HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-03-06, Page 42POW 20140,4M Pow***Tt
Cattola with a
Chinese attain
Farmers in western. Canada may
$004 grOWilig a variety of canola
that resists the most devastating
cannla disease. toOt•rot, •Th e new
vglekt7- sloveloimd —br
TW:0101440 °O,t Abfrg' Ifigdveray Aof
Manitoba Wing genes taken from
Chines rapeseed plants.
Canada and China are the wOrld's
largest pmducers of rapeseed.
Canola, the variety WO iu Canada,
Yields the purest oil which is widely
used in foods. But Ws susceptible
Oro% rot, a disease that seem to
be caused by a complex of tw or
three fungi in the soil. Chinese
plants are better adapted to the
conditions that cause root rot and
therefore much more resistant.
The best of the plants produced iu
the project, supported by the
Ottawa -based International Devel-
opment Research• Centre (IDRC),
will be tested for three more years
after which they can be registered
as new Canadian varieties. Farmers
should have access to the new
strains in four years.
dt,ow.e communit
The queens BMA', Rural Avlinisaies 1141 . '10 sivag the neat
cespottit Ejg oVer tfin4 glut- Salo, wo an avow
for financial, emotional„ family and alcohol, relate/4 ditrtettldes.
The mandate of the°Queen's Bush RuralMinistries, is to listen to the
caller with a pLoblerne Often it also requires a ViSit to their home or
farm to get accurate and complete information. Then, when we feel we
have a handle on the sittlatiOn„ we mkt' them to professionals* Or
• eat-H€s volonteers;. who have the expertise to help them.
The Queen's Bush Rural Ministries has compiled an extensive roster
of knowledgeable and talented people'vho are willing to give of their
time_and talents to help those in difficulty. This Oster; however, is in
need of a wider range of expertise as the problems are slowly changing.
As the recession leave. Its g. !ark., more and, more .caus, are tong,
w,e0ved from small businesses m dire straitsithejobless and the people
who are having difficulty handling both these situation*,
The strength of our nation is directly attributed to the people who
operate family farms, own Independent small businesses aminigture the
community in which they live. Some of that strengikseems to be
weakening. The involvement of the entire community is essential WOW
values we treasure are to be .retained. The Queen's Bush ,Rural
Ministries is more than willing to work with local organizations, church •
grips and judividualS in exploring possibilities that would work for
their particular problem;In unity*, there's strength.The.negative can be
toloatijfilioe vaier-4-4ought tkirceotow
• chattpdta...
%ma - gt201 bits, v..y1 fiWiA
culticifibe plioinelsret
5 "OUr 044
IlIttliber on the tape. Your Tall will be• returned promptly. We
welcome calls from those W110. Olifltit haw belpitti St -400011% in the the area of small business* unemployment and tamale busti
for the jobless,: 6
At theAlueen"s laushAttral Minisfne-s-ve believe # ivery important
for chinch and community groups* get involved with thewob1ems,: -
their areaS,and provideleadership for those in distressrt
halierecerved clearly indicates awillitisavoss10 help -those ficul
Although Queen's Bush is sponsored and funded mainly through th
United Chureb, astime goes on, moreandmore chniCh denoMillationso;
service chubs* companies and individuals are *cognizing the important
..of Queen's Bosh and aredonating fids to keep this service vital and
effective. °
The Bible states that "Faith without woik is den,' and by involving
yourself anO. -the- community with theproblems, of others, we van•
stregthen that faith, and put it ,to work,
Wel.hetYoubaPit'blel'°4a°It nrlunb:ris 392-6090,
mlits:70shareOWfaith helpingeach
Brian -Ireland,
Co -Ordinator
GRASS SEED - pure or custom -mixed to your
requirements \ -
CORN SEED - some numbers are getting
- low
SEED GRAIN - we have most varieties
aVailable but should soon be
ordered -
SOYBEANS - some varieties are sold out
order now •
FERTILIZER bagged or bull?
• Unique central spiral circular
• No bearincgs inside the rruxer drum
Fewer working -parts make the Patz. Mixer reliable
(only 3.greas9. fitting's).
As th drum rotates„ the central spiral circulator
moves feed' to the back of the mixer,- At the, same,
tim, the fitting bolted to the drum in a SPiral.clesidn
moves the feed to the front aS it mixes with 'a :t6m-
bling actiO.n..
Four sizes
--Cor-Ten steel mixer drum,'
(®U S. Steel, Corp)
Electronic scalp or
mechanical beam scale
r .
Limited Time Of 6,5%-Finandirig:Q.A.c.
rot. Ac—e.
Where Ptice atid Ou lity Meet"
-„ •
Researchers . at- the°dale
Research Centre have beet s dYittg
the transition from a conventional
cropping system to low -input sys-
In 1981, 3 lonktett'ii rotation
trials were set-up: (1) a- conven-
tional corn/soybean rotation. with
herbicides and N fertilizer as rec-
ommended by Penn State Univer-
sity. (2)4 low4nput livestock rota.
dog with small spins and hay in
addition to corn and soybeans with _
cattle manure Its the source of
gen 'fertiliza. (3) a lOw-inpi.4 ca,11%
grain system similar to the other
low -input system but using legumes
for fertility. No pesticides or *
cial fertilizer's* used in the .2
low -
input systems.
Since 1985, the Mill $raiti yields
in the low -input systems ItaveUen.,
equal •th those of the conventional
system although during the first" 4
.yearsof the experimeit*, corn grain
yields in the ' low -input systems
were only 71% of the convend
coat .gran yields. Soybean); yields
have been similar throughout the
Based on this long-term fanning
system trial, the researchers
made the following conclusions and
recommendations. "A favourable
transitiOn from input -intensive •
cropping to low -input. systems is. •
feasible, but only if crop rotations
- are used Which include crops that
demand less Notts* competitive
with weeds, such as snail- 'grain*
soybean, or legume hay. COM
should be avoided for the first 3-4
, r • +;+•1,4tti