HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-10-06, Page 16Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 6, 1982—Page 15 . 4.':,41,t:::.e•7fli.:.??,,..7.:;:x.:%.".<.,•",?;14:?..4%.:::,,r4,,,../. .:,/,,f;:,;,,I.,f.:0',./.`.?,,:v.'"Al...,71, //•<":"/,,,„. .f. ;,:•://. '' /,..., 7:1°:. 4:: ;;,,, ,::. /1.010't ; 41:," / I';'::;;:x:;:' .0 74,..,,,,-,ip... 'AMP / ,0°'///irx • P. bad ION OEM NMI MEN MI6 WIN loll 1.. Articles for side MIN Mill 11.11 lee bill aim TWO SINGLE beds and mat- tresses; like new. Phone 528,2188 after, 5 p.m. —38,39x • SICK ROOM. SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gap ments, _cotivalescent prod. ucts, etc Meek Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, • 524.7241. --45tfar IN HOME mastectomy ser, vices now available. Contact Mrs, Adims or Mrs, Stringm, at Rieck L01A Pharmacy, Shoppers Square. 'Goderich, 524.7241. —25tfar HAVE YOU GOTAIOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? •THEN TRY A DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer T.V. & Electric, •Lucknow. Phomo 5284112. —26tfar CEDAR POSTS .5 8" tops, anchor posts and braces, Phone 3954173. —34t1 TRY C& E 'Furniture, new and used. lilal Goderleh, 524./231, 7.-40ff • OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap. pliances, Rieck IDA Pharm- acy, 14 Shopper s . Square, Goderiefi, 5244241. --NW RED AND WHITE potatoes, • 10c per Ib, Call JoAnn Kirk- land, 351.3408, .38,39,40x OVEN READY roosters, 5 8 ibs. Phone 5294152. —39,40 KITCHEN/DININ0 room -table with glass top; 4 tan leatherette chairs; , • mesh playpen, gold plaid cheater - field and chair, Phone 528- 3837. —39.40ar • COME FISHING!! M1 year round, Speckled and Rain.' bow Trout ponds, 3 conees- Mons' north of Lucknow ^off Bruce County Road # 1, Fellow sign. —37.40 APPLES FOR SALE Andrews Orchard 4 streets south ofarcnacorner. • on Canning Street • •. Plume S284019 --39.42 CHANGE TABLE for, We. Phone 528-2905, '-40 Pitot*ANE- WALL HEATER, fully autamatic, 30,000 btu„ eseelletit Condition, S250.00, Phone 528-2919. —.40 -FRESH DRESSED turkeys, average weight 12 - 25 lbs. Phone $24-8024, —40 AECTRIC FENCERS for /sale, &PA'S to any make. Loaners till yours is repaired. Phone 3454306, —40x • • RENOVATING? Beautiful nodular Victorian Cast kat spiral staircases and auth. entic 1900 tin ceiling panels, Free literature and advice, •Old House Emporiittri, Bed 7160, Windsor, H9C 3Z1, —040 " Iowa mil 1, 'AMON* for sale STOVE WOOD for sale, ash and dry maple; 395.35164 —48,39040x FIREWOOD for aalc Phone 528-5553. 1--39,40x TOPSOIL for sale. •Photte Lloyd Whytock after 6 p.m, 5282006. —15tf • DEPRESSION GLASS. dish- es, antiques and used turn- Iture at Jim Fitthigatrs Place, across, from the car, wash, Phone 528.36024 Clot.. ed Sundays, —23tfar ItEr ,IAlvIDOUPX 'SS Any business wishing to purchase Ad Space in, a brochure now being pre pared shouldcontact Lurk •Cosioaa, 5284730 Without delay as space is limited and will soon be sold out. FOR SALE mates three piece blue suit, size 40,- worn four tittles; phtme 5283827. -,-40 COViliNEY'S SEWING • . MACHINES Sales and Service, New Jan. ome and Bernina maehines, Reconditioned' used mach.. . Ines, 3954341, Point. Clark; IL It # 1, Ripley, .i.-40-43 - • •- • RELAXATION . TAPES. with subliminal suggestions by clinical psychologist. 12 titles includes Stop . Sinoking, Weight Control, COneentrai tion and Studying, Sports' Training, 514:98.. each, Box 69262, Vancouver, B.C. (604) 263.6/03,• —040 • 2. Mobile Homes MOBILE HOME 14 x 68. $8,500, Phone 3954478, —39,40 4; Artkles wanted jrairai dooral eat Mel lira! ' BUGGY WANTED, •Phone 528-2905. —40 • - USED T BAR steel stakes. or 8'. • Calf 529.7247, —40,41ar 5., Cam truCkii for sale adli• Wail ANSI dial MINI AMMO 1111,1fi 1976 OLDSMOBILE Regency 98, fully loaded, as is • 0,000,00 or best offer, • Phone 5294796, —3811 79 MONZA hatchback, 4 cyl„ auto„ P.S„ .P.8, ILW,D„ bucket seats and console, digital clock, AM radio, rear spoiler, • snow tires, 590000 kms, certified. Phone 528-3619. —40,41x 1978 CORVETTE in mint condition, 10,000 miles, most options, nowinters, certi- fied, asking S11,900,00. Call gown at 528-2005, —40 P8121 Wa YOU want .11 classifieds • 40:04, /1/ 0:40,407/ 010 aimia aria itial Aar , aim - Om rm. aim fair oar lel lei Ole ill isle teeel. dee !le ell Ill lee Mai 1$0 Tenders , 15. flerirkis available Mai *al Ma. ala 0" al" all"."0.00a laa 4"0 "" alla aila.""0" aa" aal 001 7. Real. Mate _tor sale 12. Help wanted AUCTION Wednesday, Oct. VANESSA CREATIONS: — • ober 13, 1982, 100 pan. 126 acre farm, , mile lake frontage, house, barn, imple. mem shed, Hammond, Ilth concession, 4 miles north of Port Perry. Reasonable Re- serve, Orval McLean, .Auc. tioneer. (705) 324.2783, —040 , . The bowlful income. house east of Lutionow Town Hall cati be yours for *39,500. Call Mei Mothers for detail. 351. 3208. 0-31t1 - are 1101.110.1 *mit ire demi iilmmo Simi OMNI 8. Real estate wanted PROPERTY WANTED in Whitechurch area, • 50.100 acre farm suitable for far, rowing or farrow tel finish, for serious client, Contact Map. on. Bailey Real .Estate Ltd., Clinton, 481.9371, —40 Milli OM BON 941 ACM. to rent oileil Mo. dime amit aim( PURMSHED, heated bedsit. ting room, frig.. stove, die., all utilities- paid. :Phone 528- 3723, —39,40. SMALL PURNISHED• apart- ment. for rent. Phone 528. 2174: If no answer phone days 528.2213 or nights 5284516, —3911 FLORIDA 2 bedrooM con.' diminiunt in :Clearwater. pool, tennis and air condi. tioning, Available October 1.0 to December 31, 1982 and March 1 to May 1, 1983. Contact Floyd Stanley 395. 5277. —39,40 TWO BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, Call Glennhaven .APartrtteits, Phone 529-. '7030. —39tfar . • , • - " - • THREE BEDROOM house for reit,. phone 5244900.. • —49,40,41 •• POUR. BEDROOM, 2 storey house tor rent in Holyrood area. Phone 3921,410. —49,401 STORE O14 MAIN STRE64, Phone 52840071. —4/dar • - • • • ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, frig and stove, good parking, 'Phone 528-2111 —37ff •• HOW DOES ,Y01015 SENTINEL LABEL • . IlEAD/ • . 12, Help wanted amid -dart alai.' mks dsailjaimi iitio dor* Elit PERSON WANTED to paint farm house and buildings, phone 395-2438, —40 Earn extra cash for Christ. . mas. We are looking for fashion • counsellors to sell our top quality fashion jewel. lery on the home party basis. Top commission paid plus extras, No money upfront for you to : start. Por more in- fornuttion, please call collect (705) 7374711. —040 " 14. OrriployMint wanted • • • • • NEED A ilANDYSt4N?? Experienced carpentry and home • renovations in- cluding roofing, pluinbing, cabinet making and electric-. al. Call 328-3834 after 6 p.ni. • • . , Om mom 15. Tenders • TENDER Por the Dungannon Agricola tural. Soeiety, for gravity weeper bed for existing tank. •Por details phone 5294912. • Sealed tenders accepted until October 13, 1982. Work to be completed by November 15, . 1982. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. —40ar THII DUNOANNON . NILS PASTORAL CHANGE IffIsS UNITED CHURCH OfCANADA. ineitos hinders for petroleum serviiti of both diem& and Memo. UMW'S win dose' Or. - tabor 1042, CONTACT: *ON PINTLAND RN 6 0001111104 NTA SYS • 5294413 • 17. Auction Sales EAST CENTRAL Ontario Hereford Zone show and sale, Peterborough Fair • Grounds Saturday, October 16, Show 400 p.m. Sale 700 p.m.• Sale breeders recom- mend. Catalogues from Box 35, Carrying Plate, Ontario, —040 eraiclragir,cloraiLrakramioerdrithroolowoork.ra..ged . Snow Itemovd Sealed app sitithed "Snow Removals' Wow blowers prefent4'will be received outtil Oct. ober 22, 1952 for snow removal• at the followhig schoolVss • LVCKNOW PUBUC KINLOSS CENTRAL KIPLEY.HURON IIPLEY DISTRICT ' CENTRAL Apply immediately on ap. f lineation f *noble the Nihon' tiliaddrell belowi THE awes COUNTY ittvirof, itor EDUCATION Telepitet 151913634014 Sharp ; Superireandent of Buildings anti Mahitenatiee f Somebody is a looking for your bargain... offer it toda Experienced • Dining Room Staff. required . Interviews to be held this 11!IDAY AND SATURDAle IttiliVE.EN 2 AND 4 PM, Itif anointment onlPeasecaU241i91 • HEREFORD SALE. Thanks- . giving Banner Sale. Elcevir Hereford Pains. 1- 11. 0. 1. FlintOn, Ontario. October 11, NOTICE To dorm's 1982 it 1:00 Selling aPprov JrSTAnor • imately 15 head from free rozAssmg ANNIE listed herds. .Elievir Here.• wow • • • • REG BRINDLEY PLASTERING & STUCCO CONTRACTOR 1114101111 26 YEARS EXPERIENCE • R. 0 6, GODKRICH 5294412 GET -OFF -OIL • Install - ElectriC Heating Ceiling Paddle Fans Room to Room Fans • Electric bryer Heatareclaimers BURKE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor • 23 Years ElaCtrical Heating Experience •• Appliances. 357.2450 Wingham 19. Nodes to creditors ford, Golden Oak, Roxwood, Lymdale, . Elm Lodge and Hastings .Polled Hereford Farms. —039 amal rat - Mira ... . clitoral 18. Sorvicis available MOW ONO Mina 01i111.011110,1111•110 Yalta IMP NMI ION .•LUCKNOVV TAXI Two ems fully insured Loral and Long Dimainee • Trips •Delivery Service Reasonable Rates 24 hours day, / days .• 828-3118 AlOCTIONEER SER HVICE GriM4 McDonald, iU,1ey Wallace &Gogh, TeesWater Licensed Auctioneers • Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6110 T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Serving Lucknow, dine and and areas for 25 years,. Phone Doug Harker, 364- 5005, lI 4 3„ Hanover. DCN THOMPSON T,V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- • tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. —9tfar ALL PERSONS Having claims again., the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of 'Huron, Wid- ow, who died on June 26th, 1982, 'are required to file proof of Same with the under- signed oti or before the 9th day of October 1982.• After that date the Adminis- trsitor • with Will- Annexed • will proceed to distribute the. Estate having regard Only to the claims of which theyshall then have hid notice.• • DATED at VVingliam, Ont. ario, this 15111 day; of Sept- ember, A.D; 1982. • CRAWFORD, 51111,, DAVIES & ELSTOPI Wingbani, °Meek. • Salkitoss for the , Adminielrator Nonee,To Creditors • the Fastest isABEite MacKAT ' ALL PERSONS having • claims against the Estate' of the abov,e-mentioned, kited the. Village of Lockout*, in • the County of Bruce, Widow, who died on August 13111, 1982, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of October, 1982, After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingliani, Ont - aria, this 30th day of Sept- eiriber, 1982.. • olmintOso, NHL; • DAVIES & ELSTON • wilighaid, Oahu& Stiffeners for the Executrices --40.41,42ar • 4' • ' ' THE SITUP SHOP FIRINIIIIRE . •• REFINISHING (In the same building as The Hometown Body Shop) Give Your Fiindture ' a second chance. We strili _ng. can DOUGJOHNSTON - 52s..2036 or 525.2136 Shop Hours 8-12noon and 1 - 6 p.m. • —39,40,41 • :. .•LUCKNOVV TAXI Two ems fully insured Loral and Long Dimainee • Trips •Delivery Service Reasonable Rates 24 hours day, / days .• 828-3118 AlOCTIONEER SER HVICE GriM4 McDonald, iU,1ey Wallace &Gogh, TeesWater Licensed Auctioneers • Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6110 T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Serving Lucknow, dine and and areas for 25 years,. Phone Doug Harker, 364- 5005, lI 4 3„ Hanover. DCN THOMPSON T,V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- • tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. —9tfar ALL PERSONS Having claims again., the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of 'Huron, Wid- ow, who died on June 26th, 1982, 'are required to file proof of Same with the under- signed oti or before the 9th day of October 1982.• After that date the Adminis- trsitor • with Will- Annexed • will proceed to distribute the. Estate having regard Only to the claims of which theyshall then have hid notice.• • DATED at VVingliam, Ont. ario, this 15111 day; of Sept- ember, A.D; 1982. • CRAWFORD, 51111,, DAVIES & ELSTOPI Wingbani, °Meek. • Salkitoss for the , Adminielrator Nonee,To Creditors • the Fastest isABEite MacKAT ' ALL PERSONS having • claims against the Estate' of the abov,e-mentioned, kited the. Village of Lockout*, in • the County of Bruce, Widow, who died on August 13111, 1982, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of October, 1982, After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingliani, Ont - aria, this 30th day of Sept- eiriber, 1982.. • olmintOso, NHL; • DAVIES & ELSTON • wilighaid, Oahu& Stiffeners for the Executrices --40.41,42ar • 4' •