HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-17, Page 20Leann, Sentinel, Wesesday, November 11, 182—rntle20 / ,„ // //,// / r • // z PlimPsINFolmo 1. Aft1C141$ for•salts ACCOill. to rent COURITIEY'S SEWING ' MACHINES Saks and Service. New Jan owe Machines and. Cabinets. Recondifioned used machin- es. 395-5341. Point Oark, R. # 1, Ripley. —44-47 TAKING ORDERS now fOr dressed ducks, geese and chickens. Call Lucy Miller, 528-2299. 43,4445,46 1932 JOHN DEERE model D tractor; 32" buzz saw with steel table and •frame. Phone 529-7420. --46 • • • • • WE'VE GOT THE SOLU- TION to your metal building needs. Fall specisds plus generous display building discount on, dome, straight and slant walls.. CaU collect anytime (705)474-1180. —43 • CEDAR POSTS 5 - tops, anchor posts and braces,• Phone 395-5773. —341f TRY C & E Furniture, new, and used. iD• ial Gottlieb, 524-7231. —40tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and an- pliances. Bieck IDA Pharm- • acy, 14. Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. —25tfar RI HOME mastectomy ser- vices now available. Contact Mrs., Adams or Ms- Stringer at Ifieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppees quare, Goderich„ 524-7241. --25tfar. • DEPRESSION Glass, dishes,. antiques and used furniture at Jim Iriertigart's Place, across from the car wash- Phone 528-302, OPEN SUNDAYS.-42If . TWO BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, frig and stove. Available . all. GlennhaVen Apartments, 529,7030. —44tfar STORE °pi MAIN STREEI'. Phone 528-3007. —47tfar ROOM TO RENT. Must have references. Phone aifle,. 528-3540. —46,47z WINTER STORAGE avail- able, for Cats, trailers, etc. Call 528-3141. —46 • „ 12. Help wanted ••••••••1•Imleipmj••••••••••10.4.•••• • SECRETARY MANAGER ronplord for ILnord Mortiorl Insurnowir c_..in Western Oetiorlo. Movie send "Noisomely by. Drocombre • 1, !N2, of •osportoreco goillifladIono,0 Vino Vinwanosta Mmol 111111/1.11PEOCO.- . , tkrognoinion, tie SOMEONE TO KNIT sweat - as. CaU Sharon, 528-2905. —45 MAKE SPARE MONEY at -home, selling Health and Beauty Aids. No door to door. -Write P.O. Box 713, Waterloo, Onnrio, —45,46z TRUCKING CAREER TRANSPORT DRIVER NEDED. Train now for your Class A license.. Write Merv. Oris Transport Driver Train- ing School.. P.O. Box 306 Cambridge, Ontario- M311 •4S6.-046 non•Duca for sale. • 14. Employmm1 Ph 529-7488- —451f wanted • is. Services available simPdimp INSULATION . Walls and Attics ADAMSON INSULATION Government licensed contractors Free Estimates LUCKNOW 528-2113 . • • • "Aims BirtowN and white NEED A HANDYSIAN??* • ebeck winter coat, sial 180 Ever-1°mm In aver"' worn about siz times. Phone and 'Kole itnonatinns ,• 52&2297. __46x chiding • roofing plumbing, cabinet making and electric- • DOUBIE miTIRESSin new 24- CJI 528-3834 after 6 PAID•- conerelion.: Phone 528-2606• —31-46 LADIES COATS stir 16 - one woolnew, mink @abr, half price; one gory leather and one brown sued ca •Acne recorder, full featute, neer- Phone 528-321)2„ —46x • 011HfillTAS SPECIAL Few file young shooter, FREE WEAVERSCOPE with may 22 Me. Mos many specials at Village Kiska Guar, Underwood, Open 7 days. Phone• 368-7182. —46-51 r SICK ROOM surrints, patient a soopprort pr- awns, conwatercent prod - nets„ etc.. track Phartnacy„ 14 Shippers &pram Gokrich„. 524-'7241. —25efar 111. Services available 9 9 9 MUM •00-011MAIWIS OF ONTARIO Ikerrovek Marisedwg Data& Skeirinnlo Torente Fordo wirsegraitisandkeit I•n Otatarlomail Slatikeir filionnallos • IMRE FORAM On Tuesdays or poops of SornianeonThaisdays •OWHG • SIMMS Assining cornikty drama &um the West 11.40..liseatisekShinnee ' 11.111.20Lisdaswe Howe S21.54113 Tani 528-3119 • sossboollron15211-1544 0 0 WANT ADS work. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Messed Anedoeseers Saks of AU Types Phone Ripley 395-53.53 Teessvater 392-6170 T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Serving Lucknow, Killalf- dine and areas for 25 years, Phone Doug Harker, 364- 5005, R. 10 3, Hanover. CRAIG'S CHIMNEY (TEAMING Can for appointment 357-3641 --4511 • GET -OFF -OIL • Instal- Electric Heating • Crating Packile ,Fasts Room to Roorn Fart Electric Dryer Heat-reclainers BURKE • ELECTRIC fiechical Cabala 23 Years Electrical' Heating Experience • APIAtareces • 357-245k222..."Iroglian 11011411 T�0 NOT-V. and iarsces Msniral Saks aired Sean tower and am- . henna is1alIUatiinn, refrigera- lion service, 395-3466.. • [ley, —*far • • LUCKNOW TAXI. TWO tars filly bowed local and Long Die Dethery Smoke • • ReasorOblellates 7.4 lisms a they„ /Jays '• 52$4116 —Afar 21. Personal ram ows• emir dimmf mai maw oar doomi mom mitir *few ailii,1•11P 19. Notice 1 creditors 20. Public nolicis NOTICE TO CIREINTORS Afi'D MESS ' AN dew spigot dee estate • of • EMMA ISABEL ACTON late of Pinecrest Minor Nur- sing Home Limited, .1,uck- now, Otani°, Widow, do - ceased, who died on or about May 17th, 1982, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before November 17th, 1982; thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice., Dated October_ 26th, 1982. Austin Martin and famine McDonald, Execut- ors, c/o GEORGE J. BRO- PHY, Barrister and Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0, —44,45,46 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AMID OTHERS AN claims ageing the estate of • WILLIAM JAMES GRANT late of the Village of Luck - now, in the County of Brute, • Married Man, deceased, who died on or about September 28th„ 1982, must be filed with the undersigned person- al representative on or before Decentber ,Ist, 1982; there- after the undersigned will distribute the 2.444eb_0( the said estate having regard •only to the claims ci which the undersigned then hos notice, Dated November 10th, 1982, Margaret Grant, • C/0 \ GEORGE BROPITY„ Banister k Sone - nor„ Box 610, •Lucknow„ Ontario, NOG 200. -746,47,48ar IS ALCOHOL, A PROBLEM in your fang*? M-Ans can berg' ramifies and. Mends or aillashoirscs--Phare Walkerton 1-3113, Goderich 524- 6601. Ask Mr an All -Arron svernirer, 0 .1 • PREGNANT and need here Free nositiv• e =Wender trefight., Cort 1666,, 357-2394 36741769cr- tortdon 4124179 &6filect, —9tfar Fl !op 20. Public notices T0WS1111, or WEST WAWANOSIII • *twee to Ratepayers The second tfinall) insta man 01 1982 PAWS is 'due November 30„ 1982, —46,47ar • A'TTEMION FiGERE Warns Agave skating 1r vs Ergeld this Tbarrsday„ N- V at the Twofer times- •SkatterS Win &IWO at 7 p.m, &re to dye barkey ,efroo11., for this WeEttic awry- —46 HAM CREATION wilt rem - en Tuesday, the 23 of Nov, ember, Galt —46 21. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEIV AA con help, Phone Geta 5 Or Warkerton 8811-365S, —40tfar AIM AMIN NOTICE Dr. Don Bodging wishes t. easessoce that Dr. Ken Bridge issjoiated the ionzit.iitntom e, vErEmAin cow For Faro Calls, • • Esergenefes and Appointments PHONE 395-2906 • • e 9 9 h.' • k /ffirilif door mire 310 Cards of thinks ASHTON The family of the late toy Ashton wish to express their sincere appreciation to friends, nein,hbours and refs- fives forgoes, tributes, mem- • erial •donations and many acts of kindness shovin us during our recent bereave- • ment in the loss of a loving father and grandfather. Special thanks •to Rev. Robert Crocker for his faithful visits and words of comfort; Drs. Walker and Hollhigsworth, nurses on 2nd East and the pallative care service,; St.. Georges Ladies who served lunch following the funeral, and especially to Bob Mc- Callum for just being there, • Marie Park, Gail Cook and Marilyn Shultz and their husbands and families, —46isc 24. Business Oppor. • •ARE YOUR LAVED OFF, Job insecure, low payed? Be Your Own BOSS, Ground floor opportunity, Write. Hydro Coil Marketing, 1299 Oxford St„, London, Ontario.. TeL 019) 453-6220- —046 MODERN COTTAGE RE- SORT, French River„ 10 cot- tages, trailer sites, nine - room ranch -style home, store,. hoisting, fishing, boats, motors, beach.. 1 mort- gage, private sale. Tel, I- /05 -857-219S, —046 25. To give *stay • TO GIVE AWAY to good home,. goo hush Setter and part •Spaniel,. 1 ytaltr lcL Phone 52849112„ —45,46 30. In inesuoriani MAINERS 1st loving amatory of at dear • wife, nvodser and grand- • snottfrer,, Maze Madra, 04109 passed away, Noceember 23.- 1973 - No one lifiONIK the silent heartaches • °O1- those who haVe loved • can telt • The grief 'we beer in giraffe" For the one we roved so weal, • Always loved mg treVert0-- belted by hostrierid Mori*. •daserter Carolyn, Wayne and Stephen and Jeanette, —46z ERRINGTON 1 would like to thank every- one very much for the beau- tiful gifts at the showers held st Lorene Conleys„ Joyce ElphiAss and the community shower in Dungannon, Spec- ial thanks to those who helped organize the showers.. Your thoughtfuhsess will al- ways be remembered, •• Nancy Essington ENKE - Thank yore very mach to arl oar friends, ,neighboors and relatives for the gifts re- •ceived at ovar community shower„• girl friends sltiosfer • and the Farrell restive show- er, Special] dunks to those that helped in any way to !wake these events possible and to Ronnie for the tea. •patty•with the Horyroad • ladies.. See you on the 19th iry Lacknow, •• Joan and Ken Eadie —46 ERBINGTON A Sincere thank you for Iiisliceso, cards,. Stowers and 9 loiration g (itff retest . bereavement, Also to Dan- ' gown tr-C-W, for ranch ! served', Evelyn and .fack Erring —46 viovilommommad•004 SCUMMY In roving memory or a dear hatband, raidair, grandfadter and great vandfatfeet, Man ia Scharirk„ who passed sway, November 19,. 119711 - One precious to oar heart* is • Vire Vale iloVecl is The f4� grace made vacant in our ' home Can never mom he 1re& Togo& remembered and sadly nagged by wife,. Vaal and fag*, —46 AffilOff •528-2822 • 11 woad Cite to thank every- one for their visits, tatters and frowers„ Thanks to mesa in intenSive care ay& and on 2ridl floor and to Dm Cart* McKim and 104.; ' Mita Whitby CONGRAM II wish to eirpress my sincere thanks to my family and all *11 helped in any way to make my day party such at haw occasion, Argo the • inetw cards,. gifts and good , wishes from refativ'es and friends, God] lifess sw alt • Pearl Congrann —46 FIMAISOM II %ward like to think friends, fitighbotres and fellatio% for the ntat4 cards and sus of kindness shown) me sin the r •&tap of to firothers„ flagh end Mil McKenzie- • Retty rirtillyrorr • oasifiell Dost*te 1110e14.0..$ pot. • 1 -04 • . . . 4