HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-02-13, Page 18Pige is L'iteknOw
elp Wednatitiyo FebtinitY Mt
aesar children 4o well
arate and° skiing
We would Or. Mel ,Corriu
andall theiabiounwe at Winghaht end
District pitai for all *air hp r arid
care during, ow stay. A opial thank
you for ail the PardeAlfts, and trowel*.
and an, 0.041 aPadai thank you
aire* tiOP $tiO
has Ow us Om* returning; home.
Jackie, Murray and
48, Cornin9 Events
Oration for sprini) fitness sessions now
avaiabL - Classes; Stretch & tone,
activation time: $7,30 pjn anci 7:116
respectively Evenings: twice weal*, •
Mon. & Thurs. Dates: March 10.May 0,
1991. Fee: 14 classes for $35.00, Place:
Lucknow Recreation Corople$, COMM
Dianne Phillips 529-3252. Special note;
Pre -registration wili only be hold until
Feb. 28. Class sizes are limited, don't
be disappointed - Pre-registerl, -7,8.
- A spec.lal meeting for all present
members and potential members will be
held on Tues., Feb. 19 at 8 p.rn. at
Mayfair Restaurant. •Please plan to
attend and bring your Ideas and con-
cerns. -7-7ar
and join us in making some, great
Easter crafts on Wednesday, February
27, at Lucknow United Church, from
9:46 to 11 a.m. Please pre -register.
before February 22 with. Laura Lee
Cayley 528 -3721 -or Hilda Vanderklippe
357-1598. Cott is $5. ChM ore prn-
vided. -7,8
ARE YOU INTERESTED .in Joining a 4-
H dairy calf club or 4-H horse club? The
Lucknow Agricultural Society has
leaders for these clubs and will sponsor
them. Please call soon 528-2576. -7ar.
Bruce County Wheat Producer's annual
meeting Thursday, Februanj 14, Ripley
Legion Hall, 12 noon. Lunch' provided.
Meeting at 1:00 p.m. Speaker on the
new. GRIP program. -7
c otoftu,:rE RF EST, 94NADA'S „
LARGEST Computer Show .& Sate„ Feb.
22-24, CNE TorontO, 75 exhibitors.
seminars, demonstrations,- incredible
savings on all computer hen:Imre, soft-
ware/accessories. Friday 12-9 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday 10-6 p.m. -44
Nostalgia end A.nticitse Show and Sala.
Canada Wilding, Western Fairgrounds,
London', March 16th, 12-9, p.m. March •
17th 11-6 p.m. Admission $3.25. Olga
Traher (519) 679-1810 -7bc
8 p.m. The Armories, Wingham. D.J.,
The Dungannon Agricultural
Society held its monthly euchre tolioAtintioN
totwonertori SatardaY* FelognitY
• at the Aroultural Thirq- by Sandra, Incost ,
took part in tbe tnintlainenit, gra
place* at e endo the
mtqohrsp4 T.tr53
wasS two.way Weald place
between the team of Charlie
Johnston and Ila Pollock and the
team of Rene and Agnes Delbergue.
The low prize for the -afternoon
went to the -team of Sylvia Johnston
and Ruth OW., The whiner of the
special contest was Marion Taylor.
•The next general business meeting
of the society will be held on Tues
day, February 26 at die Agricultural
Hall. Plans are well under way for
the annual Fair and Family Fun
Days to. be held in August. If you
have some new and interesting
ideas to help -make this event a
success, please bring them along to
die meeting. The meeting is slated
to start at 8:30 p.m.
tables o enthusiastic card !layers Homplimisiogiossommo
Wedding waiver -sag wishes a
senVatit toCary and Janet Caesar
50'? L4Yn74,ia caS-4°
versary which they will be celebrat-
ing on February IC May health and
happiness .10001eY with you down
through the years..-
., Jason Caesar! $011 Of Janet and
Ow -Caesar of RR 1, Dungannon
participated in a Karate Tournament
held in Elora reeently. He is- a
member irtf the Ripley Karate Club.
He placed third in hiscategory and
waived a trophy for Ns efforts;
Jason has achieved his orange belt
level, having been a student of
Karate for two and one-half years,
Congtutulations, Jason. We're very
Pri)Ouudof t 4,Yen"t.ski, weekend with die
Pathfinders of Lucknow, Lisa
Caesar, daughter of Janet and Gary
esar„ raced third in. a two
kilometer cross-country ski race and
earned herself a m01411104 for this
acconiplislunent. Congratulations to
you also, Lisa. It's nice 'to hear that
. our young people are doing so welt
in their various activides.
The regular 'service of worship
to& pikce 10
at Dungannon UnitaChureh, under
the direction of Reverend Orilia
Bogart with Jean Elliott at the
organ. The theme of the service
was. the sharing of Ood's light and
His love. Being called as disciples,
we are now challenged to help'
spread the word of God's love to
all who will listen. The Sunday
-,School children observed Trans-
figuration Sunday and were
reminded- that God's love is for
• The Dungannon United Church,
Sunday School would, lite to extend
to the Seniors Club of Dungannon
a big thank you for the donation of
12 small chairs to be used in the
Junior Depanment. These will
certainly be good use.
Nile and Unity UCW groups will
bil.inForeetiZegmor245° detni4T"ajolhFee!rual)van:
ous times and places, please contact
.the leaders of diesevoilps.
The Lenten Bible Study will
begin 04- MandaY) February 25 at
1:30 p.m. at the Manse. •
Donneybrook IJCW will meet on
February 13 and Dungannon 1)CW,
will meet on February 19. Please
The weekly euchre party was held
at the Seniors Hall on Wednesday,
February 6 with 11 tables in aefion.
Lois Cunningham and Maxine
Pollock, with a tied score o; 74
points, shared the high lady's posi-
tion for the evening. The low lady
position was Mona Norris. High
gentleman for the evening was
Raymond Haggitt with a score of
73 points. There was yet another tie
for the low white , card position
between Grace Finnigan and Bill
On 'Wednesday, February 13, a
potluck supper is scheduled to start
at 6:30 p.m. with the regular -card
party to follow.
Myrtle Spivak, of Dungannon, is
currently a patient m Stratford
General Hospital. She has suffered
a broken knee as the result of a
traffic accident. She hopes to be
rebutted fo° Wingliam Hospital in
the near future. We all wish you a
speedy recovery, Myrtle.
Ailee,TFinnmer, along with her
sister Wane Cade of St. Marys,
journeyed to the People Care
Centre, in Stratford, on Sunday, to
Celebrate the birthday of their sister
Lthian Odbert, who is a resident
there. They enjoyed a delicious
lunch at the Centre, and the Social
time which followed.
• 48. -Coming Events
lunch smoking parlour, smoke-free hall. DABBER BINGO
Catherine 367-2394, Jim 395-5512, Bob Lucknow and District Lions Club,- Dab -
357 -3550. -5x-7x ber Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow
Community Centre. Doom open 6:15
p.m. Bingo at 715 p.m. Air conditioned,
• wheelchair accessible. Potential prize
board over $3.000. $1,000 10001 on
54 calls or 16864500 must gol -tfnar
• at -
Wednesday February 13,1991
Wingham Legion
1$300. Jackpot must go.
New winner take all
Regular games $20 - $30.
STARTS 7:30 gm.
(Bring your own sandwich)
COO PM every Wedne0ay
during Lent
(February 13-M4ich 2/) •
Jesus Then and Now"
Everyone Weicor!!0 "
every Tuesday at 730 p.m. Blyth and
District Community Centre, $300 Jack-
pot must go. Over $1000 in prizes.
Goderich Knights - of Columbus,
Thursdays 1:30 p.m. Saltford Valley
Hall, $3200 In prizes. $1000 jackpot
must go. -6tfar
contact your leaders for further
World Day of Prayer is being
observed this year on Friday,. Mardi
1 at 1:30 p.m.at Nile United
Church. The guests speaker will be
Reverend Orilla Bogart:. Everyone
is wekome. The theme will be On
the Journey Together.
If you have any news for this
column, please contact Sandra at
GST Question/Answer
Q. Is PPM' PoPcuru taxable?
A. Yes. Popped popcorn, regardless
of quantity in which is. bought, is
Cid Academic and general bounsellihgwill be offered in this area on:
' GoderiChrilstrictrollciitite totituto„ Room 30,4:30-6 p.m.
r AP% Central Huron Secondary Scheel, Ree 123, Clinton, 7-8 p.m.
LIUSnow dates for both locations: March lit
Phone4n Counselling: Wednesday„ March 6 & 20, 54 p.m..
Call collect to (19)661401 the hourionly. °
Further information:, ILIWO Counselling Offkc (519) 661-3635.
tt. Vo.t. tr vase, a 4....aareoa....*
• 'a '
," •
Miryou riqw petritotmeo i� The Skater's *ai4 from *6 10604 during
the Luclarfar and District Figure Skating -Club's 4Centkir7 of
evening, heMJast Saturday evening. PatLivingston photo)
DaUtr•Pari4 a member of the Lucknow and District Figure Skating •
Club perforMed a Soli number during the clubs "Century of Music":,
• evening last Saturday ,eir•eirting. DP.s2 flat* to Spaft Odyssey 2001L '
(Pat Livingston photo) •
Ali is (*et Lochalsh
There really seems to be liUle
doing in the vicinity this last few
weeks but - shall. see what happens
this week. •
Recently Kae and Cecil Webster
were in Clinton and visited with
their cousins, Jack and Marion
Smith, just prier to their 50th wed-
ding anniversary. •
They are, both enjoying pretty
good health. They were blessed
with 10 children, Six boys, Bill,
Bobo Doug*, Lloyd, Nathan, and
Gordon whepassed away at the/go .
of 19 years in 1969, md four girls,
Subaru, Elaine, Helen and May.
Ther have 23 grandchildren and 7
great grandchildren.
On Sunday February 3 there was
a 90th birthday party at the Luck -
now Nursing Rome for Stella Irwin.
Mrs. Irwin had 70 callers which
included many of her family
grandchildren neighbours and old
Kae and Cecil Webster were
recent visitors with Clarence and
Elle& kWh), and also with their
aunt, Norma Young in Godetich.
The Community will be "sorry to
learn that Marj MacLean is now a.
patient in the Kincardine Hospital
where she underwent surgery.
Everyone, wishes you a very speedy
recovery Mad.
• Cecil Webster recently spent a
week in Richfield, Ohio with his
sister, brother-in-law and niece,
Jean, Adee and Tricia Wise.
Barry and Betty Jones had their
grandma, Tristan Bullard of
Guelph, with them for a couple of,
weeks while his mother mid father
were on holidays.
Visiting with Gordon yid Nara
Robb on Saturday were Edwin and,
Janice McClutcheon of Lions Head
and on Sunday,Wilhiam and Shirley
Irvin and family of Ashfield
• township visited with them for
Louise Miller of Palmerston came
up on Wednesday to visit with her
mother, Rhona MacLennan,
patient in the Kincardine Hospital
and also her sister Marion MacLen.