HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-09-29, Page 5SEE THIS AND MANY OTHER BONTEMPI ORGANS AT OUR OOOTH! I CITY :CC NO. 5 WARREN'S 7'11 l(Pf 1 I, YIYiYY1Ai�p�i Ni �AY , Plowing matches have been port of Ontario agriculture for more than a century; They date back as: far as 1848 when the, first ' match was held at, a farm on Yonge Street near St. Clair • Avenue, Toronto. held in conjunction With fairs T first ►tches were and altibitIons • by local offers much fmany.. ,terest was declining. Of- ficials from the most active matches met, formed the Ontario Plowwinet1's Associa- tion tion and organized the first - provincial plowing match at a farm near what !snow Sun- nybrook Hospital in Toronto, This 1913 match attracted. 30 'competitors with horse - 1 uckow . Sentinel, Wednesday,, **toolbar 29, 9&2-. Pag 1 5 agricultural societies. Later, plowing match enthruiiasts. branched out on their own. because it was becoming dif- ficult to find sufficient land for plowing contests adja- cent/4 loco fairgrounds, Township and . county plowing associations spon- sored matches after the turn of the century, but by 1911 in- eldon 13urrill Executive Committee Chairman,1982 Jack McNamara President, Ontario Plowmen's AsIloeiation. MOTOROLA LIMITED 1069 Wellington Rd, 5., Suite 106 London, Ont. Nog 2116 (519) 601-0254.. - -SEE ,OUR SPECIAL PRICES FOR SHOW PURCHASES. See Us At The PLOWING MATCH Pinh Son 190 CLAMK, _ I SID! IIOAO LONDON 5-680 Yes... it's true. Lat€ll&'4Ethan Allen Furniture Universal Draperies will have a tent, to show you the very latest in furnitture. & window dressings for your home Row 6A, LOTS 24 TO 26 Special prices for shat purchases only LATIELLIVS . asIAhamAhostsGafler►y Hwy 214 Vtionclorlancl Rd; Ns tondo 471,44i1 Irk brs `drawn plows and one, corn - petitor with a tractor -drawn. flow. Crowds were ascinated by this curiosity and the event was such a success that the association decided to hold the event an - malty, • The 1014match .was held at the swine site, but subsequently each year the match moved throughout the Bob Brow:, 1982 Defending axon -five-year-old Bob . Brown hopes the luck of the' Irish stays with him .in Liman the year when he competes for the title of Canadian plowing cham- pion, •For the first time . since 1975 • the Canadian Plowing Match will be .held• in con- junction' with Ontario's In- ternatlonal Plowin . Match, • from September to Oc- tober 2 nearucan, Mid- dlesex County. •Brown, •'a Waterloo Region native, won . the right to compete . in the. 1082 Canadian match by win - the Ontario champion - in 1981, rown started plowing competitively in local mat- ches at the age of 11 and entered his first Interna- tionaf Plowing Match in 1962, "I didn't get anything the first day and placed 13th the second day," Bob recalls. "After that, I decided td make some changes and try again next year." The changes worked., In 1063, Bob returned to the IPM and came home with ° rovince where interest was •keenest. • Counties . and regions vie for the honor of hosting the match at the annual Ontario Plowmen's Association con- , vention, The event offers an , opportunity for an area to promote its agriculture and industry and develop cern- munity spirit. 'Organizing a successful match requires one second .and three first prise =ribbons .in his age group. That snatch, held near Caledon . was Bob's first taste of the world-wide.scope of competitive playing, Both. the Canadian and the world matches were held with the IPM that year. The International Plowing Match Is .Ontario's match, with some entries from atter countries, The top two On - tarso plowrnen are eligible to compete in the Canadian match .the following year, and in turn the top two'Cana- diens go on to., the World Plowing Match. • Brown has rade. it to where he wanted to be, He has been runner-up three tunes and the whiner of On- tario's championship once, Be has been to the Canadian. level three times so far and come away with a third. lace finish, a second lace finish and in 1. ,1 the c : pionsship. His efforts , at• the Canadian level have been rewarded With trips to Nor- thern Ireland. and Australia; for the World Match. Why then would he need any luck 1Luca? loor the first nine, 'll be competing in the Canadian match as the defending champion.;: and nobody has ever been Cana dlan champion twice in a row. HAUGH TIRE & MUFFLER SUPPLY LTD. HWY, 4 SOUTH,�pCLINTON PHONE 482-3752 SEE US IN .THE UNIROYAL TINT ON..IN CI INERY ROW Z..EH4UP Boo our display Sth ST. & to Ave at the PLOWING MATCH FRUEHAUF CANADA INC: HIGHWAY 14, RR 4, LONbON, 6814440 Ideal Drainage Tree Cos Lids csorrarocs (519) 473°2669 " O IPS At The PLOWING NIAT011417 • ROW LOTno the co-operation of the rural and urban populations of the host county or region, The Ontario Plowmen's Association with its 50 bran- ches reches of about '•30 members each, remain the official. sponsor of the International Plowing Match and Patin Machinery Show, It does not own land so it works with the host county or region to lease the 320.hee- tares (800 acres) necessary to accommodate the plowing fields, parking lots,. demonstrations and the Tented City. Eich year the. IPM draws crowds •of between 100,000 and 100,E pule: For them the plowing• competitions re- main the most important as of the event. 1`l year, as a special feature, contestants from six provinces are cog in the Canadian' Plowing Corp test being held in conjunc- tion with the '82 IPM, The winner from this com- tion represents Canada the World Plowing Match next year in Zimbabwe, Canada last won the event in 1; 1, From Saskatchewan.. "A Touch of the West The Provinc�..af �Saskat- • cheviot' is a ding. some 'western flatter to the Inter- • nationat P'ldwing Match this .year with their own feature Sponsored by the Saskat- . chewan .Department of In- dusrtry''r and Commerce; the 'display will feature shhort- . line farm equipment produc- •ed10 Saskatchewan. • • "The: purpose ofthe ex- hibit is uee, Saskawt- chewan farm machinery • to new rnarketss,"..according to pproject co-ordinator David Easton, "The •International' Plowing Match •will be Ahe only show inOriteurio wevisit this year.. We selected it because of its reputation as a farm machinery show," "There are 80 farm equltr •, rnent manufacturers in the Province of Saskatchewan • and 16 of thein will be represented in our 53,000 square -foot display area," says Easton. The exhibit offers something for , everyone. Cultivators, spray monitors, rock ` pickers; and grain handling systems are just a le of 'what wa1U.:be on , �y, Easton adds, "The equlp- ment on display . will be for sale and a number of show • specials will be offered," Yamaha iv Centre 1 WNdrncHtle solid ffi., Landon, 146121.1 Yefephdnb 433,310 Pianos .C�. f: Organs on sn .,ata. Display. We're located on etIi Sfreet f . Tent G THE INSTANT KITCHEN We will transform your old, dull kitchen Into The beewtiful kiteke you've always wdnted...in lust 2 or 3 1 SHORE LINE DECOR REPRESENTING Craig's koplacemint MA* Products tION malt '524.9391 09 NNrlsr Sinus C.laikh, Oatadi 600 Oxford 51, E., London 15Y 3116y9Lts5di I .,,