HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-10, Page 14HOME INSULATION Walls and Attics ADAMSON INSULATION Government licensed contractors Free Estimates LUCKNOW 528-212. / Ludlow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 10, 19$2—Page 12 /2' /,,,r,' //iiir.i/ VW/U///// // /i / ////Y� „y?. i,1✓; A / / f / /// memo dis mom * 1 Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale FIREWOOD for side, Phone: 528-5553. —44,45*, COURTNEY'S SEWING MACHINES Sales and Service, .New Jan- ome Machines and Cabinets Reconditioned used machin- es. 395-5341. Point Clark, R. # 1; Ripley. --44.47 TAKING ORDERS now for dressed ducks, ' geese and chickens. Call Lucy Miller, 528-2299, 43,44,45,46 APPLES FOR SALE Andrews Orchard 4 streets south derma corner on Canning Street Phone 528.3019 -43.46. WE'VE GOT ,THE SOU,- ' TION to your metal building needs, Fall . specials plus generous display building discount on dome, straight and slant walls, Call collect. anytime (705) 474.1180. -43 Q CEDAR POSTS 5 •- 8" tops, anchor posts and braces. Phone 395-5773. —341f TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial ' Goderich, 524-7231. --40tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Bieck IDA Pharm- acy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241, 25tfar IN HOME mastectomy ser- vices ervices now available. Contact Mrs- Adams or Mrs, Stringer at Rieeck LD,A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. —25tfar DEPRESSION Glass, &hese, .antiques and used fdrnittwe at Jim Fmnngan's Place, across from the car wash. Phone 528-3602, OPEN SUNDAYS, --4211. 3 POiNT HITCH" WOOD SPLf-t.EXS 13 ton pressure/ 2200 PSL oil from tractor, 26" opening 4" x 24" cylinder. Call Isaac M. Bau- man, R. p 3, Watlenste:in (519) 669-4328. Dealers wel- come., —45 FRESH DUCKS for sale. Phone 529-7488. -45tff INCUBATOR, 6' x 6' . x. 9',. two separate , compartments,. doors on, both sides. Phone 357-3618. —45 4. Articles wanted GARAGE OR SHED wanted. for winter car storage. Phone 528-2922. —45 WANTED: old brick build- ings for wrecking and sal. vage purposes. Contact. R. Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542- 4088. Ontario's largest sup- plier of reclaimed brick. 37-Sieowx 7. Real estate for sale SAVE HIGH REALTY CHARGES. Sen your own property. Kit includes large sign with phone number.. Only 20 dollars plus .taz. Homes Sales, Box 895, Bar- rie. —045 574,900 ` 99 acres Talsiman ski area. 7 room house, large barn. Lillian • McDonald 12. Help wanted erre mum SALES MANAGER is requir- ed immediately for the Clas- sified Advertising Depart- ment at the North Shore News, The North Shore News, recognized as one of the leading suburban news- papers in North America, is published on Wednesday and Sunday hi B.C.'s richest market, North and West Vancouver, circulation. 55,000. Responsibilities in- clude supervising and moti- vating a present staff, full.: and part-time salespeople plus hiring and training new sales people, The successful applicant will be self, moti- vated, success oriented and comfortable in an energetic, informal atmosphere: Prev- ious classified or telephone saies experience required. We offer starting salary and bonus in excess of 520;000 plus" the opportunity to make a lot more, Please reply ;in writing to: Mrs. Sergi Hil- liard, Personnel Director, c/o North Shore . News, 1139 Lansdale Ave., North Van- couver, B.C, VIM 2114, 552,900 Caledan. 1 acre building lot. Aim McMinn, Century 21 Brown .Limited. (416) 232-21.00, —45 8. Accom. to rent TWO BEDROOM house in. Lucknow, frig and stave in- cluded, Phone 528-2134 aftr 6'. p.m. --.45,4.6,47. HEATED APARTMENT, two bedrooms, Available im- mediately. Phone 528-3723, _45 HEATED BED SITTING room, frig, stove, etc., linen supplied.. An utilities paid. Phone 528-3723., --45 TWO BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, frig and stove Available .Cali Gtennhaven Apartments, '529-7030. —44tfar STORE ON MAIN . STREET, Phone 528-3007,--47.tfar THREE. BEDROOM HOME, ctoxe to tucknow, Phone 524-9900. -43,44,45 , 12- Help wanted SdMEONE TO KNIT sweat- ers, Catt Sharon, 528-2905, MEN'S BOWLING. SHOES, —45 new size 10 Phare 5281- 2542. —45x DRY AIR Try an Electrohoine: Humidi- fier from Greener T.V. and Electrici phone 528-3112, Lucknow, We also have fil- ters and Sanitaire for your EIectrolta me huinidifrex- --45tfeawar GIRLS COATS, size 10 and 11- Phone 528.6694. --48x SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, . convalescent prod- ucts, etc, Bieck Pharmacy, l'4 Shoppers SSquare, Goderich, 524.72.41. •28tfat MAKE SPARE MONEY at home; selling Health and Beauty Aids.. No door to door. Write ' P.O. ,Box 113.. Waterloo, Ontario,—45,46x IImo• 21 r Personal maw IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Af-Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Godericlh . 524-' '6001. Ask for an M -Anon inumber, --45rf is WANT ADS work. NEED A JOS? Don't complain about a tack of arork, or money. Do some- thing about it! 1f you are 18 or over and would tike full or part time work call 519-986- 2673 or write Rex X251, Markdale, -45x 14. Employment Wanted ail r 10. Serviced available 411.0 Ogle fn. ORM. — 18 YEAR OLD male wants work, full or part time, Phone 528-5353, —45 NEED A HANDYMAN?? Experienced in carpentry and home renovations in- cluding roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electric- al. lectrical. Call 528-3834 after 6 p.m, —37-46 EXPERIENCED man seek- ing farm work or general labour ' in the area: Phone Grant Rumble; 528-2926. ---44,45 ' 17. Auction Saks SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1 I a,rn„ Wanted consign- ments of Skiidns, snowmo- biles, gnus, trailers, sporting goods, tools, machinery and tractors, lawn and garden °equipment, cars, trucks, for our 13th. annual Skiidoane-. tion at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. MI consign- ments must be in by Nov- ember 20th, For information colli 705 324-2783, —045 EVENING AitCTNiN SALE Of Consignment of house, furnishings & atstigoes will be held in tEE'SWATER COMPLEX MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15 6: pen. AUCTIONEERS Wanaee Te esiaartear, 392.6170 Grunt merustld, Ripley. . 305.5353 --45ar ' • 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 UNITED - CO-OPEL4TWV'ES OF ONTARIO Livestick Marketing nvlrin Ontario Stockyards Toronto For the strongest market In Ontario and Market leformaiidn call MiKE PORAN On Tuesdays or groups of Sof more on Thursdays. NOW HANDLING STOCKERS Arriving weekly direct -from the West U,C.O. Lkve stock Shipper R. R. 2, Lsrckaow Home 528.5903 Yard 528-3119 Steelier Tani 528-2544 1/1 - - mow MIN �rrrrr. 18. Services available 21. Personal NOW IS THE TIME for your installation of hydro poles, moving of grain bins, Tir- ing your barn boards and removing tree limbs, Phone 528-2109. ---42.45. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley WsaIisce Ballagh, Teerwater Licensed Auctkneers Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392.6170 T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Serving Lucknow, Kincar- dine and areas. for 25 years. Phone . Doug Harker, . 364- 5005, R. # 3, Hanover, CRAIG'S CHIMNEY CLEANING Call for appointment 3574641. --45tf - 19. Notice to creditors GET -OFF -OIL Install .- Electric Heating Ceiling Paddle Farts Room to Room Fans - Electric Dryer Heat-reciairners BURKE ELECTRIC Eiecuical Contactor 23 Year Electrical Heatin* Experience • Appliances • 35 7 2451 n *nil DON THOMPSON T,V,. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service: tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion ra- tion 'service.. 395-3466, Rip- ley, —9tfar . LU.CKNOW TAXI Two coo Tiny insured Loral nerd Legg Distance Tefps vatiegy Sink* Reasonable Rates 24 hours a day, 7days 528-a11e 35tfar NOTICETO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AU clams against the estate tit EMMA ISABEL ALTON late of Pinecrest Manor Nur- sing Home Limited, Luck- now, Ontario, Widow, de- ceased, who died on,or about May 17th, 1982, mush be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before November 17th, 1982; thereafter the undersigned wail distribute the assets of the said estate halving regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice; Dated ' October 26th, 1982, Austin Martin and Laurine McDonald, Execut- ors, c/o GEORGE J., BRO- PHY, Barrister and Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2110, —44,45,46 20. Public notices .71 HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM/ AA can help. Phone Goderich 524.6001 or Walkerton 881.3655, 40tfar, PREGNANT and need help? Free positive' confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432.9179 collect, —9tfar 20. Public notices NOTICE Dr. Don Hodgins wishes to announce that Dr. Ken Bridge bar Joined the RIPLEY HURON VETERINARY CUNIC For Fars Cas. Emergencies sited' Small Animal Appoints PHONL 395-2906 HURON TOWNSHIP Build- ing Inspector will inspect, chimneys in the Township of Huron for a fee of; 525,00, Anyone interested in an inspection phone Township office 395-2935. -45 Everyone welcome to attend General Meeting of Wing - ham and District Branch of Canadian Diabetes Associa- tion, Thursday, Nove=mber 18 at . 8:00 p,m, at Wingham United Church, Guest speak- er, Carroll McKim with her slides and talk of Honduras, Alms and discussion. Please bring Zehrs tapes, Bazaar donations and draw tickets and sinks. -45 1 1 s coumh Appointments NonCounty Coundilors Certain amts ace made . tab year by' the County of heron to varies* local beads or co m itteeo. For 1983, Camay appointments areto be mak as Mews: -- Haran Coaaty Land Division Craimhtee• -- Haven Casty Plink Library Baird All portrait members at the Library Board except one art eligible for reappointment and an members of the Land Division Coa irsUtet *wept nae ate eligible for 11 interested, - sabmit detalk in . wilting rinclikikg telephone iarr nbe rj and*knit cornimitte a or board as which yea prefer to. serve, Ssbmissirms to be received by the undersigned by December 3; 1982. . B.G,IMMIX Clerl*Treassier �c Administrator . Comity or Hama Croat.Horrae Goicterfeh, Ontario NIA 1M2 I.III�/JM/i/'✓IhN✓✓III.rII✓II./NII,I�/�/.-,/N/\/u%l//•lII✓/1..NNN. Classified Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. i a. 0 • 0 • go i • go Ar. t Classes Taught By Professional Artist ROBERT SKIPPER Children's Classes Saturdays,.1. - 3 p,m, Beginning Nov. 20 Adult Classes • Mon. & Wed. Evenings For Information Phone 5211-2922 : • t i 0 i e ' 0 , g 18 YEAR OLD male wants work, full or part time, Phone 528-5353, —45 NEED A HANDYMAN?? Experienced in carpentry and home renovations in- cluding roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electric- al. lectrical. Call 528-3834 after 6 p.m, —37-46 EXPERIENCED man seek- ing farm work or general labour ' in the area: Phone Grant Rumble; 528-2926. ---44,45 ' 17. Auction Saks SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1 I a,rn„ Wanted consign- ments of Skiidns, snowmo- biles, gnus, trailers, sporting goods, tools, machinery and tractors, lawn and garden °equipment, cars, trucks, for our 13th. annual Skiidoane-. tion at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. MI consign- ments must be in by Nov- ember 20th, For information colli 705 324-2783, —045 EVENING AitCTNiN SALE Of Consignment of house, furnishings & atstigoes will be held in tEE'SWATER COMPLEX MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15 6: pen. AUCTIONEERS Wanaee Te esiaartear, 392.6170 Grunt merustld, Ripley. . 305.5353 --45ar ' • 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 UNITED - CO-OPEL4TWV'ES OF ONTARIO Livestick Marketing nvlrin Ontario Stockyards Toronto For the strongest market In Ontario and Market leformaiidn call MiKE PORAN On Tuesdays or groups of Sof more on Thursdays. NOW HANDLING STOCKERS Arriving weekly direct -from the West U,C.O. Lkve stock Shipper R. R. 2, Lsrckaow Home 528.5903 Yard 528-3119 Steelier Tani 528-2544 1/1 - - mow MIN �rrrrr. 18. Services available 21. Personal NOW IS THE TIME for your installation of hydro poles, moving of grain bins, Tir- ing your barn boards and removing tree limbs, Phone 528-2109. ---42.45. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley WsaIisce Ballagh, Teerwater Licensed Auctkneers Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392.6170 T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Serving Lucknow, Kincar- dine and areas. for 25 years. Phone . Doug Harker, . 364- 5005, R. # 3, Hanover, CRAIG'S CHIMNEY CLEANING Call for appointment 3574641. --45tf - 19. Notice to creditors GET -OFF -OIL Install .- Electric Heating Ceiling Paddle Farts Room to Room Fans - Electric Dryer Heat-reciairners BURKE ELECTRIC Eiecuical Contactor 23 Year Electrical Heatin* Experience • Appliances • 35 7 2451 n *nil DON THOMPSON T,V,. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service: tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion ra- tion 'service.. 395-3466, Rip- ley, —9tfar . LU.CKNOW TAXI Two coo Tiny insured Loral nerd Legg Distance Tefps vatiegy Sink* Reasonable Rates 24 hours a day, 7days 528-a11e 35tfar NOTICETO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AU clams against the estate tit EMMA ISABEL ALTON late of Pinecrest Manor Nur- sing Home Limited, Luck- now, Ontario, Widow, de- ceased, who died on,or about May 17th, 1982, mush be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before November 17th, 1982; thereafter the undersigned wail distribute the assets of the said estate halving regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice; Dated ' October 26th, 1982, Austin Martin and Laurine McDonald, Execut- ors, c/o GEORGE J., BRO- PHY, Barrister and Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2110, —44,45,46 20. Public notices .71 HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM/ AA can help. Phone Goderich 524.6001 or Walkerton 881.3655, 40tfar, PREGNANT and need help? Free positive' confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432.9179 collect, —9tfar 20. Public notices NOTICE Dr. Don Hodgins wishes to announce that Dr. Ken Bridge bar Joined the RIPLEY HURON VETERINARY CUNIC For Fars Cas. Emergencies sited' Small Animal Appoints PHONL 395-2906 HURON TOWNSHIP Build- ing Inspector will inspect, chimneys in the Township of Huron for a fee of; 525,00, Anyone interested in an inspection phone Township office 395-2935. -45 Everyone welcome to attend General Meeting of Wing - ham and District Branch of Canadian Diabetes Associa- tion, Thursday, Nove=mber 18 at . 8:00 p,m, at Wingham United Church, Guest speak- er, Carroll McKim with her slides and talk of Honduras, Alms and discussion. Please bring Zehrs tapes, Bazaar donations and draw tickets and sinks. -45 1 1 s coumh Appointments NonCounty Coundilors Certain amts ace made . tab year by' the County of heron to varies* local beads or co m itteeo. For 1983, Camay appointments areto be mak as Mews: -- Haran Coaaty Land Division Craimhtee• -- Haven Casty Plink Library Baird All portrait members at the Library Board except one art eligible for reappointment and an members of the Land Division Coa irsUtet *wept nae ate eligible for 11 interested, - sabmit detalk in . wilting rinclikikg telephone iarr nbe rj and*knit cornimitte a or board as which yea prefer to. serve, Ssbmissirms to be received by the undersigned by December 3; 1982. . B.G,IMMIX Clerl*Treassier �c Administrator . Comity or Hama Croat.Horrae Goicterfeh, Ontario NIA 1M2 I.III�/JM/i/'✓IhN✓✓III.rII✓II./NII,I�/�/.-,/N/\/u%l//•lII✓/1..NNN. Classified Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m.