HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-10-27, Page 16fFfff�F`'F•F/`f�F�F F rr' �:''• FF r%•' "F'f .w,.. F. f, f F F` FF "},.•'• 'F• ff,F,r' . �'r'' f rF.,F.�,, �•' F/%.''�/�/,,F''' ` 'FF '•. '..,'`: ''F,�. ..r.'f/ { :r'�'FFFF.rf./f rfiFi`fiFfFff.F.'` ,':;://7fF.�'.. r�F f,,F�FF�''•�/ ;,FjFF'' ... n:.r� " F' F%" ' y ffr•.` �`r.F.'o:.. Av. ,,,rrr fF`� ffif' � i + «f.' '•. 'i �Ffi :r F' 'FfFFFFFF f F F '• FifffF... ,rF,ar e:4� �' t • �% F�/ ,F,.f }r F�.;;FF'F'/F`F!• FF.`.'F��F' `:'`ff. F`F'�r'i.F�.�'�/.F'.FF.f.F,�l •FF�� `�F�F fi F� � rF,{`FF' fF' ff`�F`',F�f`,f.F.. // 7F' /.F rf,FF '':•`'`'%� .'� fes`' .•'`�f ff' ;.'.f'.'Ff ,{S''f` � ... %.r`' F'...•'`F.• fiF.. ff'f .: ff. ,FF"F`/+!'''�, f.:�� f`/F 1. Articles. for sale' TAKING O&DEllSnow for ducks,dressed ... g and chickens. , Call Lucy. Miler,. 528-299:43,44,45,46 •. 32 YEARLING Leghorn. hens. Laying 60%. $1,00 .a. piece. Wm. E. Andrew, 529- 7577. —43z 'APPIYS, FOR. SALE Andrews Orchard 4 streets south of arena corner on Canning Street ' Pismo 528.3019, 43-46 FIVE PIECE Colonial kitchen suite, includes table, four chaps; maple finish. Phone 529-7537. —43z WEDDING DRESS, size 10, Cathedral length 'train and veil, bordered m Spanish lace, perfect condition. Phone 529-7055. —43 LARGE RECLINER ..chair, rust in colour. Phone '528- 3207,. George Beaton. —43x WE'VE GOT ' THE SOLU- TION OLDTION to your metalbuilding needs, Fall specials . plus generous display building' discount, on dome, straight and slant walls. Call collect. anytime. (705) 474-1180. —43 LEARN TO MAKE famous Yule Logs and nine other special • . occasion -. recipes. Send self addressed, stamp- ed envelope , for free details to: Mrs. ' K's Kitchen, Box. 418, St. ' Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V2. -043 USED tDESKS, chairs, legal letter file cabinets, plastic chair . mats, fluorescent lights, store island and wall shelving, steel adjustable shelving. Lovers New and Used 151.9-842-3414.. —043. WESTERN ONTARIO ZONE Hereford '.Sale Saturday, November 6, 1982 at Walker- ton Agricultural Buildings, Walkerton, Ontario.. Show at 11:00 a.m. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Selling 35 lots of `registered horned and polled Herefords including 8 . bulls and ' 27 females. —043. LADIES .SIZE 10, Paris Star, 5 piece suit, excellent con- dition. Phone 395-5166. -43z FOR SALE 9 x 12 foot piece of linoleum; three boxes of white ceiling tile, 12 x 12 inches; baby crib with new mattress;; car bed, new; kit- chen itchen dining set; table with glass ' top four leatherette khans. Phone 528=3837. --43 BAKING FOR . CHRISTMAS fancy or plain, orders taken until . December 10. ,Phone 395-3495. -43,44 15 CORDS of dry hardwood. Ross MacKenzie, 395-2745. —43.44 ' CEDAR POSTS 5 -.8" tops, anchor posts and , braces. Phone •395-5773.-- 34tf p wow otime 1,} Arlloles for salt NOM MOO PUSS; SOc and: up; dub, c , potatoes, onion, etc, Te -em Farm,. R. R. 1, Bayfield, 482-9910; —43 DEPRESSION Glass; dishes, antiques 0n used furniture at. Jim Famigan's. Place, acrossfrom thecar wash.. Phone 528-3602. OPEN SUNDAYS.- 42tf LADIES full length, winter, . camel coat, size 13, detachable. hood; ladies high tan cowboy boots; size 8. Never worn -'fi price, $40.00. Phone 5284546 after . 6 p.m. -42,43 " HANDYMAN's Special -.15'` fibreglass bow rider boat. Best offer. Phone 528.3318 or 528-2905.-42,41 . 'LARGE 'quantity, ,of season- ed firewood. Mainly hard maple. Phone 528-5102. —42,43 OVEN ready . roasting chickens, 5 - 10 lb: Phone Wilma Scott 357-3778. --42,43,44 ONE' ANTIQUE box stove, restored: One_ john ' Deere snowmobile. One oil furnace complete with , oil tank. Phone 529-7436.--42,43 POTATOES red aiid. white, German head lettuce, Brussel sprouts, Corn salad, red . cabbage. Kingsview. Fang: 529-7059. —42,43 VELVET wedding dress, boy's down . jacket, humidifiers, pads and plates, chest waders, bath, change . table, children's skates. Phone 528-3936. FIREWOOD for sale. Phone' , 528-5553. --41,42,431 • TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. --40tf , OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck IDA Pharm- acy, ' 14 Shoppers Square. Goderich, 524-7241. — 25tfar IN HOME. mastectomy ser- vices now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I-D.A: Pharmacy. Shoppers 'Square, Goderich, 524-7241. —25tfar COURTNEY'S SEWING MACHINES Sales and Service. New Jan- ome and Bernina machines. Reconditioned used mach- ines. 395-5341. Point 'Clark, R. R. 11 1, Ripley. —40-43 SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. Rieck Phannacy,14 Shoppers Square,. Goderich. 524-7241. 25tfar LADIES .11" Cougar sport boot, size 7, good condition- Asking $20.00; Ladies, dark broil!, dress shoe, 3" heel, pointed toe, size ' 7, excellent condition. Asking $20.00. Phone 529-7867. 42,43x 1.. Articles for sale TOPSOIL far sale. Phone .UoydliVhytock after'6 p.m.,' 528-2006. —15tf FRESH home, baking• by 'Phyllis . and Dianne at Luck ow Sales Barn each Wednesday morning. —42,43 DISHWASHER, Westinghouse, new condi- tion, built-in type. Phone 52S- 2449. 422,43x 4. Articles wanted CHILD'S spring horse wanted. Good to excellent conaion only.; Phone .529- 7867. —4203z WANTED: old brick build- ings for wrecking and sal- vage. purposes. Contact . R. Lumley. Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542- 4088. Ontario's largest sup - tier of reclaimed brick. —37-51eowz . 5, Cars,, trucks for sale 1975 CHEV BISCAYNE, '4 door, 59,000 miles, needs. body. Work Asking $1,000.00, as is. Phone 395-5513 after 8 o'clock p.m. -42,43x 16 Fury Sport, certified, $1300.00 or best offer; '75 Ford 1 Ton 302, standard: $160000 Certified, $1500.00 as is; '74 . Ford, 1 ton cab and chassis, ready to paint any color, best offer; '69 Chev 3/4 Ton as is $400.00. Pion 528- 3303 or 528-2905. —42,43 , '74 Olds Gutless S, rocket 350 engine, radial T -A's, swivel bucket seats, PS -PB, also 4 snow'tires with rims. Phone 395-5052. —42,43x ' 6. Pets SHIN • TZU,' . purebred, one year old female, priced reas- onably: Phone in . evenings,' 528-2604. —43x 7. Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE- 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey home, large kit- chen, living. room, 4 piece bath, utility room, fully carp- eted. Car garage, workshop, lawn mower shed, nice loca- tion, 2 blocks from . down *town. Contact Ezra Stanley. Boz 292, Lucknow, 528-2392. ---43,44 8. Real estate wanted 300 ACRES wanted, Lake or . River an asset. ' Substantial cash available for right pro* erty. Phone 395-3545 or write Reg. A, Powell Real Estate, Holyrood, Ontario, NC!G' 2B0.. --41,42,43 Shop the want Ads Way. Amon, n. b: rant 7 ROOM home in Lochalsh. Phone George Mona** 395- 2832.-42,43x TWO BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, Call Glen>#baven Apartments. Phone' 529- 7030. 39tfar ROOM TO RENT, ,share house.. Phone 528-3540 any- time. —43,44 STORE ON MAIN STREET. Phone, 528-3007.—47tfar THREE BEDROOM house, with woodstove. Apply P.O. Box 281, Lucknow. —43x THREE BEDROOM HOME, close to Lucknow.. Phone 524-9900: 43,44,45 12. Help wanted . . I WANTED to share my • home with a capable ees� lady and housekeeper for winter months. Elbope 529- 7963.-42 FIVE KEY PEOPLE to rep- resent local office in . a sales oriented . business.. No ex- perience necessary, as we provide training. Call 364- 5114, to make • an appoint- ment ppointment for an interview, or send resume to R. S. I. Ltd., 279 100th Street; Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P1. —43,44 EXPERIENCED Television Technician required, neat, reliable, self motivated, Zen- ith experience ' preferred. Contact Doug Shaw, Nap- anee,, Ontario (613) 354-2155 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 ' 1:30 :, 5:30 p.m. --043 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Train now' for your Class A Licence. Write Mery Orr's Transport , Driver. Training School ' P.O. Box 3186, Cam- bridge N3H 4S6. --041 14. Employment wanted • NEEDA HANDY)VIANTl Experienced in . carpentry and home renovations in- cluding roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electric- al. Call 528-3834;after 6 p.m. —37-46 Labourer, farming, con= .struction, etc. ' Helmuth Stebner, phone 528-2587.. —42,43 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 VILLAGE OF LUCKNoW • SNOW REMOVAL TENDERS Sealed tenders clearly marked es to contents will be received by the undersigned until 0A pan; fiowwrbsr 1,111W2. Lor snow remove, for 1102413 see on. !Lowest or any tender not nocessorilv ecoseted. VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW • B.M. WH TCROFT, dank. 0 4 , LUcKNOW. ONT. NN s2ea5. „ VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW FUEL OIL -TENDERS 1 fuel ellend service furnaces et (1) Town Hell (2) Aram (3) Fireball. will be received by doe undersigned until 5 ie p.m. November 1. 11112, for the 1142-3 season. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 4 aselad tenders clearly awrlted as to contents to supply • 1 VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW . . m ! • New, 01T.' JT. j B M WHITCROFT cLERIc 6 sox*, uic 1 PASO 21111 RENTAL VEHICLES WANTED Sealed tenders wm be received by the undersigned until 440 p.m., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1982,. for h*ee Vehicles .for the Huron County Heallh. Unit. Particulars and spscifcadi is wM be provided on • Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B. G. HANLY Clerk-Thinsurer & Adarioisttator County of Hew Court Hese Godedcb, Ontario N7A 1M2 [tel. 5244394, Area. Code 5191 -. . sem+-�+►���--�•'�..-oma►+-�►. ( 9 9 9 r 9 r r 9 9 9 Ckisified Deadline is Monday at PC r, 9 i 99 9 9 0 ► , i 9 i 0 9 i i 9 i i i 9 SALE BY TENDER By.virtue of Power of Sale the mortgagee offers for sale by sealed tender the following assets: , In the Towus&ip of Huron, In the County of Bruce being partof Lot 10, Concession 2 having a frontage 1155 feet and a depth of 660 feet. TENDERS most record price offered and rust be for all the assets offered for sale. AB tenders be , , 9 i i i 9 9 i i i . ► ; i i i i $ ■`est accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the offer, payee to be Crawfaid, Mill, Davies & Elston In Trust, which cheque w® be reamed d the is offer not accepted. 1f accepted, the deposit wilt be forfeited as ligddated damages if the sate k not completed by the tenderer. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Balance•of the purchase price Is due upas dosing, subject to the usual adjustments. Tenders will be received amid 4.30 p.m. November 10, 1982. For farther information contact: CRAWFORD,' MiLL, DAVIES & ELSTON BARRISTERS. wpm, ONTARIO Phone 395-2633 Ckisified Deadline is Monday at PC