HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-10-20, Page 2231.; Cards of thanks • MOFFAT Wewould like to say a sincere thank you to our fainly for putting on the par- ty m honour of'our .35th wed- ding anniversary, .to our Mends and relatives for gifts and best wishes., These will always be, remembered: Thanks again. Eileen and Dave: Moffat WEBST'ER Thank you to Dr. Corrin and Mary MacIntyre 'for the word to go to K :W Hospital; to Dr. J.. Nacksted and nurses on the 6th floor, to . relatives, friends. and neighbours ..for cards and flowers.. Wellington Webster --42nx DRENNAN Sincerethanks to Doctors Corrin, McKim and Jolly and the nurses on the second floor, and .to friends and relatives for cards, gifts and visits while m Wingham and London Hospitals. Annette and Jonathon —42 ELPHICK I would like to say thank you to -.everyone who made my relative, girlfriend and com- munity. showers such: plea- sant events. A special thank you to all those who organiz- ed and helped at these showers. The . many lovely and useful gifts are very much appreciated. 4' ..:Lynn Elphick —42 MOLE We would like to thank everyone for . their visits, flowers, cards and best wishes received during our stay in hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Walker and Hollingworth and to all the staff 0112 East. Mary&Julie Mae.KE ZIE The family of the late. Hugh MacKenzie wish to express thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbours and relatives for the many acts of kindness shown during their bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. J.C. Ping, Dr. W. Wong, nurses and staff of Wingham . .and District Hospital: for their care and kindness to Hugh, to the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home and to. Rev. Hugh Nugent for his comfor- ting message. Marie, Sisters and Brothers. —42• 31 Cards of thanks. RIPLEY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The Directors .of the Ripley Agricultural Society would. like to thank the people in the community for their time and financial, support to make the 1982 Fall Fair a success. -42 • GRANT ' The family of the late William.Grant wish, to thank relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their kindness, beautiful flowers, donations and cards received in the sad loss of our dear loved one. -42x VAN BOVEN We would like tothank au our friends and relatives for making our wedding day a special one. Thank you: Joe and Janet Van Boven. 32, Coming events RIPLEY & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB OCTOBER PUB NITE Ripley -Huron Community Centre, Saturday, October 23, 1982. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. Music by Cobbler's Apron from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ,Sausage, sauerkraut and baked bean lunch for sale. No minors admitted. Held under authority of a Special Occasions Permit. Proceeds to community projects. $2.5Q per person. -40-42 OPEN HOUSE At our new Manse, Sunday, October 24, immediately fol- lowing our morning service. Sandwiches and coffee will be served. Lucknow Presby- terian Congregation. —41,42 CRANBERRY SOCIAL Friday, October 29, at the former Schmid's Jewellery Store. COME FOR LUNCH: starting at 11 a.m. Hot cranberry drink, coffee, tur- key on a bun, cranberry muffins and cranberry tarts. ONLY $2.95. Sponsored by The Lucknow Presbyterian Church. —41,42,43; DESERT SONG The rollicking hit musical comedy from the Shaw Fest- ival will be at Blyth Memorial. Hall, Saturday, October' 23 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, . October 24 at 2 p.m. Tickets $10. Reserve by calling 523-9300. —41,42 BRINDLEY I wish to say thank you to all my family, friends and neighbours for their visits, cards, flowers and gifts and phone calls, while I was Wingham Hospital. Special .. thanks to Drs. Corrin, McKim and Jolly and nurses in Intensive Care. , Vi Brindley. —42 McDONAGH We would like to give special thanks to all our family and friends for their support, help and thoughtfulness, during Barry's illness and also throughout Joe and Janet's -wedding. It made everything so mlch easier for us. ,Thanks also, to the doctors and nurses here in Wingham and in London. ' The cards and gifts received were wonderful. Thank you everyone. Betty and Barry McDonagh. OCTOBER LEGION,DANCE Saturday October 23 Lueknow. Legion Musk: by Slddon Brothers Smorgasbord A : PARENT TEACHER NIGHT will be hold at F.E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, '82 Interviews with teachers will be scheduled from 7:30.9:30 p.m. MEET THE CANDIDATE NIGHT Hillcrest Home and School Association is sponsoring a "Meet The Candidate;,Night" for Trustee for Bruce County Board of Education for this Screa, at Hillcrest Central hool, Teeswater on Oc- tober 26, 1982 at 8:30 p,m. —42 32. Coming,events Attention Farmers LEGION MEETING All members of the Lucknow Legion, Branch 309, are re- quested to attend thegeneral meeting Tuesday, October 26. at 8;00 p.m. -42ar MOVIE TIME At. Pinecrest on Thursday, October 21, 1982 at 7:30 p.m, Admission ;2.00. Movie is "Pillow Talk" with . Doris Day and " Rock Hudson. Everyone welcome. -42 CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALES at LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALE 400 head' ' • Monday, November 1 at 1:30 p.m. Phone 395-5230 or 528-9912 SKATING BEGINS THURSDAY , Lucknow figure skaters' will begin lessons, this Thursday, October.' 21. See schedule of lesson times elsewhere in to- day's paper. See schedule for Saturday lessons posted at the arena. —42ar TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs. Dianne Gibson, R.R. No. 3, Lucknow will hold a trousseau tea on Monday and Tuesday, October 25 and 26, ' 2 4 and 7 ' - 9 p.m., in honour of her. daughter, Heather's forthcoming mar- riage. —42 LUCKNOW BUSINESS ASSOCIATION MEETING Will be held Thursday, Oc- tober 21, 2 p.m in the Mayfair Restaurant. Numerous items on the agenda • for- : discussion: Please make it a point to at- tend.-42 ttend.--42 HALLOWE'EN DANCE Costume -:Dance at Dungan- non. Agricultural Hall, Satur- day, October 23. Prizes for best dressed couple, man, woman, most humorous and original. -Judging at 11 p.m. Dancing 9 - 1 to . Country Conpanions. $4.00 per per- son erson includes lunch. Proceeds for Dungannon Fall Fair ex- penses.-42ar . A. For .sale CATTLE FEEDER for pit silo, 20' long, like new. Phone 395-5423.-42,43x NURSING MOTHERS MEETING On Tuesday, October 26, 8 p.m. at Rita Voisin's home, Teeswater. For further in- formation call 357-3408.---42 SMALL BUSINESS ' WEEK IN STRATFORD Presentations on: Stress, by a panel , of doctors; Credit. and Collections; Computers; Avoiding bankruptcy. • by panel including Trustee, Lawyer, Banker, Businessman; and In- dustrial Accident Preven- tion. October 25, 26 and 27, afternoons and evenings. Pre -registration • required. Call Faye Cook, 271-5650. $5.00 fee per person per presentation payable at door Victorian Inn, Strat- ford. -42 REGULAR MEETING Lucknow Agricultural' Socie- ty will hold their regular meeting, Tuesday, October 26, 8:30 p.m. Community Centre.-42ar 13 HOBBY CRAFT SHOW 45 Exhibitors, Saturday, November 6th, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Elma Communi- ty Centre, Atwood. Highway 23. Phone (519) 356=2861 for more information. -042 B. Custom work CUSTOM COMBINING of corn,. 4 WD combine, grain buggy and wagons available. Phone 529-7348 or 529- 7062.-42,43,44 CUSTOM COMBINING soy beans and corn with floating cutter bar, free • triicking within .10 miles; • also ploughing. Call 'Jim Ross 357-3895. -42-45 , CUSTOM PLOUGHING, rea- sonable rates. Phone Doug Ward, 528-2249 or if no answer,. 357-1778. —41,42,43 • CUSTOM COMBINING of `corn done. Phone 529- 7507. --40,41,42 CUSTOM.. COMBINING corn, wide and narrow rows Call. Bill Nelson, 528-2949. —40tf PLOUGHING, reasonable rates. Phone 529-7126. 39,40,41,42x C. Wanted SOMEONE TO HOUSE, feed and care for 50 head of cattle for winter. 395-5276. —42,43x D. Livestock 30 • PUREBRED CHAROLAIS heifers. Bred polled ' Also Limousin and Simmental. Fisherlea. Farms, Holliston. Phone 519-338-2082. 42,43,44 SIMMENTAL SALE - Satur- day, October 30, 1 p.m. Waltons Sales Arena, Durham, 1% mile west on Hwy. 4. Sponsored by Grey Bruce Simmental Club: Sell- ing elling 51 selected lots. Full blood bull, bred and open females, hill blood purebred and . percentage. Preview Friday, October 29 6 -10 p.m. For catalogues write Elsie Jackson, R.R. No. 1, Durham, NOG 1RO. 519-369- 6314. -4143 19696314.-42.43 E. Farm services BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners: Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog. Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, phone 395-5390. SEED WHEAT Cleaned and Treated CLOVER. is GRASS SEED 1 I, f • Bought and Sold. LICENSED TRUCKING f I (Protect Your Investment) j ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL And. Trucking . LUCKNOW 528-3500 t 32tfar 1 NEED A truck for hauling grain. corn, flax and beans. Call Hilltop Farms 529-7448, Barry Kilpatrick.—31-43x 11M111•1 1•1•1116 alIMED 1111. MOM F. For rent BARN FOR RENT, for cattle; will do the chores. 875.00 a 'month. 2nd of Kinloss. Phone 528-5303. —39-43 35 ACRES of land for rent in Kinloss Township. Phone 392-6218.-42x Lucknow Sentinel,, Wednesday, October 20, 1982 --Page 22 Telephone: CUSTOM Liquid Manure Spreading Using .Irrigation Method Michie Manu _.rigation' LLOYD MKHIE R. R. #4 BRUSSELS, ONT. 8874472 • $25. FARMERS. WANTED CATTLE '• $50. SICK OR DISABLED WE PAY TOP DOLLAR 52T-1859 $75. $100.. JUST •LLSTED - 4 bedroom cement home, large attached garage, paved driveway, will trade .on 'a country borne. 3 BEDROOM brick house pias large extra' lot, - combination furnace, insulated, paved drive, . many more extra". Asking $42,000. , ST. HELENS home, 3 bedroom, living room with fireplace. Taxes S187. Give us .a call. • LUCKNOW - 3 bedroom bungalow, fireplace, garage,, $34,5001 LOCHALSH - 2 bedroom home on 'h acre, grid repair. $20,000..• DUNQANNON 4 bedroom home on well treed lot, good lecatlo&r. Asking $29;900. WHITECHURCH' - 2 apartment building on large: lot, financing available and reduced to sell at $22,000.. 100 ACRES, Eldon Twp., 3 bedroom home with conventional barn, 82 workable' -acres. Priced to sell at 895,000. • 100 ACRES, Ailafeld Twp., 4 bedroom brick home recently modernized with geld barn. Prised to sell with terms available. • 100 ACRES Hinton Twp., 95 acres workable with good beef barn, priced to sell. available. 200. ACRES, dairy farm, � quota available, finandng available at good hnterest rate. • POINT CLARK - one well treed lot, "enticed with hydro and water, 2 blocks from the lake. FRASER MacKINNON Res. 395-2880 DAVID MacKINNON • 395-2483 ROBT. CAMPBELL 529-7417 BARRY McDONAGH 528-3821. rThe Man To See Is 0 DUNGANNON three bedroom home; kitchen, Ihring- room and dining room; electric heating; 'everything on one level; approximately ten years old. Ideal retirement 0 home, - LUCKNOW Ideally located 3 bedroom home, heated garage, rec. room, carpeted throughout, large lot, Im- mediate possession. -0 ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP` 100 acres cash crop, 05 workable. •100 ACRES located on .paved road adjacent to Ripley, 0 two storey, 4 bedroom home approximately 05 produc- tive acres, fall possession. 150 ACRES, Kinloss Twp., 140 workable, 4 bedroom home, beef barn, 2 silos, fall possession, check this 0 farm for value. ' 175 ACRES; Ashfield Twp., choke cash 'crop land. FIELD STONE four bedroom home, on approximately 30 acres with 20 workable, large barn and stream, Huron Township. BLAIRS GROVE, large lot, mature trees, serviced with excellent road and hydro: R ii!j,q1frEE Warren & Terry Zinn PHONE 529-7360 R. . 4 2, LUCKNOW .