HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-10-20, Page 21TERMS O__ F TEND.; Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 20, 1982—Page 21. WINGHAM. SALES ARENA W 1 N R fit A. M FOR SALE BY TENDER building appurtenant .land In the village of '(tungan.. non, formerly occupied as business oficss for WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY and secretary manager's apartment subl ct to existing water .grs m nt 1). Sealed tenders will .be received at .the office of the West Wawanosh .Mutual Insurance Company in: Dungannon until 4 P.M. November 9, 3112. tl 2) Tenders will be opened at the office of the Company at 14:11 A.M. November 10. 1912. Bidders are welcome to attend. 3) Tenders must be accompanied by o certified cheque payable to the West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Com- , pany in the amount of 14% of the amount of the ten- der, while deposit Will be returned If the tender Is not accepted. Should a tender be accepted and the pur- chaser does not complete the sale. the deposit will be forfeited as liquidated daemon .to the vendor. 4) Further information can be obtained by attending Company office from 9 A.M. to $ P.M. Monday to Friday, or calling 329-7961. {4 � 5) The highest or any tender may not be accepted. 17. Auction Sales GIGANTIC FARM EQUIP- MENT QUIPMENT inventory and con- signment monthly auction Friday, October 22, 1982, 10:00 a.m. sharp. New and used 'equipment. Including approximately. 100 tractors; skid steer loaders, some in- dustrial equipment; automobiles -several pull type and self-propelled com- bines; ploughs; discs; cultivators; land packers; seed. drills; weed sprayers; fertilizer spreaders; square and round balers; stookers; haybinds; swathers, mowers; rakes; elevators; wagons; harvesters; forage boxes; blowers; grinder, mixers; rotary mowers; stone pickers; snow blowers; grain augers; blades; gravity boxes; plus lawnand garden equipment and snowmobiles. TERMS: cash or cheque day of sale. Not responsible for 'ac- cidents on property. Truck- ing rue ck-' ing and lunch available. Tractors selling at approx- imately 2;00 p.m. Auc- tioneers:. Cliff Gilbert . and Leon Chalker from Ohio. No consignments accepted Oc- tober 22nd, day of sale. "One of Ontario's . fastest growing farm ` equipment inventory and consignment monthly, auctions". Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Highway No. 6, Wiarton,. Ontario. (519) 534-1638 or (519) 534- 2980,-042 • ANNOUNCING Blue Water Angus 28th annual sale Saturday, October 30th, Walkerton Agricultural Ar- ena. Bulls, cows, heifers. Catalogues . available. Wm. Lee, R. R. 3, Conn, Ontario NOG 1 NO (519) 323.4848. --41 WANT ADS work. 17. Auction Sales mom =10.6,mm/to AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Antiques i will be held for MRS. PHILIP STEWART Stauffer Street, Lucknow on SATURDAY, ocr. 23 at 12:30.noon sharp $ Electric . stove (Frigid- ' aire); refrigerator (Mof fat); electric automatic $ dryer (Moffat); spin dr3 washing machine (Sim- .plicity); chesterfieldsuite; swivel . chair; fireplace $ mantel - electric . fireplace 0 grill and screen; end tab- les; lamps; 4 T.V. tables; $ wicker tub, chair; electric 0 heater; 3/4 spool bed; 1 $ single bed; ' bedding; chest of drawers; miscel- laneous furniture;. china r cabinet desk; two antique $ clock cases; pine chest; 0 lawn chairs; extension ladder; step ladders; clothes rack Christmas , decorations; garden ' clay $ pots; jars, bottles; antique bread maker; quilting 1 frames (two); milk cans; hand tools; carpenters tools; miscellaneous s,up- plies; garden tools; Ord- en hoses; stove pipes; scythes; galvanized tubs; cross cut hand saw; old pine window frames (an- tique).; glass ware; chiisa; kitchen table and 3 chairs; step stool. In case of inclement weather Sale at & M Transport Shed TERMS OF SALE CASH Owner or/and auctioneer not responsible for' accidents BRIAN RINTOUL Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL Clerk JIM STEPHENSON Clerk -41,42 8 A 8 A R E N, A. Large Clothing Sate Artie Wingham Sales 4rena SN Josephine Street. north end of Wingham on Highway Ne. A. Thursday, October 21 to.Wednesday, October 27. Designer blue jeans for num, ladies and children. 2 piece ski suits for men, ladies and children. Also 1 piece snow suits for kidsi, ladles' lined, lack015, in the . latest styles, men's fleece lined vests. .Work Clothing - Canadian 'Made • coveralls by Buckeye. Work pants sizes 21.5$, men's" flannel shirts, work socks, safety work shoes, rubber boots and much more. SEE. OUR FINE SELECTION OF BULK BAKING GOODS. BULK SPICES, BULK COOKIES, BULK CANDY, BULK PIE FILLINGS,'', DISCOUNT CANNED GOODS. BLACK PEPPER $1.9911,. CHEESE . POWDER 52.99 lb. Vi CANDY MiX FOR HALLOWEEN \M` Ib. NEW AND USED FURNITURE. CARPET. Box and mattresses, living room suites. bedroom suites, dining room suites, rockers, chests . of drawers, giftware. etc. NEW AND USED GUNS, AMMUNITION, HUNTING KNIVES, �. NOTE: We take trade ins or will buy 'outright good used furniture, appliances. antiques, guns etc. Will purchase partial or complete estates. Call THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 Open Monday Saturday. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday rites till 9 p.m. VISA, MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FREE PARKING WINQNA'M SALES ARENA 8 A L. E 8 A. R a A to be held of WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE for Mrs. Oliva Boss. Wingham SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1982. • 11:00 A.M. Furnishings and Effects are mostly antique & period.. Consisting of: Antiques: Hall seat rack with mirror; drop leaf • cherry table; 5 gun stock chairs 4 rocking chairs; china cabinet; large 'dining room 'buffet with mirror & shelf; wicker arm chair; drop leaf oak oval. table; small corner table; 3:drawer chest - moustache pulls; pedestal 2 drawer night table; large cedar blanket chest; plant stands; dresser mirror on stand; 5 drawer cherry bonnet chest with turned front legs; or- nate. bow -top drawer dresser; small chestnut table withdrawer,; small cabinet -- 3 mirror door; large 3 drawer dresser; 2 drawer commode; 2 coal oil lamps; Dashes: Nortake, Bavarian. Depression. Nippon. part set of Limoges, part set of Bird of Paradise. Period: Wooden bed - springs & mattress; 2 wooden beds & springs. Other: Late model coloured T.V. & stand; 2 piece chesterfield; metal bed - box springs & mattress; 2 arm chairs; mirrors; electric clocks; 3 floor lamps; quantity of pictures; cushions `& bedding; several small wicker baskets; cutlery; pots & pans; pyrex; named milk bot - ties: .electrical, appliances; quantity of sealers; 6 pearl handled knives & forks; large quantity of dishes. stemware, misc. items. PREVIEW: Fri.. Oct. 22 2-5 p.m. & 7-9 p.m.; Sat., Oct. 23 prior to tale. " MOBILE LUNCH AUCTIONEER JACK ALEXANDER 357-1011 & 357-1442 tc=Xt.>t 18. Services available NOW IS THE TIME for your installation of hydro poles, moving of grain bins, repair- ing your barn boards and removing tree limbs. Phone 528-2109. -42-45 DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. --9tfar 0 18. Services available CHIMNEY SWEEPING alit, wood Ws it delle. HAROLD LEDDY 524;7237 T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Servirig Lucknow, ,Kincar- dine and areas for 25 years1 Phone Doug Harker, 364- 5005, R. # 3, Hanover. GOiNG OUT OF BUSINESS AUCTION SALE FOR LEWIS EQUIPMENT (M F. Dealer) 1'.milo. South of Tiverton SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23rd 11:00 AM - ItgURIMENT MF Tractor Splitter Dynamo up to 1S4 HP Snap -on AVR Tester Alien Scop. MF Hydro Analyzer Floor Jack, Drill Press Parts Washer 2 - Pressure Washers Wilk ell system Lincoln Welder Bench Grinder & Vises Steal Benches Bleck & Decker Valve Grinder Pin Hone (All parts. bends stands) Small Tools ALL EQUIPMENT USED IN A M.F. DEALER SHOP NO RESERVES. • TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE AUCTIONEER GORDON IL BRINDLEY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: BRINDLEY AUCTION 519-529-7625 or 519-529-7970 LEWIS EQUIPMENT 519-368-7055 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2 -Micro Fische Gestetner Copier Filing Cabinets Office Peek Chairs Cash Register. Cheque Writer etc., etc., etc. 1971'/: Ton Ford Truck Tractor Chains Pius a large amount of miscellaneous equipment and parts. AUCTION SALE OF FARM 'MACHINERY and some HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS for GERALD McEVOY Lot 11. Concession 2 Kin- cardine Township at • 10:34 AM SAT., OCT. 30th Watch for list next week. AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald -Ripley 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh Teeswater 392-6170 18. Services available LUCKNOW TAXI Two cars fully insured Local and. Long Distance Trips Delivery Service Reasonable. Rates 24 hours a day, 7 days • 528-3116 —35tfar REG BRINDLEY PLASTERING &STUCCO CONTRACTOR [dryw.alll 26 YEARS EXPERIENCE' R. # 6,. GODERICH 529.7472 -39-42 AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone •Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392.6170 21. Personal I WANTED to share my home with a capable honest lady and housekeeper for the winter months. Phone 529- 7963.-42 HAVING A '' DRINKING PROBLEM? ' AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. —40tfar PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 dor London 432-9179 collect. —9tfar 18. Services available GET -OFF -OIL Install - Electric • Heating Ceiling Paddle Fans Room to Room Fans Electric Dryer Heat-reclaimers BURKE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor • 23 Years Electrical Heating Experience • Appliances ' • 357-2450 Wing 21. Personal. IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon: can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 88i-3113, Goderich ' 524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number.-=45tfnx Wawa ion am. =my •••••• 24. Business oppor. UNEMPLOYED? Prepare to earn money during tax season. Income tax course by correspondence. Free brochure. Write: U & R Tax Schools, 1148 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba: R2W 3S6.-042 30. in memoriam RICE In memory, of E.W. (Ted) Rice who passed away .Oc- tober 21, 1981. His memory is as dear today As in the hour 'he passed away: ' - Lovingly remembered by his wife, Greta. -42x 31. Cards of thanks JACK RF AV1E WORKSHOP • , On behalf of the Jack Rea vie Workshop, I would•like to ex- press ; bur sincere thanks to all the children of Lucknow Vacation. Bible School for the donation. The money will be used to purchase suppliesfar crafts. Sincerely, Connie Jamieson, Workshop Manager. µ-42x