HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-10-13, Page 15church news..
Ltrcknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 13, 1982 -Page 15
UCWhear about •
India missionaries
*from page 9
these conditions people eeeift"
healthy and very contented.
She stated they are a Very
industrious people and show.
concern and love for ,their
fellow man, even working
shorter hours to give another
a job, But nevertheless, she
said she was thankfulto be
living hi Canada. She had a
very interesting visit there.
Mrs. Cook gave the court-
esy remarks and. said, Let us
make Thanksgiving •
Thanksliving. A social time
was enjoyed.
nth 3
Mrs. Jean McLeod' was
hostess for the October meet.
ing of the Lucknow U,C, W,
unit 3, and welcomed 11
members.. Mrs. Ross Shieils
chaired the business portion
and announced the theme,
Sympathy 'was expressed
forlEdith Webster by bowing
heads, in silent prayer.
Mrs. Lois Walden and
Helen Thompson plan to at-
tend the Resource Day in
Hanover October 6.
Grace Campbell reported
she and, Mrs, Kilpatrick had
made several sick cailg Priv
ately and to Pinecrest. Ma-
Edna McDonald reported a
balance on hand of 5474.30.
Jean MacLeod reported on
flowers and Helen Thompson
for Stewardship.
Thefowl supper will be
held October 19,
Grace Campbell took
charge of the program. Mrs.
Yoemen read,the scripture
lesson, and Grace, the medi-
tation and prayer,
Jean MacLeod gave 'the
topic on Thanksgiving show-
ing many ways for which we
should be thankful, Edna and
Jean each gave readings on
Thanksgiving. Two Bible
contests were conducted by
Grace Campbell..
Mrs, Shiells thanked Jean
MacLeod for the use of her
home and .the meeting was:
closed with prayer. A lovely
lunch was provided by the
committee in. charge,.
Unit 4,
Unit 4 of Lucknow United
Church Women met on Tues.
day, October 5 for their
regular monthly meeting
with 26 present,
Mrs. Bill' Rogues, leader,
opened the meeting with the
thought, Look to this Day,
followed with a poem.
Reports were given by.
treasurer, Mrs. Ken Camer-
on; .community friendship,
Mrs. Graydon Ritchie; Mrs,
Gordon Cayley reported for
the Amnesty Group acid Mrs,
Bob Finlay gave some up.
coming dates, which includ-
ed the church supper on
October 19 and a U.C.W.
Rally, at Ripley United
Church on October 25.
Mrs, George Joynt and
Mrs. Mex Andrew reported
for the church supper and
requested donations of food
and. other assistance,
Mrs. Charles Davies, con-
vener for the program, then
took charge and gave a .
reading of Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Margaret Black;
Mrs. Lloyd . Whytock and
Mrs, Graydon Ritchie read
poems inkeeping with the
theme. The = roll call was
answered with a Thanksgiv-
ing thought,
Mrs. Davies introduced, as
guest speaker, Miss Ruth.
Thompson of Lucknow, who
had enjoyed .a conducted tour.
a short time ago, two weeks
of which was spent in China.
Miss Thompson gave a
most interesting travelogue,
illustrated with beautiful
slides, describing: the coun-
try of China, its people 'and
customs, She also had a.
number of slides showing the
Great Wall of China, which is
over 3000 miles long and 22
feet wide.
Mrs; Davies expressed ap-
preciation to Miss Thompson
and a social time followed,
Leagues enters new
bowling season
High scores, Lea-anne Liv-
ingston 112 single, 319
triple; 'Tracy Livingston 188
single, 477 triple; Scott Allen
157, 377; Kirk Livingston
176, 365,
Standings; Allis Chalmer
5, Massey Ferguson 9, Ford*
10, Internationals 6.
October 9
High scores; Lea-anne Liv-
ingston .169, 417; Tracy Liv-
ingston 170, 431; Scott Mien
176, 413; ' Tim Recker 176,
415; Tom Gilmore 168, 462,
Standings; Allis Chalmers
6, 11; . Massey Ferguson 11,
20; Fords 5, 15; tnternation-
als 8, 14.
High single, Dave Hum-
phrey 271, High triple, Eric
Taylor 639,
Games over 225: Dave
Humphrey 271, Eric Taylor
237, Joe Hackett 229,
Standings; Oldsmobiles 5,
7; Fords 2, 7; Mustangs 5, 8;
Dodges 7, 11; Pontiaccs 0, 0;
Buicks 2, 9.,
Ladies 6:30
Grace Elliott bowled the
high single with a 231, Grace
Elliott bowled the high triple
with a 569,
Games of 200 and over are:
Grace Elliott 231, 205.
Team points and stay;d
ings; Bears 23, Liotta 21,
Tigers 20, Giraffes 16, Mon-
keys 15, Elephants 10,
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