HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-17, Page 14lialloso Aso IRO* too larec# putailottam tor IN Caw/ Iloilo as hoittrattat 12 is ttai Akkitittis 1111.11110116VIM Iticimoilcortials* to liotatisolikarlelltioscit itagtiar at Await al NNW fa* liaittoo, • • 4000 Otaik cattalo* Ilk Dote Tothdat ichlt Calk Ala Arai rota fir Oak. - walk rtaittob. la pia Ealy Ortikilas as am .lith Eitahaaat whit do Royal Caoolkii Air Oaco la laav oat, Aiwa vadat dr, IL AGA* sotakay itlotilotoGal4 lita aco, at tame co4 Maks tack AMIN Trallift4 langside neves Costgratiladoss •to Mr., sad SterelVaiks (Pak els Spriagerl alto 'were our- rte4 Wkilecharck bytertos Mtn* ea Sator- day„‘Octobet 3(1., Comatestesozat ,eterelses, • *tie field at P. E. Mach* Secoarissi Siiisol Meg, ludigots VeveNov, evoker Sr; We iwoald hire to corgratilate at tradeat§ re- tektiag criodigioft cad aot. ards, Those hi as this &stelt ticeiolog ittplootts *ere Liles Yooitg., Lois tfastas,, kaitte tfregatta, Ms( Wolf cad Catog. Backatetetr, • Visitors ea tie *rectal with Mr, cad Mrs., low Thom- as aid famiti, wow Kathy's booker; Mrs sad Mrs, Weis- ser, Lisa al Massie of Welkord tolls pareats M. mkt li4ts, Dettalti Thom - a5 Cambridge, . Mr, col Mrs, A* *few visited, (Attires la Ilkarriag- tea oat Soo*, fologwv Wakieaitayo fikwatalsor 110 102-1P11o 14 in , ugharea students receive awards soft.i.o. bad of git. ledge Waist- ftisked placed the wreath testi that Nei 1 e te fell Kiaeta4* District Soo! oar 1140o1 Grade 13 , grads:Wm esercittoaad lagaet *fete had of Nor, ester 13 at Ike Siresoliae Cootioaiti Caplet- Lea4Atotto • tiskleoloi, (Ittatkter of Mr, sad Mrs, Oka *Merl* K aad 004 Usellaialil, &tigher at Mr, aid Mn Gordo* MicOosald, Sb. • Otte become sea:tads,/ good— at two* Cottrataltctoits e* leaded to these glals, .144 received lbe Dr, A. E.11 Catch &Mars* 'sad is presto* antipasti toobtori College as. a lliledied falo. oratory Vicki/kW. tea -Aim is atteafrag the 016 entity Wetter. Oat, . at* to Loadoc, stadylag Natal Mewed Lesoloot also recetivd the giseartise Coserst hospital Moak", away owl the Les* 0, Ray StStarship, , She: tras also al (Maio Scholar., Cowden Secovidary Sorel. 'radiates float here *ere Wayne Moray, roi Of 'Mr; .cad Mrs, Mite Mow; Coo* Stastey, daighfet of Wir., mod Mad Led. Stasi- .filthefe Edivarda, &tighter of Mt; 114e4., Fred &loads. Gies Ilakleaby was a potter* it Si, lareples liete pitA„ Liados *here he sip. (tenreat ear savory cat Mos. Way lasc sea' (1 dite gel *e� *Witt. Ms caste kat fitiday, weird was teethed tiered the dad* at *wick Et. • MODEL CIO anii Waft (wad* 6,000 Mrs..•Firel talk Capecit 3.9 litres- Cisatkaroas waft Sole 14 itesors, Fwn uel ig} iridudect. • Kerosene Heater The unbeatable heating idea! Efficient Economical, Convenient PiNtahle„ The sate - superior wstent that selves so • maw heating needs, Taste** designed and (leaky built Take • advantage of these great sav- ings novvi! 1 IfOOEL MR WW1 Waring capacitY 900 extrst. rift •o fuel tank: Fuel tank ogitsaditY exintirititius, heating time Flt prinoincludect •SALE IfilOWL01111G25A mating capacity 9,000 elm, Fild tank 'capacity 4..0 West. Cixtraltrotts heating tkrie.113_5. imam Filet pump indixted_ SALE 95 • 14013EL Olt 030A Fiearirkicapatity tag BIM. Fueltank dapacitV 6.6 fibre& Coritiriaous SALE §m616 hours. rad pump intruded_- PURE 6 N KEROSENE 50. LITRE if North st *i at•3650 mSaTHrium tit 84:30 t 8,4 • saw, the foram, Mortat after whiih 0 Cada svas her Ben* hose brealetag Wades,* a sister (4 Falai smog, her hip aad is a pile* Oa St, Mao**, Margaret has Keadiags ii. keg* with Joseph's IldSpitai, Idiot she &thereat dite himidea home the day were read by Mrs- .tottlerweat surgery as Pit, sad mole frleaditskile here, avoid Smith, May &Ile, • daw, Her daigittero Merle We ez$ead rort florae. walk Lorie Eadie aad Ws. Evan Moldy mid Wilda Thompsoo per. . Keith, mad other asembes of tier Os* have bees With her, 1Wrs-floretsagfitatatitieets ago is dew gigolo Sc We oaf get *el Wishes froasafilpopils sod Meads to this dear lady, . Phoebe Staaley left here Ott Widay for Let** *kw ' she ill,lispeatwase face.. Morena *dein treat to the wettest! to Niagara .to as *what* at heir ani Kea - sales home, where site *A Eadie limited the seals oatil after the New pietist*, Mos Bo* aad Year. Sim Rea Moat, the pest Arles likidglas treat W : 'apeaker„ *he took part la Twos* with her good - die *mice sad the orminalt- daaghter, Michele tas raw " tee itlie awaagrd the ser. thy aid *0 sword the 'week sisIdag with Lowe Sothis - Fiends here Were softy k had, Mars and May &Wisest to Loadaa sal *Waled Ilse foment of the tate May Hoyle Other rebores ,asd Meads gathered st &coda MrL afl Cemetery for the coomaittall strew gal thiirsday after- moo - tie saasal. Iteaseaiittgiee Day setyikesisassered fry the motyroia Waseies isaitote was held ai Thirsday, mons - leg is the' Stone* haa, flotyroodifesk s good *testi- asee, The /halide*, 1Wts, Lame Page, esteided a warm *el. ease to al and too stiates rwas obseivedd Mrs, 'Albert 'Cottrell of The Lackikior Itesbytet, lea tieses grastet, Id** Mast - la Uwe, *nom Taytor# Unit Forster asd Rash MacKeine, sow -the lovely hysis„ Oise 'Fes& 0 1i o- 0od, Mi. Fiasill4siddes doted the pest speaker, leveread Wires Ileiders ion ottottistsvo who gave a oast *spike itiesattge SU - oat Mat asses wags, THE CAP1A1IAN CONSUMES MU erosene Heaters safe, efficient and useful..." November 1982/Vol, 12 No. 11 Canadian Consumer MAGAZINE ATES KERO-SUN'S NLIGIITER EST 6 fit the November il$W2 traitors of Vatintaartan Contatareir" they tested awl • pobrisheit their &strong* our Kerosene neater*, neves (meat their rokirritto.., 'Vet -ate e it* Stafaigt, aikleffeetitre surety shittottr„ *re recommertel the Ketoses Sikaavirwitter(02:47 aopelirr best kw- Korai/ the rightest *toilet, theessiess to tarry and the fuel gaage *bowed ettatetty how math fuel *as in, it.. It akohad the highest arerage heat output and a hurning time of 2'3 hours." THE MOONLIGHTER $ OU ORLY • PLUS.,422.1 LITRE CAN FREE Wino NEATER PURCHASE WESTERN orsrmuos gamtarsr KEROSUN DEALER EDWARDFUELS ANGLESEA SicegjOgittelt• --- -. Nittitte„SWATER 5244306 392,8100. WINE et. ON AREA CALLSCRUTON FUELS AT 482-1281