HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-07-24, Page 3Lucknow students named Ontario Scholars Tireo Lueknow students are SCOt baterlia% SOO of Dr. and Mtv, and t#4rs. Dale Hussey* R.*. 19 among the 17 graduatingflora RE. Ray Bateman* Wingham; Lod Belgrave* ,Craig_g? $011 of Mr. MadillSecondoxy School this year Belanger* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and, Ma. Wayne Xing, 1(34. 1* asOutaderSeholars, anaehlevement Wald Belanger* Wingillm; )(area Goalie; SUM McMillan* daughter of at least 80 per cm in six. On- CIugstmum daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Rev. aridc•Ms. Cam McMi'llais* Wu' Academic 'Credits (011/40). Ugh Clugston* WIngham; Patricia Brussels; , Kendra Pennington, .They include Sarah -Brophy* CoWinartrdaughter uf Mr, and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Va. Ray daughter of 1*. and Mrs. George Gord Cowman* R 29 BLuevale; lknningtont &R. 2* Teeswater; Brophy; Paul Helm* son of Mr, and Jeanine Finlayson. daughter ofIVIrs, ,Jeremy Taylor* son of Mr. and Mrs. Mo, Evans Heim and Sandia Van JudithFinaysono RR. 3,(Tevswater; Donald Taylor, R.R. 1,. Gordo and, Osch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j0110 Greig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Caroline Versteeg* daughter of Mr. Mitotic Van ()soh. Mel Greig* R.R. 1, °odic Janke and Mrs,flendrilt Versteeg*R.R. 2* Other 00t440 Sc1101a1$ include " Heise, daughter of Mr., and Ms,Wingbaw Benjamin Barnes* son of Mr. and Vemon Heise of Rat 291lluevaler Congratulations students Onso Nits. Jim Barnes* RRo Brussels;. MelindaHussey,daughter of -Row - Achievement - Lucknow Sentiset Wednesdays July Zit 1901 OPENIM CELEBRATION e3 Monday July 20th. Lucknow IODIZED Cobalt ohalelue SALT BLOOK$1300. eos Dog No.00019 Sarah alarm Scholar, *110 graduated oni.p.E. • Secondary School, will.. continue her educationat Wilfred.. Laurier University, in an honours Arts and . Science prograth knx the fall. Sarah• is the daughter of George and Lorraine Brophy, of Lucknow. PauI HeJm, 4011 -of Evans and -Barbara. Hehni , 14101410w, grarbrateit', from F.E.. Madill Secondary as;MtOntar,io: •Scholar. PauJ will. he: 'attending: the lllniieraityiirWitterl00- *the -takhtligoi0P- Chemistry. Age hopes to: Work in an ,eriviroirrnen4 takcapatityc' MarieSandra,' -Yon *' • daughter' -of ,Atitoner'ond ,pelOrosgraduated fr�m. , • - SecOnclark''$00 attend • Scholar. Sandra 'will .be thi7e1117$47'lltantil:1W' ork, , Scieftces Program.' • Kinloss favours assessing permanent trailer park homes; checking o ;At a special session of Kinloss Township .council on July 15, the clerk -treasurer, Mark Becker, was instructed•to contact Murray Elston, MP, concerning the status of per- manent residences at trailer parks. The municipalityis in favour of Problems arising at .the disposal having these residences ,asSeSsed. site. The clerk wasinstructed to'" Two building permits were , send a .warning lettet,to a resident authorized; one for Wayne and Kim as a -reminder of the regulations at Phillips and one for Wayne and the disposal site, and if 1111Y Laurie Bell.regulations continued to be Jack Mali approached council disobeyed • Privileges could proposing the constructing of suspended by council. , , soccer field on the township proper- ,Ak ,letter .was reepived fromty on part of lot 59,„ conces,sion 1. marlsig, Transportation 'Ontario This will be discussed in more "authonzing. the paving Or the detail at the next meeting. • township garage Yard with the Concerns regarding the access surplus funding from the Aigi- lane to the Lucknow Sewage Recession. Program. - Lagoon were discussed. The road The clerk will prepare thoPertY superintendent Henry Clark will Standards Bylaw for resklentiallott delve into the matter further. . 'for the next meetingforapproval. . Wastedisposal site attendants Council's next regilatitteeting is were present to' discuss any August 6, at 'MO pan, OUNCIL NEWS Kinloss 'Tow*ip Made st stral page 1 voice clinician. for the Blyth Festival Singers. • The invitation for Mrs. Staten- hoef and the Butte Scolit Can- torunt, to appear in Lucknow, came about after local residents heard their prforMance * „in Goderich earlier thig year. Area voice students are indeed fortunate in having someone. of Mts. Stidenhoefl, calibre so elm at hand, alleviating the necessity of travellingto cities to develop their talent Mrs* Stalenhoef made her concert debut in Amsterdam* at the age of 14, • She then sithdial with the head voice teacher* Coby Riemerstna* at, the Academy of lYlusie in Mister - dam. She has performed with the Dutch National Opera* the Dutch Bach and Handel Societies and • the 'Holland and Preach. Summer Festivals, Mrs. 'Stalenhoef his worked with such international • conductors as Gary Bertini, Edo • do 'Wnarti, Hans:. Vonk and • Richard, Iloityngo.. After 12 years. and more than g60 distinguished performances throughout Alnico, Germany., • Eolgiutri,. Israel and Holland, Mrs,— Stalenhoef emigrated. to ' Canada. 'Site establishing, her home with her husband and two children in West Wawanosh Township„ sho bas Performed ,with 'the Kitcherter-Waterloo Philhannonic' Choir*TheLondon, • Panshawo Choir* 'the .Blyth &Immo' Postival and th Saugeeii Bach Choir, Mrs.: Stidenhoef would wel come any inquiries regarding' voice Lessens or workshops. She may be reached at $29.7670. 10 • Irom 1,ge The Kirkin' Cr the-Tartinyvill be Celebrated once again this year•pni Presbyterian Chureli. _ NOtificiaptr has beeille0,01‘644frOril .the Ministry of the EriViTOntrpnt that the sewage system..to serve the Village of Ripley is now operational. It is -important to note that service connections must NOT be installed from tht,Oroperly'line ,to the dwellinguntil such time as the total sy6fem is complete, and the propertyowner ,has Obtained a","Connection 'Permit" 'from the Municipality.• • Sunday, August 4„ in the Lucien the Highland gBagpipes'and the singing of the Psalms will be heard. A special highlight of the service will 'be Limusic by members of the Huron ScOla Cantorunr .under the ;- direction of Renee,',Stalenhoef. • It is traditional that tartans ,be worn to" this service. 'this maY be a kilt Or a tie or a sash or simply a, Square of tartan plimed ,onto your clothing,Itihould.}be pointed out thatYParint 'Of the Imo is not requfre'a ° • Pearfur.olt•:p't)litical,reprisali, the ancient -Win Services were held in secrecy. Today, that's no longer true. Many people took forward to attending this' annual service in the* Lucknow Presbyterian Church, Thcise persons within th„e church who work faithfully to prepare and • organize, this special service 'are to be commended for their efforts. mung birthday •from pp 1 entries to choose from. Why not put your grey matter in gear and your pencil to paper nowt addition, The West •Wawanosh History CoMmittee is planning te4aunch their history .hriolostik "birthoit dathye Ort '!'f the. It takes velunteett, iaI celebrationt Where are mil Please Call Mrs, Arinstrong t 5284903 if you are,willing to have hiptu, into planning this colebmtiott, • • Iteme,mber -.noneof will : around to celebmtrithe next 12 ' - yeas; keg 'make this stressful party' ;vim sossMAN, itATTEFIY CHARGER 8.99 BARBECUE LuitO iething • 'SAVE iO% •SEED ORDERS in July Extra 4, on Sale Dy OCLUSIVEJ \...._/c.$ • RAGS HIGti.PERFORMANCE 1 a.m. - 1 Everyone at thi 529-7953 • In this regard, by-lawsl have been: passed by the ;.VOlige of Riot!. y to goipferr;eirio'n6'Other 'terns, theRA- Bk-law.146:,,90;a3rhas been passed OW- , -WIthlhe 'a erittnent of a plurnbing inspector and • regulations -concerning the use of 'municipal and pri- vatesewage serVicesi. Drain Layers By -taw No„ 90437 has been passed requiring :that all dramn. layers be licensed. Interested contractorS may apply at the Municipal Office for their licence. • - Connection Permit - Bylaw No. 90-339 has been passed requiring that all property owners obtain a cOnnection,permit before any connection construction is started. Application forms are available at the Municipal Office l the permit fee is $25.00 information Brochures are available at the Clerk's office. Property Owners in. the Seivage. Service Area explaining the procedures. • •Mrs, Susan, Stevensorto- Clerk-Treasurer; Village of Ripley:, 18 TaJn Street PO. Box 1301 * Ripley* Ontario NOG 21V Telephone: 519495-2641. ' - 1 • 4.