HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-10-20, Page 5news
Insure school tru tees
for conflict of interest
Stephanie ylevesque
Huron -Perth. Separate
School Hoard trtirstees are
now loured if they are
'barged under the conflict of
interest at.
At the Hoard's Oct. 12
meeting in Dublin, the
trustees `approved by a 0-5
vote to pay a $150 a year
um for the insurance,
insurance policy pro-
vides an 60 per centpay bads
of legal menses if the sued
trustee in proven Innocent,
Trustee Vincent Young
said if a ratepayer
challenges a . trustee with
coniliet of interest on a par-
awocular vote and the trustee
is proveninnocent, the in-.
s rance will pick up the legal
expen es, Trustee Ron Kaarr-
cy noted that the inmraence
only covers 60 per cent of the
,cests up. to a mishit= of
%tee questioned who
pays the remaining 200 psi'
tint, It .board was
the .bo= [tiller
' decide to:
pick up • •the remaining
• amount or trustees could'
have their own insu anee
pp�s to cover conflict of in-
Board chairman John
O'Leary asked *hat protects
him if he charges a trustee
with a wallet of interest,
Superintendent of business
and finance Jack Lane said
if a trusteecfs he has.a
conflict Of terest the
trustee should make it
knoum before a vote is taken,
The board also approved
the 19820 total .insurance
prank umof$19►, 6.
In other business: the
board approved contlruing
the chairman's honorarium
at one and a half tins what
trines make, The chair-
man will receive, effective
Dec. 1, $300 month, as of
Dec, 1, 1�the chairman
will get $337,50, per month
and on Dee, 1,1904, $375 per
man*, The chairman cur-
rently receives 270 per mon-
- th,
'trustee Marcy load
if the board shmld resdnd a
motion it made earlier con-
eerning trustees'. stipend,
The motion approved in-
creasing the monthly
honorarium from its present
rate ofsis0toX00asof Dec,
1. This represents an approx-
imate 12 per cent increase,\
above the five per cent
recommended by the provin-
"1 see no reason to
adjust not for the degree
over the restraint;" said
chairman O'Leary,
Itwas noted the incoming
board could roll back the
trustee honorarium,
Recommendations from a
boardreview of the French
a a second language pro-
em were preaa nted to the
rd; Most reconunenda-
lions, dealing with cur-
riculum,. purchase of pro-
gram material, professional .
activity sessions and liaison
with secondary schools will
`be carried out by individual
schools and the French
Teachers' Association, Ciir-
rently French is taught from
grades four to eight,for 20
minutes,a day or G0 hears a
Chairman O'Leary again
polled those trustees who
hadn't yet committed
themselves to running for re-
election on Nov, 6; Lorraine
Devereaux, 'who r resentas
Seaforth and Tudersmith
Township, will not be runny
Ing, neither will Keith Mon-
of the Winghaim
area. Trustee Ray Van Vliet
of the St, Marys area said he
will ber, c brings
the totals toteeightof the 14
trustees who wll be seeking
1 ,•
News briefs
eft 0Gey ' t'V
Every year some birds lly south for the winter and
return in the siring. Scientists think that birds migrate
because they need food, When the weather becomes torn
told for birds to survive they will gar to where it's
warmer, Birds prefer to bring up their babies in the best •
conditions possible,
Some scientists think that birds know where they are
when they migrate, Perhaps they rook dawn and use
coastlines and mountain ranges togarde them, Maybe
they look up and use the •stars and the sun to guide
, v r
type's of birds migrate to different ways.. S'ovrsee
birds prefer totraoel at night. white others like to travel
r doing tits day. Some travel in Rocks and others, atone.
stvib eted 6y Cawwdn Wide 'tenon* Sdreiet t fitrifed
r*ci 14Odoel(ef i siff'iuld Tate ,
arAndy expos&
Ontario Hydro has ez
pended itssolar water
heating Pild irk- to 50
homes after successful.
'MIA testing, . .
A.' emnprehensive field
Arial, width involved in- •
stalling solar. equipment at
the • Remiss of five Hydro
loyeess in November,
9' ) showed solar systems
chid be -used for domestic
waiter heating purposes• in
Canada,The is found that in
summer months; . solar
equipment could heat as.
much as 90 percent of the
water . aced, while . the
average year-round solar..
• lmt wi was about 33
stageThe second of ate
project involve§ further
monitoring of 50 more solar
units tt lled at emrployees'
hots, I#gdro is focusing oto
ways to make the system
more economical. •
• PeakDemmod
Peak demand . for elec.
le -
trisity its Ontario its Sep.
tember was estimated 14
million kilowatts, a decrease
of 14 percent • from the
September, 1981 peak
Ontario energy con- .
swnption for the month arae
also down with a 10.percent
decrease to '14 ' billion
kilowatt*hotas, compared to
7.6 billion kilotwaltahourss its
September, 1911,
Kapott§ increase
Dae to eotrued strong
sales to the New York Poorer
Pool, electricity exports to
the 1p.S, amounted to 015.6
million kilowaitthours, an
1ntrease of 25 percent over
September, ' 1901 exports,
The power sales earned
Hydra a net revenue of $10,1
Strong sales its
recent Iribi helped
to offset the Power than
for°eearst 'Ma sales 'dasrtng
t efirst halfofthe year.,
Ladino*, &Anal, We sday, O tt btr 20, 1932—Pass' 3
The waters of rivers, 'streams• and creeks ' belong to everyone.
Improper use of the watercourses which carry these waters may
result inthe following? .
- irrigation and drainage problems for neighbours
• destruction of aquatic and wildlife habitat
reduced recreational opportunities
- erosion and flooding problems
Whenever permanently flowing watercourses are to be altered in'
any way including damming, diverting, and channelization,
Federal and provincial laws require that the approval of the
Ministry of Natural Resources be obtained,
As a first stip in planning any work on a watercourse, contact us.
Our staff- will be glad to discuss possible design and layout alter-
natives which will minimize future problems for you, your neigh-
bour and public in general,.
.Mielsf"yr of
Olstrtet Monger,
Ministry of ftolur.i .:sures:,
R. R. R a 'Wingftoim, Ontario •
Jus$ pour iniufafion in pia rAqlf ave$ it, acrd you'rw
through. 11 s gerniino VrrinticiiIifr Insufofion. Pour
if in one* and,you'rro instifotott for Eli. Itto of your
Na fSILNe: N%
Ier14Mand IYlumrylwStock •
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Set • am- tie 1144*. •