The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-02-20, Page 8PaKO 8 LitelinOW Sentinel, Wednesd" FelottarY 20. 1901.
Unconditional grants
to municipalities up 5
per cent from 1990 -
Quado,429,,,Valci fpalidestArtll=eive dial tVgiats over the past couple
five per cent more 'front the of years.' said Mwiiipd Affairs
1-ZAtociltilc.3 Patrmilemi:M1C4r P„ ,,,ZOlta,01-03mCaAeli,".cu5 cacig.
grants fading than la IWO, aceore that the provincial goverouThent
ding to information gently able to provide an acroSs-the-board
released from the Ministry of
Municipal Allaks,
A total of $948. million, or about Mr. Cooke said that both the
$240 per househeldwill be paid Associate', of Municipalities of
utid the Unt7orklitional mit• Ontario and the Advisory
PrOrani. Uurdcipalities may al- Committee ott the Provincial
locate the grants according to their Municipal Finaneing ',Relationship
own priorities. The Min' istry will supported the decision to provide
provide a farther $16.6million in willow incre-ases. Mr. Cooke said
smial ASS1011C-eprhu.r1iy to ass ist *me municipal iiivesoitarives
those municipalities that were prefer the uniform increase over the
restructured as of Jewry 10 1991. formulae followed in invious
Payments made under the
program are in addition to grants
from other provincial roinistlies for
specific services such a roads,
transit, water and sewage treatment
and socialserviees,
Many municipalities have
received no increases in uncon-
inerease that is slightly more than
the rate of intiatioa."
He said the province and
municipalities,agree on the need for
a fundamental reevaluation of the
roles and responsibilitie.s of each
level of goverment. In the future,
this review may result in changes to
grant programs.
amilies return from Kentueky trip
intended for Last week aiimeasiiimmimmouti another Pnrn1 Grove card ,per
- Conglandations go to Missc Ethel pURPLE GROVE
Also eetebodag dde week was somai,rmossemimons..., Wednesday evening in Undelw
Irene Boye„ whop Vt-erzby, ve9 z Wioni.9.01 t7ibg arMIgt.ZttiKaitaregaila
13; Institute li ratetini was held at Diane
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrell and Mr. Pall Farrell's. Quest speaker was Brenda. Cheryl, and Brian Bridge
d Mrs 1VI 1 1 of
Tse from a weeks holidays in of the Trees". Talisman ,Mouutain Re.sert
Grawiey who celebrated her 93rd
PPPO aramal LearierS Supper Iteld
bktliday On Saturday TK .16. -
an e d have just Mr. Ken Goldspink froth the Men enjoyed a couple days simile. at
Kentucky where they Mr. and NM Awl Armstrong Kimber1y.
took in Nashville and the Farm entertained Dale and Pail , Attending Mr. and Ws. Aural
Show. - Armstrong mid boys for Sunday Armstrongs - dhuier Party on
Mr. and MrslabkFauell.ohad dinner. Sunday were. Mr. and Mrs. Francis
their daughter Janice Milier and Congratulations goes to Mr. and Boyle, Wir, and Mrs. Sandy
granddaughters Rachel, Colleen, Mrs. Henry Pope On thoh.. 30th MacCharles, Edna Fowler and Rita
Louise and Fon Thordale. wedding anniversary. Jrwin.'
Oabrielle, and Spencernc Wekkend visitors with Ih, and Tnere was an excellent attendance
entertained Tobi \. and Jennifer mrs. Ken Bridge were Brenda's Friday evening at the Purple Grove
Farrell on Friday. brothers Chris ,und Jon Pope. 'Both Euchre PAY. High points men's
Saturday supper company of Mr. Chris and Jon are in the Navy wont to Glen Haldenby, -High points
and Mrs. Francis Boyle were Mr. stationed at Cornwall. Their visit ladies; Kay Collins; Highlone hand
and Mrs, Harvey Cooper of home was a surprise to coincide was won -by Wes Smith. Marion
Holyiud. were their mom and dads 30th Gamble won the door prize, a
Happy Belated 1 lth birthday wedding anniversary. They all Valentine cake made by Shirley
Andrea Moulton, ChriSthut Rack travelled to Port Elgin Saturday Mac -Donald, Thanks to evfxyone
Karen Kuracyck, Rachel Forester, night 0-3 mews restaurant to who helped make the inlit a
Deanne Larsen attended Andrea's celebrate. Also attending this SUCCeSS.
' tiacthcollerinoschwanelconiKens and jaredDebb.ofie BoyleBixthdawYhogreednis gsceiegbratine to gireonne
port Elgin. , , ,. Tuesday.
._ _Mr. and Mrs, McCosh's'visitors Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
• this week were Mary Anne Kukoly, Farrell this weekend were SusanKathy Goodhue.-- Tammy and Tobi and Peter Roberts and boys of
Farrell and Dick MeCesh, • Denfield. • - .
Mr.- and Mrs.. mccosh also Carmen 'and Jamie Farrell spent
enterftined,virs. Mari Thomipon of the weekend with grandma and
- Ripley for-Junch then the grandpa. They all enjoyed the
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Winter Fun Day in Ripley on
Jim Brooks were Mr. and Mrs. Saturday. :
Audrey MacDonald, Mrs. Marion Glen Farrell will be spending this
Gamble and Ross Willets. week with his cousin Rachel Miller
Men for Mission held their of Thorndale.
Valentine supper at Chabner's Wilfred and Diane Gamble of .
Community Church on Thursday. Fergus enjoyed Sunday supper with
Many from Pimple Grove attended. Mrs• Wien Gamble orRiPleY.
inBianettymMdaincLeoe jthspejemint ascofewn. days mycisiotishag.rhutswithdayAnd:el. scalod iDowasn ,
home of Anne McCosh last London also visited last week.
The Grove Bible Study was at the Cathy Goodhue. Paul Scott of
Tuesday. This-we-ek it Will be held Katherine Collie visited Sunday
at Mrs., Holes Van -der stak:,. .„, . with Mt. andMrs, liar* Neallatil ...g,
Bruce Williams.had a Valentine 0Huneardine•
contest On his T.V. show 1 o'clock marina - McAuley, spent the
live, CKNIe. . Be asked viewers to weekend visiting with -Miss- Tobi
write in about the most romantic, Farrell -
thing that ever happened to them.
CoThmme ire lewillGmhavv%Fttit Raising
Mrs. Marge Middlekamp.wrote in Auction on Saturday,*Mar. 2 The
how before ilty were married -Ab evening will commence- ate 1 um.
flleoftwherser ilnovlheplesttersteerining awbhaeeuiqouefthoeff
with a pot luck Supper, followed by
Tenants -L. ncliords
e want your views on
Rent Control
You 'can help the OntarioGovernment develop a 'new
rent control law by letting ui know Your views.
Because both tenants and landlords want to settle ihe rent control
issue without delay, we want have a rent control law in place
within a year. °
To help us do that, we will meet with tenant and landlord
associations, municipalities and other interested groups across
the province. -
But most important, 'we want to hear from you.
Here's how you can make your views known:
1 A newsletter summary of the main rent control issues will
be delivered to most apartinents during the next few days.
It gives you a way to get back to the government with your
views. If you don't get one, just tell us.
2 You can obtain the full discussion piper on rent control.
Free. We welcome your written comments and suggestions.
3 You canattend public meetings which will be held in
Barrie, Etob*icoke, London, 'Ottawa, Toronto, Sudbury and,
Windsor throughout March. If you wish to speak, please
call the number below. ( This opportunity will obviously be
'Milted by space and time.)
Also vehen the proposed rent control law is introduced, you
ma)iippear before a legislative cdmmittee to make your views
We would like to hear from you by April 5, please.
Contact us for inforrnation or materials'
• 'by phiming 01114ree:
Housing •
the auction at 8:30 p.m.
car while she worked as a telephone
operator. marge received third Within the next two weeks Purple
Grove residents will be contacted to
prize. For this she will receive a
volunteer their "talent."
bouquet of flowers once a month
The list of "talents" available for
for a rar and a special day of
bidding will be at the next
pamPering bandon. scheduled P. G. card party on Feb. r
Conioatulations to Mr. and Mrs For
M. 22. more information contact
Albert MiddlekamP for being the Heather Finnie at 395-5918.
most romantic cool& to write in Have a good week folks, and dig
from our area.
out your "vvoolies" for winter is
Weather Pellpitting• there win be back in full force.
itgchurch WI. learns more
about Crime Stoppers -
The February meeting of the
. mammommunommaimmum
Whitechurch Women's Insheld on the 13th in the home of HURCH NEWS
dtute was *
Catherine Wilson, in Wingham.
1140:Wilson was the convenor of -
the meeting which was on citizen-
ship and legislation.
The president Marjorie Wall
opened the meeting with a Valen-
tine poein, followed by .the Mary
Stewart. Collect and Lord"s prayer.
Mrs. Wilson introduced the guest
speaker for the meeting, Wayne
Moulton from Godetich OPP, who
has° been with Crime Stoppers for
two and one half years. He has
aproprovincial police officer fir
He gave a very interesting talk on
his wok with Crime Stoppers, In
the last three years there has been
$67,000 in property recoVered. Ile
was thanked by Cathy Lubbers and
presented with an envelve which
he' turned over to Crime Stoppers
for their work.
kill Tiffin read the minutes from
the last meeting, Februaty 26 is the The March meeting will be held
DiStrict Directors' meeting to be at Brenda Day's home with Mae
hem in the, united Church Johnson ° Evelyn Gibb and Jean
bascule -4o' at IMO with &nett Tiffin° on the hinch C-0111Mitte-e.
prior to the meeting. Evelyn Gibb,
Jean Ross, Brenda Day and Cathy
Lubbers will 1pok after the dessert
A letter -from Barbara Klages was
read pertaining to future short cour-
ses that could be available at a later
Cathy Lubbers gave the
treasurer's report.
The rollcall, a serious world
problem, brought many different
• thoughts,
Catherine Wilson gave a reading
on Valentine's and followed with a
poem. She then conducted a contest
on Canada, which showed Many of
us how much we have forgot about
our country. Helen Lewis was the