HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-09-22, Page 20Huron ounity lewd of Education. CUSTODIAN CONTRACT TENDER marked sealed. tenders will he r•eolvod by. tho .undor*Igniod friar to -noon • • • On Friday. Ott. .1, .12 for contracting custodial servleas at Walton public School, Walton.. Ali. fonder* Mutt bo sUbmittod on th of. Achill • tender forms which . aro . available .at the Huron County Boardof Education 103 Albort St., litaton, Ont. • . . The lowafit or any tender net necessarily ac. repted. •. P. Gryleels Personnel Admirdotrator Huron County Board of Education , 103 *limit " • Clinton, Ont.. NM 110 • . . r•MMINWOMEMINIaMill•MonNIN.1•=1.Mimo.OVIMINI•1••••• 4::14::Vf••••:'• Lucknow Sentinel, VVollneadvo, SOPOlalbot 22) 1982—P 1.01114.0 Me* ,Artichis fOr 0010 SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids', support ltar• ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, " 5244241. —25tfar .IN HOME mastectomy ser- vices now 'available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs.,Stringer at Meek I.D.A, PharmacY. Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. —25tfar • •RAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN TOUR HOME? • THEN TRY A house, urn s e one DEHUMIDIFIER ' room a artment extra lot ell Ia. .Artscies for .$40. airs rip aim nor roil, iris STOVE WOOD forsale, ash and dry maple, 395-3516, . —38,39,40x • ENGLISH NAVY blue Per ego Pram and canopy. Phone 5283202. —38x CHANGE TABLE. *for sal,. Phone 528-2905. —38 OWNER Operated nine unit motel, Excellent location. Immaculate Condition. Com- mercial zoned five room h f ihd bd p . Write Box 279, Kincardine, Ontario NOG 200. —038 \Priim Greer T.V, Electric, Licknow, Phone 528-3112. —26tfat • CEDAR POSTS 5 - 8" tops, anchor posts and braces. Phone 395-5773, —34tf TOPSOIL for sale: Phone Lloyd Whytock after 6 p.m., 528-2006. ..,--1.6tf • DEPRESSION GLASS, dish- es, antiques and used furn- iture at 3int Finnigan's Place, across from the car Wash. Phone 5284602. Clos- ed Sundays: -H23tfar TRY C & E Furnitureinew and used. Gederich, 524-7231. ---40# OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. lied IDA Phartn- acy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. --25tfar FIREWOOD few sale. Phone 528-5553. —37,38x COME FISHING!!, All year round: Speckled and Rain- bow Trout ponds; 3 conces- sions ',north of Lucknow off Bruce County Road 1# 1. Falk* sign. H-31-40 • 4 MATCHED autographed collector plates . Chapter 1 "Preserving a 'ray of life" $395.00.• Art. Court Limited', • 59 Erb Street, East, Water- loo, Ontario N23 1L7 (519) , 8864230. —038 7.. Real estate for sale 1."6.41041*-dreedie064•,06..e Two bedroom white bang, slow, as large lot loaded I/2 mile south of South • /Wogs Mach on Station Street. For further Infor- mation. call 391-6403. —37,38 .unowN PLAID Chesterfield and chair; .26" & cabinet TdV In Very: good condition. • Phone 528-6445, H-38 . .....alsyliwistosigermpriesirommiamo • 4. Aitklas wintad USED T BAR steel stakes, 7 or 8' in length. Call 529- .7247. —38ar CARS ANDTRUCKS wanted for scrap. VVe pay cash, Call Kinloss Auto •Wreckers, Ilackhoeing and Bulldozing, gravel and topsoil, Wayne Bushell, 3954320. —37,38,39 ar rue or. 'sale st trucks 1976 owsMoilusE Regency 98, fully loaded, as is $2,000.00 or best offer. Phone 529-7796, —38tf 7. Real estate for sale RED AND WHITE potatoes, • 10c per lb. Call lo -Ann Kirk- land, 3574408, —38,39,40x • 1980 PROWLER 35 foot park model trailer, two tip outs, fully furnished with front kitchen, 21 foot wooden deck with roll up awning, • nidal, garden shed, all in immacuV ate condition. Presently loa cated in private perk near Kincardine. Phone 519442- • 1213 Kitchener. —38,39 4...4 Norio giro Isar .0. Accent. to rent pis rim owl one imai tire rips POUR BEDROOM Mine, 1 full bath; 1 • 2 Piece bath, situated' in Lucknow. For further Information call 357- 1849, —38,39, . li•;•••••••*6•1•1••••••14•••••limodeol.eal LARGE 4 , bedroom farm house plus garage for rent in East Wavvatiosh Tovvnship. . Rent negotiable, asking $250.00. a month plus utilit- ies; Phone 529-7139, —38,39x ' STORE ON MIAIN STREET. Plu:_f_e_2±22z. ONE BEDROOM apartment, with frig and stoie. Phone ' 3954362 or 528-2174. —36tf 45 POLICE CARS TRUCKS, VANS & STATION WAGONS ii 19$1,4101114 11.1yinauths, Oar& . and 01•111. S 1077.1070 station wagons, trans, arid SubUrbani. • 111 1475-1430 2/4 ton Pickups • and craw asbs. • • 2 1414 and lei! lidadgis 4 x 4's 5 11114,1415 1 ton staka dumps; 2 • Lift and tows • 1 147/ Plymouth at low as .51150 OEW INIGIIITON CAR SALES 6 ohs oast of lialov!, e Hillinvel 4 cat &Amu 369-3136 ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, frit and stove, good parking, Phone 528-2113. —37tf 10. Wanted to rent FARM HOUSE, preferably with small barn, in Lucknow area. Phone Clintou, 482- 3661, —38x 12. Help wanted mar moo ow. orommos orsa 7inir moo =sum •••• CAREER in trucking trans- port. Drivers needed,. Train now tor your class A licence. Write Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training Sehool, P.O. Box 3186, Cartibridge, N311 • 4S6. —037 • EARN extra money, Show our quality line of cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, •relatives. No experience nec- essary. Write or phone today for •information and free •colour Christmas catalogue. It's easy and profitable, Monarch Greetings; Box 516, Hamilton, 'L8N 3K3, (416) 5274891. —037 A CAPAI3LF middle aged • live in housekeeper and com- panion to an elderly lady in • Wingham. Apply Box "C", Lucknow Sentincl, Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2}10. —38,39 .•••••••••isisamirlWalenri. APPLICATIONS are being • received for a part time • registered nurse at Pinecrest Nursing ROOM, Lucknow„ Day shift only. Contact Mrs. Patricia Dyrner, Director of Nursing, for job interview, 528-2820. —38.39 Wide 11•1111 14. Employment • wanted 1.1.••• &MI wool imolai amiii0 aria magi data avows &NAV • 20 orto MN. siol 010 O. olia 15. Tenders NEED A HANDIaViAN?, Experienced • tro carpentry and home renovations in roofing, plumbing, 0 cabinet making and electric - at, Call 628-3834 after 6 p.m. 37-46 4,4:4‘6, • • WILL BABYSIT in my home . or yours: Mono 528-5826, --38x 11.11.1 so. AP! "IN 01.0 allorso solo 15.\ Tenders mow Who um so rim Mrs Morn INN Ill* NM • toilers for WintirMansger film:know Arena Tendered • weekly .sijary to Include all necessary assistants. Assistants to be pald by Arena Manager. Duties to .commence October 15, 1982. LOWestor any tender not necessarily goo copied.All applicantsto be flied at Town Officio not later than 5 .pm. Wednesday, Oetober,8,19$2. For further Information call .028-3539. t.UCI1NOW & DNITRICT ARENA BOARD —38,39ar 12. . I __a11111111as amok Help .wsioted ,12. Help wanted rests tow Le lives of all anadians.... TREES...THE GREEN LINK 17'. Auction Sales IMO It. Ie. 1E1111 ..... LARGE AUCTION SALE WINGIMIVI SALES • ARENA Furniture and effects from home of Mrs. Arthur Graham, Lucknow, with with some additions SATURDAY. SEPT. 25 10 a.m. (note change of time 36" high Chopin piano and bench; 24" Electro - home colour TV..; •bed, box springs, tnattress w. matching dressing table and chest of drawers; twin beds, w. match, dresser and night table; Westing- house copper tone match- ing frig and stove; 2 chest freezers; 2 peefloral pattern chesterfield; elec. tric stove, frig, washer, dryer; B & W T.V'.‘ small display cabinet; 3open shelf stands; Pair kroeh- ler end tables: 'cedar chest, large qualitity pots, pans, kitchen electrical it- ems; crocks; blanket box; round wicker stand; wick- er fernery; 2 metal utility cabinets; 3 electric base- board heaters; 4 trunks; end tables; buffet; 6 press back chairs; large quant- ity of dishes and pyrex items; floor and table lamps;. pictures; chest Community Plate; several lots cutlery; 40 cups and saucers; dishes of interest Old Cottage Chintz, Noritake, presied glass, depression glass, crystal, etc; large quantity bed- • ding blankets, quilts, sheets, pillow slips, pil- lows, etc; 3 linen table cloths; hand tools; garden tools;. 2 power lawn mow- ers; • job lots, etc, THIS PA/MAL LISTING. • . Previews Fri., Sept. 24 2-5 and 7-9 • Saturday, prior to sole M0BILE1A1NCHI Auctioneer JACK A1XXANDER Tab 357.1011 & 357.1442 —Mar • GIGANTIC Farm Equipment • Inventory and Consignment monthly' auction, Friday, September. 24, 1982. 1000 a.m. sharp. New and used 'equipment including approx- imately 100 tractors, skid steer loaders, some Indust- rial equipment, automobiles, . several' pull type • and self •-propelled combines,, plows, discs, cultivators, land pack- ers, seed drill, weed spray- ers, fertilizer spreaders, • square and round balers, • stookers, hay binds, swath- ers, Mowers, rakes, eleva-, • tors, wagons, harvesters, • forage boxes, blowers, grin- • der mixers, rotory mowers, stone pickers, snow /Anvers, grain augers, blades, gravity boxes, plus lawn and gatden equipment. Terms: cash or good cheque day Of sale, Not responsible for accidents on proporty. Trucking and lunch available. Tractors sell at approximately 2.,, p.m. Auc- tioneers and Ringtnen:CIiff Gilbert, Robert C. Heron, Eric Dix, Don Glover, No consignments accepted day of sale, Don't MISS it, See you there. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Highway 6, Wiartem 5344638 or 534. 2480. --038