HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-07-17, Page 8I
rage 8
Wads, Wean
jy July i7 of
*Auditing *Financial Accounting
.P9rsQna & Corporate Taw Consultation
*Personal Financial Planning
*Manual & COinputorized 800kkeePin94'
oNtotigage & Amortization Schedules
306 osephirt. 5t. Winghoun. NOG 2W0 officu?, 3574522
These member's of. Julie'
icholson's red class were prac-
tising the "help position" durin
their swirnming lessons Iast
week. It has breert, proven that
adoptive, ,Thig^ tositkin „during!
waterernergency will help keep
the person warmer. (Pat
Livingston photo) ,
. • .
• ia MI°
, • .
,Caringi,COMOtent Volunteers am availablethroughout Bruce .County to pnvic
the tollowinOeriicas to senior citizens. . •
/. , ; , •
• Contact
• cii0r)teet Driving
is pleased to
The iossioqu sotnef,
avitimmiO4, les041, is, wear
.underWay at :‘-the loaI p�oI.
Sandra, YariNtakeil; who 116 in the
orange class.. shows hr instruc-
tor ..how. well, the, can :tread
water. (Pattivingstoriph010)*
Volunteer .community contact;:at6.4aVailable. in the ,folloovirtg• ,oror,rry!,... t... 1
match thili,person in • need ., volunteer, -_. ,...! , . , : , • '
. ... ,....,,..,
• .. .,
TObeilltiOrt ',SVE01111.00S-r, .01100h10. - .....L: . . •,-.7. 5964597
Stokes-, paw koionoo,HolistAlai- . , .. ...,- . - - .19,34645,..'
TaralArratiThirithili ,Eldeti'llOTOWntthip .;.: 9344808::
0A1u,66044.y4 AW ... •, . • . ' ,. 'IAp.,o-, -1'.. 2• 5z'..t..-' .$-8..,3.-1209
W;1;orto4,and.Aron : ' 484403i....
, .
In other communities or fetr,M00,10ifOrmatiori call'.:.
- .-e.„..„*... .1 „Li, 41 __Amin --• AriA0 4 r.,_.''' Aft. ' AS:' . 414'. *454.1..11. 0%4
'; vr.,7a g;11;g'4671-',4•4,7
If you aro an fntorestod irOlitritttOr•6011•.tittasW0114•:-' •
'' " . ..'' - . • , Your heb, welcome.Ii, , . ' •• ,- ...- -
. , .
• 0 used COMoii,t0 to har,
200 or 21500 acres is serious business
you can T afford to be wrong.
• .The monthly In00081'of the
DiitigantiOnWonietes-Insaute 4,4*
'bold; July 4 • • at . 'of
. • •
„ Oce0 OW,VMO:' • • I
Roll call was a community activ,;
Jty.' you'LenjOy!„, A wide variety was
ityme dances, rgolden-,, ;gate-
•' :hiStoty Of the'.. townships,:•; :pastoral •
shut -ms to bring . a•::utde!..'cheesc.;
• coining to our meetingS•.-1was.:41$0;
Cultural 4ctivitietWat'.the'.:theine's..
for ,ineedit and: Donna ,Y0084
-..„ *as* charge ,ShelaidaS her guest
speaker :Dianne: PO*,44ttirse. in die.
psychiatric unit; at the hospital.
She spoke on tow to help, people*
with a mental, stamen' learn hew,to
cope with every day life. There are
twenty beds in the urut and one
emergency bed.
The staff is very dedicated to.
helping their patients. through medi-
cation and talk. They found that the
human being is very complex 'and
ivi mustb aWat, or who we are
, and where we. are going if we
expect to arrive, at a, cure for our
Patients stayat.the:unit between
two and four weeks and While.thare
..:participate in music, games,.
ceramics, . leather Work, etc. and at
the, same time build friendships.;
". oh-6ied be id,
Plan to uctui the;'0pen house',at
the Bruce 'COmmun Pasture on , • 11111VOttliii
04,- - -•• yoritia
July, 18 at.,6r5trp.rm.. see tile latest .
in 'pasture. management .r..4114-7' Bruce cPuritY'90114F.
rotational grazing; as well as' the •
• fragile, lona set aside for tree plant. safe tithe, Say NO RIDERS
ing, To, reach the Community 'Pas- ALLOWED."
titre, g� two mileswestof Under, Sanitation 4. VowFlrst
wood on Bruce Township COOCes!. „ • . Step in Fly Control
son 6. .Wano weather and moisturepro-
SOiI and Crop ,Motrthe -rapid growth and repro-
Improvement.Assoefation duction of flies. If you have a large
• * Twilight Tour ,fly population around your dairy
Reserve Thtitsdity, July 2$, for a . operation take the time to determine
twilight tour/car rally. More details. the reason. By -eliminating, egg'
next -week! layingibreeding's,itesit the life cycle
Ne Rider; kAAltewei btokett and future, populations
In the past 'few years, Several' can be significantly reduced. Spray-
- children have . been killed While ing will give only temporary relief
!Wing as PaSSeng611 on uactors. It since the fly -probkm will return
is dangerous for anyone to ride on within :days as the fly eggs mature.
endets or stand beside the driver. The f0110Willg IS a lig Of common.
tractor. Make* your farm it' egg -laying sites and our meomme!".
er place. Have a No Rider* datibns for their nianagentent
policy for your tractors, 1. Fresh manure accumulations
Parade coordinators at local clean gutters and stands as often as
events should have a "No loader!' necessary to remove manure and
policy for tractors as well. Parades manure liquids which are ideal fly
attract a lot of attention ,from %twin: sites,
children. , These people learn by 2. I •I *fig pack s calf perm and
example. Show that your orgattit. stands should be eompletetyeletined
atiod plays k safe. Enforce theNo out at least once a week.
Rider" rule, - 3. Decaying manttro .reittoite EtC0114
$111111110t is a time for children tat mulations ftotn in and around
have fune You can help make it a stables around manure pumps and
idea bleSurftey, Sales Rep.', Real 354761
d't tt't
. .
. 1 1
1 • ••.
" l'jf • •1,,. ft s 4
„; ;
)) • 1, - • it
After they leave they are encour-
ed to n tome care chnics of
just come back and talk sornetitnes. *
The minutes of the last two meet-
ings were read by, Roberta Linskill
arid also the financial report:
-Al•ma Black. Joan Dougherty and
Bev Fielder had attended Belgrave
Women's Institute Anniversary
meeting in lune and reported on it.
• A collection was taken up- for a
Ttakelegs Bake Sale and 'pennies
for friendship”.
• The meeting ended With "God.
Save the Queen". and the "Institute
• Grace" and a lunch was served by
Roberta Linskill and Be* Pielder
• assisted by Winnifred Girvan
• ,
under stackers. —
4. Old fad - foutiaely Clem
mangers and feed bunks of uneaten
feed. Remove split feed from
aroundchopper wagons and feeding
5. Water bowls - regulatlyremove
. feed accumulations. Repair leaky
fittings and install splash guardsfor
those cows that like to 'play" in
their water bowls.
6. Wet yards . proper drainage
should direct water away from
stable and milk house surroundings.
7. Garage - avoid accumulations of
• in and around stable, und
milk house. Empty garbage con.
miners at least weekly!,
In the 1961 film, Ilitaifast at
Tiffanys"; what are stars Audrey
Hepburn and George Peppanl
shown when they ask a Tiffany
saleSnian for something in the. $W
range/ -
A sterling silver telephone dialer for
$615. They don't buy it.
now longllid the llattle of Wator.
loo last? - •
About nine:told a half hours.
( 1 r. I (1, 1 • t 1 16! • " -4' `)
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