HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-01-02, Page 3• In I ` -T � uLck.ow-_ ta dvai�a,o -the 110416 111-"a04 o Rocker T*- .+: rnX� ^A��1A' �S'�'^A.'�'.,"*'r►T' .N' luelitiQ enamel Weedulesday, JnxtUar 991 page 3 airshea s itu e member hristnias dinne "T e y r 20, iii0 1 !nowt() taxa mow a Gla% 414=ir`5 (` ",'si, e' t1sA a , yr by the ladies --0f the church; The tables and hall were beautifully deivrate4 following the ;inset dinner was served. June Gilchrist flatted a .lddies for the dmnere. Muriel"'MacKenzie, *cleaned the ' members :' and 007 -visitors present, The meeting opened with, the Opening Ode' and Mary.; Stews Collect llect Muriel !tad a poem Segfes Fororula. dor Making 'friends. June lea, gave the scripture re ding. T;he= Woes were, .,.:were. read by Una ' t - thews and the treasurer's given ! mon-- cKinnog ,e u i s ,. o wile �itrxtl �RM1 ac;come.. Lutcknow arena,. They played against Teeswater in the.{firstgame .oi'.Ibe cavi n -oht. on the~wi n ning el d o '` A Christmaitarols. 9. 2 score. Lucknow 1a .e r John Van ire b'eek'Qeft Conoy,McDOnagh faceo and;G „Wam y'. its get into position for . the faceoff whale under the -. tela .:e c :of RandyG M . Bur art' ` (right) • � _ �' � �. ����' :�Qads .mad` photo) several Members T . � be � _ readin, The BY MONA IRWIN ` .4 - One of the items that: will be taxed under thea approaching. (foods and Services Tax- (GST) is books. ,That's new and used books,: school books and library books. The GST, which was recently passed in the Senate a 55-49 vote, will replace the current 13.5 per . cent federal sales tax : with a sevp per cent tax. . However, 'the ne .- tax Will cover a much broader ge of iteins`andservices. Besides the retail price of -books,- the GST will also touch many 4of thenteps involved in the 'er<'e on of a book. it's going to make a lof of headaches and paperwork, and the the person . who will end up paying is the person- at the end of the line the one who buys the book," says Brenda Baltensperger.. She and her husband Peter • own a local publishing company called Moonstone Press. . "We have to pay GST on the royalties .we pay., writers and 11- - because they pay a ser- vice," Baltensperger says. Postai°stamps will also be subject ..to OST, and the special book postal - rates willalso be phased out in the. not year or two. "Everything will go Ills[ class." One of the results will be fewer small -Publishers; she says: . Although publishers are entitled to a refund, many' small publishing companies cant afford•tb come up with the money,"up front" and then wait a year .to get it back,.she adds. Baltenspergeralso expects .to see a drop in booksales -.at least the - sale or Canadian books. "People ..will .. .think twice before buying abode once the GST is -in ofect, , Balto ;ger . salts. eAnd .. when -the public does -buy, ": all we� . buy Canadian books or wilt' t look at the price?" Books from Outside Canadaoffc • "very tough competition'" house.. theycant, znass�produce in countries witcheaper wage rates, and so e • undercut" `thee retail price of, Canadian books, , -- .' Canadn Coma ams‘Sr-Old " "t -thi.we'll secittotb aad``maro . . Cam , . companiios .sold-- to.' tithe Ill.; ,- says Baltet sperger, 44110y 10y can ship stuff out of the count to . get things like color Work donee'' Canadian publishers can do the sante, but if they do, they cut thetn- sclvcs,'off from gcvenunent .grant montes. Bibliophiles may be, able to dodge - the GST by buying second -liana, . but there's no guarantee of that, used books will also be bit by the tax„ says Grace DePutterf owner of. The Used Book Peddlek which is located near' The gaareq .However,: small'' businesses with books w ' !!-m,,.547,tetifimriqs arowttitiv€. b+ i touch. +w r , cibcrwd a e -sto s i ° gess - countries,. --Joe Ooad. Una blw go, June ..and '`andsha .!' displays; ' o c aiyp cSiiN-hi3. tiol an Jre ,Russia and Africa, They °gnv 'us►eGhrs assn sons is tese Countries. Wanda told how :the u> r -+o. bra ..w= pping g f 4' an 'nark She: bad a g t wap ; .seve layers of capping •• paper.. The,, `instructions were written on; each wrapping , and directed . the person.unwmpp to which.g . e kris �'. istribuiit on ons ul+ with `° you ,a Me w incomes under $300000 per Year (before taxes) don't have to register for the -GST. DePt tter says she will probably not° have. to register -for • 1.991, but after that she's not sure:' She also has to consider the fact that, while she doesn't have::. to a register -for the corning. year,' she will be paying out GST on some of her. inventory, suchas comic books, as- of Jan. 1, 1991. School Board The mon County , Board of Education w(11CBE) is also looking at increased spending and a maze of Papevork says suPelinten4ent . business and operations Paul: roll. ••. - "Based on our current budget of $55.5 million, those portions to which.. the GST applies Will add another $835,000 in 1991," Carroll says. However, he adds, the KCB can claim,* rebate of aboutX55 per cent -of' that, or $570,000. " , " "So the net impact is about $250,400,' ' he says. "Of coin, that's not taking. inflation into at counts► , Another unknown" factor in the equat!on, is the - provincial sales tax. "Will* be added to the purchase price -plus the GST, or will it,, . dealt with separately?" Carroll says, POI example, .ix an item costs 5, and the GST is 35 cents, will the provincial sales tax be calculated only by the $5 purchase pries, or the $5.35 of the purchase price and the. OST? "At the moment :the -Ontario- government says' it Won't apply the". GST on top of the, provincial -tax you'd be ;paying a. tax on a lax,' says Carroll, "gut in Quebec that's '.Another 41;400 At s resent the HCBE spends a total of about $20,000 annru ly on•" magazinesubscriptions 'for' the., school libraries. the GST calif `lac another $1,400 onto that. with •a. rebate'' at .the end.:. of, the ° vear:of what they've don:' about $: , .x . 'e board spends'about $65$70,t annually on. new lib z books. That wrl go tap byabout - •$5,000, with '.:,ar, rebate of about $3,300. - Textks are . the board's ' big - expenditure, with about $1500,000- $250,000 per year spent on them,' "This year we're aiming for $150,0 because of existing cut- backs,"' Carroll says. At the top end of thos e, textbook expenditums ' of $250,000 will meal' $18, extra in GST. A rebate of about $12,006 will mean a .net cost of $b,000 for the 11C84 Can`oll says• the OST wot r hav the board looking further afield for any printed materials. -• - ' 7ltiprii t Pt,igo 9 We are ne w into 1991 and. want, tc "Thank .OW tis . - only fittingthat we advertigeour, appreciation to the people who make • It possible for us t • p ubs ',one .of fie best communewspapers in:the arpa. In 199t hundreds vt adver isors, retailer , 'classified, an :•n tronal :adverrltisers used fre. uent:,.and one stent.,s ace in the � a enarrtei, stir elating' ' our economy• and prOrrtoting erg .Its menti You, ourreaders fie ponds° by. 'buying ,food, clothing,shoes,. ... r _ r. r ■. sen n e�. ur hent .int . e tuber*,. microwaves books; houses` home furnishings, sports equipment, - automobiles,' yard goo s..w.. the list is endless: Witcpnter,1991 with great r cOnfiden a that, this area Will enjoy greater prosperity and .we Look ',forward tothe role -bur lnew4,paper and its advertisers play in the ecOnemie growth. Once again "Thank • 4 i