HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-03-06, Page 40717 o .tubes "eat ds . by b. Rob' eLangblin: lntensv.a.�age ��p.' digest 4141)444$ ,mint Or8anic industrialmete. row wpaist,s hoe, faiwovere4 following aye "bud- famine amt fam project ,iavoly a oiv carbOli-based. Waste from industries near 8aca's Chemical ley. In field tests near Sunda and m` Guelph laboratories, a team leU by land resource scientist Paul Voroney ;s determined that methodical management can double the ` speed of . f waste break -down at land treatment si Although �a variety, of factors is -involy d in the breakdown of waste, this research suggests . that provincial. guidelines governing the. amount of oily waste that can be amtliatto4 treaunent site could be increas°:a5.A.. r cent, providing the site i pro; an ed_, Land fanning, ‘tIseS Ate, Jiving . microbes' found nl�y�m,o treat organic waste mutual_ in. • . cost-effective manner.. ,The soil PROD waste mics cone, the complex orwinig Wolin( r 1 industrial waste,convening a dark usable son satinto t .:l cam' dioxin. - TYpical land- ann sites are about Ow =ran . "Small t!tF4=s-coK4ir►1Ulra;ett. well monitored • and manages says Vironney, 9iYiC? '.w.•i usually c3i baa, . , iPs la= na 401 us y I la= refineries- and drained to prevent the hazard of leaking waste. After a site expires, the land can be used for other Poses such as a park or sports field. Industries, and land farming attractive because . it isn't .costly ($20 a ton) co aredawith chemical waste incineration ($100 to$200'• a ton) or mixing the waste with. cement and burying ait at a :landil site ($50 to $100 a . ton). But because of therelative newness- of this form of waste disproval, industries have not known howto best manage land �-tri' ant sites. 'ii+y '-,Y n --d histeats set out to h e that, Conv tiionaliy waste is limit! applied to. treatment $li a "soli 2 oe ooutQa`Qaec week trig the 20.week in ..e 9 n kD' C 34 tr°9 4 r'esep■}Qryhersf` ntet'treated ienedd{q�jbyawading . f1Kni. . !t. on the r ..��a•Sd site. .1p �q 3 9[fdf9q Ara. M ' . i:.� a► e k the b ea tuna: process by supplying ,the necessary nutrients for_ microbe gwtb mainly narogeu..and phospnoms, la dnno 'may .:amu .the teequewy of application y 60 per cent, ; . which allowed • hem •;m increase the,volume haus, them wasmore-time fur soil-manant techniques .. such as tilling, monitoring soil nutrient levels and adjusting moisture content between applieati . "'hese ,strata s. made the,site abletoto n , w�m,� waste break, more � , says'Vory: Thisleseareh is'trsponsored by the Institute for Chemical Science and Technology, `wl, • . s to enhance the, interna'�w' r +l c on�..petiiiveuess' of the Canadian chemical industry AUKp 4w ditty of grin (OIAF)oicelg' i still looking -fora new I�1 . e i.. Since the#df planswere started' fOlif yea* ago, `that. revelation is. '110011114: Ha*•kt . Wd i zu , A, WO* � W..... , i s o MA . ,.Coif out 4 Achange t l ntortoffice hs •�� 4 . �Xy 'at.�i .. e,. g w�yap� _ gy�,�i� :obsolete " ° _ stems hi l lois the f ices ab ty np whit . u*wog a laid Availa e 1 : NOM agriculture rept SeatatIV6 °• Bob Desi, ..banning � undva. siva. in. .i9$7; io it bon laid out ingreat, detil,� 0.104 =d+o`#vn to the furniture, said.Hutnphries... - "Promises have been' made• but nothing 'has followed "through. Its difficult to find out What's going to happen.". Sven represenmt vee Xrom . MPP' 411101 hp's office. C I' find oat uu informadnn,. ' •'4 • .' ° Call recentchll Pte' the ituned up uothiarg-aSsa r' taeMberatriato tick dowir infornietiou but came °S.... •;.a;.; .,r.}• :r{•: };y: .}\}Y.; •;.ya:.;.:•'vi0'r: :•:4:. :•o:: .:a•: 7Fn„+T :;:j::•'i'• . X'7 •'r::v: ..ati�::ti•:• :{tiv : �'•.C:7•r:• .:.• .v: :vW.; }:i}. }..... r r •.av::...a.•: •.} .:.... ::.•.1 :..... r.... . r$ :... ............. .. .a s............ ... ... ... . a ... ::%......... .........•.. •...... r �...•: :• wroe�.$;•1:i..i. a ::v.:!�r,? Jack INSURANCE BROKER LTD. Your Local Representative For G The pile' dh`as b� governnent bureaucracy, "i '+e Ser"! a is ,i a t es .R, : � that , after 'our accOnitn i s pay o-ut':�. behalf n =Oil he n�: s . M �. 's ' e t�' fl'iv4` any , �" X#1.""11V�1at_ going to 'happen Uctiose *e don't have a adgettota building" -J The s 11 office,,. has nod i s working conditions un le any Furca. saw Humphries.'- people- affected: by, 'the, xibaiity of the..faciiity are the ; ciie ts,:. ideal farmers, said Hiuinpbii _ sive semis, mostof .w !mat I. .; though `We i unt s v ms doesn't meet eetrthe needs: Sof just �. of the boards --we deal; with have 30+' .nembers- n_diSS's a tight 'fit t9 f� w Y ~ T- themt... Last' year the OMAF office hosted 228 meetings in its , board ronin. However,' 290. proposedmeet,gs,. „ tow be turned away saiid- u>mp pries. write ` ups, had to gocb�h easements or Wherever they could .find a spot to have, their meetings. It is really too ;'r%' said. In Lambton County, where a new office was Wit, 520 meetingiwerc staged in 1990. Lambton's facility has "a larges, meeting room which can be split into two and another room for executive meetings. "'Themis a cruel joke going around` that Lambton got an .iden- tical building ' to the one we were" supposed to have," said Humphries. Workshops Leaders of summer 4-H projects will participate in workshops in preparation for an active club year. Topics to be covered include: work- ing with junior members, innovative management ideas and project related discussions. d Dairy leaders will meet on March 20 at the Ontario° . 'try of Agri- culture and Food Board Room at 10:00 a.m. Leaders of all other summer 4-H • projects* except beef and dairy, will meet at the Ontario Ministry • of culture and Food Board Room on Madill at 6:30 p.m. • Register by calling the Ontario try of ;Agriculture. and Food. office 881-3301 or 1-800-265-3023 prior to the workshop to " ensure sufficient supplies and refreshments r are available. WEST E -Bins, & Tan Agricultut l Products • C:_ Floors & Fans le UTCHINSO JAD=VENT -Fier Auger r _ -Unloading Augers -Utility Augers \/n roil�ir�r� . V GI Il11alIV1.1 *FREE t EUV RY+ Inst llatl n & Assembly. Available b Specializing in: Farm, Home; Auto and Commercial Insurance: MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE MANY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE " 5 Colbome.Street, w, WALKE RTON 367-2816.(can ..caw) Days, Evenings, Weekends •';�i:•::;:::: }i:•'::.'•:;:•:• }:.y:•,'. :?:;:i•,'•:ti_:• }ti ti:i :.;:`;:; :;:i :;�f`;:;:.•:; :•:C;✓:C•:?'1�';:}; :•ri;' : •}•• .•moi::': :.'•J:?"r