HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-02-06, Page 10rage 10 — Leieknuw WWdne$t1ay, refortilarY 0, 1991
Dungamion columnisthopes
Wilhie's predictions don't come true
As 1 sit a4 my desk preparing this had the pleasure of celebrating theme ..
c°14111110 mye eyes keep• d i ng Q sPeciall day with their daugiligr UttGANNON
the open window. It is ended. a Brenda, her husband Kevin and acne
Hike da with ' e warm rays byldrout
g- � y� Bailey Schneider of BBh� ���oP
>f the sun bri _ nter�in uptoe rim o
g g Olive Blake, a resident Ste Pollak who.celebrated � 42nd
with =ow temperatures berg Cambridge and
Make s Pl�e inwedgy
recorded everywhere, could. it ,l .ss' : formerly of •want on and S �i vel on J'* -1u
iia• tqa . �lit . 'Magee dine wag . _ .:. �. �',stli.�'�now4 18 a intim �n Cabt�id o Lilt/4,44 ., _
wrong this yew His prediction was
Iibc ;
Memorial Hospital. `Olive had the The regular serve of worship..
for six more weeks of winter, 1 for misfortune of taJdng a bad fall. We wut4 bald on Sony e't r"y 3,
one, sure hope he's wrong. wish you well, Olive and hope that wider the direction of Reverend:.
Agricultural News y ur recovery is a speedo one. Garth Bogan with Jean Elliott see.
The monthly draw, sponsored by g
in � on was
the Dungannon Agricultural Senior News based on the theme of being called
Society, was made on Monday The regular euchre party was held to follow Jesus. The recognition and
evening, January 23 at Dawson's on Wednesday, January30 at the
Store. The four lucky recipients of Seniors Hall with 12 tables of eager importanet. to Gods call is very
$100.00 each are Melba' Maillet, card players participating. High lady di iplesit, of are all Aird to k
�► �� EPS Dicksondisciples God,. to do ins worse
James Wheeler, Harold Carter and forte evening wa here on earth. We are called to
Elaine Culbert, all residents of and holding the low pink card was spread the goodnews of God's lave
Goderich. Congratulations to all of Oeurge Cardiff. High gentleman for
to all who will listen and then show
the above winners. the evening Tom Culbert, with low them by. our actions that truly, God
Social News man being Elmer Trommer, is Love. ° ,
Greg and Nancy Park recently The monthly business meeting of The new copies of the Good
returned from a week's vacation on the Seniors Group is slated for News Bible that were so generously
Marco Island. This island is located Wednesday, February 6 at 2 p.m. in
the eeniers }Tall, This is an open
in the Gulf of Mexico and is part of donated by the willing wpiers
up t the Sunday SchoolDerran,
the state of Florida. meeting and everyone is welcome ment were putto good use this past
Louise Brindley has returned to attendThank you, ladies.
home following a successful knee . Sunday. Confirmation matiion classes fur those 13
operation in Stratford It's nice to To those folks who were born in and over, from all four coo a-
see you up and about, Louise the cold month of January, warm
Bill and Thelma Sproul of and sincere birthday wishes go out . tions, will begin m ApnL The d
for Confirmation Sunday has been
Mississauga visited with friends and your way. Celebrating on January
relatives in the community during 20 was Gordon Pollock, on the 23rd set for May 19. For further infor-
this past week. was Grace Finnigan, and on the motion, contact the Manse at 529-
Our congratulation and best 31stwere Art Stewart and Earl ?936
wishes go out to Len and Vi Williams. If you have any news for this
colmn, please contact Sa:lra at
Brindley on the 'occasion of their Anniversary greetings and best 529-7390:
33rd wedding amiversary. They wishes go out to Carman and lla
Sympathy extendod to the
family of Oor4on Elliott of. Point
Clark who paSsed; away Sunday,
Happy Birthday to Lloyd Reid on
Feb. 114.
If you enjoy quilting or wood
like to loam come to theCommun-
ity Centre on Thursdays and ,ion
days at 9 a.m. Rave a sewing good
hne -meeting pr,0p10 interested . ,u
rot `>
���I; ,�h�'�bemotif;icudts4 .t :<' .
On May 18 and 19 is a giant yard
sato, at the Point Clark Commuonty
Centre. Donations can be dropped.
off at the Community Centre on
Senors Days -Mondays and Thar*
days or at 250 Huron Road, Point
Clark.For pick up call Joe at 39S
OAT. Information Meetings
Tho " a vy-brace kedralkinit
Employment Services are sponsor-
ing two G.S.T. information ueet-
ings for farmers on Wednesday,
February 13. The Knights of
Columbus ;Hall between. Walkerton
and Mildmay at 1:30 p.m. and
Paisley Community Centre at 7:30
p.m. are the location and times.
Agricultural Implements -
-The Ontario Agricultural Museum
was recently given a 1949 Massey -
Hands self-propelled cornpicker. To
help round out their collection of
corn harvesting equipment, museum
staff are searching for a "mounted"
corn picker.
If you know where to find one, or
any (*het tmusual agricultural
implements, contact the museum
curator, Peter can be
reached at 416-878-815.1.
by Ow Hanson
3$72 or- anY Seniors member,
Procecds to• OmMunity Cenne.
hisevent is `goomod by .tha
Huron LakeshoteRiendsblvelub.
a Tip of the, Week: If you set
.curings ions vo xpa`4 a+ °pi
them in front of the rear wheels
They may providey,�enoughtraction-
to get, you .gong.
If you have any news or informa-
tion tor this *Point Cb : �1�Iolnmn,
call Phyllis Reid at 39$-W5 before
noon on Fridays
Bruce County cow
Auras Meeting
South Bruce Cow -Calf Club
The Annual. Meet p.>iig...for the
South Bruce Cow -calf Club will.
occur on February 124 at thePaisley
Conunneit y Centre from 10:30 a m
to 3:30 pm. •
Theagenda will include lir. Nein
A,nderson, Cattle Dime Coecnitant
and Sue Armstrong, Coordinator for
the Beef Herd bap ovement Pro-
gram. Topics will include Provincial
Herd Health Summaries, bench
mark studies in growth in calves
and additional optional summaries
for cow -calf producers..
Also included in the agenda is the
annual report and ' election of new
Insertion Date. FEB. 27
Information Meetings
Feb. .12-1.:30 PM Royal
Canadian Legion
Feb,.12-8:00`PM - Formosa
Community Centre
'Feb. 13 -1:3o PM - Elmwood
Community Centre
Clarence Ackert
Jim Roe
5284031 , LUCKNO
HURON T.W . * 50 ;ace well
drntned. mo; a be It tan , a
bathrooms, dolled' well, carport, Bots
of extras included Redu ed tp
RIFREY 15 acres, in 3 parcels,
southeast outskirts County Rd. 15.
RIPLY -4 bedroom home, brick &
aluminum sided; 2 baths, Modem
back split with utility building.
LUCKNOW -.4 'bedrio raised
6ridiYlungalow, �,�`?,*ed
ve 'M X99 xtt
�i` ang c W F�
�N�1���I1 1�
-`bath on paved roil
back Mortgage. $79,500.
LUCKNOW - 2 bedroom home, alu-
minum aided, atrial' garag4 eiectlic
heated, well' instilated,'Asking •
LOT - '8.2 1/2 x 264, paved road.
Asking $15,000.
Maes Wanted
FRASER MacK11010N X13
DAVID Mac 1NNON 395468
- to book your space!
insertion: Kincardine News 5000 Circulation
Shoreline -Port Elgin 4800 Circulation
Lucknow Sentinel 2200 Circulation
12,000 Total Circulation
PROJECT 213-91
Pursuant to the Nursing Homes Act, notice is hereby given of the
intent of the Director, Residential Services Branch, to renew the
licence of the following nursing home:
Pinocrest Manor Nursing Home
Lucknow, Ontario
Submissions concerning the proposed licence renewal may be
sent to The Director, Residential Services Branch, Ontario Ministry of
Health, 15 Oversea Blvd., 5th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4H 1A9,
(416) 963-1038 by March 6, 1991.
Please mark the name of the nursing home andthe project
number on submissions. '
The Director will consider all submissions prior to approving the
proposed renewal.
Ministry of
Community and
St cial So Mees