HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-29, Page 1L
Side eolltY
arse '83
btd Lichnew, Ontaxle, Wednesday, Dezember 29, 1182 - •
16 Pages
Grow a Jamboree bear
Come one, come all! Join the Lucknow
Jamboree Beard Growing Comma Share the
pioneer spirit by growing the bushiest beard
- of how about the scruffiesd
Have a cf•ose shave on or near January 4
and then hide your razor until June 30- Let
your beard lead the vray to the 1983 Lucknow
Application forms will be available on
January 4, 1983 at the following centres:
Johnstone , Furniture, Lucknow Apprratice
Centre and Lucknow Variety and Dry Goods,
Application forms are to be handed 'in at
the above centres- Contestants must be
dean shaven when appfication forms are
handed int.
Contestants may start their beard. Tater
Jltt •
••• -.; , , ,,,,,„1,1,11/110.4100M*0„,
than January 4, but they must be dean
shaven when they hand in their applications.
Beards will be judged in the following
classes; Best All -Round Beard, Best Groom-
ed Beard, Most Colourful Beard, Bushiest
Beard and Scruffiest Beard_
Judging will take place OP June 30,1983 at
the Jamboree Beauty Queen Dance to be
held at the LuCknovr COMMUnity Centre
Thedecision of the lud,ges is final_
In keeping with the Lueintow tradition of
fair play for all, this contest is open to both
sexes -
For further informatka, please contact Ian
Clarke, Lucknow Agricultural Society, 528-
er a
Win Jamboree
lottery draw
Don and Bev Thompson of LUCknatir won
the Jamboree tottery draw made at the Bank
of Montreal,. December 22, -The lucky ticket
was drawn by Debbie Mecum
bealfifid glagmbread benne was made and decorated • by Mina Ube IL 1
• lancardise- The bias. was Dist pubthe IMIty w-. adie dew bappetiall
to beltbs. Noakes dansabier, Andrea. Min. Kulbe decided.** give the gingmbread boar to ai
trlibeialrest far Owlettem and bit kwithibe Ilmer Camety Heal& " k Unbar,
tat shivered tosalumay It time fur anistamm, • Sted1Plhatid
A look at the year 1982 in retrospect
An eight member committee was elected
-at a public meeting Deceinbe.r 30 to
spearhead Ashfield Township residents'
objection to the location of a provincial toxic
waste' tfisposal site in their township..
Andra Jolene Emberlin, daughter of John
and D'eb Ember!in 'of Ludmow was the
Lucknow area New Tears baby. Jokne was
born January 6 at Wingham and District
Hospital, a little sister for Joshua.
The first blizzard of the season brought
• the area to its knees January 11 and IL
While the temperatures arid snowfall dud not
set any new records, the blind conditions
created by the wind made fora storm the
area hadn't seen in the past two years
BerthaWhitcxoft was appointed Lucknow
clerk -treasurer at the January meeting of
Lucknow- Village COMIC& Mrs. Whitcroft
succeeded Alf Fferbert who passed away in
August of the previous year -
Ashfield Township council went on record
at their January meeting,. opposing the
location of a liquid industrial and.hazardous
waste management facifity in Ashfield
The Lucknow District Co-operative Inc -
reported a foss of 166222 at its, annual
meetirg.. ft was the third consecutive year.
the Co-op reported a loss M. shareholders.
Piesident Wilhiam F. Andrew said white the
Co-op had increased gross safes by
S1,183,766 to a total of S3,981,268, lower
gross margins and higher operating costs,
especially interest rates,. left the co-opera-
tive with,' a foss kr the year_
Five recommendations concerning school
bus safety were made by the jury, at an
• inquest held into the death of five-year-old
Pauf Riegling.. Lucknow Coroner Dr. .L C.
McKim' presided at the inquest held in
Lucknow. January 21. Paz died as a result
of injuries received in an accident, when
struck by a pickup truck, as he crossed
highway 86 to. board a ,st-Itoor bus OTT
September 4, 1981-
A well respected senior citizen of luck
now, Thomas Salkeld, 'died in his 79th
year on January 29 following a lengthy
illness- A farmer in West Wawanosh Town-
ship,. he was .a well known orchardist and
beekeeper- A member of the Masonic Lodge
for 65 years, he was secretary of Old tight
Lodge,. Lucknow for 40 of those years
Anotherwhit.. :ornt blasted the region
January- 31, arm =...tg virtually unannounced
shortly before not t Road crews worked
through Monday te, open the highways.
Dr, Donald Chant, chairman and presid-
ent of the Ontario Waste Management
Corporation, told residents of Ashfield
Township at a public meeting February 4.
that Ashfield Township is not on any list of
possible locations for a toxic liquid Waste
disposal site,. because no list exists. Chant
said the corporation was establishing its own
criteria to determine the site for the
province's disposal of Wilk and hazardous
Lucknow tractor puffers /tit and Barb
Herm returned from the prestigious Louis -
vile Kentucky Farm Show Tractor Riff with
a third place finish for the Noisy Lady and an
eighth place mark for Second Choice. Only
three Canadian tractors were accepted in the
invitational pull which is 'Widely recognized
as one of the most important puffs in North
Wingham and District Hospital board of
governors. passed a motion authorizing the
payment of all back pay torhospital staff.. The
board had decided. in September 1981 that
the hospital could not fund the CUPE and
ONA settlements, until the hospitals sup-
plementary budget was approved by the
Ministry of Health. Although approval had
not been received from the Ministry, the
hospital board finance committee decided
the staff should no longer be expected to
wait for their increases.
Policy holders of the West Wawanosh
• Mutual fire Insurance Company voted te
change the name of the company by deleting
• - the word, fire, as the company now writes
car insurance as well as property. insurance.
Presilient Gerald Kerr told the meeting fires
caused by wood burning stoves continue to
cause concern, Kerr uxged parley holders to
4 check installation specifications with the
•\ proper authorities before installing a wood
burning unit..
Lucknow Fleas, the Lucknow novice
hockey team, de.feated Teeswater, Mlldmay
and Ripley to win the 12th annual Lucknow
Legion Flea Hockey Tournament in Luck -
now, March 6. This was only the second time
• in the history, of the tournament that the
hometown team took the championship..
Investigators wtirr die Ontario Provincial
Police atiti-racket squad, armed with search
• warrants, raided the Taw office of Lucknow
lawyer Robert C.aanpbell March 17, seizin; g
26 cases of documents. Campbell was
arrested the following day in Toronto, and
appeared in Goderich Provincial Court- Re
was charged with theft over S200 ° and
uttering a forged document. The arrest
followed a six month month investigation.
Campbell was released on his own recogniz-
ance- ,
Ron Stanley of Lucknow suffered serious
injury in a car accident March 28.
An increase of half a million dollars in
welfare payments was the main reason the
Bruce County budget increased by 19.3 per
cent in 1982. The proposed budget was
tabled at the April meeting of Bruce County
Lucknow equipment dealers,. Stuart
Reavie, Chuck Becker, Allan Hackett and
Gerry Priestap held a giant creaming auction
of new and used farm equipment at Becker
Farm Equipment April & Area farmers and
equipment dealers attended the sale,, which
was the first time the focal dealers had
co-ordinated such an auction.
A committee of four was appointed at a
Titins Pete 4*