HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-02-13, Page 161 1 II "E` Livft9c1c t ! 1 12. Real Estate For Sale 1 11110111b - 7.0 Page lft Luckfiow WeibiestiOrio rebriatz 134 11991, 528-282201. MJcs For Salo 02. 03. Garage/Yard Sale 04. AntiqUOSA All 4A. Crafttilt-Hebbies 05. CareFOr, ,Sale; Ps. Tnicks Far Sale 7A. FarS&eC-eneral 7B. Wanted To Buy 76. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. MotOrdycles, ATV's,Etc. 7F. SnosiMohlies &.Equipment 7G. R.^. Atottldcs-Campers 7H. Boats. Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & Repairs .7K SWimming Poo!!Supp!.?.I. 08. Computers, Videos, Etc. 08. Automotive 10. Pets . A buck in the hand is worth more than a garage -full of junk i• -4,o; • • 1111111101 IN VOW •THURSDAY Drop into our office any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 22 words) and pay only $2.75 (paid in advance). Plus G.S.T. That's $1.00 off regular rates. 0 11A. For SaW General 11B. Wanted To Buy tic. Wanted To Hire 11D, Employment Wanted , 11E. Livestock 11P. Farm Produce 1-1G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm SurvIces 11J. Fenn Land_ 11K. Farm Real Estate 11L. Wanted TO Rent 11M. For Rent • 12.. Real Estate For Sale 13. Mobile Homes 14. Vacation Properties 16. For Rent 17. Apartrnents For Rent, 18. Houses For Rent 19. Ronnie For Rent 20. Room & Board 22. Lots For Rent 23. ComMerdal Property For Rent 24. Wanted To Rent 25. ftultcd To Buy 26. Help Wanted 27. Wanted General 28. Business Opportunity 29. Tenders 30, Employment Wanted 31. Service Directory 32. Babysitting , 34. Personal 35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auction Sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42. Death tiollteS 42. Births 44. Engagentents 45. A/latrines 46. In Mernoriarn 47. Card Of Thank 48„ Coming Events 1. Articles For Sole 1,000 SQUARE BALES of hay. Call 529-7660. -7 COLOUR COPYING velum° dis- counts; key cutting; barieball and hockey crude; office.supplles; wedding invitations, eta. Arson Stalionety, Otlettrt 8trO0t$ KielCardin063064227. 4tfeowbk IWO WATERBEDS. 'ffilftviave won tind Other 101111010$ ha/40*W items In gOod oO. Phone 3964204. Sell It in or we'll run issues Issues , It anOther "Free" Person to Orson ads only please. Run your classified word ad for 3 issues. If your article doesn't sell, we'll run It for another 3 issues free. Must be requested when placing ad. When your article sells, simply call to cancal. CALL PHYLLIS AT 528-2822 1. Articles For Sale JOIN THOUSANDS of sadsffed cus- tomers. Buy wigs et wholesale prices. From $39.95. Shop by catalogue and save. For FREE catalogue CALL TOLL FREE 1400-265-7775. -7bc SEEDLINGS per 100; two year Austrian Pine, three year Scotch Pine $39.99. Three year Colorado Blue Spruce $41.99. Dorchester Tree Farm, RR 2, Dorchester. Ont NOL 1G5." -7bc NORTHERN FRUIT TREES, Decorative Shrubs, Evergreens',Seedlingsr "Nut Trees and Raraflora, Guaranteed deliv- ery. Reasonable prices. Mail-order only. Catalog $1. Golden Bough Tree Fenn, Box 39, Maribank, Ont. KOK 21.0. -6bc A-2 PRE -ENG BUILDINGS likt. New types, steel/wood; quonset cladding. For true value, action & answers - Wally (416) 6261 794 after 6 p.m., weekends. Free brochure. Clip -save. --6bc KRANENBURG'S • BUTCHER SHOP. IMMO?, 5284242 Polish AA Con ligUti Pork Side 4 AA 141 S I itUt 1 1. Articles For Sale • STEEL BUILDINGS Sale priced -2x26 4247. 25x32 $3,499. 30x32 $4,530. 40x48 $5,467. Other sizes available; endivalls and , tax ineluded. Limited amount* available, 1-800-668-4338 or (418) 7924704. -6bc . Articles For Sale TRY 0 E FURNITLIFIE, ilf1W 4rod used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231, -War- INSTANT FAX. The L.ucknow Sentinel now does custom faxing; Drop in and See us or call 5282822. for full details. -3111rix • KEEP CANADA. ALITIFUL S. Cars For Sale 1979- CHRYSLER COFIDOBA mint condition, $1775, loaded. Phone 357- 2719. -74.10-12nx SRIFIRAI4Cie.CEveMlisruBrboT 4:4LLw.0- 1979 Buick 120,000 kms, air, cruise, Vitt P.w.1-00. pt power seats. Excellent condition. Certified for $2200e closest reason- able offer. Call 524-7242. *-$11nx 1971 VOLKSWAGEN ..for parts. Call 529-3295 after 5, ‘. p.m. --38thixe 1970 BUICK ELECTRA 225, 455 P.W., P.S., P.B.. air, $1500 certified. Phone 529-7028. -44tfrrxe 1970 MUSTANG COUPE 302 auto, PS, PB, good 'rubber, good brakes, c runs excellent, needs body work and paint Pone *ter n. 6.30 p m 5.207227,84. -30tInx •I Trucks For Sale 1971 FORD 314 ton window Van, 8 cyl, as Is $475.00, 1578 Skl,doo Olympic - new track, good condftion, iuns well, • $800.00. 350 motor with transmission - clean and lots of chrome, $425.00. Phone 528:3825 after. 8 p.m. Best rea- sonable offer on any item. -778nx 1981 OORD PICKUP 150. 6 cyl., good shape, $1200 as is. Phone 357-2719. 5-7.8-10nx 1987 F150 XLT Larjat 4x4, automatic, auto locking hubs. Phone 529-7850. -3- 1991 FARM EQUIPMENT 3:HOW. ' 5,6"8"A Special on all Models. e.a. S 'OOP - 10'xi 1' door, $4.693. Quonset 30'x40' $4,589. Sizes from 20'W to 100'W; Call Futift 1 800 esesess. hcurc). STEEL BUILDING SURPLUS Inventory Prices froM $2550 a Ittluares feat Buy now. take delivery within 6 months at no extra cost. 1310NEER1ECONOSPAN 1- 800-660-5422. (24 hours.) -6bc GUN AND SCOPE SALE - 1000 new and used guns ... slashed to the bone. Discounts to 40%. Lake Huron Rod and ' Gun, -Underwood, 368-7182. -6-8nxbk DOWNRIGGERS/FISH FINDERS -500 • downriggers and fish finders at the loWest prices in 'Canada. Lake Huron - Rodand Gun. Underwood 1468-7182. -15-8nxbk • DRY. SPLIT HARDWOOD for sale. Wiii deliver. Phone 392-6662 inytime. -5- Brutbw SIOre HOW*: Trale.4alt. 8 te,0‘. 600 ran. •, RECONDITIONED FilterOueen ukultiUrn . *jib power 'head. i year viarrenty Orl ot* m. CaN 305-601. -2-40-7nx • BEST BUILDING PRICES - steel • straightwill type - not goons*, 32x48 $4,983; 40x(1410,074; 5046 $14,908 - nomexpandabis an, ,ottiar szes awaits* Imhof moat 'Pana000 24 Naos tes0als1449464,,,* SVEN FOOT C pkte0hriettriat ria% neVat 01100010do cost 400-e Mk so* for $115. Phone 824.4371. 40ttrix* a a 1986 FORD RANGER, 4 cyl., 5 speed over -drive, AM/FM cassette. Good con- dition. $4600.00 certified. Phone 629- 3278. -2tfrte 7A. For Sale General FULL SIZE ALUMINUM TRUCK CAP, black with black tinted windows $200. 528-2284 after 6 p.m. --6tfnxe 7B. Wanted To Buy • NORITAKE SALE! If you have Spell- binder, Randotph,13uenavista, Devolion, Gold/Platitrum, Patience, Melissaetc. you should call Alexander's The Noritake Experts,: Toronto toll free 1- 800463-5896, -77bc. 17F. SnOwntobileS & Eijuipment 1 an44do 106.101.1:0014EillooesLiclUnkeiFIEttieR ftviunandoii0004 524-4660 05244400- -4tfrute FOR SALE - 1980 siapoo pitadota, 250 00 s1 cylindet. rr�w clutch, manual start. Excellent condition. Aso 10041 .000.00. Cal 524-7242. --8Offnx. it Computers Videos, Etc. FOR SALE an RENTI New and recon- ditioned IBM 6°1110sta:do computers, printers and peripherals. Terms avail - *bit Tiede -ins 4oitteptadi Cali Ma Tactinologio ($19) 3924300 Week- days 04 -Sic 10. Pe14 For Sale - complete *Grooming *Clipping and *Bathing Service Available for ail Breeds. Please Contact THE FupLE*HuRoN Veterinary Clinic 395-2pt)§ 528-3737 lip. Empioytient. Wanted ARE You s. STUCK AT HOME*, on; Valendne't. Day because you can't find a babysitter? Well„ here 1 and I am 13 and new to ths area and, an experienced ,babYsittOr. 1 am available any eVenklgor weekends in the Lucluicw-Holocqd area., Please,,,ca 305-4204.k-7 . DOUBLING FARMS. LTD. LIVESTOCK - Replacement calves, Holstein for veal,. v beef 'calves for light stockers, CalrEllif. Pepper at 519-482-7536: -3311 r 1 11H-. Farro Services CUSTOM MANURIGATION for aS little as , 1P2- cent per gat. Cail Hog Wild Farms. 529-7060. -481f LYNN LOWRY 'FARM SYSTEMS LTD. RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost -42dar GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz and Skyline belt feeders, conveyors, silo unloaders. Flex auger and stable equip- ment Custom belt lacing. Repairs. R 5. Lucknow. 395-2851. -ctfar FIFTEEN YEAR OLD two bedroom (room for third) bungalow for sale. Aluminum skiing, new eavestroughs, soffits, fascia, roof. Attached garage, workshop with paved driveway. Finished rec room with woodstove. Electric heat Large lot. low taxes - located in Dun- gannon. Call 629-7421° after 6 p.m. -39ffnxe BEAUTIFUL FARM near Lake of the Woods on lovely creek, for sale or rent, financing available, make • offers. Sc Rainy River, Ontario. POW ILO. Phone (807) 8624640. -7bc CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties to be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 8380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1.-2bc 1 14. Vc!cation Properties 10E6 TAHOE PARK model with enclosed Florida Room on your own lot located In Bonita Spiro Honda, Completely furnishedinoluding coiling tank washet *yard diailwathar, central ek Ind heat With Marty OXtrae. Askina $46,000. U. S. NegOtkoble. PhotifiA82-5640 mike 6 OA. --Afaxo •••••••••1