HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-24, Page 18Ipisy news • this .2 eft In Htuon T on Ws 13M birthday on this Nov.2d, Mrs., Hette MacLeod, orgatati ter of the successful dance mid rewik*t party for the 19,0 to Ili deities at the Ripley .Cerattinustion School. on Frlday evening Nov, 92,, sends along the following names of ontof town folkf It and mimed in knit week's report, Their are Tents and. Herald Wyld Weston, Audrey (Stanley) Trooyyer, Edith (Stanley). Pedersen • and Helen (Stanley) itinith - all three from London, Roy and • Madeline Davis of Most Mikeand H oydges; Reg f Glencoe, and ficin C - bridge•. -ret Attwate r, Lloyd andb1 • (Thor- burn) Keating, Muriel (Thoniburn) Wika►n, David and Joyce (Thorburn) Tba ppiton. • Last Fr)„ Nov. 19, the. Ripley 4-11 Reef Club travelled to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto to see the Queens 1 Guineas Shoin the ..t„They were party interested and excitedas a member of fist Club, Pard Keelan of RR 2, showed his calf in the ort class. Paul did well and received a first class ribbon. Atter the Guineas Show they went to the auction sale at. 2 pm, when the calves were sold, Paul's steer was purchased by the Don Maus Farms, Another dub member, Jeff Ackert of showed his heifer Barter intheweekinthe Limousin class and placed sixth in a clam of 20 ennies. Mt members of the dub worked hind and received top prices forthesale of their calves, emeat awards will be given out at the 441 Sheepproducers aim to improve industry • Husidisrg ou.the strength et the farm galeand freezer trade to improve the . sheep industry should be the aim of the sheep producers, mem-. boss of District Three of. the Ontario Sleep Association were: told tweedy, Sheep: prodyctioa sod modeling *pedant JO1Z Kreuter of the Ministry of Agriculture acrd Foca sug- gested tlns'- st the ms's mai ia1 sleeting in Stratford, Working on the nig system :and pro- ducing larger bobs are two ways Mr, Krsuter gsre to improve the industry, He sand sheep and lamb produce could poly make »e' of the 'pork prod- ' marketing ig yards, He noted the 25 marketing yards across the province ata not Med every day and provide a great potential, Currently most sheep and lambs not sold at the farm gate or to local butchers are s taken to the Ontario Stock- yards in Toronto. Mr, granter said mar at the prothsterlevel,'ssuch as is experienced by the Ontario Marketing Board, would be a< boon to the sheep industry. There are twmete *PS's the sheep and lamb produc- ers mild aid the marketing of their poacher and as atn esampl4 Mr, Kanter ponst- ed to the .marketing system of the pork industry. "Tb clay has gone where producers could sell m lron sheep acrd expect to get top paces, commented mented Mr, !tauter, As for increasing the 'size of lambs nroaarketed, . Mr; f roosts r aao kuovole dged, there is sonte dinar gsrees,tire,'tt he - tureen dilfe resit purchasem. Large packing res prefer a larger , ascaisl,, ar- ound 95 to i6S, pounds whereas snuffer kayo pre- fer asnuffer nitronll afloat 6 to 15 poritts.. T ee sd`ass�' .try specisa d et - e:o'oras the prat t`ev sell clonality grade animals at the site 1'64*M Rag • pur- chasers because if Ontario producers Ve'Qi s9'tr iter in oder provinces Or out of the country will - Producing ing me re lambs at kts cost, in Ur- Kray tar's opinion is a goo/ valt'ccly prod- tfttr� slue$ work tea acrd& He reals flied costs tarn- not be changed and thew' would be fewer bet ,oaf Iamb available but the qual- ity could be unproved, "ft . would be more profit. able,” added Mrs Kreuter., • Developing challenges for the future are *hat sheep ire need to o and, Stated .Mr. Kreuter, if prod - wets don't Ake the, #ions the Wis taking they . can make changes front wither' the organization, Ile stated the sheep,Wits- try is considered the "pow relation." in'the meet indus- try and the situation should to put it ars its ragbtfad L.ucktnv Arena Schedule WEDNESDAY, NOV,24 1JO 3s3tiMoos &Torts s ooAtom.e . . Wthglta mwayLtl ka ow T1AV,1.3S SEAS hsrdustrwl League Ripley vs Kintati 9.45 Flolyrood as Ludlow HUD" MCC 24 2- 3A10 g. SAO :6OHotyroad Girls . /AO Pee Wee Game Tee aware r vs Lutkndw gad Bantu* Game Teetwa►teGrvs tucknow SATURDAY, NOV. 21 20d-3;45 Pub& Skating 4 Pee We; 'l ' !Gone Teestrate r vs Lacks»► w 71 ► - fM6 Ma lime SUNDAY, NEW. 28 1:164:10 P'oblic Skating 3s46industrialHosckey Port Attert<4Rpley sal S C&izrtr i s flotyrosod 1 lriternaaegist a Game ' TaeritsLuck)** MOM)" .29 • 116 Eantasnr Gafine Ripley vs, Ladino* * TISESDAY, NOV, JO 7'46 p.m- Atom Game Ripley vs; Latino* liroombari Ashrteld Arufrcrr Ourfavoi vs St. fleiest, limood cis taros WEDNESDAY, .DEC, I 1:10-J: Monts &.Tots flotikey. • hanging on Fri,, Dec. 3 it 1 in the Ripley Dietrkt stool a utu. Our, dumb goes to Mrs, Dianne Gamble for trio news mid to her husband Wilfred who is one of the amble lenders, The members ot'tise Ripley and District ' flortictiltural Sotiety met0eon on Monday last • week in the. Ripley Legion hall and en- joyed msjoyed a potluck dinner. The' executive of the !Society includes president Christina Robertson, .- Bette MacLeod, treastwer Joan MacLeod, and ten directors, The direr tori were in charge of senting the .tables and arraitithid the dimer in smorgasbord fashion, Mt% Violet (Hoy) MacKenzie wai .the program Convenor. Guest Mr., Vine Elliott o� Bay showed and ctstrmietrted on hissers of the ores of Bruce Comte. These are 44 dif- ferent Aids., A, solo bar Comite vert der Hoek and a piano dud by VI MacKenzie 'and Marion Gamble com- pleted the program kt Tuesday last week, Nov. 10, Mrs Dorothy Needham attended the World Championship � Prntation' s held in the Coliseum at the 1 Royal Agricultural Winter 'air. Dorothy received thte.Winld ChampionshiP for the Oven • Stied Award won by Ab and Fran .Wylds \ �1 were unable twho The prestntations, 10 in nitatnber coveting field coops such » ' coni, oats, wheat, rye, flask soYheollsk hnyo and fr11classes, ata tedutgiven in the rimming with their - Malt Bryon E. Beeler, chairman airman of the rim division in dosage and gait Ater art the noon dinner was the Ontario Minister .of Agate the Honourable • Dennis H. Timbre% The World srwarrdforthis wheat .sheaf was te Dorothy by'Mr. Lactone Locidrart, Geral Manager of the • Cereal Diiisien of Ciba-Golgy Seeds Ltd,, (Stewart ofAIlaa. Craig, ). Later on Tuesday af- ternoon Jim Nth time to Toronto to .Jahr Dorothy, and they . stayer! overnight •for the special auction and show of llobteln cattle tithe Royal laist Wednesday whets the top were Ourthanks goes to Jill and Dorothy for making this trip aid also for the trip to the Coliseum on Wednesday Nov. 2 when they took die. *heart and east sheaves down to the Royal. AbO thanks� goes .41erry Hither *Ito grew this Fr+edeskk wheat en the hernestaid : farm on the Slath Ceneenelen west in 1ls,dT , Pocket Tdephones, Ate. *S!p NOW 6277 Tag Can Now Tike A amass Tette Aimed The Oise, Air ibe Tore», Amami ire Nome. MOW FOR 161101W INIOT001111 529-7513 COMMtiTIICIMONIS 1:7-0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PPE -CHRISTMAS FRANKENMUTH ,(`--.e ?;,-: :i ;;.;• - .o- ,+ r.;-/ di r . r ✓ p. r t A .% w�JT+ M lea" l i ! S \ \ , J -i-.•.,- .S - 54i- i i ;4-4.--", �.; C''a."Ir q.'4 • r"r i `. ,,✓ ^1 t 1A -,' TOUR DEPARTS • 'DECEM BIR 11 'THREE OATS, Christmas Lighting Panorama•Simcoe Je >Y 4r "•a''i4J,","a" i.. S" $49.1' • • ? fit 9 3 9 a s(4 '•i4" 2.4 10% 9,2 ; . M i0 ;3". it*•*•**** 4;4: +;z ;;; 27. ^1'27 ;• • • 74' w t l ..... arh ...$r i 18 REWARD! big pleat *eget* back 111111TO "SMIIEAT. The Man ToSee k 3 10.01100M , ' , spasm Id tato& spt)ro%w NOW OW MON WOO WO 2 . Ws, ides* Molly hops. , Vander *wild areal± OUN4ANNON throe badman home; taw, Wow mos Md dimes rw*i, efe etkte ther1000 ON sis Wel; spprrxlasNMy ratan yam old. Meal tellranrs 4 INCNNOW $+aMlt iiissit4 3 lieirseas honto, hostod -, ,tea rime, saritited Wet, lrts- rtrrdlsft pssrrnlsssr. ASHFIEL .TOWNSHIP ,400 it es. ems, sH iwrtabls. i!0 ACIttale Klakee Taw., 140 wet*aila, 4 beMrsom 2 sibs,'tart!!k, rises skis, etc Oa *aisle, boot ham tarter. Nr watt.. . ' J124 ACMES, AslM Twp.,, ci aIea ea* asp land. , ciao STONE law trodroom P MO, :ON aMrr ideselsly 20 ICON *11is 20 ivirlrsltlo,, IMS We sod stoma, :Hoerso Te ivisship. .. IMAMS move, kw flab rrnliar.lr+w., essi o d e111r rive silositl rad itud hydro. ' 'lame Si Terry ZkIII PN4001E 0204300 N., N,. g, LUCK N a M A OA .� ' w :11,4k,settios,slat MIK, floe eat* jigs* SMswfc, A erre a ft lslite jeans for i Who Med F rmilirre A • $ Haag rest* tos*.looltstem, -' Woe Awsitiss, l , esses, arils Foie tip Copt litio esusseistS, >soh, tiMd eSsualtie Mk as low A<r /s , , • . , i I , Mak* mad tfitsgasso iestrar, Staowsss>e tterolisgtorto Saw, Sl.> sts4 ofthets., r woes a r i sresuestotkevs, Ters,Dells,Tea Moira flit . iota we Swot Rost soarer limit bras!, �N % over,, grMr , cot* et, 100GUAMSALES AIM $0.1110 is. tss.+s~wFel.sites ES0Www., • 111f %'y LOIS01* fREE PARKI ,V1NSHAMJ ` SALIN AXIOM lasigammilmoir 600 leeeplese St, as& immistinsitkor es Imp L • ."EV 'l' SVUH 12 Ore .ii Miami Os essikaAslii failatt sse4ry is& toady, bat esusttrry tomo- tn.as p filkos, yodses Opss .r w , `- .W.sk • Birt.1 led Moho Paseres SOMir1MIL Nips Was ti Arani ,alter owls slosies, asosulr„ lows* -•-41atir Vf 1• N 0 11 M A L. a s 0. A - a N. A W1$ *M $AL; M ARENA