The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-10, Page 11church news Lcwow Sewel, Wd November 10 1992—Page Kingsbridge guides plan Christmas bazaar The November meeting of 5t, Joseph's C.W.L., Kings- bridge, was.held on Monday,, November 1 in the .Parish' hall with a good attendance, The . opening prayers were led by Father Dentinger, with Mrs. Ted Martin presid- ing for the business. The minutes were read by Mrs. Antone Van Osch and adopted as .'correct. Several corrspondence was also read, including a thank . you and receipt from the Huron County Town .. and Country Homemakers for the Lea- gue's donation; After .the. financial statement was giv- en by Mrs. Stan Doherty, motions were made to donate to the Kingsbridge Cubs and Beavers, and to a special handicapped person in the Parish. All were in favour. The catering committee chairman, Mrs. Jean La- londe, reported that several purchases are being made for the kitchen and they have catered to one funeral and one ; Wedding this past month. The Brownies and Girl Guides are holding a Christ- mas bazaar, November 27, and would appreciate dona- tions of crafts or baking. The Cubs and Beavers have been invited to have a table at the bazaar also. Mrs. Mike Dalton and Mrs. Glen Olson are attend- ing a Guide workshop on November 13 in Woodstock. The Pro•Life report was given by Mrs. Mark Dalton. We are requested to . write letters to government offici- als protesting the establish- ment of Dr. Henry Morgen- taler's abortion clinics in Toronto and Winnipeg. Community Life Convener, Mrs. Carl Riegling, reported that canvassing for the blind is now underway. Mrs. Eugene Frayne, Cul- tural Life committee, report- ed on school activities. The school Christmas concert will be December 14. Mrs, Bern- ardine Kinney gave . the Senior Citizens' report. The bingos are still continuing every two weeks.. President, Mrs. Ted Mar- tin, reported that two car loads planned to attend the Deanery . meeting in Brus- sels. She also received a call from Mrs.. Brindley of Goder- ich, informing . her of -the Frontier Tours available to groups. Congratulations to Kathy O'Keefe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Keefe of Goderich, formerly of here, who has entered the Carmel- ite Order. The annual Christmas Tur- key bingb will be held Sat- urday, December 4. Joanne, Van Klooster from the Ministry Program for the Deanery, will make a pres- entation on the Eucharist to the Youth Club. Since the meeting was held on Ml Saints Day, Father Dentinger spoke briefly on devotions to Saints and praying to Saints. The league will hold their annual Christmas pot luck supper. Husbands and non Lucknow WMS discuss nuclear weapons. The November meeting of the Lucknow Presbyterian Afternoon W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. William Henderson with a good at- tendance.. Mrs.. Morgan Hen- derson presided and opened the meeting with a poem, Somewhere You'll Find a Valley, Mrs. Ken Laidlaw had the Bible Study and spoke on Peace. Our thoughts tum to November 11 but we are reminded that are no closer to peacethan we were two thousand years ago. We need only to look to Jesus as our esarnple: He ' lived a life of peace,. -loving all he met and teaching the ways of peace. Prayer was offered by • Mrs, Wallace Wilson.. The Glad Tidings review was taken by Mrs. Noble Johnston who reviewed our missionary work in Taiwan. A discussion on the arms race and nuclear weapons was held, Mrs. Cyril Brown contri- buted three suitable poems, in Flanders Fields, Autumn and November. During .the business dis- cussion, it ways decided to send a sum of money as a Christmas gift to our sponor - ed girl in St. Vincent, West Indies.. Mrs.. Austin Loree had the topic on, Remembrance, and stressed that we have so much for which to be thank- ful. The president thanked . the hostess and all who , had taken part. A social hour followed. KinlossWMShearaboutTaiwan hospital The November meeting of South Kinloss W.M.S. was held at the horse. of Mrs, John Forster.. The president. Mrs. Evan Keith. opened the meeting with a poem. Our Land, followed with prayer. The Bible Study grid meditation were given by Mrs. Harold Campbell. The meditation topic'. was. Listen. Mrs, Olive Needham, Mrs. Herb Buckton. and Mrs. John Mowbray each took part . in the Prayer Circle. Mrs. Jack Needham pres- ented a Biography from Tai- wan. commemorating like. 110th anniversary of the MacKay Memorial Hospital in memory of . Rev. George Leslie MacKay' and . Rev, Hugh and Donalda MacMil- lan of the South Kinloss area. The study book chapter was presented by Mrsr. Frank MacKenzie on Pluralism, stating we are living with Bowling scores Youth High scores. Leanne Liv- ingston 175, 415: Tracy Liv= ingston 196. 415: Scott Allen 185 single: David Elliot 467 triple; Tim Becker 165. 417; Bance Elliott 196. 4571. Standings; Allis Chambers 5';2. 3.3" r; Massey Fergu- sons 9. 59; Fords 11'. 41; 'Internationals 4%, 400/2. ' Mens High single. Gerry Koss 304_ High tripre. Gerry Res 6• S9. Gaines over' 225= Geriry Ross V& 229, Ray Garay 234. Standings; Oldsa biles 5, 25. Fords 2., IS; Mustangs 5, Dodges 0. 21, Pmntiacs Bthcks 2,, 21 different types of people, we should accept all people.. A piano solo by Mrs. Jack Needham, Shepherd of Love. was enjoyed- The poem, . In t Everything ' Give Thanks, was read by A4rs. Harold Campbell. The closing pray; er was. by Mrs., Frank MacKenzie. A social- half hour followed with lunch served by the hostess and directors, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mrs- Harold Campbell. •. emem We salute you, the men and women ofour armed forces have. so bravely defended our nalion"scau.se. Through wears and peace- time, you have shown courage and strength when called upon, and played an outstanding part in, preserving our freedom, We're proud ' to honor you on this special day. members will be invited. Gifts will be distributed at the nursing homes on behalf of the league asin past years. 1 1 1 1 Mrs. Jack Tigert gave a reading, Accepting our. State in Life. Mrs. John Howard adjourned the meeting and prayers were said. BUSINESS FORMS ■ RUBBER STAMPS ■ . PRINTING. ■ MAGNETIC SIGNS • ADVERTISING. SPECIALTIES PENS • CALENDARS • TRUCK DOOR SIGNS • CAPS C MATCHES • KEY TARS • BOTTLE OPENERS • ETC.' ILARRY COWAN,, LUCKNOW 528-2730• 1980 MERCURY MARQUIS Brougham, 4 dr, 1980 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME Brougham, V-8 4 door, with air 1980 OLDS DELTA 88, 2 door 1980 DODGE ST. 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