with such care and af-
fection will the Lord of hosts defend
of Whitechurch. sisited with Mr. and
Mrs. John Little on Sunday.
Misses Minnie and Cora Dickson of
Dungannon spent last Wednesday with
their friends, the Misses Edith and
Madeline Johnston.
Miss Anna Mae and Mr. Alex. Far-
Jerusalent. Defending Ile will also limb are attending Lucknow High
deliver it ; the A.syrian army was tO school this year.
be routed by a destroying angel whO Don't forget the school fair on Sep -
should pass over Jerusalem and .draw ember 18. There will be a play at
his eword only against the besiegers. night put cost by the young people of
?Then the angel of the Lord went
forth, and smote in the camp uf •the
Assyrians an hundred and four score
and "five thousand; and o hen they
arose early in the morning, behold.
they were ail dead corpores.,. Bro Sen-
andowent and returned, and dwelt In.
Nineveh (37:36, 37 t. The greatling,
the king of Assyria, looke very einall,
when he ls forced to return, not only
1 with shame, becau.e lie canna, amis.
plish what he hail projected with so
1 vouch assurance but with terror and
fear, lest the angel that had destroyed
his army should destroy him. The
Lord Is knoon by the judgments which
He executes, known to be a God who
resists the proud. Angels are em -
Dungannon, whieh will be followed by
• dance. It is expected Mr. Reg. Mc-
Miehael 9f Colborne will furnish the
music for the donee.
and you'll never be
satisfied with any other low-priced car//
At one time OW thought rthe would
lose the use of h,•r right hand. But
"a blessing"—in the form of Krueehen
lialts—put her right again.
writee. "In fact, I could not do my
played, more then we are aware of, housowork, I was ao bid with !Ilen-
e* ministers of God's justice, to pun- matism in my armw and hand'. I
Wit the pride, and break the power of conld not sleep at nights, and I thought
wicked men.— (Condeneed from Hen- I would lose the Ilse of my right hand.
could not hold anything, nor mild
ry's Bible).
WORLD MISSIIONS I sew a button on My arm would go
In a village In the north of Portugal dead. I WAR advleed to try Krnachen
lived a wimple family with a little boy and inside of threo weeka 1 fonnd such
shoot four. The child was ambitions A change. hats tout on taking it,
and constantly 'poke ahont what he And now I sleep all night —thanks to
would do when he was rich. MA moth- Krnschen),, help and rellef."— (Mos)
er would langhing;y may that there J. it.
were two waya of getting rich, one hy Two of the ingredients! of Krnechen
hard work, whir+ she etrongly recom- Setts have the posy.* of diseolving uric
mended, bed the other by having a acid errithis, wbIrh are reaponalble for
legacy left. him in will. When he rbenmstle wryly Other Increttlents
leee-h•litile Oder. ha was.aent to ot these sail& amidst liature le est*
a grandmother *ha In the man. there iltienteed rentals thernorit tirie
try and owned much property. &son nAtnrAl rhAnnel.
Oftft tibt arrival there was • drought
in the country, and the pariah priest Who la the coward among not - He
organised a pilgrimage to a chapel who sneers at the DOW, of Ilnonn•
situated 111 the top of a hill near the Ity/—Meredith.
Ns fsso Piisdsard Vit frogs
1844 $710
OM. Inelaht and Oeir•rnment Helms* nay
entre. ?Inv Or • tionnprieee On the OMAC rim
\r,_A Oenem/ Wenn 11.1.0., Procknemel In Canoga
j ET tts lend you Chevrolet. Drive it yourself
.1-4 in your own way. over the same road* and
hills you drive every day. Take out your family,
or a friend. We are confident that if you make
this test you'll never be satisfied with any other
lotopriced car!
We urge rOu to accept this invitation in your
own intereata is a 1934 buyer. Because Chevrolet
is the only car in its class that gives you Encloaed
Knee -Action, protected and weatherproof . . .
Body by Fiaher, for safety, beauty and comfort
Shock -Proof Steering, for mill car control ...
---i:able-Controlleti Brakes, for sure stops always
. . • and Blue Flame Cylinder Head, for the
greatest power from the least gasoline and oil
eo. G. MacEwan
oormer Kingston Street and