HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-24, Page 17„ ------, m. ------ 24.:8 s1nfws oppor, 30., In irnonsrlani . ,LAIN F T*A INCOME! Learn to pin income las returnsf by . aysleble. Write: Tam rine Services Limited, 1304 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario. 1.61. 2X4, —047 POPCORN DISTRIBUTORS WANTED, Popcorn Canada now offers our hot buttery money-maker to industrious, ambitious -per with a little money to invest. 10 100 locations, Part-time or full time, Ho selling. We get locations, Proven pfbfitable. lwlininium investment $✓,0Wt Call (416) 624-0964 Ext. 21. —047 .., 411.0fir' esu/ rr etiar e..r rossrI o;am r 30. in monstwisiti. MIRAN In loving memory of a dear grandfather mid great grand- father, who pfd away one; year ago, November 26, • 1981', A year ago. today, ; Grandpa, God took. pie torr away. And ID our hearts, 1l( We atterpartagain. . Happinesi aad sadness, 5rar+orrads as every day., And every day we had with Well remember our whole fifer through, Par we are your gr Child- ren Anda part of you, We seal' also, But wish the best„ for, yon. Sadly missed and � ever loved, your gr nfdchBdren and great grandchildren. -47rie MIRAN In loving memory of my dear husband, Sack, who. ped away ooe year ago, Novem- ber 26, 1981. Wherever lire may take me, whatever I may do, The remorie, of the years we, Will' keep me close to you. God. broke my heart that. day, When he tools you fart ay, One long. year ago You meant so very ” F to me, Tears and sadnesswill al- ways be. 1 cherish the years we spent togeThrough happiness and hard times Yoir were always there. We inade oar vow till death do us part." A part of me still aches, It seems just a bad mistake. Days and hones of loneliness stiff linger in my heart, From the day we had to pmt. Your Bernd eyes are sleeping, Your tired hands are still, You tried .so laird 10 say But 'all you could do was utter a .sigh - hat die, memory will never ie, You are. never ,more than a thought away, Quietly remembered every day. Noneed. for words except to say, 1 still love yon, andmiss yori. in every way. Rest in peace until we meet ,again, your loving wife, --47nc .. 32woofs ' . 1lawea401w •. t1DANfE Saturday, 2y Lue:fnaw 1.egioey. Norm Dmmarser Smorgasbord 46,47sr" BLOCK PARENT MEETINGTuesday, November 30, 7;30 p.m., ' Town Hall. Guest speakers, -Constables Don Dave and Andy Burgess. Film will be shown.. This meeting is to n Block Parents in Lucknow.Anyone interested please attend --46,47x , al..Confs of thanks • OMAN In loving memory of our dear father, Jack, who passed_ away one :year ago, Nove .bier 26, 1981. A special day is not needed, Father To bring you for our minds.. The days we do not think of you ` Are very hard Ito find - Although days wore and go, The twin still' fingers though.. You were with us for such a short thine, We really » your smile, And wish 'we" could talk awhile, We watched you, sniffer, - We watched you .dee, The arty thug we could do, was stand by, When the timecame we suffered too; There was nothing we could °.do. We 'waited and waited for your good -foe Bat your as eep with only God tom, your by the hand and we had to part Ontyhe kilo,.s how he broke oar heart. • We; hear yarrr . voke,, your laughter too • They will stay w ee us our whole • tile trough., Yesterdays t day and tomor- row will pass and go Bus memories of: you, Father, will never d Time they say hetes ad sor- row. Ever sunny 'skies to. Will never ret as f iitget n The pairs' we suffer yet- For us, let oat your. sigh And forever test in peace. Fat Sadly missed and ever remembered IV your family. Ifrrth, Sy r Donald. Grant. Dorothy,. Mary, Ralph.. Ste w- art mod farm.. 1NtAFE' i would' like to thank 'Drs. Como, McKim and Jolty, all nurses and staff of Wingham Hospital; the . inemnbeis of Old light Lodge for the beau- tiful plant sent to are whiles patient there, and also to the marry Mends and 'relatives who visited and sent me cards and letters while there. All were deeplyappreciated, Sincerely, Frank Maulden 32. Corning treettIS OPEN HOUSE The family of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hatdenby of Sarnia, formerly of l tnlongh, invite friends and rues to in open house at the ' tonne of their soon. Barry Haldenby of. Ln'cknow on bile occasion .of their 40thwedding armorer- sary, • Saturday,, November 20, 198Z, 2 -• 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Bestwishes only pkasc. —45.46 CIIMSTSIASISAZAAR The Kinette Kommunity a- zaar will be herd at the Lucknow Legion. on Satur- day, aturday; December 4, 1 - 5 p.m, Crafts. ceramics.. baking, woodcrafts. needle crafts.. toys and Christmas, decora- tions, ecotions for safe:. Tea and cookies win be served. Ev- eryone welcome. —4.5.46<47ar CAL4ANTIQUE SOW Trafafger Village, Oakville,November 18. 19 and 20. South of n{ :E W.µ Trafalger Rd. Ontario's finest dealers, Jewellery, furniture, china. silver, great memorabilia. ROM Identification 1 , Thursday,.L rfdiy`-w 6: t 0 - 8:30, Saturday' 1:O0 - 4:00 Draw, trip nth. —046 CRAFT SALE Christmas Craft and bake sale and test. Saturday, Nov- ember 20, 1 4 p.m. in Wingham Armouries, spon- sored by Jack Reavie Oppor- tunity Workshop, Wingham. -46: sawmill ME At Lucknow Legion Hall, 8 pm. SHARP. Friday, Nov- ember 26. ow-ember26. Wim, followed by euchre and. ' bridge. Lunch and prizes, Admisssoe( 52.00- Sponsored by , SL Mary's CWL. —46.47 EX TOGGF1Y'CLoSES The Te cswater Ex Toggexy closes for the fall season on Saturday, December 4. Mon- ey and unsold alleles maybe picked• up on .Tuesday, Dec- ember 7,'2 to 5, 7 to 9 pm, and Wednesday., December 8, 2.to 4, After this date ail unclamied articles .became the property of Coronation Rebe r Lodge and *111 be sold at the rummage sale on Thursday, December 9. WINTER' TOURS Winter is better in Florida; Texas and Arizona; Calfor- oras: or Hawaii, Come aloft with Leisure Tours,' Box 54, Hanover, Ontario. 47,48 'METING All members of the Lucknow Legion, Branch 309 are re- quested to attend die regular meeting on Tuesday, Now- ember30'ai 8:00 p.m, --Oar CHRISTMAS PRM The Lucknow Presbyterian n Sunday School Children will present their annual Christ- mas hriistrias program on Sunday, ber 5, 1a0 p.m- Ev- eryone welcome. —47.48. GRAS BAG SALE Salvation Airy Grab Bag sale-yon Saturday, November`s, ' Orange' 0ai1r Edward Street, Winghaanr►.1. 4 p.m, ---47 GARAGE At . the Lucknow Politic Selma, Friday, November 26 1-4p.rrr.-41 war befieldl h r Dee - ember 9. at the; Lanier •P i6 at 7:30 p.m, Fee, $3. --47 JUNIOR FAQ shit'` Wei Huron Jam Farriers lite annual banquet ,and dance at Brookside P'abbc School, Saturday. •Norer 21, 19th.. nanq ,1 pair; it;• Diawcing 9 to 1, to the "Siddon Bros", Mutts Ory; children (12 and 'rod- e/056.0k ety56.007; P7re-!ick free. Donee Duty $4.00, For tickets call: 5294594 or 5283101. - 41 Ludlow Smitinel,, 'i sdrireirtelay, November 24, I 2--? 17 . •11..,.T.r`..kuP Ai. ter..,. 32* CROIfile events �►�iyr�Yir� �r!rri►�rr rye r`r ' CAIN Wednesday,. December 15, local church_choirs and band will present t carolfest •i in the Lucknow United Church at 8:00 p.m, Be sure to keep this evening free. -47,49 CHRISTMAS IN SONG A art of Christmas music presented by the Blyth Fest- ival Singers at 3 p,m, and g p.m. Sunday, December 5 at Blyth Memorial Hall. Tickets MAO and $1,50 are available from choir members or , by phoning the Box Office at 523-9300, Tuesday and Wed- nesday, or the "Blyth Saga. at 523-4331. —07,48 CONCERNED ABOVr CANCER For . a film and further information come to the Lucknow Town Haff, Wed, i esday, November 24, 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. --47 XMAS armorAI BAKE SALE To be held on Thursday, December 9 at 1:15 p.m. at the Winghain and Area Day Centre for the Homebound, in the Wingham Armouries. ---47,49. THE$EWHOWICY 11ONS,BINGO ld Wro iter Community Hall, Friday, November 26, 1982, 8 p.m. 12 regular gam- es, 515; 2 share the wealth„ 5125; jackpot, 5250.00 oal53 cotes; pdrple . bad, 530.00; door prizes and lucky draws, --47ar *1PU 1 L[0NSMINGO Huron Township Had, .Tues- day, November 30, 8 'p.m. one pot of gold; 10 regular games, 515; 4 corners on 5 calls, $25; purple bad, S25; one novelty special, 535; snowball game, 575; one share . the wealth;. jackpot, 5350.00 on 54 cads; .consola- tion ' $40.60;' door. prizes. --47ar Attention Farmers gmastimoimirmorsimo A. For 'sole 0 FREE STALLS for sows. Phone 529-7622, -47,48 FIVE NUBIAN Nanny goats, bred; are white Wily; ten guinea fowL Phone 524- %38. —47x HEIDELBEIRG GATES, Cat- tle Penning, Big :Bale Forks and feelers, Cattle oilers replacement bedding, chop- per inures. Dealer inquiries werlonrc, Kuntz Ma Manufactur- ing Inc. St, Jacobs Ontario, (519) 664.2820- —041 CREAM QDOrTA, 600 kg: 2 Jersey cools, one registered, one grade. Pierre . 528-6542. —46 0 CASE TRACTOR int good condition, Phone 395-53g0„ —46 e�. citsfnnr wu.Ic PL01tGHlN"G, reasonable rates. Phone 529-7126. -46,47x CATTLE E Erf I Nom, deftorcrr ing, etc Phone 529-7420. —46.41,4S E MINED Ale it, PAY ! .p.. 0101•101,4111, Oi,r— D. Livnstock , THREE IN ONE 3114MENT- AL SALE '- Saturday, Dec- ember emember 11, I pan." Waltoi ?s Sales Arena, 2 mile west. Dothan", Hwy. • 4; FULL BLOOD BULL, 56 purebred and percentalge females. Tony Verschueren, Flesher - ton, Dave Berberick, Walk- erton, Keith and Elsie Jack - !Milo Durham. Catalogues: Elsie Jackson, R. * 1 Durh- am, NOG 1R0, Viewing after 6 Friday, --46,47 THREE -1N -ONE Simmental Sale. Fullblood bull, 56 pap- ered purebred and percent- age females, Walton's Saks Arena, Durham, December lith, 1 p.m. Catalogues: El- sie Jackson. Durham. '519- 369-6314. —047 alai ad. E. Farm services 32 ACRES OF RED CLOVER sod for rent; good porn • land. Phone 529-7546. •--46x BQQF. o STABtz MENT C1ranera, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unlaaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Co* Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Ilya 1eilrferw, 1t. K. 3, Hslyee.ed, puna-30S-S3I. l CLOVER A GAS SEED • jj Bought and Sold 1 SED UCKH G . r (Protect Your investment) was SEEP lex, Ara Tri LUCENOW 5211.350 48tfar grielereelleVelereprilekgellye BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo tlarfoaders, Big Jim Silo Un- loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Coney -n -Feted Cattle Feeders; Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- watt Ensilmixers FARMATIC - Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller` Mills, Blender. Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers, WESTEEL-11O5C0 - Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems. HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trus- ses., B do L - Complete Hog Con- finement Systems. SLURRY -SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders. ti CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment- ALS0 - Electric Feed Carts, Straw Choppers, Fibre -Fun - nets, Ritchie Heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment. WeHasdle&maks- M 1OWRYFARM SYSTEMS LTD. AtA therfey L R. a 1, :i nsmihie Phew 3115- llo _. t.25. FARMERS WANTED CATJLE Sick OR oOAeLED WE PAY -TOP DOLLAR 527-1859 $50. $75.• $100. mammy mote tor, Mvtn MS.w •w COW /ff4*fl01i/ FtMNA JUST flit SUfr*T10, 3 IEmROO'MS, i1ILL SASONEff Ir.ONft►VIAL tett dOW. 4 110110061S, PmV O , ORI E, LRCS ATTACHID GARAGE, . elft ST. ftirMr<L. Troll OM% ICAfkrtE VADOWNIWOOWC HUMS Moiehei rflN ilet„.30541110 UAB MiorKtt0 3105:-2 . HOST.. CALL 371417 BARRY McI!OONAGHMPi