HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-29, Page 41.111 news . • •Members d be laelmes Cub Pack 25 years ago imeluded from the left, frost, Dank • .1thostare„ Terry Ratintel„ Wayne Wagner, Doug Madramm, Ross Faster, Tom Hassey, Jiku Mellimildia, David Thum ail Robb Bamister. Bark kit are Edward lkows„ Insty Joilastme, cad Wagser„ Bob Jr Mord Wagner, Dmald Miter aid Glen Inster- ' Siz Lowbrow Beavers "swam to the Ir lksow Cob Park this year. FroM the left are task Jason Norms Wages astl Midiael Schlosser, and back Robbie OW Daryl Gralma and Dame Porter_ (Photo by Shane Dietz) The year 1982 in retro t efillIMI rime I meeting of the Lucknow /rumor Hockey Associatiam to rook into the possiMaity of seheduling games for Lasa 11 teams in the 1962-83 SANILSOCL Parents_ coaches and managers agreed to change the Lucknow minor hockey Systm.11to incorporate A and Et teams rather than a &vase league system. The house reagnie did not haveenough prayers to have boys playing agaiust teams of their own age.. Consectientry teams were crunprised. of boys ranging in ages front eight to 16.. Cecil Sutton of Ripley was appointed dog catcher for the verge 01 Lucknow at the lucknow Maw Council nmeeting, Apra 13.. The position was to be reviewed at the May meeting when the agooittitment was to be made official_ David Crombie. farmer minister of Health and' Welfare in the 1960 Conservative government spoke to the annual meefing of the Huton-Bice Progressive Conservatives m ILadinow Apittl 22 One of Ludiamores most respected .tenor citizens. Anall Emerson bielcia,; 92, died Aprl 24„ foaasiog a short Obsess. Mr. McKim dented and Operated McKines Rersil Drog Stare os the wain street Of Lamar from 1921 to 1989. He sold the business to Ermer trinbach. in 1959 when he was 70 and continued to do telieff work as Qa pharmacist across the province tuna he was years air age.. He was a member of ord Light Logge,, 11,1 dre former Luckruni Curling klub_ and the Lucknow Lamm; • Bowling !nub. He served on the Lticknaw 'District High School, Board at the tine the present Lucknow Central Paine School was bruit and he also served on the Incknow. Library Board_ May LECITIQW. LiOns Chub marked their .25th anniversary of their charter May 8 at a banquet and dance.. Judge F. G. Carter was guest speaker mull four members of the Lucknow Liions Qub received 25' year perfect attendance pins; Donald MacKinnon_ Robert Finlay,. Harvey Houston and Alvin Hamilton.. • The Latkoew and Dist- trict Hortieurtural Society herd another successful sireing Hower show with Rainbow of Flowers, a spring tea and flower display at the Ludinow Legion Hatl. • A houseboat owned, bi Lklyti Ackert of Kinross Township was Launched at Amherrey To its, maiden voyage to the Trent Canal where Lloyd and his wife,. Helen and their son,. Paul and his wife. Cheryl pknned to • 'roam to pate 1.516 4.q) ZuFhwir: 5020/4 Wellneadityg "Maar ” 19I2—Page 4 BOXING DAY BLITZ RCA • 14" RCA COLOR -T.V.'s -4tEcntotac TUNING $ • -WO% SOLID STATE -FOUL 3 YR- WARRANTY 20" COLOR T.V.'s ALI. 011ANNEL. . $4n 26" COLOR T.V.'s - TO THE Amon CONSOLES- - $688 VIDEO RECORDERS 8 HOUR 24 HOUR PROGRAM $688 STEREO MARANT t FIA/AM RECEIVE.. FRONT LOAD CASSETTE DECK, PRO DRIVE TURNTABLE, Mir PLUS TWO GIANT 3 -WAY SPEAKERS RENY OR OWN 'TOSHIBA CASSETTE DECKS FRONT LOAD MICROWAVES • TOSHIBA -nat 1•111061111 /WARRANTY OVER lee OVENS IN STOCK 1629 DUMAS ST- E. 4554000 966 $444 '555 WELLINGION s 681-6500 'LONDON ea Great Canation Bawd Conte.st. ,e, .-ri _ .. %,. \‘:.....- 7-'• ' .,..S.,.r.,......4!..;,.;: -.; -/' - .00- 11*MM 'Jamboree . 411 ' --- i'' 1. ..',.. - # • I GROWING 1, 1. it y 141,4 ,11% ix • ;. CO.T, ST Cone are, cane whim theist:laws Jamboree Beard Grawbig Carriest! Shure the pioneer spick by growing die bushiest ben* - or bow about the snugness! Have a dose shave an ar near Jaaluorg 4tb awd them bide yaw runt until fame Mt& Let your beard lead the way to dire 1963 LUCKNOW JAMBOREEt! CONTES4 RULES L Application taros w be available a*01J 4th, 1963 at the fallawkg centres: Jelhastiswe & Si. Fornitaire Ludiamsw Appliarace . • I, Viallety and Dry Goads 2.. Apolleation forms are 1. be UMW kt at the adoire mitres.. Cantestawts mak be dean Amen wheat apolicidsies are liunded Coodestauto Nay start their beard hayt Jaressy 4 but dheyr mint ad* be dem Awes whew the appikations me hooded kr- S.. Seal& will be imaged ha the fullowIng dream. Rest ALJ Rd . „ Droldeot Beard Bert Genined Rend Sendllest Beard Mot, Cabinda. new. 6. Judging wig tabe Areas Sane 31/b„ 1963 at the Beatty Qaeew Dance to be held at dre bectialmf Gwannadly Cake. 7. The declaim af dee Judos ibeL .16 heaving with the Lusiamw bauldwa of fair 'ivy far al, Ws awes* fa open to both • If father hdossolies fik rectokei, Orme cat Clorfor„ Larlinow Askoltorol Society, 528-2475.