HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-02-13, Page 14, — Pe 14 14114a4W 13102 WetilleSdlty, WebrIt2ry 13, 196 stud-ents are exercising their mental muscles Kathy ,firoao,„ as it is important for students to soninammeamminammemasio Raymond aud Joey Ellis. Most Many interesting spewhis have ViCe Principal 1,,cn ,PeS, student% staff and visi- mental yrocesses Which they lire °Iukrstalci and he a the CPS INSIDER rooeli°10:itesiforreTr:111:11 4T14:1-161Vobta?: :el= ej11 tors uave been challenged to exer., using, . the month Of January. For the some new utformatiOu, ,> else their mental muscles iu 1991. Respopse to the "problems". has ommommoutemounimmummamaninamm InOutit of February we will try to Cougratulatiotks to Shelly . The development of effeCtive oda- bcp, uniqueo soplitokated, hontat; agaili. Amy rettmi Um Florida and solve problems by talking them out. Johnston! She ixceiverm.,41-word prtiv ing skills has been Own aschool , oos andabove all et -411100;1c, Bete 0,9.4 us all the storio dm tiati Wit- , Ili geometry w have made. many tor her Remembrance Dav pol ster at da focus. Picohlem solving, deci- is a sample challenge to stiinulate ten about her adventures. Maas. geometric $Olids ,5,,- and evetyone idle mitt..viresno ovrArgo'rEa42%, . • sion making-, creative and criticaL some lateral thiuldng at berm.. 4991.- . Amyl, Tordir‘Ebiirro fred,MMIStOtp. CA7-14 IsTiviracC.:. wagi AG arill-.'.. .,,aae 01/. wk., tonzeky" , 14 to tb.Mkinf/. En creric4 sl!, -.1!!9' fria- sze-.t,,,vallgaCalo. avoiATAtituulWe ' "SRe411,-wwsit tuts womb. - able solids, `" - and Ivo,. creeden 4%114'. gaivr.,1:o ,Ea)UcCitat, Uti'l Vifer Which reacts- the same backwards Grade 2/3, Mrs. Wallace it, was i, bateresting to ,tlisc, over that in history, the grade 6 students changing world in the future. Stu- and forwards). Lisr w as MaPolio'. We are 41tuost finished our goal we have Tomb and rebuves living are ?tutting the AztwS, an(1. dents are given daily 0P11onunities *elites as Rossitge, using 1991 ond Our goal was, to get, tile taii of the % all across eanadao from Ole West iviexico. The wade 7 students are and wow into compoent, confident . Good luck and good thinking! 10098 day, We think we will reach • the Yukon TenitorY° haw two new teachers replacing ' thinkers and problem solvers. Grade 1,„ Mrs Bell - it, 100's day is Coming Up, Cart'You Mr. , Burkhart. In -the, 'morning we Lateral thinking has . been our Grade One has been learning guess what 100's day is? - We've , SuPeislarsratieWtfrhiNrsic4kEMannillis nod ,have Mrs, C'reeden.la the afternoon current focus, with "brainstorming" . 'about Mercer Mayer and enjoying been tra6king down thQ. school day s ,, Rachael Bushell 'for '. ` showing we have Mr Lehezoky. The people or generating a large lumber of languake arts .,Fres using WA, and on the 100th, day we're Ping respect pr9Wbelemares out wifir Eicin-Invglin.). (111 that ttcobatwarmetlnsitnildcgrinaliarteeeWivteehedraa. varied and origin' al solutions to a about lus CuRITTER„ books., L,ittle to hur a party; Also, wenhave been mental sulmea we are roam_ g . on priday vebtuaty 1. we came to challenge. "Piggybacking" or refill,. Grade One alums. haveke he -en all work.4,16, .011 Nrursedery :Arta. ci musical ma stitu, meats. we are lenta.. schnntdrosed in Our py jamas, to expand their Oils and strategies pop as staying Points. ° book worm to tbe bead before coast -to the Fast ccraSt and 0011 ill learning a1.ut New Foam we ing and expAndins,r upon b friend's over the school this we Tea ug idea hag been 'encouraged. Two Critter books. In Science we made NsPeurseechryes. WWII/Ear% _ tout! °u447 minegiugabQuwtithsthinsuid string, dQspillogpmelcljeaurid" . - 4.arnadderi47/1r8s'iMmrisei;oFnlirgirheSt heads are better than one, as think, our "Strange critters" into an Valentine's Dayl ' , straws. This month we picked out The Grade 7/8,s have weft ins. tanks have proven! The terms accordion book of facts. OUr class Grade"30, Mrs. Inwood brainstorming. and piggybacking has been hit hard with die flu virus° our own novels to read. We signed . enting their speeches la class. this 1:11Intrac,utestsevtooryreadag,ahttrha0vM4ofonre 1.1o5 .cwriixdrenwtsci:johraavture 0 unifipittnedd soon Grade 4 has worked very har,d, ... .„. Will sailing a Media unit about, ' etieiP8 Omit speech and now we Television. Novel reading and writ- ' are saying them to the Class- Every • ing are ongoing .topics as well. . Friday we have a class meeting to Our repre,sentatives at the Su have been introduced to the school, we hope they. are Soon , healthY- star AssenfiblY' were Lin K,r• • k.,'"ks• •?• • . • .... WWW •kS '4- • . s. NkkOw e g. r,:rt,•er.44'.Irk• •k• Grades 8, Mr. McKeon otherustwoo'd,Prthubialegtlis,s. 'wune‘le .tuarall: :adc,ba , This is atusy time period for our new game called MATI10. It is like gradP. 8 students. We seem to be - bingo using MultiplicatiOn tables. coaling SO a time oftesti and the Mike ,Irwin Won 2' games. ab;.(?ginnflogst1;csineeswisunibetc4S0mOnfinfm000: . Grade 4/5, Mr-. itanke ,- ' . ' ,._ 'Ills wce-.WV-II.--4 .an. auction. r' -'0111s lattlY hec,#USe we are - Pe�ple bmught in old things .tter actively 3,sc"hloo"d1 p"hlroitatrichc*ss.in'lliig our s is futinsuntheri;e21; PUrtiuularlY important in light of the We *ms fact that these .dectsions will affect wvve;Zav,71,11717vvvvilareultrzyi---zii us for the rest of ourlives. - - done! We also started a dinosaur gh!dergarteu - Mrs: Lash The Kindergarten is quite disap. unit in January. We're still working on this interesting uniTin science. pointed that the snow is melting.. ,4. Eight people in our Class go to the ,,, We had so much fun sliding and "reading club." Taylor Mali won a ,• budding forts when the weather was :Cold. We have made =Other bit- T-shirt at the "Super Star' assail* last Friday:: Mrs. Clooney filled in book t° share with 'Our famihes. .11. Wondering what all the fuss is about are members of the -beginners level of the. Lueknow aind District rull Mt. Yank° while Mr. Ynnke is called "Snow is Fun*" :vavenitieet totinCoh. e.,s1.ey on FebMary for .-valWeeatilfee,a'allbaly°°.arikindgaufrirarerafd it°a' Figure Skating/Club. They. skathig to Easy Whineri (1920).during the clubi carnival mg' ht lag eeke„nd, (Pat Livingston photo) Grade 5/6, Mrs. Black and of Foiirse our party. THE HURON -PERTH ROMAN CATHOLIC •• .SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD KINDERGARTEN RrnISTPATION will be held for JuniorKindergarten and Senior Kindergarten ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1991, 9:00 A.M. 'to 5:00 P.M. in order to regis- ter for Kindergarten, children must be four (4) yedrs of age on or before December 31, 1991: Parents are asked to bring the Baptismal Certificate and Birth Certificate of the child you intend to register It is advisable that parents con- tact the school in which you intend to register your child for an appointment prior to the registration date. The location for Kindergarten classes will be as follows: SL Joseph's School (KINGSBRIDGE) St Boniface School Mr. James McQuillan, Principal Mr. David Sharpe, Principal FIRS GODERICH Mary Street, ZURICH 236-4335 Sacred Heart School Mr. Jim Steffler, Principal Cornyn Street, WINGHAM 357-10.90 St. Mary's School (HESSON) Mr. Joe MacDonald, Principal FIR4 LISTOWEL 595-896' St. Ambrose School Mr. Michael -Dewar), Principal 181.LouiseStreet, sTRATFORD 271-7544 St. Joseph's School Mr. Leo Turner, Principal 363 St Vincent Street, STPIATFORD .271-3574 SL Aloysius Stho� Mr Sam Albeitio, Principal' 228 Avondale Avenire, STRATFORD 529-7646 Si. Columban SchOol Mr. Don Farwell, Principal RR2 DUBLIN 345-2086 Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Mr. Laurie Kraftcheck, Principal RR3 DASHWOOD 237-3337 St Joseph's School. Mr. Edward Cappelli, Principal 169 Beech Stfeet, CLINTON 482-7035 Precious Blood School Mrs. Margaret Nelson, Principal Sanders Street, West, EXETER 235-1691 St Mary's School Mr. Jim McDade; Principal 70 Bennett Street, E., GODERICH 524-9901 . 271-3636 St James School - Holy Name of Alloy School Mro. Fran Craig, Acting Principal 4 — Mr. Paul Nickel, Priricipal Chalk Street, SEAFORTH 161 Peel Street, ST. MARYS .527-0321 " 284-2170 St. Patrick's School (KINKORA) Mr, Ray Centois, Principal RRi= SECIRINGVILLE 393-6580 Parents who expect that their child Wi enrol in the optional Frenqh ImMereion Program in Grade 1, in future yeare,have the option of enrolment for Junior/Senior Kindergarten at either their local Catholic School or tho French Immereion Centre (St. Wye School, Gcdorich or St. Aloysius School, Stratford) at which they expect to enrol their child for a French IroMerOlon progrant B, Murray, J. S. Brown, M.A., Ed. D„ Chairman of the Beard Director of tducation 14%%.-....., 44, '7)41t, MIAMI V-----_-.-'..- - \ 4-- "*-t„ / _....,?, 1 _4 .....,-______-,--, lia -.4,,,.i•,‘, op ------z4."6--kalicIN-11 ° )11141111Ca. f, imit \ 1 1 Ar• 0 0 NI Giksori Fp.ed and Seedhas every thing you need for your spring plant- ing *Custom Seed Cleaning and Treating Varipties of Seed Grain Available Grass.Seed Including Special' Mixe_. • *Bale Feeders and Farm Gates In Stock *Super Special on High Tensil Electric Fence Wire GlaSo LUCKNOW FEED and SEED 528-2447 LUCKNOIN CHRISTIAN . I REFORMED CHURCH • Mollis You To won -hip Willi Them all Sunday, February 17,-1991 10 a.m. and 2:;C1 p.m. Nursery downstahs morning 84 evfning EVERYONE IkELCOME UCKNO L W PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MINISTER Rev. Margaret Kinsmen Worship Service - .11:00 am Sunday Schiiol - 11:00 am Nursery Provided Everyone Welcome LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH 1 Worship Service - 11:00 AM Sunday School - 11:00 AM. Nursery Provided Rev. 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