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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-02-13, Page 10
t• Page l° b Luelinow euthiel edaesda*o Felr'~0g7 13,,1091 Jtresisti.ie.s. 4 4 . to, (Includes V" Bonus From January 3 through March 1. 1991, you get a big a% bonus when you sign up for National•Trust's Special Bonus RRSP. And you can lock in this special rate for 16 months! That's why we call this RRSP lrresistible. Stop in and sign up today. 9 rnis and conditions apply; ileleps ILQIdS a The a Helen's aea's state held their agricultural ineeting on rebruaty k t the hall, The meeting began at VA with dlessrit of angel oahed ice vremn served the hostesses; Norma Ray -laid -and Isobel A .m _- After the ming Ode and Mary Rte -47,25 -t -Cel; - = e , 1 ' C9 40 11 ty vi#'"i`;#,04`V,45449402li%rs� Mein in the absence of presidentw E141110 Winston. The tollealll "a change on the Amin the lastdecade" bmught out the use of computer& large bales, round or rectouggioft. *114 4. 'regulations On the use ofehouncals, off-farn jobs and bankruptcies, Business discussed -.included a° card party on the 25th and two banquets to be cared in February and May. A letter was received ] Huron County Health Unit with suggestions for "April- ass Cancer Month to helper women aware - of information avaiilable on breast cancer, Each member gave a Valentine verse - if no verse slug a song. there wire.. nq Wings! Luba Sttuuon gave the topic in • whichshe informed us that- the magazine "Enthusiast" for 441 an Junior Farmers is . being discon- tinued and reminded us of the Fpm Equipment show , - the - Agri* Business showcase is coining up CJI, .... Luba gave a reading on farm life - in the past 1 Remember `len. The program continued with , Isobel Insertion Date; FEB. 27 DEAD•.INE: FEB: 20.: e Insertion: Kincardine. News Shoreline -Port Elgin LUoknaw Sentinel a tri boo►. your space. 5000 Circulation 4800 Circulation 2200 Circulation 1 , oo Total Circukdlon b �n b �u'cur meeting Miller rea ng Tile Mauling Goma and NtitaRayttard reading a poem Cannot Read the Tnrnbsioue When Dead. Isobel and Nov ma both reaC clippings of many years a o' of jernspb whicireh wed O b y _alone Helen' wok which gave many a Rat : The921(te fee DIferogn ,1•74 444d, attUNclar at Ste Helen's uu a May 2404 SouthKinins Isobel had also fund a newspaper report of a WI geeing n July Mi in Willett was iepOrterd a plc., e at Kincardine and an outhg to Qoatich for 24'emb_ers .zexchattmLor.agriculPorrat eruct followed and themeeting.. .cion with ourisa, March 114ist di of KWh 4 , studies love at me ttg The South Kinloss W. c t.S. met at 'the home atof `oris l 'MaC e g�+non,,. i e� �y 5 7:30 pm. The theme of the meeting -was love. Directors were lazily ;lit, and Margaret Hamilton. There were 19 present. Ruth Bell, president,, welcomed all .and opened with a reading. entitled, The Power of Love, followed by prayer. The hymn, A Song of Peace was sung. Th minutes . of . the : Januar" Meeting were read by secretary, Ann . vacDougall anti were at ved. The tressurer Doris • .MacKinnon gave her report and stated 'this . years allation would be $2337.00. V Ruth Bell gamin item of interest from the Chid` 'Tidings • "A Challenge from the President*, rhich stressed 'changes' and new opportunities. Our new pro,t, for this year, Sleeping Children Around the World, was spendidly �l1 ,..introdu group's giwill beproviding bed kits for„ needy. children in Third World con ►ices Fl reports of i �d esbyteri it held Wingham . January were given• by Kathy ., Howald and Mary Levis, The the for the annual meeting was Ca�g for God's World,. . - The Synodical will be, held in Ston April 16 and 17. The Bruceabrial will be held in Whitechurch The World's Day 'of Piayear win be held Atfarch 1st at 2 p.m. in the 'Anglican Church..•Ma y Burl and Mary Luis will represent South Killess V.M.S. as readers. On March 2 at 2 p. n...th will be a shower held for Jt Ann deBoer in South Kinloss Church. *chum spoke 0111 a library conference she attended in Toronto recently. Of interest to the group was Nancy's recollections of toru to An Al Canadian Company D LTDS° For Your Alfalfa Needtee • Sales Representative 1�5 LuckfOw (519)395-5592 r.:y `vice Toll. Free 1-800-2654321 KINDERG Preparation for RATION In ttrorl Cunt Board of Education Elettientaxy Schools is being made. Children born in 1986 are. eligible to enrol. PLEASE CALL'YOU LObAL PUBLIC SCHOOL before March 1, 1991 to eonflrrn your intent . to register. REGIPTRATION wine held at the school on March 1, 1991. rooksidc• Pe e Ig Pub Sum iteing Op the U `oat Van dei roee& Chair 529-79©9 Bob Allan Director J 4