HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-08-21, Page 4•Page 4 - Lueknow Sentinel* Wednesday* August 2i
. _
Ribishedweeldy by Sorait4ter.Poli• Lid; CarapbellSireei Ludo*, Ont..
PQ Box 4004.14-icknow, Ontivio :NOG 2110, ' S28-2022: Fax (5195283S2
11 )
•Established 1873
• , '
•Beati y z.,9 i
Thomas Thompson Advertising Managpr.
'•. Pat Livingston -,.,General Manager . . Lir41187 '4. 411 "I9 CYC 14,, "IP
Editor . •‘ : . .., bear::;i1lith:nThi viewed the
. .
Subscriptiontates_adyanC _ ,-- IL----,-, -21-- Lrecent Ple ',0t eig4tinonthe
• weal ReglarO. ..,0t ,
regiant Demi Moores on the
. ure*
7 front of Vanity Fair. FOr any. of
wowSenior I sir ph* to .0,0,, , aayou not aware of the heated '.
debate go*, Moores, an actress*, ;
Local 'Letter Carder Goclerih4Hanover, L istoWel1102000*.ostage pIustst-: pose4 nudes in ii black -lace bra
- out•ot-Area (4)14144,48r Plus postage Piga -03:r .-. •• ,, - and high heels, arida- satin Peig;•• '
, Ferelie 4,,,f;.4.1ianoo - . • ,.*, . , , louitguTeltOtotilo itaistili:gie;tzfvlie,
.41 ‘4° 4?"4' ‘."14. F''' .
PUbileatipria mail registration no, 0847'held et LuCknew„ Ont. • The Toronto 0 in a speciI
(i.filiteunrgetepeoo is t a ga del rgeusas r, a nte'aordersd) ,4faerretsubscriptions, oelon
ns4tt:tecoontit.ndgdittiokon'rniodetirialitsilheenratthionele°,1.4.0. v9. aertItti h:00:i' :I: epwriardrotiolori' rearf4"ipSpriture,„tSthel!riCitefilli:Vai:ed:ttY6aS:Qatil!4_: 1)°"Nudeier?
above address: Advertising is acceptedh advertising space occupied by the ..„.1,,t'artly to arouse sof mealre:,
a.typogreehieet,-errers the portion f
erroneous item together with 0Ye:s.;:tonaahle 'allowance for signature, Wilf:not „..„..inAuff”...., ,
be charged for, but the balance.„ , _ , ' ,• : _ . . . . _ _ to decri- of:
of•the advertisement will be peirl,at,,I."4 ,:ro'R01.401.1:1::pstirieldc,411=ti me.,
applicableratea; * ,.... - ' : - - A I ot spu uying. , ut?
• ' . • '1 tfeIr:r:L
of the':
society today . .
The photographer, Annie.
,:,..-.Leibovitzs-Cominented that Moore':
mute beautiful:than ever
'auditseemed- ,the Most .:natutat. ,
, „ _
lb**in the world to photOgniph,
:!herth.1,10 way.:
• . •.• ••
We'relalking-celebrities h
....What 1 would be interested
knowing is how non -celebrity.•
women feel about the ,issue.
The reproduction .human
•beings 4s. a ,wondrous act •o
ptegnant women truly fcel
glamorous?. How can one feel
up iiirnonths of
• pregnancy, retaining fluid that
makes you look and feet like',
• puffball, and your
.your e *lidstOr'
to allow -for hegrowth
some women gocthrough the*:
snancio.:miffeth!g...nonef2 1.t.eIIeeditorof Vanity Faireves that. women .have felt. that,
oven the fcm sta:auo r boie
. . ----'Hi"•"
• .-44--welev on'' itTheioto gy,:watgivena !;:. th 'redoigt.' According tothe 8014:It was prepared by Dr JOhn Bradley, /report,feMinist writers are saying
..graotous, consentedhC $en1 10 eP: #lin8: Inagiarit*"4.!iPos.:41'
11 11
• This, is -a most
•pointing out tifMei
- that would be "ving his
McKim. BoiMerl,as we
• hence it is initosSible: I
he would beburking
by Div John Bradley • - • women are poilrayed in
ic for' 0.4 us. would lik� to begin by
ways -I -would notlikely,be the 0ton
:1110:'fliSt choice wtaildIelVr: .14ek1 know Dr. .
McKim .
i't imagine that Dr Corrin ea177:eray.,101‘,7ved,874,,,
There are many people:in,Lucknow and .community,that could do this
task as well as myself. There are maw, people in the
medical com--
munity that Mel knew at :Winghati Hospital, across Western
-Ontatifi• .41.0.4sOttleliVer.MiSceOlOgY:tOdaYjhave)*044110Selt;AW.:,;•,
rbehalfof.hurnfrCds.who knew and lovedthis.man. Iwill•
say.,.:.,,th - • -,-
Many of •iiie things 1 would like to say might require most of us to
step outside Those Who knew„Dr. ,culirin realize that occasionally fou.r•
. letter words ventured into the conversation, -however, , I
.those40 altrinimo*. - •'' •
What, a gnyl This not only marks the Of ainagnifieein career, but *
for 4000w. and region thezentof-:Whatmany people Would: call fthe
Era otCorrin and MOT'. .
• 1 would like to begin my ieMarks. at the -end Of Mers life and then go
back to the beginning. Mel had no demands on life but he tiadoneclear
: wishothow he Would like to die: Margaret and her childrentrentinded
me.of this after I spentiwriliouri with them informing them of -Mel's
. death just four days ago. Mel said to many of KS colleaguess and friends
the way he Wanted- twitescribe; his wishes were to "live hard” ; to`'‘'die
Pane,' and, be 4:4*greatlooking corpse". well Niel I think 1 Call*Stite,
...yottrianiity4Out friends, and your colleagues that you got Yotitwisn.
Mel was born in the family home in Brantford; Ontario on November
-10„1921. Ileiwas.one of.two boys, his older,brother Bern being kyOt
..igita‘ half older; Mers father was a pharinecisw.,., •
• Mel attended public school and high school iiiBrainfoitand during
may of. those -years was a ineinber of the Salvation Anny Band.
Following -graduation .froin-bigh school, Mel worked for three yearchi
-Brantford at,whieh time be met Margaret watincat a:Salvatifut.-ArtaY
..Young People's Meeting;;Igel's interests in addition to the band were
manly,m-gynniastics. . • '‘-
After Working for three years,,Nlel attended the University of Western
:• Ontario .where he graduated ,from medicine in 1947;At AlUit,#ifie
MattietMatgaret 'Waring and, began internship at Victoria ..*ispital in.
• London. . ; •
. At the same time Bern. Corrin had graduated.from-nlerlical who& and
bad Met 'Dr Victor Johnson. from Lucknow, through the assistance of
Dr. Angus -Di McLaughlin, a surgeon.in London.. ••
Dr, McLaiighlin.. had Urged Bern to consider moVingitiortii• to work
": with Dr.: Johnson Which he did.One year later Mel tiiiishe,d his
• internship, he came north to replace Dr. Bern Corrin, in Lucknow, who
had Moved to Wingliant. 'this began the legaey of the Corrin years in
Western Ontario. • ; .
. Dr, McLaughlin had much influence on • Corrins.- Dr,
McLaughlin had a keen interest in orthopedics and both Dr, Niel 'and
Dr,:Bein Cot& follOwed this interest. All who knew .1)r, Mel COI* at
Winghain'llospital know of his. tremendous ability in ,setting fractiiks
and Modelling plaster, -Dr. McLaughlin was well'knoWn for Sitting on.
the.side of the bed and talking to his patients and it may wellbe at this
time that, Dr. Mel torrin(develeped the satire habits.
Margaret has informed:me that when .they moved to Luck:no*. in 1940
they took over the apartment that Dr. Bern Corrin and his Wife had beat
renting, in the house that is now a Senior Citizen's Raine. Following
- that -the Corrins would move a total of five more times bcfcwc they
ended up at what is, infamintsly known,. as the .doctor's, house in
The rdst. timel met tit Cornn was,sitthig ifl acid Fischer'* Badri
Shop many years ago.1 remember him Clearly talking about taking kg
family 4.0 the World's Pair in New Yolk City. The second 'time int&
stories o this man was listening to Wayne Andesett who had his
appendix put and talked about tiavelting welt over 120 walesan
Ian. tot peg
pregnancy is soMething.they haire.
to conceatand.diSguilse• liogwashl
MadwoanYY,0011:1 ii -14 kt ee °th!,1-i this arr.: • 71,;?0%, esir
pregnant Toronto.hosinesS`:'..:: •
...woman thon., t the picture was
.saying"Anyb�d who secs
these refutes may end .up feeJing
41100 -better about berseIV
However, : Will the 'picture Cause
ntoreolef.10' women who feet
they doit'x .1pesitnage o. f • •'
fe04dtte:beanty'even when they
' •gged beings. .Wil they when
pregnant-, stiP,
Nomater,• the debate will con-
tinue and ne
to our own opinions . • • •
I wonder how Ms Moore s • •
daughterivill feel When in later
pregnanther nude, stoma
splashed on the.front cover of a
magazine? •
70- years -ago
• August 18,1921
-busters concert -party.. The
• Quitters' 'Corners Fanners: Club
• have been fottunatein securing the.
0.A,C.Coricert Party ,The Soda,
Busters for 'Wednesday evening at
• the je TOWn, „
•',Thepersotinet Of thittlOtitchave
been selected from the outstanding .
• artists who appeared in the College
Concerts during the pat year and all
are expertsin the iirt of*Ansing
and' entertaining. The virogiuni is
packed With ;Laughs from start to
Tho OW -is touring Ontario this
.sliiiiMer in aid of College Victoria
Halferected in Memory of the firth
boys of Ontario ...who fell over,
ok:lolajor P. Stuart MaKeflzie of
Among the lidis)atiending
earn, with the'99tit:Ilatt.e4ofWin
• glitit are jack Campbell, Harold
Thompson, .Clarence Orem- Jerry
Rafted, W.O. Webster, Clair and
Melvin Johnston, Bob' MacKenzie,
Jack Fisher, Raymond' Hamilton,
Rexford , -.Ostrander and ; Reid
McKim, who is'acting as bugler.
Rita route ,changes hands far
first. time - • Clifford Robb -of
Holyrood has 'scanted the contract
for *lively of mail on R.R. No. 1,.
II:gyro-6d . and common* Ws!
duties on Wednesday. Pot ,Several
'weeks Cliff drove this route for the
Purvis Estate.
• This is thefirst time -since the
• iitcepdon of rural mail delivery
from liolymod that the mite has
. changed hands, the Purvis family
holding•the contract continually for,
over a quarter of tontury.,
Council strikes rtecall tax rate -•
'14,,,,eetitig sPochil session On TtleP
AIRY 401411l the ,Lucknow viUagc
Council struck the 1941 tat tate at
42- mills which is unchanged from.
last yekleS.Xatee elthuugh there
some changes in the various
thaego to make up the IOW
• seastand Wherever they have tp.
• Oared have been Most enthusias-
tically received.
yrs sigo -•
August 211:1941
Off to COO The2Ist ,Field
Brigade, 14.C.A.0 Reserve Force* left
for Thatnei Vsdley Camp at LtaxIon
early Sunday - tooting 'by 'special
The Iltigade,whicit is under
the command oftieutxo1; George
Howson is *unposed of Batteries
• from `‘Vingitamo Kincardine,
• Walkerton and Listowet !no
Walkerton 97th Battery is in charge
• ' . 25 years *go 1
• August. Up 1946
° LuOknoW HOrtittilutrall Society
has ntentries in Friday's Flower
Show - Ralph Pagan 'of Lucknow,
with 90 points, was way out on top
at. . the Lucknow Horticultural
Society :Hower Show on Friday
evening, winning the Beatty Ladder
Trophy and the silver rose bowl.
Miss June Collyer was second and
Mrs. Alex Proves and Robert
Fisher, tied for third place.
Official approval received -
<Odd approval has been received
from the Ontario 'Detatunent of
Education for the union of the
Coiribined Roman Catholic Separate
Schools of Aslifieldvith the Com
billed Roman Catholic Separate
Schools of West Wawanosh,
Pupils comprising the new area
fottnetly attended-tehool at St.
Augustine in West Wawanosit and
Xingsbridge, in Ashfield and undo
constructed school at Xingsluidge.
• 10 years ago
August 190 1011;
'Coastrtiction „begins Work
began last week to construct new ,
stairs and a tulip facility at the
Lucknow Post•Offiee. In keeping
with the 'leo of tho Disabled"
the new coinbined area* all pupils
will be transported 10 the newly
Tina id) Page S.
SAA41.4; • .