HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-09-22, Page 24Grave lady Rill end Lsrgret McInnes from Teewater, 'Ran, ltuthe Kegs and Darrvl Dore from Calgsry, .Sandra, Kelly and lCrioty McGillivray froom Ripley were recent din- ner guests of Key Collins of Purple Grove, Ka y.' Collins. attended as retunonof her elate at Teacher! s. College at Strat- 'ford on Sunday, Mr, end Mrs, Jack Grieve, Victor • and Wanda. Gaawley were dinner guests on e day with Iioward and Ma Thompson, Other recent visitors were Mrs, Myrtle Percy and Mrs, Marion bluetit . end. Mr, .and Mrs,.AI Irwin of Lucknow, Howard endue' eat the weekend in Londonwith Jim snd Mary nail end' tttr tended the fall-Muehlebach Wedding on Saturday,. Don and Gladys Robertson visited recently with Miss Gladys Jefferson and; Mrs, Geo, Reeve in Stratford. Mr, an'Family. Mrs, Wayne Khody and Tamil had, dins ner with Mr, and Mrs. Allan. fthodySunday evening, • Mr. and Mrs, Morley Scott visited ' Mr, and Mrs, Mt. Rohn end Girls Sunday. Congratulations to Mr, and w tertains guests Mrr,° ,Main- Farrell on the birth of their daughter Jen -niter Anne. Tole Farrell visited With. her aunt and uncle Mr, and. Mrs, Paul Greenwood. for a few days, Tobi Kay hae. been staying with her Grandma and Grandpa Elliott. Teresa le staying with Anne end Don Mph at the trailer on the 10th, Ian Elliott went off to Celt- t,rallia- A�(gricultura:. College Di st week, 1 Mrs, Roselyn Sutherland Hilly and Sthanle of New Market and elect *Smith of London stayed with Mr, and *Si Norval Stanley for the'. weekend also attended the StenleYaMoGerveY Wig on$aturday, Isabel Stanley visited with. her mother on Thursday, Mr, and Mrs,Lyman Sutton visited with Cecil Wilmot Sutton and Family on Sun - Kay Collins visited Marg end Month! . Kuehl, John end Denise Wisnter in Waterloo one daythis week, Everyone in te cOMitntnl- ty is busyettin ready for the 1tipieyy Fall ir this Fri- day and .Saturday, Good Luck to everyone, George Brophy speaks to institute The„ Lucknow Women's institute held their Scotism - her 'meeting in the lnstitute remits . at the 1'own Hall ..on Tuesday,' A delicious dessert ,and tea was served by .the committee in charge. ' crrce. Gibson opened the meeting with a poem, Stammer., Jean Whitbyread. the miinute§ of. the laast nteeting and also gave a treasurer's , report, During the business, it was decided to hold the October . meeting on October 3rd . in edrnmiftce in charge, Grace Gibson opened .the meeting Witha poem, Sum- mer, Jean. Whitby read the minutes of the iast meeting and also gave a treasurer's . report, During, the .business; • it was decided tohold the Octo- ber meeting on October. 3 in The tome of *dinner at 6 p,m, :Delegates to the area'. cten- vention en October 14 and IS, to be held in Relmore, are Mrs, A, J. Wilson send Grace Pine River UCW. :Mrs; leen, Farrell *a*hostess for the September meeting of Pine itiver 11,C,W, Mrs, Rill •Godfrey welconned the ladies and gave a meditation Twenty-seven ladies an- swered the roll call with, a church 1 visited this sttnfiner, Mrs. Vaughn Munroe gave the li rary report listing books available from the Aura library; • Mrs, Lynn Lowry capably led in a• Bible Study session, the .scripture read by Mrs, Glen Boyd, Mrs, gob. )Iota Ledge gave a meaningful Births • McAfDLEY - lie soul Marie (nee Mewhinney) of Cath- arines sire pleased to 'an- nounce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Jessica Fran, 9 fb. 11. ctz., Monaday, September 13, 1982 in St, Catharines Hospital, Graand- �, child for Doris llteerhinney, Lucknow, 0180 - Carl. and Cheryl Gibb of g. R, 6, Nesbitt, Manitoba are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen daugh- ter, Amber ttawn, born Aug- am io,12, weighing 6 lbs, 7 ei, First granddaughter for Evelyn and Dave Gibb, Whitechurch and Helen and Gus Long, Brandon,, Mani= toba, MOFFAT - Murray and Susan fvfoffaat are delighted to announce the arrival of their daughter, ' Jennifer • Mary, Se fbs., on Tuesday, Septemttber° 14, 1982, at Vict- oria Hospiter, Condon,. as little sisterr for Trevor and Craig. Proud grandparents are Mr, arid Mrs. Lloyd Haff of tucicnow and Mr. and Mrs, Daft MiCitat mf floor , Meditation, .Dies, towry ac- companied a lively sing song, then elated the. :worship ,period with prayer, A `report on the goat§ §std• Wings:senfinar in. June waa given by Mrs, Wayne Lowry, During the :business, the seeretary's minutes, treasur- er's report and bataaar,rcport, were heard, Dates rem- ember are the annual fiounV ry Kitchen Bazaar on Oct- ' ober 9,. . Mrs, Rob Courtney, Mrs, Wilson Farrell, and Mrs, Jack Campbell served a • dainty lunch, ' Wins lotteTy: draw This week's Jamboree 483 draw was won by J, M, 1lsgnct,. of London, lie draw was -made by Mrs, Time lieurbnk, The number of the winning tickets was #1264: • Mrs, Lilli st Simpson of t Jntail has .accepted a psi - goo as music itrstruetor at the 'Conservatory of Music itf �'iartsrttmr, Mrs, Wm, 41, ' Hewat (prances Thompson) of Ftrn- ira is etkovalescing' at the home of her daeghter,. airs, Nang Riles, after surgery . for a hip replacement, . Mr. and Mrs, George E. Colwell ref ' t,ociattiew MeV toured Morena i"ollaard cat Kincardine and • Albert and ,lean Colwell of Ksrr@oss for sapper oar Sttndaay afternoon, Olive prepared a beaaestifui turkey supper which owaas enjoyed fry arf1. The meal was forfowed by a game of cards, Mien, Jean Whitby and Orace 'Gibson gave their reports on their attendance. at the 85th anniversary din• tier which was held in Toronto last month, - In the absenceof Mrs, Raymond teddy, the conven• er, Mrs, Gibson chaired the program, She read a .poem; Happiness, Mr, George Oro. 'plry, Lucknow, barrister and solicitor, spoke On the chang- es of Law and . Wills; Mrs, Oibsnif thanked him. and presented him With. a gift, Mrs, Wardell played .sev- eral selection on her. violin, aecompanied on the piano by Mrs, Rice, Ruth Helni read a poen, . Contentment, .- Mary MacGillivray gave a reading • on, Are you an.. Active,. Member? 'This • wars `written ' by Laura Rose Stevens, Otte et the pioneerfounders of the Women'§ institute's ':Badge anti Matto,. namely, " For Home and Contftry", a'.SeitllaeL.W Septiosibert:1$4"a GUNNY Wan gar 'Allis winos ow 410 a. BREAD SCHNIffifill'S MED CHEESE UIIANBAfA NAX211I11<pICd.. PMS SHALL OAT LEA iwim,tsr SOP! ss, Tue MARGAI��NME s 2 ttOK S.QUASN am CAItlFL�.WIR,. Ithe rrox� �ee�s �FACIA�L TISSUESS1 SALTINES' VOOSTIVIAN MACH MILL 450 0, COOKIES at 1 !0'. . CONST iii tip's S, AND CALVES VOILINVONSIATION AIL Victor tfargresves (1101401111 C um Baty Mgl.ar.[510j2364/1/ Suter. 1119129 206 Kisktoto dresittegtesfrei 1S101 20400 1100 rSl01 262403i Hamed • LARRY °Amman. PURINA 1 KM CAT CHOW Saturday, October 2 SAL 012 woo .1 +4ii.titI = S�iurday,: Oct�ber.9 4 pm PLEASE DICING fifttf" NUMBER Bain's Groeeteria Lt wl low 528-3420 PEN S1% DAYS WEDBUVO RatepayersMeetin9 RMYd AND tQINIIll. CP The Nilo of Lucknow ARE HOLM() A Rotopoyero Mooting ON Otto ber4,1982 . Si o TOWN HALL BASEMENT &&oh ratepayer should Mow hie or freer lntereas'i inthey affairs of the Village' by attending this meeting,. 8, M, wKllrcROPT' cork,