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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-01, Page 18
214 Pfemnsi MOOD GLASS flotobylott Soppres, eslalogme Chtistoss special law Ow tar grislier $14915, Saudi Oasts, Pada SOLOS, Cer- tified elletpie thaw Gloss, 15 Joseph Street, Kkektmer 1420 llft Oita& mildest" told 1% PAT, *a tlftpircog St -00 HAVING A 11111141‘114-0 MOWN? AA ern help, Phase Godetiele 5244001 or Wakes -too $01-31•55", • • . .......•01•01....011411•11•114.fairaramunaammar NM HEM11 *at have problem* learatiog, try tog., Sate. restosable, .rhotte 526-3601 -470 1S ALCOHOL A PXOOLEM io ow family? Al-Atsoo ato help Litisiftet• sod fries& of 21edfititits, Mose Waterloo 8S1-3113, Godetich 524- 6601., Alt for so Al -Mm ommiber., -45des PNEGNAlirr sod owed help? Free posititi" e eoifolemeut topport, Birthright, Calt 157 1066, 357-2392, 3574769 or •hoodoo 432417* (Aka, -Afar 22,M$a diswaw.alishaw 24 oirr SIZE COLOVS tore§ :from yore fates/Me ocerdive oily MAO plot a stoptette gift to yoto olds this stt, Saul yore- *twat* sod VW Os Sootier Stags* SS Shetbrat St, irsuipes, blarnitolts„ 2113, -046 1110000*. ASE TOO lATED Off, jib iitteetire, psywed? �e Toot Owit Sow Grimed floor watt**. Waite *dna Coil itistice6og, I24,9 Odd Street, Pg06VP& 0140 4536220., -Oa O. Ow& �wlhanks asutairramirmwaimeramorampramovairdstur laNOSOSIOCE 11001 WPM ilte 1st giagartidge Soy Stoat Grow, eatossittee ,:vesittl lite to dtssik everymoe Crtheirtopport -le dear way mottles:44 hotle dove, --OS Mafia' Vet•aged %Wel MeAotty a* to to dusk their Moo& for their Lied eye/esti*** et vospaolty st doe date his *tether Astors died Mi toe- ereot„ lortthigast, 444 Sistete &mike *9 Al Seigiesiallft Mee flteatgOittli &It ktitvor esrift mod etpiessifms sympathy &arm otys- as* lotresveaveart, Peggy eitstLesstrnV fleffermoo 11,AMSOIr lohe ofeohl M sister* tfasot diltr kW* kor sitclikkg r.11 gestollge to meet wilt c. sod fifes& cm dee detaitidal de dekr 464e oethirovg avidoersory, taw *tett *Vs - es„ evils awl Ofes %were gOtzkt* APVtetelutert 0' Hart& gort 3.4stierate listelattoy affSelf0 SOL sold•Wafter azet- fled, ekeited &oat§ fee- datrett, gifttl, afro& fitcf atitaits; fe; 'Cittiftili MC die degatiiddl de dieir gdif0 aretfdtiqg *MOW- • OPIP,00•1•PMW awatisheepaspaipagilliPar 314 Canis *I *asks $2. COO** diV0010 HAMM 11SSIBT2111100 We would She to that At St, Aogornitte 1t111; k the Maids sod Me/boors Attiptstioe, 10 tw*ey tor their ballet, sod dois. share the liVelika4 door patted . does doilog mar betetwe- .Weassetday , &ember Isi toe*, *IAA &mks to Dro, WO pas, Etvryotte wet. y, McKim sad Credo sod. come,. Adtaittiii isms is Maslow Hospital, Oda -48 . 11.11Vell4 FM* sitrni Sceredisoit to ,the Doctors *ad move*Mi Wiogitsm and to it lkspitsis for that este sod to all Maids, seighboort sod relatives Mot remembered me' othide hot, sod late toot* home„ George Smyth -18 $2, Cooing monis Et TOMS?' CLOVIS The Teemester Et Tomer", closet for dee fait teams at Satitrdaty„ Deeetober 4, tilos, ey sod woad sthelet may be pitted op oo Dee. ember 1„ 2 w 5, 1 it sod S,Vedoetday, December After Ai* dste all tiodsioted stheles become the paver* of Corottatioo Wiest Lodge sod Witt be stild st the riimmage tade on Thorsdaty„ Detembier WIffin TOMS Witmer bleier iv MAU; Tess* sod Mfr.Cortior- milk; or Haw& Come along olds &Isom Toots, Nos 54.; ,Ifitoover, (Wait& --OA CINUMIAi tioCiusi The° Loidetiow firethitteas Sem* Stflad 4 *gal pretest their soma M torn pmts. Somlay, •December 5„ 1 pot. &- error ofteksmoe., -41,44 COMMAS IN SONG • A earnest of Chtistoiss MitOk pi -eternal hy the Ofols Fest- -kat Silver tali p.m, salt Soodsy, Oftatylier Wok bleotoriatilHa Tithets *JP gag $1.56 site axeskihrk frooil-46-ir member* eor pfiewiog die goo Mite at 5234350.. TottAq sod Wed- tesdatsy., 6r doe MA Sags ao 5234331, 0,486 CAMOLE IIGHT SOME Latt000ftlstigKatv reformed! Chrnth, Smutty, tikttesohar Itefiestvasd tiutoltiostoingEtfiery- 4111 Itekome, 110011glag . At tottoosi nitre Sthsett. $feraloy„ tottesaker 60, Eatit- tern selttese4 Of hozsts Ailed 4 acoa., - •4 FAX, Sp4y tAratry Cit*. sisivioviAMATarmic esttitecemstiviiitAlotAsi# • imramet:, nesigtmaeft, Adak* 2ocil Waltsestla#etitto Amok Netteirotfelfelsernts,„ betattherg. Irettte Covorny likagth *tit Offke,1-4--AW9-tto„ limeorrfs altrati 11141. itittoStIftrge, Sisearloy.. ettaittr 4.. tati) gutt, Actantt, 44itv EAasKitte mate, --41s C11112SIMS COMM ' Trertftty &may le,fasigt toittl fte lila fecoro rstid .ftenit Settbol, 5rktitz, arttfierl, 4'vd•rp_em Isstve are. Attention Farmers A, For sib 11111018C1�*G GATES, ad- • de peiatiop,, big tude fork* sod feeders, Crnde replseernew beattiog, chop- per tittivet., AlbsL tkiiher., spot for Kook histitibe- twit*, 524,22419, -4* • SIMME7itTAL CALVES, 3 balls, sod 7 betas, SA to 14 peitemage blood, bora April, 450 lb, *verve, nom Waldo Ve, 5667 or 1549t, -4fis 12 FREE STALLS for sows, Phooe 529-14211 OTTAWA VALET Awls Capital CAM Sole., 1 plod Saterdaty„ December 4, 1910, Dover MI Farms, Atiottok, 40 *elect lot* of 1462 Heifers tired by CotteoteMst• , lethorg, *scram, etc., f. estalapet: tat 413-521- 4705, Shirley GaattitU, -4)4* 11111EE 1% ONE SWAIM • AL SALE - \Sattottlay„ Otr„- erditst fat, *Am', Sabo -Arena, 2 mite *est tiottosm, ff*y., 4., f111, SLOOD fOCIL„ porthred sod perternagle tattalts., Taw Vast/merely, Plotter - to*, Dove tleitretit*, •edam, Keith sod fltieJt looks Dochato, Cstallogoek, lackttm, X • 411N01006 itita Vie**ii Friday- -AA •, B.. Costs* work •• CATTLE f11100., &orn- Us., died Mime "ir24-7420, -46t,47,0 IX tires*** memo twist sump fib= &ow, twat Atidi ttuatitve swat* *igt g at ktufte • 6934,„ *al Sir:mewl:4 oigit ems-hted Sktosestai haat- $t Wig ge:tv term- ite*, ?hose .145-243g, 5E1MICEAGE AGE teat- tittee, Vissvpstire Atte 1eltte.6. 662M, Ithol., lbw? z Aurae , awl look as Hoop loom Ali are gostrarnee4 *Or deita Aug Ifittikek goliff6Wete, 1% ram.. 4„ Wad- ditv, 14,6-2311, -4141 N. N. CO -01111411145 OW OWIANIO UvataldwAsSfaatatlag Vivhdail Orlahrialidathomillo As lba siraiipeat amarkat is Oriole ara lfrAted ' ihitar• atagioas . Or lretsaye greipsof Sot more oa Thoridays NOW 110114010 10104:20121 Anitiog wieldy Areet • fromtheiVeeit OX.O.livostrnik IL IL toshootr HAW 5211400 lied15264110 Statieffing 521.2540 •••.- N. -NO HUTTON maws fleet*, idly WAWA fosse * 3 sere •lot, %Wooed Al- iwg0 attocthe litcheo, combiosiime trood-evsl fowitsce„ Look* room, mew *Med twit, sew liso1sted svettshop 24* 321 Taws ofify SOO per year., LLICKNOW ftemortfol 2 stove, *vitt 3 balosoto loorne„ t sized Warg, &Meg roost, ritithesk, 2 -f loatellieml, Weary moos moth MOM, 00Viti 116914 **Ode**. Mike as aim TWO WHITECIIONC11 boats, hods in top emit - deo thtmighsot, Oe Iles* Stall ham doe•other at **al aid the yew SAWN gait jj IfillitMASI AMA - 46 *ow dotingly moot, I *Ammo lasome„ tit. Awl 4410 00111911 cep-, loom*, Sofwg tem olds faiteplote, &dog tossok. 3 Sudo, isgretrod feet, 4*s alto d -witotaled mod lyttstal ovevt.theiy„ Let§ of flew- dflig., - II* bow dairy ism' g 5iatt- del how, estelleivl . tette; . 14V-10,540 Iwo 4Tortetv to fAD *, 04 ilittkoottstese 1 160 ACV& tavg iaotta„ W to- ikekote., Iriti AMES moth 6f Loa- ak9101,, ililitlii keel, 2 telt of Mi„,,,,, EL ... r... stkomorve42- u•mittrciftr, altriierelliimaindire WEROSIAllig fOlArM1112 6te titterg,. itath feettlem SAW Wag:cae-4v, frae*vorits test- eo„, Woe,' tedo4L etitr Sea& gal Avg InttetbAg. eitotAtii isisools* it IL A, 1Voliornolk. plottre 1105410., 101144 1041101144,0 Oaderionti 0112-4rese1 tic OMAGH •628-2031"•Luabsow Annitito 1146 roe Ile**. diary torn Jose a. fillgemovoy 21,, lit 111.04 Old too* sworn roots avatililmaryIIJCII %Wee asenlovw far Mee M•OW ASIEPIEW TOWNSallW Miaow teary 1111W40 tut 1SS 11104011Wfaillikdeolltif lia IVAN dikfillIWARIVII0 120101.dmildstiliktikriolrosiiir AMU eredgidged Mae $10090., AMMO 1101,16111P0 107 moo lead ifirar# daisy es ited# geed trialiqp, ifeArited Awe, lialliadO • &dm, tombs fhb pepooly., Lew towiltogot ot 1/1%, Mae SISAL• AbsAssin Tonsairo 1 m soma km away rem Andart, dear.; Tow mmildiptd fifrodst1, oo~, wallah* tat WI, air saiadlivar Ow, *Wm OM" ARNIM mosniiir wig* goof diaalreiti 01I lb rwawat, leardialge awadikie, ,NEMLONIVA,11161111, maim ilerd, •faratimillilla * 2 laaillowarlialgolow.. Caw , grey al MOIL 'sows IVIVASIMP -11111 was lag Andrea ifetra, , beilostiar woe thema, •SO lomillidda, AM% IOW& IVeraettodi bdairantionge Eat MAO. title% • fir &Mg -1164,0 jowl Ak‘o istm oartrilisithimmegeo jolt averstamt, thihr SOM. •ItICANOW, tikailmeassa, Uwe arteelare itassor# odlai stivaFto *If Made a!le lamp awmairy MOM - 116,11.0184t1P/IL weit.mlessto 52414411 IMO ilatintIMO MUM littidrAMMI 103-2443 • MOM . n . Them gTo See Is 1 S 01500100A. ilaparat, Covolasil Ofitart, dawkiaawo asealariii4ialow epeaferii Or* ma dad* dame ditto 2 lad* Mad slam* rered; yam* aorta esatkier poriegl, ••.' • 010110016WVON *we redowooglow intelidev OM.; 11 row an. efirreig mew deed* kind* antagyreakai me mei alosit offrimilasaisigtiao Oavy eft UMW 010111/011At IfteliaL . • • ' siAoneto rogovemp WI stow ewes wag& *6 weetairlat, ISO aletIESdattl000 lop, •g* moirdwitefok, 4 itiralosat� ifaarie„ Wel rem 2 Ow, Mr redeseireo dim& Oa. Ow* Aar waiksart, • • liV ACNIES0 eierdited ltimot,„ (*sato ~Al avio &loot icatO. STONE Saw drivior rearet, eie opperniteadlif te sore *Mb •• 104** Amy tame aata suivook, • Alaimo ' ' totraval.4.- SUS*OM* to Moo into aramiwao stows* arretwital4 rot* fatosialt ral ow 0. otaa Orpolvt,• . 00avatear at Woo aro &WO OW &Mee letitike i 4 pow artnifiatvaartea iisiketitio i 0 Vittoma, itowilatiktrititiltai Of eeiding tow evesarew„, res *Or to oared tip smairt . Wenfell & Ter/401mi • 005itittid410 dtit,02vg4tMlitkitv