HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-01, Page 16un
Lay school children seek
• ity Miderhalt
*64 it41*4 Kew %Mew
of LW *Wed
Siodirf then***
%MeV* mot and **deo
Mt, Mid Mrs, Graliarit
Dettiit. *64 i.lijd Yownig.
hare ptoefinted the &Atte
forme* ottned Oliwe
Mate and moved At tm
Coottstofanotft tfit 4-0
Cu twetektv§ ifit, /Ad-
ti tk ad the Dirogaw)
CY -Wm attended the
rith Annul 40 kW/At,
Srigit (I6446* ail* Saba
tot/ Ptiday flovaitW
It& Kt* 'tato* kwatit
tor the ifightst Sote'„ itt the
4-0 bairyttiver 0Am/tom:
pefOlow, odaa *ow by ,lhent
Ifaw fiselo, sow of kitten*, mut
Detnots.liimi Oselei &mit is
member of the Vintwatinow
iwto members reteiuring -
Projett Ceteititttek were
6eorgi Attow of tatt-
ooist, and Petty Vaal Cos& ot
• tottotO4
CodWatittati66 atit6, it, &tie
to Swam* AM* *fit* receiv-
ed the &serve Chain** in
the (*rasa data at the Royal
• WItk*V Pair reteotty,; tor her
ttereford tint; ' trots,
aft Swamies (• sold tor
$&O&a poand and Siie atso
retei,oett a Siker Tray arid
• �p1* •
George•Arrow shouted his
..ffereford piteous& catit
the iliitelV§Citikitttt ditt at
the toe* Winter Pair mut he
Atm Mee,
il* ath the Eta off
•teal mkt
ottltifiett of ilk totlow
Matthew; *tamer tfav-.
eta of tattoo:, &WI
%,Pliagfiarn and &VOW Ms-
Printay,, SiOember
ti)42 ire his) Pili) yew.
i‘roter town) ttorentare
vow*• the tatton* Village.,
Olvorika tepartment, vedg,
'etklOSysttliNfOitti Oinidge for
yeuit. ilk was a member
0 &dim* *titled Char&
&ow ire Wiskoatv Sot-
thewaw o •
th9k hew** star of the late
teoil titavetta, Wawa*and
tfit'lotitietf fkotittis laytor
of West •W'moinoth 16Wit-
Wty Oft*
Cliaittpiow of PordYte
l5otit1yinnot aura)
fte is) Survived by two,
daughters.. Oftrisfine•dm&
oer, tattoo* and Ata
ok 1.66d/6* mid (site i'lo*
• Io y trauena tattnow.
ttetyaspreneteasedby ins
Wife, a tigre. rtgft. eltiott
• Taylor• o1 *Joky add a
brother. William fravetta
iat. '
Thd *mut service. *frdt,
held from the Mittgene
and Mtereatil, Pattetall Mine
ire I/ wino* oitAsuettibe.r
Iat!1irn, 66trilttL4 by
Rev. ViVarren Metloagalt
&Weft* thtited Chart&
Atria Mowed 1nGreen,
hilltentetty, &widow,
C *
otsfMi. Jofmilatoltowi two
N og sth0 wow
ititttiedat 7 ptiot, oti SOIN,
day even* at t1 Drorgant.
now UMW awn*, lteeep. •
`flow &Wowed at Litany*
Commigity Centre,
lettilowits UAW Otakeik
Ittiow the tits* St** of
Adiretit, t1e titt eft* of
tfie Actotot **At st,0 fit loy
C •iltoberts d tim Mc -
Th efilittien's choir
tog an anthem and the,
MQ choir saw& tet The
ge Awe O got*, New,
•*Aegis, tote 6*, tie took,
Zsitelteft, tolitte liftte sdol
Nett Swat* the older
members of tanuonmow
w•Schnof• stiff had *
talon,• fast,• the proceeds
plat to the Sisktthiy
id: r Sentionff Weibiestfait December 1, 1982---iPaige 115,
sponsors for fast
and tot* Fam* and Child -
roes Services, Goderielt
•The Ilitsgs**6* 00604:6
had their Soreadter geweral
meeting at the home Of
athy Oftem‘•,
lolow ittry hove the Rol
, Cittek SOCiity *MO tliw specia1.
pest spetther„ fie gme a
very interesting talk on the
Iwo& of the Red Cross and
• showed a Mar, Heiken led a
thscostion of the
ot Ettood Donor being
UM in the Inotganato mead
•Another special /priest at
the *teems *as Dallefie
Dottpe, Aare "K' *tete
CO- She presented
Pie:Meat Doreen McNeil•
"tidy* aest which represents
the Oates 198142 donartorr
tot Cis& Fibrosis reseaicIL
She also &might the isitot-
elation that the Driaganues
kblettes wilt host the Zone
Erecative Seminar in Sept-
ember, 1963,
Kathy served a &Woes
Pk iwcit was follonedb.
the btoeiness meettag, The
Christmas amen* wit be
held at the home of Alma