HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-02-13, Page 17• Vocation Properties VAcATION• "DELIGHT - Prince Edward Islet* 18 two* inclu4ng cleared lawk week Ireshstreasti and pond'. hlwit 1428 sq. ft,. main floor rancher, full walk out baaement, 3bedrooms, 1 1/2 balk • open conceptidtcheri, living and dining are* Asking only 41$4900,' Call Sherry at 6246070 for mOre details. -3680 - DANAL cliut9E% IA* ,f124Q, LAP0210,- „..TSAINART021,:'NOV,Atiani Trent.Sevent 1Natetway or Rideau Canal;•privaki state-roomk mots free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, ii90 7H7. --2bc WI 1 17. Apartments For Rent I 2 BEDROOM walkout apartment, ortvi- ronment suitable for retired person, Cresthaven Apartmertts. Phone_ 848- 221 after 6 p.m. -7tf 25. Wonted To Buy APPROXIMATELY 30 chunks or weaners. Phone Bruce Willits at 528- - 21o3 or 5284742 after 6 p.m. --7ar • PAYING CASH FOR JUNK!! Addison radios up to $400. Advertising items up to $1500. Coca -cola Items up to $1200. toys up to $1000. Ron ((416) 891-9,805. . -6bo . • I -rib. Help Wanted GIRL GUIDE CAMP KEEWAYDIN near Goderich requires the followingsummer Mat Camp Direetor, Camp Nerct.1/4 Quartermaster, Waterfront Director, Waterfront and Camp Assistants. For inforMation and application forms,, please Write to Box 236, Walkerton,' Ontario, NOG 2V0. --7,8 • EXPERIENCE FARM LIFE down Under.. Contact the International Agricultural Exchange Association at 1501-17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2 to find out _ how. -7b0 DECK HANDS. servers required; East- ern Ontario canal „cruise ship, live aboard, shared female accommodation. fWe month May to October. Ontado Waterway. Cruises, Box 1540 Reterborough...K9J 7H7. 1 , • WIGAMOGANN, located in Haliburton Highlands, is looking for Frcint Desk and Dining Room Personnel. Experience an asset.. Phone (705) 457-2000. -7bo YOU'RE INVITED to change_ your Wel 16 year-old multi-million dollar Canadian firm seeks 2 representatives in your area, immediately. Potential WO+ weekly. commission. (416) 758-2156. (416) 756-3174. --7bc lure Pale Education Openiat Up the World The Huron County Board of Education requires a FRENCH TEACHER. This is an occasional position commencing immediately and ending June 14th, 1991 at Madill Secondary, School, Wingham. Preference will be given to appli- cants qualified to teach 'French. Consideration may also be given to individuals who are not quali- fied but who can speak French. Interested applicants should call the Principal to discuss the, posi- tion' and then submit a letter of application And resume to the undersigned. Applications will be received until the positioniS filled. Herb Murphy,' Principal, F.E. MatilliSeriondary School, MI box 120; WINGHAM, Ontario. NOG 2W0 Jean Van den fireecK Chair R.O. Allan pirecter 26‘,. tieip Wontd, WANTU Homestead Group Home is wanting kt ccvitrecl Pmfeestonal Parents that have sielle b *Wing With troubled cAlkkett arid youtb. You would -be pert of a therapeutic *ark,. be paid accord- ingly„. and beim IS Child Care Worker supporting you and the chadolesoarit placed in,your home. For further infor-.. ,Wease Cen1a uiy auddra- •Ff1.7.FfV13 It! 111--"1-41. t (619 ), FOUR SEASONS HOG FARM has opening, for set -inetivateti person to work on hog farm. Phone 520-7704 daytime; 5204320 evenings. 121 Service Directory ILL WE1MA Aluminum and Vinyl prod- ucts Selastexisenrioe. Wincicoes, doors, eavestrotiohing, Phomi357.-3442. 64 • GRADE 14 ,.-Ttrt)ENT ,FR. *4t available as a tetor for all academic subjects, including Freticti..Refeterices. available. for furtiter detail* Phone .$24 WILL SHOOtt;rotifir, Wailiweya end driveway*. Commercial or tesidentiat Seniors Ciiscount, -Caii anytime 5* SMALL EQUIPMENT FIENTALf; liwrt end Oftr,dert. concrete, automotivee inovlg,-Falelittfab clquning„ sanders, powermuc vr Doupe4Equtp- ment Ltcl.. 3 miles East ot Kincardine on NO. 9 highWay; 395-2680; -42tfar 27„ Wanted Gertera1 WANTED; Used riding and push mowers for used parts, Please call 524-4660 daytime, or 524-4766 evenings. -20tfnxe 28, Business Opportunity EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement -or garage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed l Free information. Early Bird Ecology, RRel Smithviiie, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252. -7bc •••=1,s,, 6O% COMMISSION ... ADVERTISING SPECIALITIES. Premiums and Moen- tive. earsiness Gifts. ,Avallehlo in Your community. EP:relent for additional •income. Write; Premiums Sourte- Corp. 4120 Yonge St. Ste600, Willowdakr, M2P 200,,-.7bc 29, Tenders COUNTY OF HURON HIGHWAYS DEPAIMENT SEALED TENDERS 'and QUO- TATIONS for the following will be accepted until 12 noon opt litsday, Mira' 12, 1991. Portia, and envelopes are available from the Office of the. undersigned. The lowest or any Under not necessari- ly accepted. TENDER IIC-91-102 ONE - 55,000 OW TANDEM -CAB AND CHASSIS QUOTATION TWO - ROTARY MOWERS, • DISC TYPE - Denis B. Merrali, R Eng. Huron County Engineer Court House • Goderich, Ont. N7A 1M2 31. Service Directory ,PHIL'S REFRIGERATION &Appliances Service. Dependable repairs to alt makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1-8874082. -42tfar REFRIGERATION AND Appliances Senrice - rebuilt appliances;, Cash for • your Used appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 5282946. -4tfar CUSTOM SEWING and 'alterationti, reasonable rates. Call Ruth Ritchie at 526-3141- or drop In at 471 Wets* Street Lucknow. --48g SEE US FOR YOUR STARTER, alter- nator, generator and regulator needs. Albrecht Auto Etectric, eorgi, Of Whitechurch. Phone 357-3405. -161fnar KEN SELKIRK . GENERALIIIOOKKOPINO and farm Small gellnetS - LOCItOOIN 5294037 N0av OoMotrodlon •Thinovations *Dicks Windoirs ikumieninatim Work Ind DoOrs . *Firm BAN* oftoofing Licensed carpenter • 13 years " 4 after $ p.two AIL 6 Goderich 824'4561- 1 Wallpaper and Painting Service Joy Jurist's 528-38 Lucknow Sentinel* Wednesday* February13* t*St Paige 11 1 6. Announcements APPLICATiONS or grazing steers, at the Bruce Community Pasture twill- , for the 1001 season are now available at OMAF * Walkerton, Ontario. Call 481- 3301 Or 1800165-1033. Deadline,: M 1619t7 36 Armouncernents UNCLAIMED PHOTOS. Doyou heft an enclaimed photo et the Sentinel, We IN* you'd Iwo to have them beck, but we can't keep them indefinitely. Please , drop in to our office and,reciaint your photo soon. ,-.32thot • DO YOU ovE A PROBLEM VViTIi- THE FOLLOWING? mots or Alcohol unresolved Childhood lisues Living with someone who is a problem drinker. HELP IS AVAILABLE IIREAK•111iRU SERVICES 832-2173 rs;Itrigti • IiptalotTION, /01.91(EGIRRATION • '97 $0 Merided Braptaw 0,49 Nt)° 1 8 .1" asBum who it Everir person and resident of, the Township owner of a dog shalt" within ,thirty a% days following the date war atlag cOnleS IMO his or her possession t or where applicable* uP011 the dog retichlog the Asoof tige4 months regi$fer IN dog with Corporation of thelThwnship" of Huron* its authorized agent and thereafter annually on or before the iSth day of February in eact and every year pay to the Corporation of the Township ofHuron or authorixed agent, a licence fee calculatetin accordance with the attached Schedule; ANIMAL LICENCE FEE • Owner of a kennel for purebred dogs duly registered- in the'registty or die Clinadianl(ametCluli luta holding scurrent Kennel ••••• Licence 11 P $25 09 (a) Firstlylale Dog o „. ** 000 0.11, 0000000 4.0 9041 0490 li(k) First Femele Dog ' , 9 9 Or o too o r 42540, (c) First Spayed Runde Dog ..„. 0000 .... .. ........ ,$10.00 (d) First Neutered Male Dog$10.00 (e) • My person having nor* than orte.(L) dog, shall „ • pay $20.00 for, each additional Male. WOW &mile • and neuteredmale dog and $50.00 for each additional . female dog. ' . . . .. . . KeplaCement fee for a Lost Licence Tag.....,.:.„. . , ........ $ 50' , mARTRoss wAwai, Clerk -Treasurer • , . ''.11oXI490 ' • ' Ripley, On. ' . 11.0021t0 35. Notice To CreditOrs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AND OTHERS- All claims against the eatate.. • of EDGAR CARR late of the, Tr:Warship of West.WaWanoilh;, in.•the • -COM* of Huron,- deceased; Who died Om Or aboin the. 13th day of November, 1990, must be filed with the Undersigned on or .before march 6, 1991;thereafter. the Executors or the 'estate Wili distribtith the assets of the estate having ',regard Only to the claims of whieh, the under- eigned4hen-haanetioe. Dated February clo GEORGE J.:IIROPHY;-parriater Box 61 0.LUCKNOW, Ontario " NOG.2H0. 1 34. Personal • CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE Are you pregnant? Need help? Call our 24' hour hotline collect 323.3751 or drop in at 178 Main St., Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, Counselling and support, Childbirth coaches. clothing. •PREGNANT? Happy • caring , couple wishes to adopt and provide very best care kr your unborn child. Secure. loving home, full-time mom. Cali Pat collect (416) 4624024. --6bo JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, friends and families - find out facts the SOOlety doesn't went you to know.lbtally confi- dential. J.W. Faotb. Box 73 &Wiwi'. B.C. VOCI 100. -7bc HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA pan help. Phone Goderich 5244001 or Walkerton 8614635. -40tf 35. Notice To Creditors NO110ETO' CREDITORS AND MEM; - AN claims, agains the estate , of GERALD NELSON .PRIESTAP lateof the Townthipof West Witwanosh,In the County of Huron, deceased; who sled on or espouse 3001day ofteptember„ 1990, must be filed with the under. glutted on or before Match 6'; 1001; therafter the Executrix of the estate will distribute the assets of the' estate hav- ing regard only, to the claims of which the. undersigned then has notice. bated February 1091. Marg Lou Priestas, Executrix, do GE ROE J. BROPHY. Barrister & Sot icitor. not 610, LUCKNOW, Ontario HOG 010. 4,708 • . , -- • • • • 4L1 ••• 0411.3.••• AI, •O• ,/,•• k •...• 1•••••• t, • CI •, • 38. Auction Sale • . AUCTION -REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE . Davidson Centre Friday, lOarch 15 IF YOU HAVE.SOME'THING TO sEu. ow US A CALL # Grant. McDonald 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh 392-6170 AUCTIOlk!EEFIS .op.,,•••••••••••••01111111. 1 39. Educational 49, FREE CAREER guide to home -study correspondence Diploma courses: Ac- counting. Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, fiusiness. Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Torordo, 1-800-950-1972. -2bc 'TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for reviardlno careers in trucking. 'Class A -Z end D -Z. licences. Days and weekend cOUraes. Job placement assistEinee. Markel Tampon Training. Guelph. 1- 800-265-7173. -2bc 44. Engagements • SMYTH-WOODHAMg George Smyth of Dungannon and Bar- bara Woodhall of 'Kincardine are pleased to annotmeetheir engagement. Their wedding is to take place May 26, 1991 in Kincardine. flecoption in LtittknOW. --7. `. • aflks JO I r Cot.t.ifitSoN , . 1I likey woud to thanka m ends, neighbour, and relatives for the gifts, cards and visits I received during my stay in hospital. Your kindness wdi alwaysnexbe remembered. Jehr-Ce1 .,41.10sort. .., . . mArritEws iwotadio.to thank everyone for Carck, • flowers„ balloons, fruit baskets,. visits, treats, arid -teed& phone calla While 1 .Was &patient in Wingham HoSpital and since returning home. Special thanks to the Ones who have done more than I can ever thank them for, alk extras and heikgiven In make it °ail*. Thank you to Dr. Ornate, -Dr. Corral 'and Dr. Shubat for their dare. Extra thankagoes to nurses In ICU for the excellent are and attention given. This made the • surgery easier and recovery quicker. .. IRWIN . Stella hwin and her family wouldtike to .. thank all those who attended' her 90th birthday party, sent cards, flowers and remembered her In other ways. --ix • - CAMERON To my family, neighbours and friends for the many kiednesses shown me, I wish to say thankyou. Each one le helping in my recovery and I' cannot say how much 1 appreciate your thoughtfulness. 'Margaret Cameron. -7 , PREISS Marty-illanks to all those who contrib- uted and attended my bridal shower on January 26. 1991 and especially Margaret and Janet Love for organizing it. Pauline Preiss. -7x VAN DYKE We would like to thank our family and friends for their phone calls, visits, cards and gifts while we were ie hospi- tal and since coming home. Thank you to Drs. Long and Tsandelis and the OB staff at Wingham and K -W hospitals for the excellenvcare we received. A special thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Van Dyke for taking such good care of Christopher and Jame. Pam and Nichole. -7x I would like to.send a speCial thank you to all my customers and family, friends and staff for making My Grand. opening a terrific success. Winners of our draw for flowers for a •year - Jean Montgomery, Valentines Arrangements Jim Morrison, Door prize Azalae - Shirkry Kennedy. Donna Sue. Valley Green Flowers. -7ar LOWRY Dear' Friends: 1 greatly appreciate the many things you have done for me since my operatien. Thoso kind acts have helped with my recovery. SIA0ero- ly, Elva LoWty. --7 • •