The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-01, Page 6news
Farmland taxes to be eliminated
Proposed changes to the farm tax system
in Ontario will eliminate property taxes on
productive farmland, Agriculture and Food
Minister Dennis Timbrell told the annual
c on venlon of the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture last week.
"Our overall objective inthis prosect is
ultimately to re -structure the farm tax
system on the most efficient; equitable and
progressive basis possible," Timbrell: said.
He thanked the OFA for their support of a
re -structured tax system.
The proposals can for provincial property
tax rebates in 1984 of 100 per cent on
farmtatnd and farm buildings for farmers
who qualify for rebates. Farm residences
would be treated as other similar residences
in the same community except that the
residential lot would be assessed at 50 per
At present, qualifying farmers receive
property tax rebates of 50 per cent covering
farmland,farm buildings and residences.
Under the new plan, the4 minimum produc-
tion requ to qualify would be raised
from a gross ' of $5,000 to $8,000 for
1982 and 1983. ' the new tax system is
in place in 1984,: �: ' ums would be a gross
income of 512,000 ` i southern Ontario and
$8,000 in northern and eastern Ontario.
"When this tax package takes roll effect, I
would expect that the total net property
taxes will be reduced for the vast majority of
farmers," Timbrell said.
The estimated net additional benefit to the
farther in 1984 will be about $20 million
bringing the total benefit of . tate rebate
program to more than $85 million.
"What we are attempting to do is remove
unfairness and inconsistencies from the tax
system, and at the same time, support and
strengthen. the position of our productive
farming "community," he said.
As. part of the changes, . a Farm Tax
Appeal Board will be established to settle
disputes regarding production criteria, The
board will include representatives from the
rural community.
"1 believe the tax package represents a
fair and comprehensive response to the real
need for change as expressed by the farming
community," Timbrell said.
The proposal will give Ontario farmers a
system that compares favorably with other
jurisdictions. It taxes farm residences on the
same basis as those in the urban area with
fax on the residence last discounted by 50 per
Lucknow Sentinel, Wedneaday, December 1, 1982—Fage 5
Delegates from this aiies serene the recent Ontario Federation of Agriculture Couveadam
;r Tomato wore, fig the left, Walter Elliott, R. II..1 brazen; reel direr, Merle
Comby, IL It. 1 ; Jtr Hitter, Y. It. 1 Vie asnl° Toay **Qui, L L 1
1 mclut.w, Moto by Stella Guaby
Oivari�fartn adjustment asg ,stance plan will be extended
The Ontario Fawn Adjustment Assistance
Program slated to expire December 31 will
be extended for a second year; Ontario
Minister of Agriculture and Food Dennis
Timbrell announced last week.
He told producers attending the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture annual meeting
that the . Ontario Cabinet had approved . an
extension of the program until December 31,
"Because . Weak commodity , prices and
higher interest rates persist, one year win
not be enough to achieve a turn around in
the financial position of many participating
farmers," he said.
"In addition, the steep slide' in some •
prices, particularly for cash crops, means
that additional fanners will soon need
Since the program was announced, more
than .3,000 fanners have received financial
assistance through the program's three
options. The total value of the assistance
under each .option to date is: $267,768 under
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theinterest deferral option A; $570,894,488
under the interest rebate . option' 0 and
538,808,147 ander the loan guarantee option
Timbrell said that the overall thrust of the
program will remain unchanged, although it
win be tempered by ' the fact that interest
rates, while still high ;byhistorical stand-
ards, have decliired significantly in recent
"The farm adjustmenassistance program
remains an emergency measure, designed
as aid
bridge to a better system of farm income
He said that the provinces are now asking
the federal government to join thein and the.
producer getups to establish' a voluntary,
tripartite, farm income stn azation pro -
"in this period of financial constraint, this
continued support reflects Ontario's commit-
ment to preserving family farm enterprises,
which are the foundation to our food and
agriculture industry," he said.
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