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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-03-06, Page 16
a pacgp Lk iaiawa wakulao, e vgaai ..rrr *041010$4 NI*444441 Qa*Vp 4041411* VOA* .400401..:14 Snowbirds return too Congmudatices to Archie iid Birdie Nicholson; who celebrated their 55th wedding oniverlail oft March 2. Saturday moming„ on • CKNX Radio * song was played in their *wort which had been ire, guested by their &daughter, Me*, h rAWRattY' •alra *TA* coa-4 4iir residents that have returned home after spending some time in Florida. Orville and Onice Elliott spent three weeks enjoying the warm temperatures; BiU and Dorothy -Johnston spent, a month at Winter Haven; Gordoit and Bernice Johnstone were a . month at Lakebnd; Gordon and Shirley Brooks were about five weeks touring wound. Betty Anne Blphick Was the lour guide for a two-week bus trip. Those from this area enjoying the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Phillips, Jean Conley, Tem mmummiumminimmummunimm munkIlliorllift liars • nor iniummummmon. • Mall - Taylors Michael andDarins are fluilled to introduce their baby sister, Mien Doieen..Jileesa was WO on February 25, 1991 in the. Alexandra Marine and Geriekal Hospital, weighing in at 0 lbs. 5 oz, Happy t,arentS are Doreen and Jack Mali, if R. 3, Holyrood. Spoiling privileges are given to grandparents PmarPret- rind Lasvrence Taylor, of David Edward Coon David gdward Courvoisier• of INITUARIES"1". Ripley* ipassed away on February* UCKNOW 1991* in Owen Sonnd.'Venral Cr„ a b. by- Mildred Lore, • =AMA, ms nist Year9 MIT. 1 issiniumwomasimismoimirno Ne was born Qu. *pater IS, Louise of Al and a brother 1910 Pcrty (Mario the End of Povnty Da • y - = Oardnera Ruth Wlatiters,i)oris.-0114. Y* WO, Donald* motfataad tier Oskris. "-West sun ° Charlie and Mal, The funeral aervice W414 VA)n - - ent411/0110, - ifq0 •• s. (411art 6u. IviroCaIra-4,0a1t3:jfZ Ituataff Vika Otags Ire-Slfiellt _at WiacPherson Officiating; : ' awn IX414 Nitele 00 ',Havens upy 4Tio laro,144• • &macaw -10i bis father at 4'10 age of on February 12„, with Rev„ Glenn Pineerot Nosing Home, Oaring " I„ i©g h wcd sa-A4 'miniboom• room with Jean thighesa • Hutebin;r1 ofuipley.•Scott Itutchinsen, Steve TT... Markdale* calle4r °° relatives td14 l'Afe_St011o• of RiPlolt; thro0 $00- David lir,l'onsorna• - • Mewls around tor Sunda.,_ daughters, Lorna and Martin Phelan Flower' bearers were, Ron ,and It is ge°d I° bear l'144 4vii" Ind ef Ripley; Judy and Burton Hayes* Brad Hutchinson.. Mrs o Wes Ritche are'' able 40 uv 21, Kincardine and Marjorie and Spring interment' Dungannen, back in their own home, alter sPen- m oss: and a step- • Mr- and Mrs- Daft *Jae* ur Mr. Couniebleris survived 'oh* Kay Hayes, Pardo Van Sown #441 ding considerable time in Arington son, Fre4 Hut;hinson of thonilton, •- Da may motto Anna Deter is home mum° Win- He is also survived by 14, na may moo piiiest iet, ghpin and District Hospital* after grandchildren and eight gren.! Nursing Home, Lucknow and being a Patient there for almost one grandchildren; two -Sist0rs Ewa formerly of Toronto, passed away month. Nice to have you back Peirson of Stoney Creek and Nellie - at pieeerest, on Foolery,. 24% 'eel, the village Anna! ° King of Dungannon; a brother ini het 96th year. . Henry of Alberta, And. , several Mrs: Platten was iorii on lone.18, nieces and nephews. 189$, in Angus. Ontario, a daughter cativulaia wca. Pred, ecoaseA of the lite -Williaut liVoelseY and, Dadsons visit o. tWO sisters, one in =alley ann Margaret Tarbush. with families • over weekend by Kao Webster Dave and Liz Dadson of Ingersoll • visited on the weekend withtheir BeIgnive and Rose ani , km." Pal"•:1Aneler-olneyananddSChirlharlie4Y Dift- soft Praproit of St. Catharines. - Mayme Wilkins. Cecil and 1Cae Webster visited- • recently with Murray and Genie Jefferson - Gerald and Mary Men, and Larry Henderson and Murray!s • of R. 2, Auburn are delighted with mother, Mayme Henderson . of the birth of their daughter, Ellen imehttow. Samantha, on Febniary 26,1991; in Beau and Jay Riesling, sons of Wingham and poet Hospital. Max- ,and: Helen, have been sue - Ellen weighed in at „11 lbs. 8 (U., cessful in their different vent= and is a wee sister for Sophie. recently. Beau 0 • •part in a speech Proud grandparents are John Fmk iinntt held t 'the Kin sbrid e R. 2, AullOrn and Wee!' Jefferson, School recently and co* swigt. R. 1, 11grave. - • Wein* part at the Legion Branch - level lir Lucknow he received an honourable mention. His weal Leadunan-Pearson Rob Leach- man and Jana Pearson are pleased WayS 011 MY Cast. to announce the birth of their Jay ierph-- part in a bus- - daughter, SashiiRhiruMe Leacilinan, hetball throw in Clinton nee_ born on February 28;1991 in Win? This was sponsored by the Knights ghamter of Colturibus. Jay came ill tOrd for , ---• and District Hospi • his won, wpighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. . • Consmtulahons boys. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Piano Man Your Sainkk *set, Andrew Darien Rolatuf, 4400 Moo Technkian waikeg9n . (519i $814483, 41. • The Ripley WOMOK1 : Institute met -in the Legion Hall 'Tor their March Meeting.- A tasty .dessert Served* Fratte0 Ragan and Jean MacDonaldat the- beginnhig �f the meeting. • The •Pres t welcomed the Members andreada poem "Time?' .Zelda • Hedley 9 convenor 'of She was tho beloved wife of the late Charles Platten* formerly, of Toronto. • • • - Milt Platten is survived by 10, children* Its Wood* Odessa; Adele • Burge* Toronto; Charles.. Platten* , • Toronto; Oanny kriatten„ Oolta4;_ • Ione Fairhtlidi Barrie; Joy Neklon!,. • .• -•, . Pliittetw Riley:'and LotBridcs -' Lucknow,„,• .5140 also leaVeS to- Mount -her Passim ow frolic!, "ow oca,• sew, Pint, Michigan w. Proximately 40 grandchildren residing „In, Ontario, Prince Edward Island. and Austislia. • In don to her husband*.Mrs. Platten was =deceased bv three - children, Marvin Platten, trifiTaylOr' • and Frances.,Collin. • Visitation was at MacKenzie and McCreadiFuneral Home, Luck- • noW, now,.. -*heft *0 &real service was 09nOnctedon Febormy 24, *Or '- Rev, G. McFarlane °Me ,Maritinteormn McFarlanewas‘Vast Cemetery, Toronto. - • - I k • •"- r- , 1.1111101.0.11101. • • Rok . iigt;;777 7.7 oy MO " 111 • 0. y to all who had taken part in the gm • •,• the Hobson • * •• • -A$$$$A/ IAA $44,a1Y, • : •• , Apiculture, had the program. She 1 tl.:.tS C read an hem "Life on the Faun" 4 . written by a 16 year ol• d Wilma She explained the many chores ' • ' and duties the -teenager (Ides on Residents of Lucknow artamong bundle news* fan% Zak also read a prayer on tlioke•itrAtnte tv1{,t•- 40tdes. an 4`liehrs frt• farmer." • - .Port:„ tr;:; e.,:ettris iit: •• 'contest -on tolOrs was _enjoyed 7 :ary.pton, trOn":1r4- by -die- Members and Anne Scott's have cowl -t0 making and caps remo d Trish jokes sure added •hiunour to , in a,. -01! t‘ticcess. the .rneetios. A number of other .food and. ()vent driver$ tialte s wn readings were read. - The , *Ott' over •.4)09 blue collectors and le higher levels xes over •past:: year,. *as answered by 11 41111oio1101fOod riam ege e tons • of contamination. • of :the Dis'trie:t directors *tang rtirtrisd' ilasglasti:b9ttlegtootitinalegsid b • ur7ea.tri.(sur! piekobil;e•Plx)dalt- YissiaidtheA report is* meeting held on Arhitechureh- was halle -teen dlierted from' undo clearly visible to the driver • *PI -0Y Sadie The '004.010:...thelittico Area Recycling -do allow Yourb4.10 become nonunatnig readthe slate: .Aasectatio:0 .0(1. Otippe# tO, ca*7 elliit-id_211;'," • • Italica ter retnarlutacUmng. ; -onlyrePete when -your box full If you te4hir6 additional *for, .• be. 1!.. an -newspapers- ana big6mi only,. lirtice'AreaRricyell4 at 7974557. , • • is It was dicoofficjai tieduvrtf;era wou• ld Residents hospital tea m June. Reside": arteoweremitlinir to, follow the mon about *Mutt call the model*. article written Y Lillian Leggett on. et* PR°Duci OF U.S A. Broccoli DIETRICH 100% Irltele Wheat liread P.64wy. wan o oz. Pieces &Stems MllifirtfrontS • • a • .• TOWNSHIP. OF ASHFIELD • esidential ier:i. IniStock PROOlJa OF USA. e4ry Sta o scHtstelptits 500 ini Sizzler SaisAges sraxav oult,$) 14 OZ. easor eitata Corn 0. • Interinilnstallmenf Due on or before PRODUCT Of MARIO 3 Ib. Bev a Red Apples • SC014E10E16 450 g Wieiters BEE MAID $100.0 ' Cream. or • Hone MARCH -15i 1991 Taxes they be ad in perSOn at the. Municipat Office' 'located on HutOn Courtly Road #20, Lot 5, Cone. 9 Ashfield Township or 'malt to Towship of Ashfield, R.R0..#71, Lucknow, NOG LindaAndrew AlittotAt ClerkaTressurer • Township of,Ashflekt vvestoil 12is scHNeoERs 900g rown & Serve :Rolls Ilueltet of Chicken• ROYALE WHITE Vs Bathroom Tissue • 'WESTON 6't *terttortotqato • ot1,101011365 nti Frozen Orange ini:ee 170 *ulna snis. 5294551, moo 5294967 EliVehl fitettAL ohs Sidle* 11.12 duo VOORTMAN' 2009 Trirtdm • Cookie Spcivi1 • • • • .5.: • • • ...V. • ' • • ••••• •