HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-05-08, Page 26Pae 18 Luukiow Setriblel V•ieduesdox May S, LOU
Edith ley Weber
A may 6 . Y, Edith May
Webster,. passed away on May 1,
1991 in Wmgham and District
Hospftal he; Slst year. A
woman who used her tone and
talents wisely. giving laughter and
love to ail" wiU be sadly missed by
her family and many:frieurls.
Mrs. Webster was a member of
the Lucknow United Church and
the Order of the Basteru Star p 89.
She was born on July 9,.1910,:.in
Toronto, Ontario, a daughter 011ie
late George and Elizabeth (town)
MM, Webst is survived by eno '
son, George, and his wife, ane,, of
Ottawa; and a daughter, Elizabeth
Anne and _lief husbafid, Roy Hunt,
of Listowel.
She also leaves to mourn her
passing one. sister, Winnitred
Richardson, of Quay/,; seven
grandchildren and fire great
Mrs. Webster was peck by
her husband, Harvey; a • daiughter,
Nancy and a grandson, Mark.
Visitation was at the MacKenzie
and McCreath Funeral Horne; Luck -
now, where the Eastern Star. # 89
conducted ' a seraiCa. The f nte*moi
service %vias conducted .by Revh G.
McFarlane, of the Lucknow United
Church, on May 4;Organist -was
Donalda.Moffat. •
Flower bearers were four great
grandchildren, Benjamin Hunt.
Zachary Hunt, Cameron Hunt and.
Cheryl Hunt. •
pmt r„lS ;Vera Rey Havens,
Russell - Whitby, Donald MacKin-
ion, Jim M sora- o 3n Need-
om%ham and Bill 1l'"
Int rent oreephin' ce nate
Phoebe Lnnrelamp ell
Phoebe Laurel Campbell passed
away April 25, 1991, in her 93rd
year at Kincardine and District
General hospital air . brief
Mrs. Campbell was born a fourth
child to William and Mary . Ann
(Scott) Congram in
township, Sept mhe X 1898.
She married
Har Campbell at
the Piesbyterian Manse, Lucknow
in 1928. .
Survivingving Mrs, 'Campbell are her
When Ronald, R. 5, Kincardine;:
Jack, and wife Ramona, Toronto;
Jim, Toronto; and Mae, and wife
Marge, Port Elgin; Dorothy, and
husband user Lamont, Bruce
Township 'and Mary and husband,
Kenneth Ernest, Kitchener.
She .is also survied by heir
brother. Cecil Congra .Luck"
Mrs: Campbell was predeceased
by her husband Hairy, an infant son
Glenn, brother Leslie :.and sister
Myrtle Lane.
Services were lieltAptil 27;atthe
Davey Linklater Funeral Home with.
Rev. Allan Paisley officiating.
Pallbearers ' were grandsons' Bill,
Campbell; Terry Lamont, John
Campbell, Steven Ernt, David.
e Ha
.ami phellanid David wont,. 4•�
Flo°er.!N":A ago
and granddaughters Darlene
Lamont, Patricia Campbell, Chery
Ernest, Robert Campbell, Nevin.
Ernest *4 Paul Campbell.
Relatives aud friends atteadtli
from Tor-or.tn it he ^ ('
Toromo„ war.. ,Pti�aswrg *vo �,ynw
lgw St Thomas, Landon and:
Lucknow.., a
Interment cardinc. Cemetery.
Soybettn update
efr , pie 17
is less Man. .:M iiafa.
granular inoculant a must. The new
types Of sterile peat inoculatus, ..
contain -bacteria know a . 52C' •
which are especially beneficial
first time soybean, land; -Wbe
soybeans, have been .grown during
the `last five years, no inoculant
required Dr. Dave Holme,`
University of Guelph, does field
trials of the various soybean
moculants on Adds where soybeans
had never been grown. His.resrdts
for ..1990 - showno' difference
betweenmost of the implants on
the market. The products he found
little difference between are: Grp; ,
Hilfow, HiStick, Nitragin - Liquid,.,
Granular, Powdered Peat, Ijibana
Liquid Prep. and Urbana Powdered
choosing between these
products others fad such as
rice, convenience and consistent.
results will be more important.,
the test results. If von have had
goad luck with an . inoculant in' the
-past, why switch?
ani?.& • : "'"'G'Fa , i. -, ', a., a
Brad Humphrey Wit) andJohnDeVries, ofesch arch, Construction
were busy installing new windows in the rear of fire' hall
week. � .11 of t e Lnckn d DieUle s ;renovate
►. a.:
project at the hall will a elude a new alit door on. the east side •
and repairs to thefloor in front of the door. Total cost is'es imated it
$x4500. Livingston photo)
Bets a
quontoo abo�it _
your subscription? Like
to place:a classified ad?
w Ir
interested i*n 'writing :commentp.
• to our Editor? Looking toy
tied out 000 a
story. we wrote?
Need, to know, about ...
our advertising "
rates . t•. -
We take pride in the
nice assaction we have
with our customers and
If you- need advice or a pr0bl6m snhred...or ma0ey.Oied;
life to,etfer � Suggesion:on tr0060.cin heip yOur be4just
give us a caI1i;W'e't.e. always glad to be, M service.,
OuseII 'o the Lu ow and
District.Kinsmen's renovation t.
project at the local fire hall started
last week.
Whitechurch. Construction was
busy insftlling four new thermal
pane windows in the rear .of the
budding, along. WWL aln.` 1' • A 10'
steel' insulated exitdoor on the east
side. of. the fire hail. The lour in
front of the new exit was also being
Brad Humphrey, . Kinsmen
'president said this phase, of the
renovation project would ' cost
arvand $45(X)in repairs. _ K.
oca1 branch of diabe
association elects officers
The Huron Bruce Branch 91 the
Canadian DiabetesAssociation;held
its ual
meeting and election of
office at the Wingham Hospital,
on April 24;
N. Wilson Rodger, M.D., FR(r
RCPC, of the ~Division of En-
docrinology and Metabolism, St.
Joseph's Health' Centre, Lindon
1 ► rk0 war Beyond due roles - llow
Should we Interpret Body Weight?
Lucas Tacker, •a grade six
student at the Lucknow Public
School Spoke; on Sir Frederick
Other talks were given by Lee
Barnett, Regional Branch Develop-
ment • Coordinator,- , F. (Bud)
McKeen, • Campaign Coordinator
and Clarence !ebb, Region 9
director. S. .
Teresa Courtney was M.C. Earl
and Martha Heywood entertained
war songs and maple the drew for
the afghan crocheted ' by Mrs.
Heywood and donated . to the
branch. The winner was Kathleen
Hunter, R. 4 Wingham.. '
The election of officers for the
following year resulted as. -follows:
president, Teresa Courtney, R. 1,
Dungannon; vice Bill Cane, Corrie;
secretary, Johanna Ramaker, CtiA-
ton; treasurer ,and Labels, Stan
t"`.�+reen, It 3; Gaderich� membership,
Sylvia Harman, R.. 6, Godeer ch;
newsletters and camp coordinator,
Linda Mblenko, Kincardine; youth
coordinator, °Jeffrey Mann, Win-
gham; in memorium and literature,
Marie Coiling, "'Ripley; sw-= ►stake.
tickets, . Susan Moffat, Luc ow;
events, Rita Rommers, I inncaurdino;
annual appeal, will be headed by
persons in each area of the branch.
Special" thanks to all who have
heloed over the past 11 years was
extended by the president Mrs.