HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-07-10, Page 151., 1 i- Peggyjemsf,daughtei.of Ken. and ilatkflodos-of Dungannon,:recent: lygradittged ' 4.,a ttCri°011.1,411t; . e'PONOiinoii*If:p0'-_ _ I heldtheirgraduation..ot A Gade Univerai :o; . _ Fier , neworo, .,_,00tior):.:401exts ,... .1tNnisition-, ,2441..i , „an' -WedrePATALAYi'4494•:'1.- 'PF11-i':'17i-riftilti,:',17446 ", COOP6tlatiofl**eff.11Y, ' ' ,' ' ''''''' ' . teacher, 0.....454401 -1,1k#V,*.kq',,,,*)114011; BaKe ,. A..402no ' !van,' , 1.00--Tholitswa.4onttimo mi.- . . Lonsdale,.4,10r. kprnititriatti4sicikt*enhorri..-4titiiiie'n COaeei .../.. , __.1.4v....''....,,,str.,...........41, rr.......,..,..,.„ 4:4-• : ',: and •°11; li,_•Iii.:!•:.f._•.„, iiii; • : ilitli...t,,,...,..„,„,,,,.....,c-s.;,,_.tiv„„i„,, \,a,„,,..,.,,,,,,,,,,,d, uqii..w.-, .F.:.II!!, yviswel,!iul ,., .wy,!!1.0 it.f.t: , „;,0 ep opie,v isol-G,iii!p-1::,,stpyliit rovoo, rlya!,1:pyk,!t,. plierpa,11171.. '4144ed us04 0014ii4itiiikiArindiey; and Malloiikamigtiati'.. Steven tna01:,. Roveren l iplaa-rt,',.: Atigeja:hiflit'4601y(i:rentiOritt.400lt:Pake4ettrt ' ' i . of Donny ,ill4tP;7: , ',1.00ritfi:j4.LAte.*';'10-0NiSit:;',460.1010 'Bete::: :014 ;,',„ , e i.; . June 25. Condolenceqta4int to the,-'. , eittill,i0i, crii4iiiiAitiiiiiiiit‘'r.iii4n. uutiiiii'll,:igi: wearers I,. .fal.AgY Pt. 'flz, .e ' ,: Vtat6, wilt: cotorwiok,:00071:eir.yoor9116P: #t#IP PlAYF,040P01ai ?:,, t:. We are nappy thatto'rePO4K04-- ' - were; 04iiiihe 'Stateritiofol::094:-'4a0011rie !GrOth.'''..'.1:., 9. Dungannon Cougratidadons extitided to Melissa Logtenherg, Who was crowned Miss 'Luknow 1991 on Saturday, Ione 29; Melissa is the daughter of MrIcLogicubcrg ofra Dungannon, and she represented Wei.% HUM Junior Farmers, We are •. 'all ve."-or proud- of youl Melissa, Congratulations go (auto's° to Thu and Lisa Geddes on, ihe, 'birth their second sno$. 1,Pfees "Jamieu Andrew. rnt, AO Brandon. is enio lag bis new little.playouate. Tom and Dianne Dickson of Port M • and Ron'and cie4-14es of Rii 6. • Gedericit have been graflteii spoiling privileges. Happy anniversary wishes ,go out to Ross and Elite Bnington on the occasion of their 40th wedding ,...anniversary. Falai)? tueMbers frOn our community lowlier(' to the Lucknow legion on Saturday night for the special celehratiQn.° Luckasw Sentinel, Wednesday, July 110 — Page 11 ueen of the Fair Give Me ti Break grouriiri met in the Dungannon United Church on Tuesday. June 25 with 14 moms in attend:Int.*, Cathy Seftwark a. vol. littieet with the Kids on die Blok, gram, was. die guest speaker. She showed a video on Good. and Bad Touching which was folloWed, -,-by an open discusPinn. ANnasery inert of literature was, made avail ablo-tp #veryonee Ivlettonor Se -114W' v4iN fki Dungannori J1000.-T4tu Reverends , ,Gartir: and Orilla trit, Ot, of e.1116.2442, vidd *he 9%0 MUSIC* Sigoist Debbie: Culbett Sang' two beautiful solos, C0010 :to the Garden Al and 1 Believe, Arnnld Stoller spoke 01i behalf lof inetery ..----......i rh...:111., rIP....X.A.e• ii..1",... ' ......a,...i....... Vi411U '4%.0141.111C1 0,00:4111. AIM IViii11114A1 • • ' ,'. • ' '' ° ' ''' ' , ° ° • '^''' ''' \, ''' • '' ' „ .. uay home follOWing-' her- '-stay -. iik -'.,--,--..., ,-. - . ,,- --,-,-;-, - - .., _ - , , -.,, - ..- .. , , , • 1 , ' •' ,;.`-; i'' .' • ' "=, , Ian 141/11,..... AMA Ilkiedikottise• ILTA,4*.im44.1 • lit" ` fP. Smoot owlkids,.. •• at.,... 11:.............. .....0 ..:. Alk• 11......t.: ........ -a •111`....1........i, 'WO akoo, ,.••••ortgo0,414•14 , iiiiiii44,4•14...;., T....44. '.•••,i0." ,, II V lrfilgiii WA"' ALPAR0440011'44U01/111411* VV :,. -'9 '' ' MIZZ51.111V11 'OW IMJIIIV: ' -1±,A"" 4141f7414 eltlu : '41,4F11,-,4 u4 Ild'3,44,111,,,...5',R1_115-1:Y6!„,"11!AL 1""447'-'' , A wish ifor you a, speedy recovery, ' Rebecca Rivett of'Po - Hope. Bi .. gramma Sandra Rivett will 1pg. 'filtrinithe - 0.404. - "' brotherBrock is ''."Ite ‘"I''''9'''''A " *tit'. - spoiling this. d'""* . addition.vies'. -- note in the NI ' ,,, ... . , - „ voll Al ,i‘ Iliiii invaackt- with U244,*V1')1/' ' , , . ' , , : . A „tecond,, son., has -arrived: . to ' s. new httle bright'. Taylor au . , wishes to You a=4,- , - .- - ,; 'f.w die cord., News saW actiott y -,),,,e ' ' ...: 14.....'. on .,. i4...elnesda; , the "Seniors' 1 ,,...iz Wednesday. -'. „..': . . , • ' 2 : -, .*.A.di,.,...of,;74i0vgav kir '14414 Yailfai:WaS - a ?....*:._4:::;..*.-.4.:',,4=-7:ii-- 7', =,3' ' 4 .-.uii. ' ji ‘• .: : _.....„...._ ...„-- ''•-- - between ''' ' •'-L4010e-,,:' ''ffrindle . ''' ' ni ...,.„..,...--, .... ._,. - .,)1 : Le 0 . ,,, ceiriro of ntet'raii..*. LikAilrtiv,ei ik ..,.y ,•_,. 1,,,,ew .‘” ' ' A': " iv. 804:r:PY74 11frh014 47:07- d;*`4',i‘lii -It'itonts**.:: .., ...„, or ::the.:,,'!eVeittht ' - '' • Clarence ' ,..,„ .: ..„ VTA„ ,, q111 14, , . • , ' .'• . • • 1. . '. ' , . . . ,, .. . , , , ,, , . •, ' ..,. : . . •4Z ,,e:01,,'' av•iill '., oll. OW ••illfliii, liolUilialk:,.. ..i'A • 4, "`•-•' . The name of 'the MissCNE Queen of the 1Taits-.. Pageant, „has., been recently-- renamed 71(1414" Aiibassd�r- of the, Fairs 'Pageane ; and with -goOd-reasoL,Many feel .that. the cOmPetitiOn ii just "beauty contest" but that * never', f • been the case. , . • Yes, one.of gib. qualities that the. judges look for .when • they 'judge 111.0.10. 00010etitionsis attraitiveness. However,. the ,participants mustalso.,`„ • appear neat- tidy and ;alert, snow good, posture, 'selkonfiden* enthusiasm 4114141.ded*is well as • being able. to .express themsclvcs PP:VOW. • - • other words, : the judge i are Selecting the personwh� Vvillinalie representa- tive for the fair the and oittintttnitY;• , On , AWAY, "Aug. 9, the. Dungannon Agricultural Society is • • piing to have .the 1991-92 ▪ '„*Aiiiiiissador Of tkie, Fair crownedby1990 , • 014.0/4.11ititMiss-Dungannon ThcjudgW. i plaoeduring the aftcrnoon but,the, Anthassador along with the first and second runner-up, Will be named:at the: Variety Concert, to he held on- the Friday evening . at , 7:30 at the' Dungannon Pair Grounds, A Ptincess and Pace will also he chosen at that time by a random .draw from names of children *116 are entered by their patents Or guardian at Dawson's Store, Diniglumon, during the•twO weeks preceding the fair,' .Last year Princess was Jenny Tucker, , • . Dungannon and the Prince was • Taylor Park RR 16, Goderichi • 1: • . • • Pu sot a vehicle 4$ *big trodsgont • Lot us 1410:•you mak* the ,ight one' GAIIFIYINOODCOC *joky Cara * TWO* W.Cntrostirou tirt4o A Littlo., titiVil A tot 11,Vorket0014.*1 tiellOOf 28813 • This iS-thd 10 missDungann .sairt to help celebi Queens (AnabaSsa invtfd hack to variety concert will 11 int' me in aivr*xinaewt seni • ave Ontario. einsuit.in the waderr - 0.1AsY The Anibassador, - DungannonE Searching. testanta between te ages of 17 and 22 as of /op , 1991,who.• live in the townshill:of AshOd. Ihrost aWarttish 'or Colborne Or from -a, town within boundaries', If you,. fit this description or your business Ororganization knows of Someone.: yon would ,bke to sponsor, please COMIPLOM mh Miry 5204259; • Debbie, 2 Camt 529 743 at Whert the young woinan is chosen tfle slili con • as Dungannon Ambassador of the Pair she IWO receive a wide, variety or gifts including gash 'vouchers and merchandise. plus she will automatically be 00w the Miss M10 -Western Ontario Competition its Well as -the (NB AmbaStador of the Pairs ageant in vdbli in,V4141411tawitide • , • • ••• ',..•r••••'• • " • :', 1 OtIrSe , . • ong-vvl beenrFa • =and toii 0 „ 4 1741114'. a4!0,+VOIYVIII4 • :, "•`' ;riprogarg • ,peope reter-tb : •-• • • - • • kw people will'r'ac-", • tually look at your mesSage. .. e But -eo e •liAtrN-- uIA fleet it, =‘,.. • r.,o0.0 • • w ad in the :Or won't tossed seen and circulation. k' our entire „ rtulation.. taitrerg= .�wjtk it!tv, '0A" 141‘ VIVO WARDM t� , " ,••• icCottittitw busineiiitottrittlip toCOme tax Atoning, -persoli# firtatiCiat' planning, computer anmangeolitt servkes • 1,= 10411010• %4VAIR1 :',1-41-0,!4 ibtOUNT 1,01it LON - - FCA FCA • XL. brier, 114:5, tolion# CA [.11.o VOfittio AU. 'CA ' •" 'Thor • • 1.1211 • 323-2r 1' • • 832-2049 . • , • • ••• ' vorimPiliii ' it ND ACCOUNTANT .. uditing', •' : . ° :,_ ' %'' •f •PinanOlatAccounting . '..$.„,. Personal4•Cor rat4 Tax aotisilitfitiO1 •‘Persenot, Oinonclat Planning• -: ' - ,, , :- - • 146001.-8c 0OMPuleilzed'flookkeeping , . - • ' .. ',. :< ' . .M0119000 4..AmOrt12atiort Schedules 300 Josephine St. Wirtilhamt .N04 2W0 . . ' Offiatiz, gO't-1,522 614 2iluiL for advertising rites . and Irtfontlation .• " • /4E...44 /4 COMBINED SUMMER SERVICE SCHEDULE July 1 4tt,i,' gist LUCktt)14 United Church - - July 28th Lu*noilv Presbyterian Church (Speak4eFtev. G. McFarlane) Aug. 4th "The Kirkin 0' theTartareService (Speaker Rev M. Kinsman) -.LuCknovv Presbyterian Church ,, 18th-tith - South Kinloss Presbyterian Church 1St • (Speaker Rev4 M. Kinsman) • July iat° 411'1 tOCiv,stri, 44:30 pail; Sunday '66t 11-st 119itlturday " 0 , 4:30. p.m. Monday throug Quilt Par $eitUrdtly. July 1th,1000' /urn. 4t00 pn Ueal guiltero and •supplier *lit arid stir Their quitto And *fated arttels. Demonstration watnoatAyi August, Ifth 10.00 12:00. 1; t t 400 Por Mere intEVOIALIOA,, 01:t1Ct. 1bittot it .)itotetott •11,0 North Street atdet114 Ontario IstakA 21'8 8I�)246 IVIUSEUM couNly • • ••,.•