The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 6editorial
'Ilk dewy Zoom "
lttttoNIA. -rotor tr i - A/kerma/4 5/1/mago
StiANOS J. 161E1L - Eaki it
uvorisromr Mae' dbfatzsger
Jm H r Cir
Watt 1Eilltfit- ifygieseker
st aiug Mikes* rm.. Oa WC ludkaroak,, 0010 MO
SesoutCt tit OppaniotomAilwakvotaci
Sithartothis atm, $11.25 per yWwir>I anse
Sethi Mow mme,142.'1'3perymi maAwmr
CAA, Fmatio,SMILSOporymarbr rilivaatte
liordlowow fice'Chief Georse!Vita y has advised teat to
may be a firebug as Adie loose, who thinks it is eftcaltf g to set
furl, unchinery,, boy bales or deserted bwiltames wire.
Several incwlests is meat weeks world arr%cantc person
or pussies tmthiown are canowitting ache, of arson
A farm wagert hay bales, and a deserted house b*ve beer
set ablaze arid chi of Whitby esacrrpages all arra residents to
tape special pretautioms where nractat4ery, or hay ate lent aw
farm locations where the farmer is not fn.* nearby,
Residents owning : brri»rgs which are iniontiopied for
length' of time we alio advised to watch them cantetilly,
Acconang to chief Whitby the petsorlsy tOolluittiog the
acts ate sort interested iia stein descriptions of their deeds.
appear is the newspaper. Rather they are looking for the
##hereat of setting fine to sores tb ser it bunt,
;;bars a bad time of the year far tier, Stoves, yrs aid
filtgloceS as well as Christmas fights inctrrase the rush of tire
during lhewinter months. C,eryoare would be well advised
to review fie safety precaution in the home and err talar
Ignore recession
last about ever* ies feeaag die effects of current
hard times, Many we harming to make sacrifices., They tame
in severity horn the lose of a hawse yell eat, oro tong2ar a>ffQoand
to make payments o or mot big the hili any Chrisittus
presents to cutting bads the vacation in Morieta from three
weeks to two,
Nobody can get too worked tip about the trocagtiorrer , butt
cosmos & esty to expect cowers abort the pagh t off
those 'other Com, thole who farce a whiter off read
hard because they ate unemployed,
Rot theses appteedy at* mooch comers float otic laarderys
in Oi tawa.
The hast les i,, tfrar , riewairightnUel award far had
erg in 1982 has 'tai 'gig Adie federal •. • •
Tie ace the people vvhr ate wreath/ so issidated blear, t
what rtairty its like flair the 1A sir roil C'aaada tai who ate
tr.emplt yed that try - see u t moria than $1 ,9 maim
gadlwatr6.g maimed Casardar rued the world last year, That's a
-10 per teat moose over 'tt he year before, Myles aochide
taxa costs for the MN *d eoo act ars nom" pottitaterstagy
secnetarnes t
Top price trig was agriculttare's &tome Whelam,
whir spent S156.969, Other big , amyl* big
were Herb Gray,. Mare Lalonde and Reim Ile .'
Only two of 36 cabtne tt ministers. Norwood Petra* avid
Hea ,rent Campbell, wit leas on travel diaa they or their
predecessors Abd iw MOM -
fill.Thiss said, said. story confirms what many of as have
phoorght 'drat .eti rarda's best leaders.
They are evert of torch, living in a boom -bobble ffrom the
Ids whew expenses and iscomies could gc. wp becasse the
to pay for it all wo*ld be fawrnd, sorettchow„
Thant berbble has horsat, evrety*he arc bot ire Ottawa. %Atte
ditsreg mark for the paght of onfosary Careatrails. atforrs the
good • dates to go ow amid arra
---.The Hamm Ear, :
SG+N i \EL
Cited Monday Detestsber
Monday., Detroiter 27. 5 p.m..
We letter Ion if trcr :sour
C1ral:4411e4 Irani ni A -
TueMay, December 211, l0 anal,. SHARP
Ckeied- Friday,. tb 0err 31
Regular hdf[rs resume January
letters to the editor
Kinettes appreciate.
To the Fortier. •
The Lard trove and Marin iKinette
Club world like to extend a sincere
thaah yon to ma/1116C tr of the e -
ity who supported oar two projects this
fall - the C • Belmar held o.
Detember4 aid the SldO.60 Shoppimg
Spree at Faaoistiew; Foods, We appre-
the woods of the ettd thiterits 4 the
Limn(wind itee attendance also
hoot Llano* acrd the; statnnnrsding
area. Comgratulit6ols to Heir Ch-
olio. who won the drew as the
Christmas table ce.thrt. Hopefit ay. *tee
shall sae people again neat year oir
• December 3. 19113 at over 3rd =mut
Kinette Balmer.
The winner of the 3rtd amrmarl 1166
Shopping Spree at Foi vPiew Foods was
Sally 1Jsbrty. This proves 'Ata be a
successful preject,, thrusts to the;
dints off the staff 1 act Fairview Foods kin ..
heaping the curb sell tickets acrd to the
maw, who buy titilets,
Dime to the conitimmed participation
of the p lifte, the Kinetttc C1rb is able
to corminire sopportirig
and baseball. fowardairows such ars
Cystic • Fibrosis wed the Caarradars
Diiaabetie society;; , senior eiftiews. the
Mock learrent program and other air
mmunity support
Foots the K seUr Cloth of lorchworr.
MerryChristmas and Happy New
Year for AO,
Immure McDomagir
Ltrthno or Kinetic,
/lowest/ter 10„ 19OL
Mrs., Ira Jhd *e.
ta...II. S. Lickstaw.
,.datariro. CANADA,
Dent. Mrs. D ee
I wish to thank yoi roost sine's
for the copy of "-Tales from the Grey
Os" *kith 1 large received at the
hard of Miss MacKe:rarrie frosts Storn-
oway, i brAcAritd the book vcity iMetest-
Org,, tot only be oqt itis cOmittout
aired t tlertet tress to the Isle of Skye, butt
also because ofits, saimitasity to dare
boots ptepa red by a revar"b r of
Wonwiea"5 basted Itistitotes thromghoett
Scotland is the eaargy ses'eirti :
1 ate tlart\ yen have aitratcktd air
detatotion to Portree Lib ranry Sart I
shoftrld explain tine Portme 1 i nary
a bra** libroty • *Arthur the Unary
Service opetrtiatrmrg reorder the Authority
oft* 1fighlasol Regional Commit 1
wilt orange fear the book to be Saeid at
'Pongee library fora, swit;aiblc reset: of
dare .so drat it may .be .damn to the
err cif veaiders tin that arfea, bit in
dee course., the both will be; !geld as.
port 9f tie rtegiawal tore a 1 stoles
collections,„ is the rust .pie to comae
sakIetpatg,, a*1settovoly., so dant it •
card be mode available to atrydne in the
Yo ."t hardwt s in thrtrl erg to send a
copy hem is alert appoptioted and
rearm 1 *Assad ash yew go reg' ney
crorogtartmlattions, to all those concerned
is Abse prtaodrrrcttion of the boot far atat
excellent piecc of work,
Vows si v te* 4'„
Thomas M., Gray,
Regional Librarian_
Dear gaol', •
I afm, ewdg am err letter to MT,
Fronk DMta, ML*. I hope yew wail he
able t o+.gAmrhhsln this as it is is response
to somerertnapksy 1Ve is repotted to have
made areal had pad:totted last weein
the Landow..Foe Pyr
1 elm oast tteeD hi reworks should Nle
allowed to go, +halal *gad
War Wr, Icy
* vsifir steer lady orae daY
Wrote dorm aahat folks warned to say
Theme was so ,,loth to do
She coasted a !erre+
Tri tar paw 710
Aet alas the dimly papadated artearss off
mud Cam„ ", yor slay satin fad a
place tatted ieGeitimal '',
Heli ., alta slow modouriiied pace., ane
may p lie frisk drtat-
ies essenatl° their fife fawn a aide mgt.
of &cam' ,g ,.: num* assembled
without any itegant fair p yr
food, cloth, . handsome aad grrrtte
often Hear" >ltlaa.
thrown together kith d -
shoo is WO atmosphere . of chee^se-
tolacco sad coal dill
Slowly Sort inevitably, theme pig
of the old Cataidan way of Ware
sapping into oblivioirr;, lett aaar as
modem c000rrsa.tei society of shoppitig
catts„ chi' t=sot cornitersawd a se* of
tem faces vilticb rarely reflect
concern for their mteighttents - that
Vitol chavattedsist wpm ssh th
Coati& depevided foe
Yet evets the g eke ad std +Male
hove clang to their f r+rr bus-
inesses kelt spite: of trlec pressares from
modem rtraQikeittag a per r bear
hide oo' o tesentbilonce to tie tratertag
posts which, , •,._ .10117 ire die clearings,
of the c at4 settiers, The v ety of
goods s,atil'ed:i t these tog N utlefitrg s were
extreme y tithed fro aro evar•wl[iefo loa&.
conteotiorr ofag ng cherttra.a0
preservatiVesoar refrigeratiott,. hark
carrattosernies were wereand taatr-
cYe d atwaaY itv etletriAtTeeSo
containers; a slit„ l�. or GQIVi[&
ertvwace faarr,
The store vows the constiot iii;,
sett of old mew its seamft of a few
stravino front die tobacco Ettrick, or a
fitiodVe nips frOttr the stone c orefd y
lumen die hackoff the coaster, 1a
was the piacetoo which at bacefaot dad
dim its ghe with a precitats penny
ditched in a grubby litde !mond. or
losgiwg iafa t eyes ,ieweldtthe colour-
ed arm twisted slicks of candy ire a
large gam'. botade-
In IIetkiees, for better r or Torr worse,
pais crossed at Jamieson'sd
Ge Store., A phase Amon as
important as able calla h, it was the
focal point of news.„ gossip., cowjectatre
and epite oftew down** ) tat as
a onteetarg Ake of f , neighbonts
trod sometimes those *Sikh atoe
wish to ate,
ThewV store Weird p• fah t�l sound
of ranag . . saw Least "M an
toroth of mea ly a heated a sgw t.,
Vimct+ ' inevitable ' that lase
Car wool. the d oEteo fns wife, with t
isdescarahie jeagontsy ttri Aro wily to
wtomen.; come *rand Kathleen lartrra -
sow acted yetsft to l'rer tags,,
Copying ai pane and dressed caro
gomiv which compfetetSy overshadowed
die otherr'Ast eve customers, s1 sauna
to Kathilterr, igrOWifrtg the fact texts
she was engaged itv convention* n with
awetianwho. woo gocreltasing sottre
.daatte Cattlemen habiraattly date w
as tetititt * Cm l' tai with a superior air
which sattredm s seared the. cotton=
tea* off Refit hut shite Fad total -4
anderestitrated the character ter of the
wow she t oat frotttedr Attritigatittg
the outtotest which was to i= ll ar
defettsive =for sante Cdr
Kat ' ["so eta. •
�oa d.i ave, a few: yvi c jyw�it v you •
=dam– �a tu6 sad., Ot 6u herd
with her Habitat! air of strgettiority.,
Kathleen) vickr : rehaffedlecr. 'Tar
vite sore itis tont so int ,air f that it
cannot wait Kittdy rake your grotto and
*MI serve yew as stsdty at, pe.Sittre7
191 may ant bC imprwtaarrt to yoo. bats
it tettaidy icy to mre.1 midetrsttaridi ttlraati
you wish its teplate lure: as clavrelb
Kat hlr`en is a hose of
ri leer "You date " .,Farm, r8
yob' areionowitudisg Adam. 1 wish tem
with your bleats, woe you
are a . gross at or at dee hid,
you shoed d be urged to develoy
your mimic= abilrity =they than efts-
csou aagedf. Prose tease om fur your
;stns. -aim , ahs, church organist is, vire
safe as farm at,1 aarry coaterre&–
loIrgoat hate Carmol rn to
accotrupadv was switched 'pCet+
Mel Alae crosttasc my in de
giggled a tot ler enabtataransatteaftt,
lane trim aricatker tick.. "11 resent
the INfatnitir Bir which your attempt to)
f a y status in digs ceovct,`rt1LLttity„
May 1 rearing you madame., that it was, U
wtio stappfted de gad for the Vis'
of Skye to Surat gear ff waft
Ifee areas,'
"I &id root! rt 2e tbi= gide!! trnaght
sly, and shoe 1 as for more uweaairity
thawsoft ate, pettftags, yoty wt athm
ate to rake over your fitancig
rresp+ansr' Coity." *to • there wig he no .
cfotiha as to who, tike obit
;rOLAsOfie fro the cotximt tt 7
"ltdity U rtetnintd yoty that you/ are
sl eattit:tgq Cd> dce wife of the efoctorr
Sane said ittl at 'flintt, tett i
"oh rre L1 7 Ranksketv reortetilitt
de rite n.. "And i aim the wife of
eagaitiantiesott of whom f tot very
pita,, for wiir ozad tam lit tlttlarttd„ tette
immigrant • s 41L •tsi' atta;d the
Friends off Vievel' nom' have
• reached de sticties Lam air.""