The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-01, Page 2g&isiteeopy 814' 'Lucknow•• NTINEL jamboree 83 • rouged Lothar*, thitsidio, Vietham 1 y, peeltalret 1, 1062 26 rages• ibis& 4taftweir,S &Oro sane et the ireengetailigt Cliggium tree diestrigatie 111;er sietheir litisitiadetarthethinget Erimintitygannewthvbeiteltilitegainittaitatifilettstata•rt Items. Ttritikksiiittlker#Shtrleyktaitemkrrcittlielnekvtav,r.titdor'Wmsmif*lhitolhneWhfehlroase at *vend memitsgatin * AI hint•emir*, etmenfitti waniert" toy* amil • , iterdifeweift tar ogle the h *Mir linittaitteti hy the tinktifinV ibliittlitt Midi& albs Mae**. pailgiltaliie ta die tiaitar.;Ta icog** Ail he settratt r WWI* Slittenglefr) Win at Royal winter fair Two titchnOW atea •sistein trete named errand Champion lleteford and Gravid Champion Charolais Mom/um and Clamp, icor Junior Herefized thownizer at, the Royal Winter Pair in 101'046 kW Month. " Card gintoul of g., 2, torknow was named Coand Chem** Hereford Shamus* mg Senior Showman. She ago tottered the fitk of6rariel Charepioir Ch Showman for itinfOr efiatOraiSmenthers mid 4.11( Members finer atrift 12 - 21 - Kitt *Wog tra4 *tined Champion Yettior Hereford Showman and is ego Oettrio Hereford Mutts reptentethig jive- ior members at shows and sales actosn °Markt- Card A& competed in the 441 Otteeres Guineas crass and met judged in the top teat of a class of 59 irt the crossbred steer class, Ciro showed lier,4-11 steer is the Ilerefotd Cls I, °pea' steers and pitted teens& • Their sister, thebbie showed iv the dial cyclist; clans and placed Second, She ago showed is the reenact llentford :gem to page 40 Charged -with• theft An arrest hav be made is *Meet** with the theft of a safe costaiiiitig motley froni the Piet river Cheese Palmy &vire& ago - David ParriSh of A4/1eld lovrestrip. has been charged with tweak. &neer and die& ihitAt histitutiott hispecthaw Panel ettported that ostetgoat a Godes** and District Collegiate Itemitate sere 1 due ter a rack of ifiscipreite. in a *poi before Huron County Court Judge P. Carter November 1. the seven member panel reported that the overeat app of .the *hoot WaS filthy and tecontinended ,.vftoal areas thitt• required , attention. The report said there were t enough, rue extinguishers in the high, school and that many existing extinguishers had not heett checke.d servieed since August 1461. The pane members arscr suggested that walls were in need of painting and ceiling tries should, be *prated tor file holes and water stains_ The panel added that washrooms, Wingham hospital scales dothn proposed construction plan Sy limey Hem •In a bid to make the costs more acceptable to the °Mario Health Ministry, the Wiz/glum and District Hospital has scaled down its plans for a proposed addition to the emergency and mit patient departments. gy dispeesiag with a planned secood stoiey! the hospital has managed to shave about 1140,660 from the estimated cost of the Prolett, brg it down to MA mgrion.. At the same time, it &distaff the capital comtributio" in revoked (rum the intry, twitiging it dom. to S2S0,006., •The test ot the mosey *tied be raised through a combingtios of a p&.f& raisieg campaigs, the hospital's cows capital resertees„ a both roan and costrgiutiotts from Him* and grace counties,• • Hospital Administrator hlormats' Hayes captained the changes were• made several weeks ago,* atter the misistty twined dows the first proposal my the gond that dile inuntiets didiltksok right", "We asked Otetit to look art if again with reduced figures," he said' and the ministry awed. "They're very interested now," he reported, but the request still has to go through the proper channels, which could take a conple of weeks., Ministry approval is iital to the ssccess of the project, not only for the direct provincial contnimtios, which *mold animist•to °illy about Ig per cent of the total cost, tint also because it•determires whether tke project *meld be eriggile for cognise rants, Which it •is hoped • wield costribete a forther S120,609, originally proposed, the plass caged for a two-storey addiftne at the south end of de hospital, with esterand otttpatiera services om the rowed floor and offices for oder health related agencies asd cantata* physicists cm the second gots, There also toss a proton for a third floor to be added sometime in the" finte- The revised plaits have (Animated the second storey for the gine beiiiro hat legate opts the possibiTtty o athrmg two athritiomal floms as finernig becomes available is the Memories of Chris The Setithiel staff is Plaimieg this yeses Christmas etrieroit and we wait our readers • to be ievisfverl is this' special issee of the • honge ton* paper., , • Recent Christmas &Weft hare inciorded the stories„ poems mg *noes created by area sada; ctaltitta, Cialtireal Christmas is, aflabort led oer teadegs• majoy retiring the &sights of /lathes at Christ- nutfl., Their pt effe:s help to make our •�o* Mate special 25 Mot tee Christmas •through the imagliatima of a child•, This year we *sat the Older gm/mafiosi to become isvolted„ Memoties of as old fashiosed Clisistm•as. meit•ioties of a war time Christer/ft memories of Clwistmas • when was a cligd„ make betudig gilts at Christmas. Share your memoyies of past Christmas with our Semittel readets, Malty of ris %eye not arotted to remmither what Christmas was like &rift the war years. Masy of es west •sot arcured 1110101 at aid tailgated • Citigalta VIOtt Me or oats agn, Perhaps yaw have travelled to Israel or Palestite avid can sham yawimpressio' ss of the Holy LIM& llariag seen die places where kss hoed and preached hit gospel feeds a fascisathig insight ineo, the tete:bra-. go% of the hitt* of the Messiah. Perhaps year. fans* tradn is Jewish, While • Jewish farethes, do sot celebrate Cluirtetes„ they do observe Clusgialt at the same lime of the year a; Christi:Ms mark Past ilorises , bin*, A tido ghost the Jewish trawfitiost Chatietah„ how it is observed aid whet it memo to the Jewish inlay make a rahtable cestriliniosi to Olf .CM: tett**,C1Ntiak a rettetlia festival asd kilowledge, toteraace and rind, cysts/Kr/4 of other re:60ms it part of the Christmas. message, Perhaps yos have starched other•reggioss such as Mac, enderists or Muslim„ The special limes of yegir (*staved by these faiths are also it/tete/airs& • •We look forwatd to readmg the articles stilwaitted;, esperialty those mines by die •Tani kr page 4* Seriously injured in accident Was Rhody of Valets Toweship remains in stable cot/Mon is freivernly Hospital„ lingo* fotowieg se acad. est on. concessim g of Kidass Tomethip Snstrday cawing- .• • Ratty was Malaga tailor pairs/gavels' Segos which was stopped am die road because of a gat tire, whew the viagos was struck from behisd 6,4 a car. lthodY was pineed betweeti the **gm and. irieterr arid sestaiered serious injuries., Driver of the car was Wit& Thompsos of school conditions termed "filthy" were not dean_ • Otstel aktr-tiospected the Crodericlu Manicittal Day Ithetratry and Godericit Pace Static* and reported that whale both fealties wire well kept, fire tag/tonsil' eaS required more (req service- In die dime �t the paste station„ the piglet repotted there were no ettingeigers is the fire mom cif* es trite dto tectetotset arteeL The peed gig& checked the Curfew dab. day cue tainity and stunicipid office in Vanastra lois reporting that extingeishers' were either non-eristent or in need of repair_ A clean billi of heath WAS extended 'to the Zurich CaMMaltity Centre, grookside Ptibfic School andthe gayfierd Comintility Cettare. The gayfield Eire nrgri iitadequate ter store the department's equitnnent., and the panel recontimentled the department is is seed of a etre, 6�g to accommodate the pumper frisk- The pastel seggested dim the •vacant lot next to the fire liall*Otati he• as ideal site' for a new fragoisit,a mreittet dot ward involee the silagg asd itelObog townships who &toted cm the departs/eat for fite protection, While n that some minor *ere'r 118,. Meal Secondary Sc.hooti Waw die panel added that the general appearance of the school was excellent and members were impressed v/itly the atmosphere, flosonview home for the aged was ago inspected hy the panel and they found it to be a welt kept and dean &catty- The ad srggest. however- that free extingtrishers he • ' checked more hertterets4. The pasel recommended ev ledge egmer that the fame panels be gives a fist imacatiag which institutions were visited asd• *hes, They also suggested that instinitious gives at poor report be visited by a sabsectiveut panel - ,10 its Sot of recoMmeedatious the pasel also, claimed that chemical storage is 'high sthoot shoed be update& fire figsrs Shourd • be do/wired 1w proper heating and sewage space and that more paintets be hired for upkeep of salon/ fauldrags it* the comity_ The mentbers of the panel nurtured lames Tfrornpisort. Graham Minatory, Ken Burk- holder- Evangeline Ifendersom Mrargaret Andersen,- Sliiirey lager and Anne Sett- cher_