HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-01-02, Page 1Winner* in iqueboW:
• chantsDraw were dawn at ran-
dom on- December...22. The many
lovely gifts donated by the business
People, Were on display in the buil-
ding, onCampbell Street,„ owned by
Dewayite, Grieg.
The winners .are as follows: Att.,
• new Jewellery - Cara Pennington;• •
• 's Groceteria - Donna Linde;
Bank ;Of Montreal Crystal Fri;
Beckers viinc Kandra tiark;__
• Wpm's' Clothing - --Larry
• enderson;-. DeeVee's Fashions '
• George Messenger; Fairview Dairy •,
- re Ward; Thilay Decorators -
Levi D. Statiman; H�nderson Lum-
ber Roger. Pannabigker; 'Xralten-
bures Butcher Sit p - Rachel
Pritchard: Vuekuow eut rurl
Shirley Downey; Luclomw Farm
Suppiy.4‘ Ai, Bragg; Lucknow Rorne
Hardware George Anderson;
Lucknow Village Market Ethel
Clark; Ripley Veterinary - Murray
Irvinhe : TSewing Be7t. iitathie
iCnechtel; Thompson Investments -
May Macintosh; Treleaveri's Mill
Jack MacDonald; Valley Green
fhiwers Dianne Bolt; Your .
•Favoluite Things Rhea Whitby;
MacTavish Sunoca L4lhana
Hunter; Chisholm Fuels - C. Man.
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th&nc time.
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January 3
Property owner on ..trned with
'hunters. Hunters who overran the
• Cedarvale Wildlife Sanctuary in.
November returned to the W-2
• property m early December alined
•• with guns, beer and abusive lan-
guage, says - the owner" Catherine
- Dungannon Fire - A boxing Day
fire (December 26) in Dungannon
, destroyed the welding shop qf Ray.
• Ulch.
January 16
Area -.Palliative Care is
a nOt .sr
vice for terminally ill 'indents and
their families. It seeks to enhance
the -gnaw of life in a supportive,
emotional, spiritual, caring setting
for people who are dying and to
support their families and loved
ones. ,
old PrOgraln't0 provide emeg�flcy
On has. recently
- - receivea ibiioit • ihrnuok:Onf*:o•
Prqvitt07 P-PliCegiF);.
but because of ivof
anion the public - and*
• vices providers, and 1iuIefinanci
tupijon. die•.-plag was neVer-alu
--4,:1119140.:^wei more houses
• 4,2,:•:•••
oas decked out for the feative season
- Just Another Tractor IS England cess. New National Trust IS foolin
bound - It took over two years, but the bills and it Is being promote
• a waiting game finally paid off. The by the OPP.
tractor was loaded into a Russian
Encounters with Canada - Last.
.October, Sarah Brophy of loucknow
• spent one week in. Ottawa par-
• ticipating in the Encounters will'
• Canadit_Program. •
• - Huron County receives over $1
million -*Twenty-one municipalities• ,
in Huron -County received word
from John Sweeney of special
assistance grants to help ielievethe
• tax burden for residential and farm
January 17
- Chief Bud Hamilton retires fol-
kiwing 40 ,years with the Luckflow
• and District Fire Department.
- Recreation director honoured - For
Bill Hunter, the local...recreation
director, his year Of involvement.
• with ininor sports have brought.
about many changen. For many
years Bill coordinated the hockey'
! 9 system in Lucknow and in June of
1983.he was officially,hired as the
*creation ..Director, for the four
Ma municipalities. Last week tilt
WO *Seined with an Honour
Award .by the Canadian - Avaateur
Hockey Association for his keen'
interest and contribution to minor
. -hockey. -
inntiary 24
t. initiative Cam .Winglunn and
container on January 24, and is
scheduled • to arrive, in Bristol
.England on February 17.
- Kinross hires new Clerk -treasurer
- Mark Becker of Wingham is the
new clerk -treasurer. Mark will take
over the end of February whend
Frank Hawthorne retires. .
, •
February 7
• junior 'firmer Anne Alton
received the • Bill Armstrong
Outstanding tunior Fanner Award
• aftheirminuatbanguet heldifinuatY
- Lucknow Village council passes
Transient TraderS.Bylawe
- Arena • fund-raising committee
chises the books.• •
Lucknow StoOkyardS•(h iards)
engulfed in flames,. Lucknow
- District Fire Deponentresponds
to theca andivere able to save the
south entrof the structure,
• , •
care workers wrestle with --
issue of ethics and human value.
Temperatf.arrangerponts made to
receive livatock in Lucknow
- $4.4 million approved for village
sewer project It's been a long
timecoming, butthe official word
was 'received this week that the•
of Lucknow will receive a
provincial grant of $4.401 million_
• for it's sewage works project.-
- Ripley sewers set go ahead - Six
• years of waiting for nipney to
install. a $2 million sewage system
has finay come true for the Vil-
lage of Ripley. The province an -
flounced Mar. .1. it will allocate
$1,7 million to`theproject.
- Lucknow Pathfinder prepares for
trip to Mexico Michelle Andrew,
• has been chosen to represent
Mapleway Area in the Ontario
Adventure Trip 1990, to beheld at
Our Cabana, Mexico, July 11 to 25.
•.March 21
* Dungannon residents will have
lock box mail service soon.
Quotes for library renovations
Bowlers raise $2000' during the
Big Brothers Bowl -for millions in
February. '
• April 4
Fite destroys home and content.-
A fire in an Ashfield Twp.
destroyed the home and contents in
a fire March 27 about 9 am.
Torn to- page 2
A group of retired people- from
West Wawanosh will receive a.
New Horizons'giant for $10,508.
The West Wawanosh
Township Historians will use the
grant to. assist 150 seniors to
gather, compile, edit and publish
a book relating to thehistoty of
the township. The group hopes
to preserve, for its own and
future generations, a description
of a way of life from '1867 to
the present.
• New Horizons is a federal
government program that enables
retired people to create projects
• of 'heir own choosing. It offers
grants to groups who undertake
activities for the benefit of them-
selves and Others in the com-
- The accent is on local
needs as seen by ,older people
• ancton•their willingness to meet
•such needs.
The winter session of Story Hour
at the - Lucknow Library; starts
Friday, January 11 and ,goes to
March 8. The sessions run from
10:30 to 11:30 am.
Ilut4o4ive-yearoldt are invited
in in this hour of road aloud
stories, gamest tihns and crafts,
• Spaces are limited so parents are
asked to M4440 by Jam/iv 9$
by calling the library at 528-3011.•
mind and your education, now is
the time. The University of Western
Ontario'sWinter/Spring 1901, Con-
tinuing mention brochure is now
available: Copies are free and tray
be obtained by calling 1-6610353i
or write to the Faculty of Part -Time
and Continuing Education; Room
23, Stevenson -Lawson Building,
The university of Western Ontario,
• London* 116A
Itegistefearty. to ensure a place in
the sour of yogis ckoice.