HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-07-31, Page 8rage 8 — Spentinel7 Wednesday, July 312 OK c' B.A. MeDONAGH REAL ESTATE 6. 'Ng RAVE LTD. GORifili HOW c, 14 year old biick bun9alow, 3 bedroom, 4 pc. Who kill walk out basement, combination ilirodioll, deck, greionhousio. garageo McKie -041Q V9,600, 19ndoti RetfreRIte Let Your LONDON LIFE re re, entive straighten out the MAZJ of Annuities & RRIFs„ All-our_plans eau be accompanied by SOLID qUARANTEED features, ---, We can help (luni g the SAVING Phase as cwoo coriv comma well $244g68 KINLOSS TWP. 100 acres .glrained, ail Workable. Asking, W000. JUST LISTED q Looknow 3 bed, morn borne and 1., bedroom trailer, storage shed; 1 block from Post . Office. Asking $59,9p0. RIPLEY - 4 bedroom home, brick' & aluminumsided, 2 baths, mod-; ern back split with utility building. LUCKNOW - 2 serviced lots, 78.5 x 252$° &i00° x 170°. • Listings Wanted FRASER MacKINNON 5284013 BARRY MCDONAGH 5282031 DAVID MacKINNON 305.248$ EXCELLENT ALTERNATIVE TO SHINGLES * ATTRACTIVE TILED APPEARANCE * COMPARABLE COST TO RESHINGLING Becky 114ca0; one ot the Mittlits 3510.pitch ladies holds her head nt exaSperation as she sees Iwo of the Blue-cOnymtirersileaclingfor home, At one point in time, 811,10. - 0's Wain was winning the game, but the ladies came on strong to win the game 21 16„ (Pat Livingston photo) PEGG CONSTRUCTION 520 Inglis Street LU C KNOW - 528-3720 SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY Ontario's forests are a crucial element of the provincial environment and economy which must be maintained for future generations. The people of Ontario have a right and a responsibility to participate in decisions affecting the management of Ontario's forest resources. On May 7, 1991, Natural Resources Minister Bud Wildman announced the government's Sustainable Forestry program designed to improve the management of Ontario's forests and give citizens a stronger voice in policy development and decision making. A Forest Policy Panel and a number of public advisory committees will be 'established to assist in the development of new forest policy. The panel and these committees will provide opportunities for Ontario residents, from all walks of life, to participate in forest poky development on a variety of subjects over the next several years. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS TO A FOREST POLICY PANEL TO DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE FOREST POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR ONTARIO '14 The Comprehensive Forest Policy Framework will be the cornerstone for forest policy in Ontario. The framework will be the first of its kind. The panel will work with the people of Ontario to develop the Comprehensive Forest Perlis( Framework. The Panel will report directly to the Minister of Natural Resources. The Framework will set out: * long-tsrm roles *Me lorest Moil% provincially, nationally and globally; long term Objecthres for sustaining Ontario's forests and forest -dependant Industries and coMMunities; • • ' • - - Management principles to outdo development of detailed forest policies and practms; and • howthe public can contribute to ongoing forest palicy development and management. • The panel will consist of three individuals who are: 1. knowledgeable on the subject of sustainable development; 2. familiar with, or have experience In, Integrated natural resource management; 3. excellent communicators and experienced In public Involvement processes; 4. available for twelve to eighteen months; the chair should be available one-half the time and the members should be available one-third of the • time; 5. willing to travel extensively throughout Ontario; 6. roprosontadva of Ontario's demographic makeup. Santa Clans (a.k.a. Bine-conworker) in summer attireturned out for the exhibition sto-pitch game between the Blue;con.,mw and the iitLs hist Thursday night. A good crowd was on hafidltomatch the antics of both teams. Although trailing behind #t.,thOirsi haif of the game, the ladies came on strong to win thegime 21 16. (Pat Livingston photo) Mittfits win ball gam e? It was an evening of fun and games as the Blue -con workers took to the ball field last Thursday evening to prove to the packed stands that they are as good at slo- pitch as they are at installing sewers. The Lucknow Mlttfits ladies slo- pitch team had predicted victory and victorious they were by a 21 - 16 score, Believe me, the score could be questioned. The umpiring at dmes appeared a little lopsided, to say the least: Although a Clear night, with no clouds in sight, the Blue -con crew appeared to be bombarded with very large ram drops causing them to lose concentration. Some . \of the Mittfits were • completely confused, running from home to third and then home again to log up another run. The umpire was naturally being side-tracked while in all this confusion. All in all, it was fun night for both teams and for the spectators as well. I only hope those uninitiated spectators really don't think this is how slo-piteh is played!, The Minister of Natural Resources will appoint the three rnernbers to the panel early this fall. An office will be provided in Toronto. This Panel will submit the frameworkxeport to the Minister of Natural Resources in . September 1992. Nominations to the Forest Policy Panel will be accepted until Septombart Nominations should Include a resume and a brief description of suitability for membership. Pleqs Ibmit nominations in writing to: Ministry &Natural Resources Forest Pout Branch 268 Queen Street East Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 5N5 Attention: Comprehensive Forest Policy Framework FAX: (705) 945-6605 Please direct telephone In English to: En Francais a: For Cree or Ojibway to: inquires: 705) 945-6626 705) 945-6625 807) 622-9847 • The Province of Ontario is dedicated to employment equity and encourages nominations 10 the Forest Policy Panel byqualified individuals including: aboriginal peoples, francophorios, persons with disabilities, racial (minorities and women. Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Michael and lune Stevens from Markham spent Thursday with Doug and Shirley MacDonald of Purple Grove. Michael worked for the MacDonalds 15 years ago. Garry, Karen and Trevor Pollock from Pickering also visited at the. MacDonald• home. Don.and Marilyn Reid entertained • Bob -and Wilda Parker from Dorchester and members of their family, Sandra and &kik Husk and Michael, Brian, Jo Reid and dmigh- , ter and Larry Reid. Stephanie and lan MacDonald and Jessica Van Royan helped Robbie. Pine of Ludlow with his haying. Marion Gamble entertained. . Marjorie Parrell and Laura Taylor from Kincardine with lunch on Thursday. Dinner guests with Kay Collings on Wednesday were Reverend Glen and Joyce Macpherson, Tim and Leslie Matt, Julie Gunn; fld and Sandra McGillivray and family. Sunday, Kay Collins, Johnny Collins and family attended a birth- day party for Deity Donnelly at the IMM of her father, Gerotne Schmidt in NItildmay. pURPLE GROVE Jack and Janet Parrell visited in London with George and Janice Miller and they all attended a Blue Jays' game on Friday. Bette McLeod and Mary Jean Cumming attended the Reid Picnic at Scone. Edna Stanley and grandson, Bette McLeod and Marion Gamble attended the play "Harvey" at Grand Bend on Wednesday. Horticultural society members had a picnic Am Tuesday at the home of Del and Marg Burkhart in Lucknow and had an interesting tour of their beautiful flowers, garden and sur roundings. Ripley Seniors attended the Lurgan church service on Sunday • and enjoyed coffee and a visit after the service. Congratulations to Norval and Margaret Pollock who celebrated their 50th Wedding anniversary on Saturday.