HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-07-31, Page 17• AUCTION
of 225 Lincoln
Welder,, apartment
size freezers household
R furnishings
Friday, August 23r
5:30 pont
ood clean consignor fs
Welcome 'Ogled
t i wild titer to tharrnlc everyone iit oo
organized and attended. my wedding
shower Jilt' 10 sit +rpi Vie. Thank
you fore a6"of the lowny ise � .
We wish to express our deepest thanks
to everyone 'a to aur,,aua !
sale July 20; under the extreme, beat
wave;, 'TO all who helped us Oar to the
sale and Saterder, we deeply
ate everything you did. Spathanks
In:Greg NiChOliOn for his hoig very
ple tee tmom, itmaclethe Sale Mach
tta"aa ally 4Nsith Ann an'':
fir LES VS
4oin in the fun of this second ennual
fura.r "ail', Friday, )Avast a,
8 pyla, at layBalt Park? 443132
Homo Palace, Walkerton. Ontario, SW
Wig , stakes q�„ .
Prizes. August 10, 11$11 L fQ rom 930 .•
4:00. Judge :Peter Cam, Indo 510
4304220 or 5194944434. T41
• IS TRUCKING FOR YOU: tete discuss
s11K.•lrr,Uoducing extended ;programs and
Credist.Market TraininCourses. part William at 1-8000'
26 7 3 " stems.;
.20., v Sy,
FRE CAREERGUIDE to" home-study
correspondence a Diploma coa est f
Aircondtlonirr , irk
tronics, Legal/Medical Secrery,NY-
ooa,T vel,Granton ; 5A) , 263
Adelaide West, Toroo, 1•400450-
A sincere 'hank- You"' tar ncry .hu
staff, ,fries as net*** fori,:
phortnr caalls ca terra 21
while °a patient in thsl`K1
tat and since foutMing home. Abp
thanks to theh+ pital staff,, Youraup-
port will never be f% atten0. i ike, --31
ion et, August 1!, ", `, 3, 4,1 Camps
availahlao $0,500 Prizes.: Box 101 i elle
( elver,.' Ontario NOR lAO or call (519).
P. 728-1767w - 0
We wish .tory thank our family for the
delightful party in honour of our Golsen
adding .".anniv . Thanks to rotas-..;
nes, s rien and:neigh fives, f de,, d :h'fern'
many :'beautiful cards, if , ;florw and
good wishes.: Special, , thanks to `the
grandchildren for providing , the lima►:.
service. " We will;,always remember,,and
cherish this, vol srpi al ; occasion.
Too o re a:daI l'le+d"rnend. --Six
I would like to thank everyone for the
flowers, cards, letters and visits, I
received while I was a patient, ins,
rNiri i arrt,�F #o$pital. 'A very special`
rrtn and :the nurses and
for their; kindness and
pile I W sick.Ca ordon
LOST iN HURON TWP, in rate June, a
brown vinyl cassettecase containing.
tapes,, One take 1s otsentimental value;.
recorded"by a deceased family member.
Please tall Earl E liott395-2869 4%04
Dungannon Fair`f` may
healthy ,DawsoStorer Dungannon,
art ,. a erablo kittens, Pie* melt Sean. 1n'srortm Ashfield, West Wawa
at s244007. --30,31 Colbome; Choc by-randarl
_ ety
concert. Friday, Aua>ui
at Dungannon Fair'gi°du
4432. -31,32ar
a D �lt!IHUA Maier l
turday, August 3rd "' at 2
Macnald's: Cr Grove. J
follow lir Lucknow, " Music.
,' ad1
at^•I*auI Jerome -and. � • i Balli' .Satyrr-..,
ay',)August3,.For More information call
earl Os -5294164: --30,31:
SECOND. T• <n:
, A14N,:. triA� A
..,Batu„'Atki est; 24 "10: a.m. at, Ripley -f
Legion HHall., Donations of articles wel-
Come,. Call $65-2961 after 5 p m: ar..
,drop off •at Emmertons' Storer Ripley
Sponsored by. i ipley Logien Branch
440. --30,31 u
to ,celebrate 85th Birthday?for J. Harold
Cauint for friends, relatives: and neigh
bours on Sunday, August 4, 1o?1 from,
3-5 p.m at St, P0te0 Anglican `Parish•
Hall Lucknow Best:Wishes only; 30,31_,
in concert at 'Ripley Huron ,Complex en,
ngust.d23 from 9-4Lunch provided.
Advance tickets x$15.00 per person. For'
ticket. outlets call 3 35. -- 2 ,
Aka Hackett
Ales tofPlow:estManor,
La w, passed away in Vitiation'
and Districtitai, on July 24g
1991, in his 73rd year,
A retired ,Ashfieki a Towis "p
farmer, Mr. Hackett was a mernbar
ofTrii ity► United Churn and Luck -
now United Church, v a
Born er
in Ashfield Tow, on.
September', 1918, It/Jr, Hackett
was a son of the late l and
Janet (Hunter)
Besurvived by hiswife the
former Ella' Hunter, of, Lucknow;
one son Wayne a and _ his wife#.
Okiria. of R,R„ ', Lucknow; three
grandchildren,. Vicky, -Shaw" and
Allison; and two:bars*lrtff, # '
'G Bch and Mel, of Port E
�►± r, '; tt was`ea by
a ':b "wither, a s sisa, Maize
Visitation was ht try:
and Mcereath Funeral Home, mak.
now, front where the funeral service
was conducted on Friday, July 26.
at 2 pin. with Rev. 'Gerald Maar-
cF r-
and Rev. Albert Cook of -
(wising, Organist was Donald*
Wain with Ruth AOC, singing a
',lower bearers were . two 4:
hiidr en :Viclry andAllison
Ston, Dot Hackett, D.A..Hackett,
fffyWarum •. -:afld HarolCampbell:' ..;
activeipt bars. ♦ 1
Following :,a . graveside 'a ice
:interment look place at, Greenhill :.
Cemetery, LuclutO
01 01011 'coat August 1fi and .17
The organizers, who have already
arranged nine ,tis, are hoping for
a; of 46 ;.
a> ,would be interested in
tRgothorfor- the
arttourr� nt, or for further infor-
11, 'contact " Kevin Austin at
IR 1
In” loving `:memo y of". Merry Irvin, rdeaasr
son :and brother who pat** away
twenty, "years ago,Jsuly430,1971.
Tenderly we treasurer: the ,then
With memoriesl, that will always last
levotleolctloveds ►dly missed by•More
and" D td and.Broth+serkorot Sister. 3i1
# With to thank Orme• gong, Ornate and'
Gear and the nurses in top acrd:Ernerg«
erre, for the.excellent loon to me
While'Inc Why glaint, hospital: Special
anks to my family for their help With
Choresduring my hospital "stay, and
since doming 'home. Alsoto those Who
phoned andsernt:cards.wisshing mewef,w
sr ,would like to thank "all our friasraa '
• and• - neighbours . for their special
• • gh s kindness.during the -tram.
srf +sur .tort Jer'ri' accident A very.
special aanks. fo'the nursing Staff at
University 'flospitat "for their ,ctiteerst
"...kindness.;Doug and Beatrice and fare.
31x '
e woe14• Ike to a ' `hank You* to
everyone for; the flowers, :cards, 'and
:donations; 4004 brought to' our* 'hover
and your sir • • rrtat the time of our lost
A special ,aura tar Rev. *Feder*
staff at Pine+ `eat ` s rt,P lard and the
t.r4 %W'W forirbkindness to our "farms.
X11, Mildred, Ross and Beatty end
,;,fell, l!.: 81 • - `t0,a50,, '31x. m
$tKBARBECUE, Surly',°August :1
4:3 ,30 at . Dungannon Fair. It
7. , childrenr12andunder .t2i
.schoolersfree., Call520-' 4, 529.311
or 5244432. 432.--31,32ar
nights �of 'Columbus,
4:34 pmt. Sattford, Valley
prizes. $1000 jackpot,
the children, and Qrandohildren of.Jim
and ..Marion Hayes, wish; to invite you;
3hseir friends and.fasrrrily ta, it ,,dan+
honour of .their' parents •, 40th Wedding
;Ann vversary, ,:'Ort,:.Saturday, August 3;
190 In am,LucknoW, 9 p'.m , - -am,Seat,
*hoe only.` --31' •
BRIDAL SHOWER for'Becrty Hamm, -
fiance of Gerrard Howard, at
Joseph'. Parish Hall, :Kingstbrklge,
• August 8th at 8 p,m. Everyone Wel«
Berm. Book now. for August, 14th bus
trriiip,Con�tact Jean 520-3810 orKay 520-
2042. -- i
JACK & JILL SHOWER for Dan Londry,
and : Tracey Livingstoft, • Saturday,
August 3, 19 91 at 4 p.01, ant' Lea Anne
" ;ivcingston ars. per more ,information call
X528-2427. -31x
RRY SUMSION at Dungannon Fair,
iturday, August 10, 8 run., - I a.m.:
Outdoor concert, bring" `a. lawn chair.,
Tickets $10, $12 at door, at
: Around The ;louse,. West St.,
Goderich Sentinel t ffi r,. Lucknow,,
Karen''s Hairstyling, Dungannon, or'ca11
529404 op 529.3130. - 1,32asr"
Kairsshot* Women'Ys Institute seeming
hull course meal, from 54 Ip.rn r Ridoic implemented 'to further "''curtail this
August 2, Arena upstairs room at t e activity,
:Lir cridw "Craft Festival. Adult* SAO, Council will meet next on
lingq the service were
, William Scheeri nda,
, Jenny d
Ch gopher,' of'Listowel„ Bruce
Clower of Toronto, Kendra Fur:
don of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs.;
Kerin ' Falconer and family of
Exeter, All attended dinner
atter church at. the home of Mr, and.
" , Archie P urdon, a gid'1V st
is+a<r �
W rt Cook, of u cknow'and Rev,
actl � ; �jinitrml
com an t..Mc rntnoah, a slirtr Mrs, John eson,of 'rumba-
MoCienaghan , ' Kimono. ry Estes, were dinner guests also,,.
i r schedule a public
meeting for aaa�y, ugu*t'
response to complaints
persons : campiniigy�y�� ►"'�
" berth at ,the' Township
clerk waw i rected to prepare p - a
report for conneil regardingexisting,.
laws in dace to prohibit this
tivity " .any %additional legal
Measures' which 'could ` be
tltd tenuity Vanderve ar e
spy to announce- the
graduation of their daughter,
Wilma* from McArthur College,
Queen's { UniversityKingston*
Ontario* on May 310 1991, with a
Bachelorof `Education degree.
Wilma has accepted a teaching
position with the Lennox and.
Addington, , o utnty fid" of
Education, near Kingston.
Redmond, sit of Blair
and Mary Redmond,off London:
,thiCgrand.son of 'h ore. and
Helen Redmond of Goder ich,
graduated from the University of
Western. Ontario in. May 1991,
with an boners degree in English:
Language„ and -Literature.
Michael was on the Dean's Honor
.. List for stir 'al` his. four years at •
Western., in recognition of errs'
.academic "su&ess,. Michael': was
awarded the Helen M.D. Allison
Gold Medal for excellence in the
study of English ' iteraturer .,Mn'.
Redmond will commence t
«,adnate ' Studies at fi treen'a
Utalversl'ty in 00 '04 .