The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-08, Page 1.; • ? • 1 ' Littektici w eto- 47; slatftecorari 1 amboree Report fails to reflect true conditions at school A AA* AvoirotoiNot Mtemi ?Niel reip9g �wAle Coleidtio afail Distoitt CAL - kg** loodtate lm* lost teffeet ow doe *we atiootOoere of the itskeipoit Jofi* Stator sap, INe repotisswal fity doe poet is Novenither„ stiggeste4 tee 'otaislorokswo§ tke Usiki gitili66# *ere kt ow Atte awl dot die (9611140m refiette4 ei* drothake, the postil §totOse &wetted' a ilkitfAtir Of Sorsa Oswooty atidi lifetited 1446 setmot at emit of de lutuflio few wield', awl the *Avg provfitedl the wet afteistaiteoli eof&iim poteil fame at CO 'Aut. jotstt a§ de seeouti limetV twitted %Ira§ eadVitg, lust after MI it 1 6 AVoleat§ Awe &Wes *mato ity Ike eatereda., Voilag ate kilt* si ° *oily stiolest§ to& to) their &ter many' use vaskroe*v„" fie void, ?lite entstedroto *WY§ OW* up OA* after the tutu* boor petk4-9" • Gototfiterfagtkepthell *Odes* fitte at pre dme *be* 1W stades& gave jUstfinfsted butt and wed the tossfirowsto§, §ttfwger said the it doe§ Not fail* refre§erstatavovietie of die gelled., "liftey *ere 6*gere one Awe mil de repot tdiemet feted the ttue atmegofsere7 Ice twit We Awe a wit growp of ofekficated fetopletioili# the vice piatilfat stotkats,„ graft tetretaote§ ased etostosil, kw, Ike Sb il &Aft* te doe 'eftiteft of &diet** *4 &Wet awd a* *macre slew tfe are aft4eivisg *tittkoffile ettwathsuof gook/9 The novo* Couisty ikardi of Mutagew fivudlotted awiisetcsioe teat* ecokkkeita Of doe tittisot, etworoptalao ttaff MO at repott *a§ etteniskeeadfomproiteittary fw-alV weft, Witt fetitik9d0 drkeligirose„ atittor§ suggested dot the studete§ dluft voot§ eirempbey, . . vrife ),�fdie settoof tate§ rofeatry ziortftwiffeice gteitUat§, St *pear Olv %%Yeti *woe of die eft:ea:46m the sett tuft for dem, ftwoa§sigarkontatuil **we dot &Aug the eadre evaluoteasti ow tattier oldit; observed regiofinamlft eider a gentkoit�fditg*„" trepOlitt safit "lie attitude oat fondue of studeig§ too§ esetwAry., Stittlest* are �6i•=,aitioe., Iffity mowed oddliyamdloetettiyfrovootat*rodaf,*, Uwe voat; 6kskteroot; tettoisur thetiotkl9 Itlie repott forkated.the stfiotit f* fstered oNgil and diot sat student§ &a admirnisteatfott rate Ole isto sdaksit, Medical centre : sard will capital cost sharing titet;ue George foot .of tuffinowe • kat, Wised die itiftrosoi diot die fei*el§ of ti Mtge of inetttow„ Towns* of itfiglov§ mg the loom* 4 Asttfotid *fill he toed* 4:46 atrektv reef& iff*. Irowtisr* 4 Weise Arsoils fosuothe c1% shifty); 4 age tw part* list •at de itrclitiklwgetrieill Centre, Il ret54e15 (st t1W &tir mutifeWres, ddafiWilfe die *know Mettimil Centre troord, • it'deoefoynt said Itt is, hood die boor& von agere to) reselVe tfie probleur of %fest Wa‘vattuseff§otilleetfistv to) paybigN per" dent • of die 004 dose of die projett„ Reeve Soynt pointed outtthoftii West Waititaddsit okitets, ed) igtOtiv t§oetrotftt- Of die dime betative there is, ito) *Viten) AtlitYredi &A/eta Asikterd &mug these diuldWitsitto growfirg fig AP ctitfliettvio &media oto &author §, &fitful yellit* • and Utah*** &ilia st* die month of few,' pfbliedi diem atuf brought diens) tb)t ttriffilyeelpg� fl111t renrolier • glittp,• Miuto)licy frolitgatbut agreememt stiplidattug the &St of fail: plitftr* *Ail be Awed • 25,•Amt. Atitrisfif atte lafiliSget; %IN& t", 19adi Niter eetteofthe cost effete preoperry &rite AO, poiregri It • Mott &t1 ifistv 4 the &MA suite fir die tassiito, 000 10) Ottr eel* and lutfituvw paid 40 per eette60tiiea*eaf dee§ attriketfetiteat teare.,1Ufircostaf Awe giJesigtail cot' �ti Zper eerie bovi* *a* adisgted far die osurpfetfori) 60 die &gal $dee.fiut wwrittetv agreement ow, signed, eisofeer sittsegbetit egged Wilt% iteeoe font A& attilett dist guffaw's; fiert-ereaturer, froth* Wiiitfrott, *fil) appointed .Setreratry tts die ktedlid tende Sitirdi add *ill gtd gflMeeting* to) !word die miiittres,of the fillarde§ meetiiw, 0 efidtheti diefttlitomoiv &Wed Chi witio *may Sawa toted 1:16. &lathe * ef000dovi flo# e *wow Coots,' tifideetelt AO Sudety *Ai ouveluise **Otto for *tie *gm* Sitiftet 'Me &Meat Mood the 14161Vey fvf estitttivog isfeitge* too *10 tow Asgt *Atilt *** tett eiti Sottrotoyf Veteutiir41iilopr*Jdoetetylig MIA** pootterpited **11 deli* piedget ate ittooroo **woe, from the to* k*,, (wooer ernefe*fueo int Steal gopik,0 Aigiotot Moro Ififfirouto1 iikothiptythf filiktikSto et friletittig Avg Atte** gireakic, rs4intwd A411406E01 Study Uw es wow -tete tens...• • eottSartattre report. studying die dit-, posat of s�likOoaste fit !Attlee COlidryv AoaS prevented to; irate eiwity Calmat] at thew rtfoodttifiet- Meeting,. by de efirmas of the &lite tett* Waste 84'anogement Cistu, mittee„• • ' Tlitimpsott„ etiairtitaty of die OM- thirree reeditifferdet0 tirdretiffeit atrog the teiiturratire *Asotitd1apitiove die remit, mendacionadein) tfie treport.prepaged • the &tit of fitartflok Maar& n(M. agliork• • • Thereportwaseottimissionedbythettirdee Waste Mariagertimit Commit *fitefil tvg'S appointed. hy. &like today Catmeif IW ttY OAP 4.* • . Waste management study lists three options The &Wowing are eYeergeS froth; the •consaltatitsf repOrt. preSented to, &race eon* C.660,1141^ die Waste itted,lottidtitt Comitiiiree at die etstriwin141.6Vetillittr trfeeti-V. The celty'S, 'Wage Madaidirmir Ced11, • tuitree reported they fiaoe reVietfett the oltdort* listed iW tI tis* 410 tfre . •detturtittee genii:so*, t1 reetittithetidatitin* 60 the retitie1ietitdrilitree feeoiffttieddi •etr th6ttI idagettt dedtity deaden; addi the recommendations, tie approve& fitediheM 60 delittrij et:Surfeit haVe: faked the report to their reSiketive edittleili 06e Stitt adirt diSettSSidit. The stuip iv; ti i tie brought back to cottri doff -twit' for further divenssititi consultant or ts'etnistry; Of the Edviraittiett staff preSedr atISWer GitteStied* Witgre Mitpittlit0• • ttagett cid 26 year projections, there is • adltge are tiidt1leapatity exist- • ing disposal sites to meet' the Sherr add° • 16figreetti deedS60 the eottlity of ireuee and fradooef....a 00, there *ere .42 fe*60 rand ander giWertirriettr eeetiffeattott fist purpose* of *;*Ste drvissa itv die C66110/.. fit2foligthetttfottnally approkiedi for randfitriitt.. the regt weal; fie Or6Oetfi etiVirodifiettikt* and hydeogeolkig- icallY, ateepratife. • • 'Mire I* a soide. oatiotioni ii die eurretir standard .ofloperatiott of etittidg latidAIV Sire*. Settle SireS., partiettrariSr the larger itistailidotts serving urban, areas, eetrit* gofitliStry EilOirotlitietir pidehdeS:. 'fitittieVer, the- ittajoeit of sire* are id, deett of aft iittiirovett levet of operation. SeVerall pent laddMI sites ekiSr in the Comity. The suitability' of these site foe id/fatting most be cotifirttled by •farther detailed investigattis carried out on a, site-Stleeifie basis. Waste gramikenvent Three waste management options are considered fessible for the Comity. The first propoies the continuance Of the euSdrig system, but apgradetf to net Ministry of Enviratiment guideline* the second propose* did creatiisni .of si (6) *age management authotitiew tinder this •Gistion„tifeecittitty W6tdd 6Ott, adtt Operate the divzsgati site* tint each) waste mani. a:gement autlioritY would set Aseat and operating potities: the third Option; prop - (Wes the deveroptitettr ,of three (3); eentrailyett disposal. sire*. each IV, be owned. operated mid managed •by the Coatity. •• g'• y consolidating the existing waste management system its the County of fttruce„ significant savings its the cost of waste dispasai are possible. Other beriefitS include: improved levels of operation and • better levels of en?irotinieritst peoreetititt. The major trade off is increased haul distances to disposal sites roe area mufti, cipalities and local residents. Appeovats foe new and existing, ceritra- HiedlaYtdflfl sites could be time eonsuntiug and potentially costly: Deperididg on the • Turn) ut page- 4. 6. if•