HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-07-03, Page 7Landon
Let your LONDON LIFE refire-
entive straighten out the MAZE of
nunities & RRIIrs. All our lana can be
ccompannled by SOLID CRIKANTEED features.
c help' ,during the SAVING Phase as
Captain Roy Scott of Winghant accepts a cheque for $737 fi m Ripley Branch. Q of the ,;Royal:
Canledian Legion for the Salvation Army Red Shield appeal. Making the presentatit f on behalf of Branch
The Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority. (MVCA) is . inviting the
public to make nominations for the
Authority's 1991 Conservation
The, health of the enwironmehL
including soil and water resources,
is important to. everyone. To
encourage the wise use of soil and
water the MVCA will again be
recognizing in d viduals.and groupsas�
who haie a significant cal
butiiid to; the conservationof natural
"Au award could be presented for
any of a number --of conservation
practices, includingtree planting,
preserving or restoring wetlands,
forest:management, or conservation
fann practice's, to mune few; ssid
Paul Weitendorf, MVCA coiYestnuni-
cations coordinator.
For more inferMation, or 0' nomi-
ot -nate an individual or gr up, contact
C Aso,
There are two levels of awards
prese3 ted, The Consesrvato n Awasrd
of Distinction. will b egiven tOAaho :
malign . a . 'long -tern, ostding
contribution to conssry onl. Tor
recognize slicer -term efforts, cr�
tificates of :Apinatioare
Presented. The deadline fornomina-
tions is Sept. 14.
The presentation: of the av arils
• .�'„• ,ro �,; �w+''ti•: ,: A,:F'.z3.
wsl Caleb tomer maig :
ripe 40th anniversary of
Maitland Valley CinAuth-
ority to be held inOeto
Starting this summer, t rs in
Ontario should. be prepared to stop
for a yellow school bus at any time
ot,- not just during, regular school
School bus drivers, whether they
are transporting children to and
from school or on other outings,
will use their overhead flashing red
lights and stop arms at all tithes of
the day and night to indicate that
they are about to let passengers on
or :off the b
This is one of amendments to the
school bus section of Highway
Traffic Act (ITA) which wilt go
into effect July, i, 1991.
"The conn stency which will be
established by the new law makes it
easier for motorists to anticipate
when they must stop," said Trans.
portatton motet Edilip. "We
want children tty know that they
may always cross safely in frontof
a school bus with its lights flash.
A. y dine a school bus stops and.
its overhead flashing, red lights and ,
stop arm are activated, approaching
traf rc must. stop at least 20 metres
behind the bus. Trac Meeting the.
bus must also stop;The only exo
tion is when the is dim by`
a r stilt i • • �e'
Median t�tilsr,, ��'��gr
travelling in OppOsitedirecdons.
Drivers who don't stop will face
demerit point& tit
will receive, an automaticqday
lieence• suspension.
Anoth r, c e to pir+o
hibits a sc� b t tiiv 1 TA r frpatkt,.
using ..t#te og r
`fights andsver arm within
metres of- a traffic light. Instead,
bus drivers ;who: -stop at a traffic
light to :'let children' on. or off the
buswith thwi 1en instruct +e tdraen to 'cross.
"Thisrvillt etheilnatea potentially
confuting- Situ tion where see two
seta of lights at intentions - tbe
traffic lights .and the school, Otis
lights -- unsure* of which
lights to.obey," said
OPP wwilllife
where bodies have been re vered. ft's essentialt0 Std ilii ightt•
On. Ontario lakes. and rivers habits w e a>resti g
O checkss . a ave a 34 bo>ih .OPAH squid, Op? offic
for life jackets each . r sa y
covering. about Tie ogsram, hicl hit kss ofd
miles,. In' tom: cheeks, thele a ! ' moJuly 1 log weekend,
angler . aboa dand 2 t' O a the 441supportSot o ' the
the: '. ° el R C Society,: the Royal
passengers are Without star. Life Saving Society of ` ;
ileo Ming andr fm's dandy.
The Ontario Federation of itagi,
lent and utnters(Opp orasie
foto With the Ontario Provincial
Police and other gxoups, 03 put an
end to the shocking number of
boating deaths -recorded across
Ontario each year.
statistics indicate . that
more than 1,200 Canadians drown
each year., about 20 post` cent of
those in Ontario — most of thole
deaths 'r in lam and rit,:
and many ate, anglers or hum.
Sothis Summers OPP offices
be checking .f for life jackets 'and
handing out specially -packaged
suck to children, encouraging
them to wow the proper:gear*
• canipaign is ,meted, Vat 't Be- a
Sucker - Wear roue Life Jackets'
OPP officers say that sr t
`ten children in a :
welting life jets In peg i dt'
of fatali�, life ;Rets. f
'ting far the
Fora*dloil nth,
Pa* Jnr *tie worrwn,
hefixighe to up justice .
...bybreakiy0 the;law
001) rs
D`R'UB . JULY 05011
�.& $AT. 7 & 8:30 P.M.
$U14.-THURSu 8 P.M.
r r .
Lyes by
On The Urn by River Coonan, flotemplay.byr Chdrths S. Gti! ith
ineatdirte Town Hall
• ri kets $8.00 at ...
Lam Jan's, 789 Queen St.
fRt. JUL 5 -'8 pm,
SAL , JULY 4��ryy- 9rr
JULY ULY s ` 6 pm
THURS.. JULY 11 a a ,
FRI'., JULY 12 $ pm
SAT•. JUlY 13.9 pm
nPt., JULY 19 m 6 pm
SAT.. JULY 20 9 gn