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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-03-06, Page 59
'P` iss 1-1 i . i iA • :a? k ter • XSt 4. A• f' *yen Berry 727 avelook t,, Luoknow 1 1 Mapleton 0,: 2300 sq. ft. 1 s floor and sernent.; Origin al bastard eldctr c heat L. Added Ecdnoteck high efficiency, Fields side wall ventor & meter to rcor+ electric heat. my D. ...In�y fla es -st t r%flIe -el trtn .het' mates .S�''%1.> we' a�+n r '. 1c. 1t1ra drv%fl •R Affords the owner the luxurious option df air ,conditioning •Fresh air distnhuted throughout the house Priam tile* to air heat exchanger, y , - l umidifi r earliy adapted juiy 1// fan, 5/91 Acrurnalute• .• 0U5. D egr t)dy Consumed 877: Litres:Oil ' ,Q65'4 -.3277 -;sal C Factor µ ery''8 12:day .0onsurni* 1' Litre. Fuel AVERAGEH'EA INi ,•6LASON'. 8000 Degre y$ 8000. 0.1.4:44,;980Lal; 955 L Fu+ei ;3520 * `per L art, 5/91 « Fe 4 17/91 3050 6005 1940 ',Degree Days Copsuipes 2784 kvvh 1940' ; 2784 "" .69e every ' 59611 Days consume kwh • AVERAGE HEATINCEAS0I 8000 Degree Days 8000 - .696 =-11494;kwft 11494 X Of/kWh t. i tT►` �NEUSADT,ONT. ' EST' IN OVER HUNDREDS OF INSTALLATION; 1 X44 Cod Boder converted to oil Nozle2.5, CO 25.1, Efficiency 71.5®,/x" . 4' P\nnual iciency 64.5°!0 Deo, 1%89 - Mar, 19/90 4728. Accumulated Degree Da3 .Used•.7506Litten 4728 - 750+6 - .6 9: Factor March 15/90 inet'alled•.Riello' 5 Fuel Efficient ©ll' Burner & Modl* oiler, `29 3, Na77le 125 Efficiency 86.90A May 11/0 used 1265 Litres Oil -- '6382-D:Days .629 4 8000' D. Days =12718.6 L oil rC 'n977 x`.8000 D . Days` T 8188:3 L L rice as , f Mar y3 loissyfoltoirepre ositothetanddiarttailtteatAss&iahop, a dedicated group offCanarilan'fuel oil tupplioes, heotinrj, oluignititttnantifacthittthitdsOnfittl,calgipanie. ,. When you .deaiwith hCt tAmember,goudaatsurgdof L +raentandtusk, Aii:COhA nontliors atecothinittc brto' of tornbr teryic .gllttp'ti cis nrgo v ranont."CON? nheit+ibert tr0yelo k•> oxabose ntticottloobtaitheittii l sot officiencyv001616111*yOutiithed"::' boating equippleht A►ittt tithipinttittp bOrscon addiriseyorianfho.statloftf'ei- ort tethrtoltshy�yaii0bte tittYpgrdd yoursystent That vrintert uy your fuetoii.fro to ittova rythaTtntriesthesy ibgIofeetr• r. fitl4nce.rorpoi. 00 ofrniruds 44 45.4 0 t. 0642