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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-05-08, Page 27
f Lucknow SentInet W R S $,X MAY 8 i i, - Page i \a.:. waRw A w/ RRRRA • R RR�R L i'}}'i,�:•:w;:S:'r•'r :a}+::{, yik' roti•{.•: {;;i}; ::;� r.L;.etiti::• :Y•4': /' +4TY.•;:'r�::; :•?`.' : :.. ........ :i¢:::•?tip:.::; 01. Articles For Sale 02.•, 03. Garage/Yard Sart 04. Antiques & Art 4A, Crafts & Hobbies 05. Cars For Sale 06. Trucks For Sate !P!f' 7A. For Sale General 71,3_ Mranted To pm 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G I1oc. Vehicles -Campers & Trailers 7M. Boats, Motors & Marine; 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08. Computers. Videos, Etc. 09. Automotive 10. Pets • • =ti f1.:• •'!.•,,:• :v?••':r: a..; :r:�:�: , , � iii a4v'vi?�..... _ 11A, For Sale General 11 B. Wanted To Buy 116. Wanted To Hire 11 D. Employment Wanted' 11E. Livestock 11F. Faint Produce 11G. Farm Lcgtdpmcnt•• 11H. Farm Services 1141Farm Land:. 11KK Fairm Real Estate 11L Wanted To Rent 11M. For Rent ., - �«•:.vim � :=n+i %::. ° ...•.....: i:........:: r: �.... r'�•'i.::•'. 12. Real Estate For Solo 13..Moblle Homes 14. Vacation Properties 18. For Rent - . 17. Apartments For Rent 18. Houses For Rent 19. Reoma For Rent 20. Room & Board 22. Lots For Rent 23. Commercial'Property For Rent - 24. Wanted To Fiera 25. Wanted To Buy 28, Help Wanted - 27. Wanted General 28. Rustiness Opportunity 29. Tendert 30. Employment Wanted 31. Service Directory 32. Babysitting 34. Personall • 35. Notice To Creditors 30. Announcements 37. 38. Mortgages Auction Sale 39 Educational • 40. Lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42. Death Notice 43. Births 44. Engagements l5. Marriages 48. In Memoriam 47. Card Of Thanks 40.Cotal4 i-v\e ta....... 1. Articles For Sole • gay 'buoy In ,the'fly •. Ws .Worth MOO:, a` garage full of **M • Droprop intoft iny Thursday voit ith word classified (maximum 22 war1 ds) andpad hr+k, O '7a: info 4 i ' orkry� n . Q' 1 Der, e' • .4 %oil x ' ". / V `Ia/i RV• R.n %Alm Tir it R' RR.rRl7 .�J�iARt�1V• ! r That's $t.00 off regular ,rates. • Sell it in issues ..,,,.h• we'll runM issues it another , "free". Person to person ads only ;please. Run your classified word ad for 3 issues. if your article doesn't sell, well run it for another3 issues free. Mat be requested. when placingad. When your article sells, simply call to cancel. CA '�. 'X28 2 T. ' ,.. ,.. �.�, .. .,. .. . 1. Articles For Sole YORK combination Rowing Machine. end Press '$180.00,excellent conditn Free weights and beric i, $50.00 and bench $50.00. excellent ..,condition•: Phone 395-2615. --19,20 GRAY'S PERENI'r1IALS: •1 ` o, Mal* plants from the field twll :give • you instantly beautiful flawerbeds] 76 ear: l.ajdos available at alt; reasonable price: Hours "' alter U.wy M.ul. weakdaro[p(1. day .weekends: 3 ra lieS west 'of Walkerton on Kincardine -NW .8a81-1922 • LAWN ROLLER, best offer. Roy Charles, 528.2176. -19nx • ASPARAGUS for sale. Call : F. MacKenzie 528-2698. -10 , SEED POTATOES ' - white, red and yellow varieties. Hay and pasture aaeed • mixtures and lawn seed. Call George Errington 529-7175. -19x GREAT GIFTS from our GiFT ROU'. TIQUE or WICKER QALLERY, Patio sets, tea carts, loungers, etc. Patio Rattan Wareho'uee 71 King West, FORS EST. ,Ttl'essday b Saturday 168 .(519) 786}2180.` --19 • TAPESTRY PICTURES to be trained,. 6- 201 x 20",,1497 *20".tali 806-2516. -- 10,20 411 MaJor i3rands ustom Wheels 4�wy<10. twin ever ur Ku cau+aiw, f$39 �Mt+� Kms: Yrru iir►liini" . Articles 'For'Sale'` 1. . .1 STEEL BUILDINGS., -Spring clearout- Direct from the tactor} - Quonset 28x30 $3216. Straightwall 30x40$5136, Other Sixes a vailaeble, :''ION- EERI.ECONOSPAN 1*800-668.5422, -- f9bc: . • ' STEEL BUILDINGS: A cheap Building offers no flexiblity, mayyC even cost mor money. The answer, - :Future' Steel,.; • Thousands poi peoples can't be wrongs Call 1=8004es-8653. BUILDINGS - StralghtWall Saavings 244600. $3,692; 32x3012 $4,667; 40x40x12 $5,814.` Includes •Sheeting, Trim, & Steel Maain Praines Qrionset • buildings also available; All sizes avail able. Call '1-800-668-4338. (416) 642 2100. --19 TRY C & E FURNITURE, now and: used'. Dial Godorich, 5244231. -Odor• LU KN W CONSIGNMENT SHOP For your household 'or cottage. needs come to'the Lucknow Consignment -Shop. We are also stocking new sleep sets 0 twin, double and•queen. by yrest. Custom finishing "lar glueing is still being done on premises. I e Al tl For":Sol' P,: Z i)RE-EI11G. Buildings INC. Now ty lerk'SteelfWeod. quonset, cladding; For.'true:vaiuee"action :& ans rs - WOW' . M0'0264794 After;6 p.m,, weekends. Free' brochure. Clip: save. -13bo IF YOUR DOG WON'T STAY HOME: El0 have• the answer! It's Amazing, It's ectronic, It - •works, FREE •Detailss: can., U.K., RR 1, Bancroft, Ont. KOL 100. Fax (613) 332-1075. -106 • .MINIATURE HORSE SPRING SALE May 18'to June.30 AMHA/AMHR'Regis-. tored Yearlings: Large Discounts :Pour- d r ._ : R'#1:•H s t.. , . o 'kion Ea ms, i� ,llolss oa;n;1"i�ntari , OG.:; 2A0.... 51 4- 3.,..r�..,.t. 3, 31.21. Re sidence�f519 3343665. --l9bc • WOULD!'YOU like your drivewaypaved?. Would you like, your driveway coated' and repaired? Cali Jack Stuart' - 4005. •17.24bcknx • - BICYCLES - soles and repairs: 15.26" bikes (childrens and adults) BMX 'moun- tain bikes. Freer's 40' Queen St. Ripley, '39544121 • .:-17.20 DEW RMS $1.25 per doxen South of Lucknow. to , Belfast Road; 'west 2 miles at.Hacketts Welding. 529-1071 t7, OMB BEt.VIEU' HARDTOP, tent; trawler, good condition,. Phone 395.5370.--'17d • FOR SALE; 5 H.P. snowblower, 24" Out: $200 or best offer. Cali Dungannon 629- 7421 after 6. 15tfnxe , WHITE CEDAR fpr hedges 187' .- 247. $3:00, 3'4' • $3.75, White •Pine 3' L,'„4' regular. -$45.00, sale -.$25.00, Spread- ing ing Junipers, 18 4"regular -. $25.00, $416 , $12.50.' .Visit HURON .LAND- SCAPING at Lueknow or call 629-7247. 45-20b nx • •• ONSAT_ Canada's weekly Guide to Satellite. TV ie, noW aev&ilabte at The L u:know' Sentinel $2:00 Per issue: INSTANT FAX.:The Lucknow Sentinel now does :custom faxing., Drop in and see us or can 828-2822, for fug details. -S1 tfnx ' 1 S . APIlkitair 111 it M:alirk 1116.Oh 'Wheels, H6rd Tope', 'Motor Homes, Newil/Used Hitches, Thick daps PROWLEl , CONQUEST, iilY-LINE, GOLDEN FALCON, VIKING, TIOGO Sales 'Rentals Service 20 Years In Ousiness AMPPOUT TRAILERS Hwy. #81 mile W, Stratford 39p-5938 rliOles for SolN BEST BUILDING PRIDES r : Steel. Straitwall Type..* not quonsset - 32X43 $$, 5' 40x64 ,188, 50x46 $14,671 non -expandable; ends(.- other sizes' available.- ilmited'steel - Paragon - 24 HMOs' 1-8 0.262-8499.--10olo GARAGE, SALE; 432? Elgin St.. Lucknow Friol, May .17* - at' p,i[t LU UUSK dUlUT Saturday, :•; .;64Y. 18th * 3:30; a1i,Ii; le 21 p.san. Baby. "Clothes' :and accosssories, miscellaneous other :articles.:i20x YARD SALE,:: Saturda ., May;;. 1, 8:30. e nnr - 2,p.m., V2 west:of Holyo o d. 1aey hausahald.# mi c,II000.‘'-'19 • :st tux`sFort Betio 1979 G1'ANADA, 8 cyl , brakes, •good engine. 1977 Pontiac tame ti cyi., gout engine and reti,44 >abudy non Aetnaramie stir Pena cL7li .7 19,2Qx • 1980 RABBIT - will deli as , i0 or"cer- tifled. Call 695-2615: 1989 TOYOTA TERCEL COUPE, ocean blue, 35,00315m. Asking $9,766. . P ro its` 524-1786,: after 5 , p.m. weekdays, anytime on Weekend. --19,20,2.1 1980 PLY. OUTH' V©L .RE: s� .b.' IUKK) LA :P p ., good 'condition $960.00 or 'best ifef.' Call 524-5244. -19-21,22-24it 1968 DODGE MONACO,• 75,000 mileg recent peat job'�tnd engine over- haul, bucket -'seats, console .' power'. trunk, cruise, $221 . negotiable. Call` 529-7784:4y s or 5294121.8venin9s;:- -.10-20,21-23nx i, 1988 MERCURY TfyPAZ, ;W0 046200 $6200 or a asssume:lease<>at'$24200..•x' month :tor 41'2: ears. '55000° kms 5 :' 2 dr: Phone 5294121 evenings or 529-7764 'days. -118-20,21.,23nx PRIVATE SALE.- Save: Tt 1988 BUICK PARK- AVE,, white, bur- gundy lnterioWnew tires, excellent con- dition. Certified. $14,500. No GAT. Ca11 395-5038.. • • 1982 VOLVO . SEDAN. • bludigrey, PB, ' PW, PS, air, black leather•interlor; good condition, $5500. certified. Phbrl e' 528- 5345. --.16-18,19,21ra. 1901 .BUIcK CENTURY LTD Fully loaded: A-1 slyape. Call 528-3947, 628- 2116 or 5282440 after 6 p.m X13-15, 16-1sitnx 6. True For Sole LIQUIDATION SALES '81 CHEV 1/a t., $1,000, '78 Chev 112 t., $399 with good 350 motor and parts. '72 Detain oar - priced to sell! 529- 7642.--1 9-21,22-24nx 1986 JEEP CHEROKEE CHIEF, 4X4, V-6, 5 speed, PS, PB, AM/FMcassette, A-1 • condition $8,900. certified, 385- 8619. --1®,1.9nxe IA. For Sale General REPAIRS tell ball and hockey-" equip- ment, repaalming, stitches and patches, harnesaeskand halters, motobtce seats etc. 48 Queen. St. Tlipley, 395.4121. 19-22ar in. Bicycle BICYCLES ti • sales and repairs' i0.26* bikes (children's and adults) • BMX niotintain bikes. Freers 46 Queen St. I 1pfey,•:3954121.