HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-09-29, Page 1701.10.1"6"101"1"1"01100.10.10440110". 000600160000000"•ItaliMifkiiii Mag(40.10000400060410 18, 8•01oes ovalloble 20, Public notI001 28. Ongsgsmente Mil Oil MAO 4.10 PIO -MOO *MI 0.1! lea GET -OFF -OIL • Install - Electric Heating • Celling.Paddle •Fans • Roomto Room Fns Electric pryer • Heat-reclaimers BURKE •ELECTRIC Electrical Centro* 23 Years Electrical Heating Experience e Appliances • w 357-2 ng 10. Notice, to trodltors ill Oil 0.11111110 0,1141 SIN mo NW. Olio Malic . ATTENTION 'VETERANS EX.SEKVICEMEN AND WOMEN & DEPENDENTS The Royal Canadian• Legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr,, C. Wall, Provincial Service Officer, London, Ontario, will be visiting In the area, Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regard. ing: (a) War Disability Pensions (b) Treatment for entitled • veterans (c) Application for Benevol. ent Funds • • (d) Appeals against adverse • original applications for War Veterans and Wid- ows Allowance • , is requested to contact the Service Officer or Secrertary of the Local Branch, whose name appears below, not later than October 5, 1982 to arrange an interview. Irvine Eedy, Service °Meer. t,faia , • 'Milt Ciao 38,39ar . NOTICE To contras IN THE ESTATE OF nAflETll ANNIE• • Mani • ,ALL PERSONS• Having • claims again% the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, Wid. ow, who died on June 26th, 1982, are required to» file proof of same »with the under. signed en or before the 9th d\ay of October 1982, After that date the Adminis- trator with Will Annexed will.proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims oft,vhich they shall then have had notice. . DATED at Wingliatn, Ont. art°, this 15th day of• Sept. CRAWFORD, 61111, DAVIES & ELSTON Whighasa Oatealo Solicitors for the Adsubdstrator • NOTICE. TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Waste disposal site will be open every Saturday 9 .5 p.m. until further notice, commencing Oct. ober 1, 1982; —39,40 21. Personal • HAVING A • DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524.6001 or Walkerton.• 881-3655. • —40tfar PREGNANT and need help? • Fre,e positive confidential support. Birthright, Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or • London 43129179 collect. —*far. . • ember, A.D, 1962, IS ALCOHOL .A PROBLEM • in your family? Al-Ation can help families and friends of alcoholics. »Phone VVallserton 881-3113, Goderich 524- 600L Ask for an M -Anon -38,39,46 • number. —4Stfiix • • • Nona TO CgEntrOIIS • AND OTHERS .• • • , IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF lames Angus • • McGillivray, late of the Vil- • lage of Lucknow, in the • County 4 Bruce, .Itetired . Farmer; »» »and »Province of Ontario, deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to » the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the • Estate» of the » tate James Angus McGillivray are re- quired to send »pailiculars of • their claims, duly verified to Mr., John t Goodall, gar- risterand Solicitor, P.O. Bea 730, 261 Josephine Street, Winghion, Ontario, • NOG 2W0, on or before the 18th day. of October, 1982, and that • after such date the Executors will proceed to dig. tribu te the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at Wingliant,. Ontario; this 24th day of September, 1982, Mr, John T. Omaha Solicitor ter the Estate lames Argo* McGillivray • —3(),40,41 110W 00ES YOUR SENTINEL • LABEL READ? IS» YOUR HMR THINNING, damaged, dying young? Ile. markable accidental discov- ery brings new life to prob- lem hair. For » information write: • Darlou, 80* 33957, Station 1), Vancouver, B.C.• V6J 4L7. —039 • , 23. Miscellaneous IMMO WHAT do Pauline ivicGib, bon, Conrad Black, Kenneth Haft, Laura Sabia, Morton Shulman, Gordon Sinclair and Honest Ed have in Common? They are all ap- pearing this Fall on "David Peterson's Ontario!' » which will be shown on most of your community cable » cast chan- nels.. —039 UNEMPLOYED? °Prepare to earn money during tax seas- on, income Tax course by correspondence. Free broch- ure, Write: U R Tax Shools,» 1148 Main • 51., • Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 356. —039 A lot of people mil iiie "The Survival of the Rifest". You know, a lot of peopleare right PAITKIA10101 tatt 0111111 4.11,1111 MN. Wig IRMO mill demo amio CRAWFORO . NOUN Mr, and Mrs, Dennis NO100 of Seaforth are pleased to a* nounce the fortheomjegpst4 • riage of their daughter Mar. ion Elaine .Charles Fred- erick :Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Prod Crawford,. R.. R. 3, Ooderich, The wedding will takem place at 6:00 p.. October 9th, 1982 ..in SL James Church, Seater& Re- ' ceptionto follow in Saltford ValleyHalL —38,39 Yrs, dirsidi rims limo 4 ' 31. Cards.of thanks • owe dam ram rime rigor sista ass aro LOWRY 1 would like to thank every. one •who helped make this past year very special for me, To Uncle Lynn, .my initialsponsor, sponsor, the Ripley Agricul- tural Society, the Lucknow Agriculture Society, •• Glen m •Walden and especially Mo and Dad. Thank you for your support, • • Debbie Lowry, »Miss Midwestern Ontario 1981 —39 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 29, 1982-APage 11 01,0 :II. 31. Cards ot thanks •. 32. Comlno events 32., Conflict Own* IMO• IOW IMMO IOW Mil Se. NO! MOE 1100. 400 MacKENZIE I would like to thank every (me for cards, gifts, visits and good wishes, during my stay in War Memorial Child- ren's Hospital, London. A big thanks to Aunt Janet for looking after little brother, and everyone who helped her. . . • Brian MacKenzie • • • 32. Coming *vents . • . Ow foie • BUS TRIP To ploughing match Sept- ember 30. Por more informs - don call Montgomery Mot - ora, 528.3007 or 528.3430. —37,38,39 . •.40TH WEDDINo. - • ANNIVERSARY The family of Eileen and . Gerald Wagner invite friends • and neighbours to celebrate their 40th wedding anniver- sary on Saturday, October 2nd in Lucknow. —39x BRIDAL SHOWER " A miscellaneous shtnyer will •• suwART be held for Lynn Elphick in The family of the late. Meryl • Stewart wishes to thank everyone for your kindnesses during her stay in Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Ltick. now; also our thanks and apprec4ation for all the many acts of kindness during our bereavement, Sister Annetta Dore 39x • wuzns We would» like to thank everyone »who attended our stag and doe and reception. • • Your • best Oshes sad thoughts will be remembered- •FIGURE SKATING always; • Barb and Bruce Willits —39x . Lucknow • Presbyterian Church, Tuesday, October 5, at 7:30 p.m. —39x KOUNTIRY KITCHEN Saturday, October 9, 11 am. to 3 p,m, Sponsored by Pine River Church .0,C,W, Christ- mas cakes, pudding, decor- ations, Eaby Boutique, Kit- • chen • Korner, • preserves, home baking, knitting, crafts, quilts, Hallowe'en costumes, Refreshments ay - a' a e. —39,40 iitEGiStRATiON The Lucknow Figure Skating • Club will hold registration at the Lucknow Town Hall on Saturday, October 2, from 10 -4 p.m. See display ad elsewhere » in today's paper for 'registration fees. —39 Ila We wish to thank our rela- tives, friends and neighbours for attending our anniversary party, for their gifts, cards and beat wishes, Special thanks to those who organiz. ed »the» »party. Margie and Finlay MacDonald —39x ERRINGT014 We would like to thank» ur family, » friends and neigh- bours for »cards and gifts received on the occasion of, our 25th wedding anniver- soy. Also thank you to those who attended the dance and made the occasion» a truly memorable one: . »George and Jean CAESAR 1 would like to extend a sincere thank »OU to ,family and friends ,for the . cards, flowers and visits 1 received while a patient in Wingharn Hospital and since returning home, Also, a special thank you to Dr. Corrin and nurses on 1st floor. • Virginia Caesar • WHITNEY We would like to say thank you for all the beautiful gifts, flowers, treats and visits while in hospital and since returning home. A very special 'thanks »to Grandma and Grandpa Thompson for • taking sucti» good care of' Ry•- • an and Christopher. Thanks also to Drs Corrin, McKim and Jolly and nurses on 2nd floor. • Joanne and Nathan RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE Lucknow CGIT will held a sale» on Saturday, October 9, 10 » o'clock to 3 » p.m. in •Schmidt's Jewellery Store., • Proceeds for Foster Child, —39,40x APPLE FESliVAI; Come to,the Melford Apple Festival »- a Harvest Cele. bration, October I » - 3. On Georgian Bay, 20 miles east of Owen Sound. Craft Show, goad food, entertainment. —039 » RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Ripley and » »District» »Lions Club 8 p.m. Huron township Hall, Ripley, Tuesday, Oct- ober 5. One pet of gold, 10 regular games, $15,00; 4 corners on 5 calls, $25.00;• purple ball, $25.00; one nov- elty special, S35.00; snowball • game:, one share the wealth, Jackpot S300.00 on 53 calls, • Consolation S36.40. Door prizes. --39ar HURON BRUCE FEDERAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ,MEETING A' meeting of» the Huron Bruce Federal Liberal Asso- ciation will be field in the Brussels -Morris drey Com, triunity Cesitte » in Brussels, on Thursday, October 7, 8 p.m, The meeting will elect delegates to represent the riding at the bi• 'tonal policy conference to » be » held in Ottawa November 5,6 and 7. 39 PATIMINIDERS Second year of Lucknow Pathfinder Unit is beginning. for girls 12 to 154 No previous guiding experience neces. miry, Meetings Wednesday, 6 8 pm. in» Town Hall basement, Come out and have some fun, —39 CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALES at tpacttow1 » at1•s • SALE 400 head Monday, October 18 Monday, November 1 at1s30 p.m. Phone 395.5230 or 528.9912 —39.434r Attention Farmers B. Custom • CUSToM SWATHING » and combining, grain and »corn0 wide and narrow rows; Bill Nelson, 528-2949. after » Six. —2811 »• • • CUSTOM COMBINING BEANS WO. illIttfoeso leen • Coml•Iii• 524-1351 524-4529 11111110111111111M01.1011.1111001111.10111111.1.111r MINOR SPORTS • EQUIPME,NT SALE Saturday, October 2 •'10 a.m.. 4 pm. it the Locknew TOWN HaN Salt hiChltiell hock', quiPareosigesmono .figurot sidoirodosiop.. went, or »aay athletic . 'equipment. Anyone wishing to con. sign articles cam bring them TO THE TOWN HALL THIIIISDATi, sorntiving,so, lo a.m. 12 NOON AND FRIDAY, °crook it1-3 p.m. .4 Articles must be dem, socumly priced and listed. Unsold articles will be rent tormid to dm Owner' . Salo sponsored b Latinos, Cab who Main 15%» of the asking price. , For further information phone 529.7335 » or 528. 3516. -48ar C. Wanted MEM /MI AMOR • Milne row 500 1000.ACRE8 wanted to rent or share crop for 1983: season, Phone 523-4583, • . —39,40 » ,. » " . WANTED CATIeLE, sick or disabled, .pay top dollar, Call 3924829 OWtiMed WANTED TO BUY a fitter Carrier; » also cream quota. William Irvin,phone 529. 7585. —38,39x • PLOUGHING, reasonable rates. Phone 529-7126. —39,40,41,42x CUSTOM COMBINING soy beans and corn with floating cutter bar, free trucking within ten » »miles; also ploughing »CaIl Jim Ross; 357-3895, —38-41 NEED A »truck for hauling grain, corn, ,fiax and beans.. Cat Hilltop Paris 529-7448, • Barry » Kilpatriek. —31-43x err drat wily& aim .1.1&1 offirio P. For rent &sir *aim " alma am. demailaka0 •» BARN FOR RENT, for cattle; will do the chores: $15.00 .a month, 2nd of Kinloss, phone 528.5303, 3943 ....................... E.» Farm, stirviceo » ..... -- r.''`', i 5EED WHEAT i , Cleaned and treated •ii CLOVER & GRASS SEM 1 1 Bought and Sold '.. I 2 LICENSED TRUIONG i (Protect Your Investment) i• EILIOTT'S SEED MILL , 1 • And Triads& c LUCKNOW . 528.3500 1— —ktfar 1.................,.........................r.a • BOW STABLE »-• EQUIPMENT. Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo thiloadeis, Farrowing Crat- , es, Water Bowls, CosvStatist and Hog. Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnst.i, R. it. 3, , Holytiod, pbo�e 395-5390. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Tinders oro toritodl for The supply of 14.1.010 an oqulooroot for fho priming of white/ Otto frogs et •wallies lotoffoot within Oforai an Mortis Oistsflos, Vendor' docomoofs, mod locations of *tor& arias and spftifitottons rosy to obtained fvo..,» *kinder fooffir, ministry of mower 1.wur�i l.L No. 5, iffineflogit, Ontario fildCP IWO (foloph000 (f14) 2041311. Cornphoteidi tendert retest bet recOvedi at the anger rioted (Agree by 5100 p.m. on October 22,102. Ontario Ministriof Natural Resources Hon, Alan W. Pope Minister W.T. Foster Deputy minister